Chapter 28: Egg hunting

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Aaron's POV

I was walking around first class with Courtney. She was enjoying a good cup of orange juice.

I, as usually was just enjoying a cup of lemonade. Still not sure why I always drink this. But it is what it is. We were then walking pass Cameron, who was trying to fix his glasses.

"Don't bother. You won't be around long enough for it to matter." Courtney stated.

We continued walking.

"Courtney? Why did you do that? That wasn't very nice." I raised an eyebrow.

"It's strategy. That's all. Besides. With Cameron on our team. The newbie targets are off our backs. Next time we lose, four eyes goes home. Unless he can't fix his glasses. Then he'll be two eyes. But still. He's out." Courtney clarified.

"Yeah. But that doesn't mean you bother people who aren't bothering you." I stated.

"Okay. Fine.... for now" she mumbled.

"That's my girl." I grinned.

Me and Courtney decided to enjoy our time in the Spa hotel.

"Okay. Now that the newbie target is off our back. We need a strategy." Courtney grinned.

"We do." I agreed.

"Scott seems like a perfect ally for our team." Courtney stated.

"He is pretty nice to you." I nodded.

"Us three could vote together. Keep our strength in numbers at the elimination ceremony." She stated.

"Okay." I nodded." That should work."

We then heard a loud airhorn go off.

"Get your butts to the dock campers! It's challenge time!" Chris annouced.


Both of the teams met up with Chris on the dock, waiting for further instructions.

"Welcome all. Today's challenge involves a trip to the fun zone." Chris laughed.

Sierra for some reason cheered about that.

"What's the catch?" Heather asked." Is the fun zone just a building on fire?"

"Nope." Chris responded.

"Is it a pit full if intestines?" Duncan asked.

"Would that be fun?" Chris asked us." You had it kinda rough lately so I figured- okay, the lawyers figured that you deserve a treat. But if you would rather do something else." Chris started to offer.

"No!" We all quickly shouted.

"Fun zone it is. Ooh. Here's our ride." Chris said, as the boat of losers arrived with Scott on it.

"I'm back from exile." Scott stated.

Scott was about to step off but Chris just pushed him back on.

"ALL ABOARD!" Chris said loudly.


After riding to Boney island, Chris was taking us somewhere.

"I forgotten how much a dump this island is." Heather complained.

"Come on now. Maybe someone will finally find that invincibility statue." Chris continued.

"I searched all night. There is no statue. Say it!" Scott stated.

"Yes. There is. But its hidden in the fun zone. And whoever finds it gets to keep it." Chris told us as we all cheered.


We arrived at a metal entrance with balloons surrounding it.

"Welcome to the outside of the fabulous fun zone. Patent-pending. Alright. Let's move it. Keep a steady pace." Chris said as the metal entrance to the fun zone opened.

We all walked in. We looked around. It looks way worst in person than what it did when you watch it on the show.

We heard a loud thump behind us. We turned around and saw that the metal door was shut. Great. Now we're stuck in here.

We looked up at a screen and saw Chris sitting down.

"You are now in the fun zone. Aka, the most dangerous place you've ever been. Your challenge is easy. Put eggs in a basket. Eggs found here in the fun zone belong to all the terrifying mutants from season 4, who will try to smash your body's and eat you." Chris stated.

"What is fun about that?!" Mike exclaimed.

"Um. It's fun to watch." Chris answered.

"All we have to do is collect the eggs" Alejandro asked.

"You'll be fine. They're just wild mutated beasts trying to protect their unborn babies. How bad could it get? First team with six eggs in their basket wins." Chris stated.

"What if an egg hatches?" Duncan asked.

"As long as you keep whatever hatches in your basket it counts. And as a special bonus. Whoever collects the most eggs for the winning team gets a special reward. So, excited?! Huh!" Chris asked excited

He noticed Scott snoring.

"SCOTT!" Chris yelled through his megaphone.

"AH!" Scott fell over.

Duncan laughed at Scott.

"I found that funny because I'm not a nice person. That's why I laughed. 'Cause I'm not nice." Duncan explained.

He walked over and helped Scott up.

"Thanks man." Scott thanked.

Duncan realized he did an act of kindness and sighed.

