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My sister calling Mattia Mattio and says I should just kill off the main character. Not gonna do that.

Mattia and I had been laying in bed for over an hour. Soaking in each other's presences. We still hadn't said anything to each other for awhile, which I understood, but I was starting to get aggravated.

"Are we just not gonna...?" I asked.

I felt Mattia's chin lift from the top of my head as he said, "What is there to talk about anymore? I feel like that kinda said it all."

"I'm gonna be honest with you Mattia," I sat up, "I don't know what that was for you, but I do know what that was for me. And I don't think it meant the same thing for either of us." 

Mattia sighed and sat up, "Now I'm confused. What do you mean?" 

I looked away and chewed on my lip for a second before turning back to him, "For me, that was goodbye...an end to it all. I think we both just needed closure and I think that this was the closure. It was, at least, for me...but for you, I don't know." 

He rubbed his face, "So...you don't want to be with me again?"

I shook my head, "I...I just, I just wanted to say goodbye." I couldn't tell what emotion Mattia was feeling, his face kept shifting from sad, to angry, to disbelief. 

"Do you not love me?" Over the course of our relationship, neither of us had told each other that we loved each other. Ever. "Cause I sure as hell love you." 

I closed my eyes, "Please don't say that." 


"Cause if you say it then it's real, if you say you love me then I have to acknowledge that I love you too. I don't want to do that." 

Mattia grabbed my shoulders, "Then why can't we be together? If you love me than what is the issue here? Please, Skye." 

"I can't be with you, or love you, because I can't forgive you. You cheated, yeah, I don't know exactly what happened between you and Sydney but...I respect myself enough to not stay with someone who chooses to go behind my back. I just can't," I stood up from the bed, quickly throwing my clothes that were on the ground back on as Mattia watched me, "I'm sorry." I said as I exited his room and ran out of his house. 

I drove away and went to the only place I knew I would be able to seek comfort. I quickly walked to the school stadium and looked around for my brother. I found the coach before I found Wells and walked over to him, "Hi, where's Wells?" 

The coach looked up from his clip board and at me, "He went to go get ice with Alex for his ankle." 

"Thanks!" I yelled at him as I ran away from the stadium. 

I ran into both Wells and Alex, like physically ran into them, falling on the ground, "What the hell!" Wells yelled as he sat up from the ground.

"Wells. Hi. Uh...can we talk?" 

"We already are, aren't we?" 

"Fuckhead," I whispered to myself, "Wells, I'm serious. Hi Alex." 

Alex saluted me before walking back to soccer practice, "What?" Wells asked, his annoyance was evident.

I rushed to hug him, "Dude what the fuck happened?" He asked me.

"Officially over with Mattia...I'm emotional...fucking hug me back you asshole." I heard Wells sigh as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"If you don't mind, I'd like to sit down, considering I hurt my ankle." 

"Right." I said while pulling away from him and sitting down on the ground, leaning against the walls.

Wells sat down next to me, putting the bag of ice on his ankle and leaning backwards, "I thought it was already over with Mattia." 

I looked over at him, "I mean...it was, I just needed closure." 

"Please tell me that you're closure is much different than my version of closure." Wells pushed his head against the wall, closing his eyes.

I laughed, "Well, we are twins for a reason, aren't we?"

"God, I really did not need to hear that." 

I laughed at him again, "Hey, you asked." He lifted his eyebrow and put his arm around my shoulders.

"You want ice cream when practice ends, make you feel better?" 

"Oh absolutely." 

After a little longer of being in the hallway I took Wells back to practice and sat in the bleachers, waiting for it to end.

About an hour later, Wells limped over to me. I stood up and he wrapped his arms around my shoulder again, I supported him as we walked to the car. I drove him to the usual ice cream spot and ordered the usual ice cream flavors.

We sat down at a table, Wells putting his ankle out on the chair across from him, "So...what are you gonna do now?"

"I'm gonna become lesbian." I answered with no hesitation, shoving ice cream into my mouth. Wells laughed, "I don't know. Just finish high school, swear off boyfriends for eternity." 

"Still sounds like you're gonna be a lesbian." 

"Nothing wrong with that...girls are hot." 

Wells smiled, "Very valid point." He ate some of his ice cream and looked out the window, "I don't think you'll be able to swear off boyfriends for all of eternity." 

"Oh? And why is that?" 

Wells pointed out the window, "That's why." 

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