19. 16 part 2

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*b4 the Instagram posts*

It was already night time and currently raining outside. The boys (Jimin, Jackson, Felix and Hyunjin) were all looking for Ami. After she left the will reading, all hell broke loose. Some people still werent happy about the outcome and others were trying to get on Lina and her mom's good side for money, but they wouldn't allow it.

It was currently 10 pm at night and they were all tired. They had split up and still couldn't find her, they called her and she wouldn't answer, they texted her and she wouldn't answer. They met back up by a bridge.
"Let's try calling just one more time" Felix said. "Please" jimin hummed. Jackson took out his phone and called her number. They heard ringing and all looked up and saw a girl standing on the edge of a bridge and her phone was on and sounded like it was ringing. Immediately panic took over their faces. 'This can't be happening' they all thought.

"Ami?" Jimin called out nervously. "Hi jimin" she replied turning around to look at the 4. She had tears streaming down her face and her clothes were soaked, her makeup was messed up and mascara was dripping down her cheeks. She held a broken smile on her face

That was it, That's what broke their heart. Hyunjin, being her long time best friend, he took it very badly. He was shaking in fear, he had tears covering his vision, and he wasn't mentally stable to be able to deal with this.

"A-AMI? Please don't do something you'll regret." He said. He was afraid that no matter what he say, it would lead to a terrible outcome. "Don't worry hyuniee, if I'm being honest everything in my life I regret doing. But this- " she turned her head and looked at the water below. "this might be one thing I don't ." She mumbled. Hyunjin's heart stopped, he couldn't move, he could think, he couldn't do anything, he felt- he felt useless.

Jackson was silent. He couldnt help but think back to the fact that this might be happening because of him. He was silently crying, but he kept it to himself. He slowly backed away until he was behind everyone and he sat there, knees to his chest, and cried.

Jimin was standing there crying silently to himself. He hated crying infront of people. It hurt him when people looked at him with pity, just like it hurt Ami. 

Felix was- he was holding it together. He was hurting on the inside but he was holding it together. He had called Runa and the others and they said they were on their way. He heard the sound of cars and looked behind him. He saw the boys and Runa running towards them. He finally broke down when he saw their faces. Worry, terror, agony  it all filled their faces. He broke and turned around and hugged Hyunjin.

Jungkook was the first to reach to them. He saw Ami and then looked at the others. Then he saw Jimin, He was looking right at him with pain in his eyes and he was crying uncontrollably but silently. It shocked Jungkook to see Jimin crying. He never saw him cry before even when they were kids he never saw him cry. They have been friends since diapers and it still shocked him.

He immediately walked up to him and hugged him. He burried Jimins face in his neck, a habit he had that calmed Jimin down and held onto him by the waist. Runa, Namjoon and Yoongi all finally ran up and they were already crying. Nobody knew what to do they just stood there crying and staring trying to figure out what to say. Yoongi finally gathered himself and walked up to Ami.

He stood up next to her at the edge of the bridge and held her hand. Taehyung tried to run up to him before something terrible happened but Namjoon held him back.  He understood what his elder was doing and he let him. But that still didn't help Taehyung. Yoongi looked back at Tae and smiled to reassure him that he knew what he was doing. It calmed the younger down a bit but not enough.

He turned his attention back to Ami.


"Ami, can I ask you a question." I said. She looked over at me with confusion on her face, but nodded her head. "Why?" I asked. "I don't understand?" She replied.  "Why are you doing this?" I asked.  There was a moment of silence and a tear slowly fell down her cheeks and she spoke up"......i can't live like this Yoongi. I can't keep pretending that I'm fine and keep acting like what happened, didn't happen." She said.

"What happened?" "I never really told you guys what happened did I?" She chuckled and looked over at me. "I spent my entire childhood being abused by family members since my parents died. I was abused mentally, physically and verbally by every single person I ever let into my life, every single person that I thought I could trust, proved me wrong" she said crying even more.

"Did you know that before I became an underground rapper, when I was a kid I wanted to write music, I wanted to become a producer and rap, but my parents threw my sheets away. They told me that if I didn't do something proper with my life then move out. I was only 14 so I just did what they told me, but I would secretly write music. I would go to school and get bullied by every single person there for being gay and poor. I was the definition of unwanted. I would cut and attempted suicide 5 times already, I used to smoke and drink to cover up my feelings. Everything was fucking terrible. But then I went to college in Seoul and I was playing the piano in the music room and rapping lyrics to a song I wrote, I didn't know someone was there. And when I was done I heard clapping and saw Taehyungs dumbass behind me smiling like an idiot. He told me that I sounded good and should audition for this company called Big Hit. So I did. And since then he's been by my side and brought me through everything. Fuck he even cussed out my mom when she said I was a disgrace for being gay." She laughed. " Taehyung is a treat." She said looking at him. I turned around and saw him smiling through tears, a genuine smile.

" but Ami, what I'm trying to say is that, we're all broken here in some way, Jungkook's parents kicked him out when he was 15 when they heard he was gay, Jimins family sent him to boarding school that broke him to pieces after he told them he liked guys and girls. It took us 12 years to fix him back to the Jimin we knew, Namjoon suffered with depression for 5 years, been in a coma for 1 because of a failed suicide attempt, all because his parents were alcoholic assholes, Jin was abused by his step father after his mom became a drug addict, Hoseoks dad-  well, he had it worse than the rest of us and that's not something that I'm supposed to tell you cause he should say it himself, Taehyung is the same thing as Hoseok. But the point is that we all tried to give up once, we all tried to take away our lives and then broke down when it didn't work.

Ami, but the one thing we're thankful for is the fact that it didn't work. Cause if it did none of us would have had Each other to lean on to, none of us would have heard each others story and said I understand your pain and I can help. We helped each other to become what we are now. We helped each other to greatness and we know that if one of us fell back, then we all would fall back. We are each other's strength and key to keep going and we wouldn't have it any other way. So Ami, let us help you, let us be your key to keep going, let us be the thing you can lean back onto when you're broken apart and torn. Let us help ami." She cried harder and looked back at the water.

"But what if I can't help but hurt?"

She says as she grips onto the railings of the bridge, looking down at the navy blue colored water below her, watching as the raindrops made little dents into it's blue shield, tears slowly steaming down her face although it didn't look like it since the rain made a good cover up.

"ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ᴀᴍɪ"

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