"The red basket is for the villians. The yellow ones for Duncan and the rest of the do-gooders." Chris said as Duncan growled." I'd wish you good luck. But it's bad for ratings. So, I hope some of you get really hurt."

Chris blew the air horn and we took off running.


Everyone split up. Me and Courtney were sticking together.

"Hey Aaron? Do you know where Scott might have went?" Courtney asked.

"I'm not sure. Why?" I asked.

"Well. Remember the whole three way alliance thing? Besides, he can help us look for eggs."

"Okay. Let's keep an eye out for him."


We found Scott sleeping, leaning on some sort of plant. Courtney quickly approached him.

"Scott. Are you o-" Courtney started but Scott started violently waving around.

"No! It's me! Stop!" She hugged him."Come on. Let's find some eggs." She told him.



Scott seemed more awake now that he was with us. The announcer came on.

"First egg goes to the vultures." Chris annouced.

Nice. So far we're in the lead. Some time later, the announcer went off again.

"And the score is one all!" Chris said.

"Well. So much for our lead." I grumbled.

We then saw a giant reptilian monster walking. It noticed us. We all exchange frightened looks. It roared at us.

"GAH!" We all screamed and ran off.


We managed to find a rock to hide behind. The giant mutant monster walked by. We were honestly scared about it finding us, luckily it didn't.

Suddenly Heather came out of nowhere.

"Glad I found you three. Alejandro is convincing everyone to vote for Scott at the next elimination." Heather informed us and toom off running.

"What?" Courtney gasped, worried.

"Don't worry. My vote's for Alejandro." Heather smirked and ran off.

Scott and Courtney blinked and exchanged looks.

"Calm down guys. If what Heather says is true, we simply vote for Alejandro. The votes would be 4 to 3, no chance of a tie." I explained.

"Good point. Now let's find these eggs." Courtney stated as me and Scott followed her.


We kept looking for eggs. Chris spoke on the announcer again.

"That's two eggs for the heroes." Chris stated.

That's not good. Though it's not over yet. Us three kept looking for eggs.

"I don't know how you guys put up with a whole season of these werid monsters." Courtney said to Scott.

"Hey. Whatever doesn't horribly maim and devour you only makes you stronger. Stay close. I got your back." Scott grabbed her hand.

They then realized they were touching and took they're hands back. Courtney smiled.

/Aaron:"She's falling for him. Though he does seem to actually treat her with respect, so I guess it's definitely a step up from Duncan and Alejandro. But still. Keep in mind this is the guy who sabotaged his whole team. Then again, he does seem to be into Courtney."\

"Uh. Sorry uh. I uh. WOAH!" Scott was going to explain but a mutant Gopher grabbed him.

We a ended up screaming, frightened by the big thing. Courtney quickly grabbed a stick and came back.

She started swinging the stick, hitting Scott a few times before actually hitting the Gopher. The gopher went back into its hole.

An Egg flew in Courtney's direction. She quickly caught it.

"Yes! Werido, gopher egg. Come on!" Courtney cheered as we took off.

Well, me and Courtney took off running. We had to wait for Scott to recover.

Me and Courtney got back with the egg. Courtney added it to our collection.

"Wahoo!" Courtney cheered.

"Make that five to three for the villians!" Chris stated excited.

"Alright!" We both cheered.

We then turned back around.

"What is that?" Courtney pointed.

We saw a nest of eggs approaching carried by Zoey and Mike.

"That's not good!" I added.

Heather then came running behind them with an egg.

"Heather! Throw the egg! Hurry! It's our only chance!" Courtney pointed.

Heather threw the egg. Cameron tried to catch it but the egg burst in impact. The goat bat flew off.

Zoey and Mike tipped the nest.

"17 to 5! The heroes win!" Chris annouced.

The heroes cheered.

"Now. Before we head home. Did anyone leave anything behind that they'd like to go get?" Chris asked.

Nope. All set. Not sure who would bring any valuables here.


We all got back on the Island and headed to the elimination ceremony. I was walking alongside Courtney. She was pulled behind a bush.

I quickly noticed and went behind the bush. Now, me, Courtney, and Gwen were sitting behind the bush.

"Shh. Quite. Look. I ended it with Duncan, and I am done putting boys ahead of friendships. Tell me how to vote tonight and I'll do it, I swear." Gwen stated.

Me and Courtney exchanged looks.

"Anyone can change Courtney." I patted her shoulder.

She shook hands with Gwen and told her to vote for Alejandro.


We all sat down at the elimination ceremony.

"Congrats on the victory, heroes. Zoey, since you tipped over a dozen eggs into your teams basket. You win a special prize that'll come in handy at the next challenge. But I'm keeping it a secret till then. I mean, why spoil the suprise? Tonight, a villian goes home. Time to vote." Chris told us.

I voted for Alejandro and returned.

"I tallied the votes, and tonight's flushy is Alejandro." Chirs annouced.

"HA!" Heather cheered.

"Oh. I do not think I'm leaving." Alejandro smiled.

"Oh yeah. Really? Why is that?" Heather asked.

Alejandro stood up on his feet making us all gasp. He walked right up to Heather, reached in his pocket and pulled out the invincibility statue.

"I've got diplomatic immunity." Alejandro said.

We all gasped.

"Just immunity Alejandro." Chris corrected.

"You. You. YOU!" Heather growled angered.

"Hate to interrupt during such a well-thought-out argument. But the only vote that wasn't for Alejandro was for you. You. YOU. So, you are getting flushed." Chris told Heather.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Heather screamed.

"And who's heading to Boney Island?" Chris asked.

"I'll go!" Mike volunteered and went on his way whistling.


Well, all was well. Me and Courtney came to the conclusion that Gwen is now ally. Chris said the votes were unanimous. So she must have voted for Scott.

Me, Courtney, and Gwen were all hanging out in the girls cabin. It kinda seems like a sleep over. Without the snacks.

Since Gwen and Courtney are the only girls in the cabin, we came to the conclusion that I'll just sleep in here. Since there's no one really here to disagree. And there's extra bunks.

"So. What did you two do during your time off of the show?" Gwen asked." Did you two get to hang out?"

Me and Courtney exchanged a look.

"N-no. We didn't." I answered.

"We were kinda distant since our argument on the plane and in Hawaii." Courtney stated as I nodded.

"Woah! You two got in an argument? That seems so unlike you two. You two were like, The perfect friends." Gwen said, slightly shocked.

"Well, yeah. But now that Courtney is over Alejandro, we can hang out and stuff." I grinned." We snuck to a carnival before."

"That was so much fun!" Courtney grinned.

"Yeah. Then that time we hung out at my house." I added.

"Yeah. And your dad thought we were in a relationship." Courtney added as we laughed.

"You know. Maybe all three of us should hang out or something after the show is over." I suggested.

"That would be great." Gwen grinned.

"Yeah. It would." Courtney nodded." Hey guys. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Gwen nodded.

"Fire away." I nodded.

"Okay. So, I've been thinking for some time. About Scott. If he asks me out, should I say yes or no?" Courtney asked.

"Hmm... maybe. I don't know. Depends when he asks. I mean, he treats you well. Just be sure to take it slow." I said as Gwen nodded.

"Yeah. He does seem to be into you." Gwen added as I nodded.

"Okay. Just wanted an opinion on that." Courtney stated.

"Do you guys think the teams are gonna merge soon?" I asked.

"Yeah. There's like, 10 of us left. Chris is probably going to break the teams up tomorrow." Courtney grinned.

"Yeah. So when the teams merge, you guys wanna team up?" Gwen asked.

Me and Courtney exchanged look.

"Sure!" Courtney happily grinned.

"I guess. I don't see why not." I added.

Okay... hopefully we don't regret that.

"Hopefully we get back in the Spa hotel tomorrow." I stated.

"Yeah. Hopefully." Courtney agreed.

Gwen yawned.

"Well. I'm gonna get some sleep." Gwen said, tiredly.

"Okay. Well goodnight." I said.

Gwen covered up and went to sleep.

"Guess I should get some rest too." I layed down and covered up.

"Yeah. Well. Goodnight Aaron."


I shut my eyes and went to sleep.

An: Yeah. I wanted to add something extra sine this episode focuses a lot on other characters.(Already hard enough since this season is Mike/Mal/Zoey based)

But I honestly love Courtney and Gwen's friendship in the show, so I just added something a little extra.

Anyways. Thansk for reading. Don't for get to vote(I-if you want)

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