Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

Tonks wondered if today was the day where she crossed the line. Not that it would stop her, she fully intended to follow her charge when he went to meet his godfather. That Harry's godfather was the most wanted man in Britain, and she was an auror, were just mere details amongst the grander scheme of things. There was no way Harry Potter was getting out of her sight.

She had been pleasantly surprised how quickly she'd been accepted by everyone in the castle, professors and students alike. The better professors had fallen on Tonks' capabilities and used her like an unpaid teaching assistant. Since she was in the class anyway, the auror was only too happy to oblige. Charms, Transfiguration, Defence and Herbology were all fun classes for her, History and Divination though were a complete waste of time while, even though she was an auror, Tonks wasn't about to go anywhere near those things Hagrid was breeding. Potions had become a futile exercise in detente, Snape hated them, they hated the potions professor but neither could avoid the other completely.

Harry had also played it quite smart by inviting his friends back to his rooms, letting them see for themselves just exactly what was going on there. She did have to do a sweep after the Weasley twins visit, discovering a few little surprises they had deliberately left behind. Tonks was still waiting on an opportunity to return said items, it had to be public though and it had to be funny. It was all a matter of timing.

At least the Malfoy situation had calmed somewhat. Tonks was sure the little git must have received a letter from home by now, she would have given a month's salary to read it, or watch while Draco did. One thing a little pureblood git like him should have known, never mess with the head of an ancient and noble family.

Doing so could lead to sanctions that could seriously hurt the Malfoy's social standing, especially after Draco and his mother were cast from the Black family. Tonks would give up another month's pay from the Black family vault to have been a fly on the Malfoy wall the morning that particular letter was delivered.

Come to think of it, she was being paid twice over and not getting out the castle to spend any of her gold. She decided that was a good thing. At the end of this she just might lose her job, having some gold in the bank couldn't hurt.


Harry was also worried about today. Sirius may not have been there to look after him when he was growing up but his godfather seemed determined to make amends now. By signing his betrothal and appointing Tonks the Black family regent, Sirius had, knowingly or not, provided some much needed protection for both Hermione and him. He'd also provided another income for Tonks in case she lost her job over this, something Harry was very grateful for.

Now he was going to have to tell his godfather just what he was intending, not a conversation he was looking forward to. Would Sirius be disappointed with him, would he think this was a cowardly way out? Harry just didn't know Sirius well enough to make any kind of accurate guess as to how today would go. He was just glad Hermione was going to be at his side for this, Harry felt he was able to face anything with her support.

He did feel rather bad about Ron, or more so his own reaction to discovering that their friend also had his Hogsmead privileges revoked. He was relieved that an almost certain conflict had been avoided. There was no way Ron could listen in to what they would be discussing today and Harry hadn't been looking forward to telling him that they needed time alone. That idea would have been about as popular to Ron as one of Hagrid's blast ended Skrewt's.

They would just have to make sure they left some time to actually go into Hogsmead and visit Honeydukes. To return with nothing would appear suspicious, and some chocolate frogs would go a long way to easing Ron's pain at missing the outing. Their friend didn't seem to mind that Harry was once more elevated to the position as the student who had made McGonagall the angriest, it was amazing how quickly that story had flashed around the castle considering there were very few witnesses.

-oO flashback Oo-

The class were packing their books away in transfiguration when McGonagall zeroed in on Hermione. "Miss Granger, could you wait behind after class?"

When Harry's bag was packed, he very deliberately resumed his seat beside Hermione. That Tonks then took up a supportive position behind them also couldn't be missed. The rest of the class got out of there before they were caught in the wrath they could see accumulating in the Gryffindor head of house.

"Mr Potter, I don't recall asking you to stay behind? Kindly leave now, Miss Granger will soon join you at lunch."

Harry continued to sit, staring straight through the now very angry professor.

"Do you have a problem with your hearing Mr Potter? Perhaps you need a visit to Madam Pomfrey?"

"Oh my hearing is perfect professor, I'm just puzzled at what you are trying to pull here. I have to assume that the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts would know what my ring on Hermione's finger and the Potter family crest on her robes signifies. Yet here you are, totally disregarding everything that stands for. My question is why? Do you believe we wouldn't know the laws and customs surrounding a betrothal?"

"Are you saying I can't have a word with Miss Granger because she's betrothed to you?"

Harry was now shaking his head. "Tut, tut professor, trying to bluster your way out of this? Why am I not shocked? As Miss Granger is now my betrothed, anything you want to discuss with her gets done in my presence. She is my responsibility, not yours."

Tonks thought she might as well add her two knut's worth. "Where Harry goes, I go."

McGonagall aimed her next question directly at Hermione. "And what are your thoughts on this matter Miss Granger? Do your parents even know what they signed?"

Hermione understood how she was supposed to answer this, as a demure little pureblood princess. "I am a betrothed witch, therefore I follow the rules that position entails."

Harry let Hermione answer before tearing into their head of house. "How dare you question my betrothed, or the validity of our betrothal, in front of an auror too. I could easily have you up in front of the board of governors for that. I demand an apology!"

McGonagall was grudgingly forced to give an apology, knowing full well the board would come down hard on her for this massive breech against pureblood magical custom. Harry continued to push her buttons.

"Apology accepted and, just so there can be no room for misunderstanding here, I'm informing you as our head of house that no member of the Hogwarts staff has permission to meet with my betrothed without me being there."

McGonagall was forced to watch helplessly as the three left her classroom, Harry's final comment was pitched loud enough to ensure she overheard.

"Are you sure there's nothing in Hogwarts a History about changing houses? Any of the others must be better than Gryffindor."

The three sat at lunch and endured the poisonous stares from the Head of Gryffindor, with the headmaster joining in shortly thereafter. He'd obviously now heard what happened. That they were also the recipients of death glares from the head of Slytherin house was hardly worth commenting on, that was just normality to them.

-oO end flashback Oo-

Harry desperately needed another magical adult's opinion on how his proposed plan might play out. Since this had never been done before, opinions were all they had at the moment. What was really worrying Harry was the thought of Hermione being left in the castle without him. With Tonks there to help, they were now training harder than ever. Harry understood his betrothed could take care of herself but every advantage helped. He also understood she would need the support of their housemates behind her and was really pleased the way their friends had been able to so easily accept their betrothal, neither of them expected any help from their head of house. He'd also watched on as Hermione and Tonks became quite close, their friendship helped along by being flung together due to their situation.


Hermione held Harry's hand as they walked the twisted route down from the castle to Hogsmead village. When they spied the big black dog sitting under a tree it was time for action. After making sure they weren't being observed, Harry wrapped both of them in his father's cloak while Tonks drastically changed her appearance. Now she looked to any passerby like a typical middle aged villager out walking her dog.

The cloak was struggling to cover both of them but Hermione didn't mind, any excuse to hold Harry tight was more than welcome. She was aware Harry was very nervous about this meeting, having Sirius' approval for his scheme would mean a lot to him. It was one thing to say you were prepared to lose your magic, quite another to actually have that event racing toward you. The second task was now less than six weeks away and she still hadn't been able to come up with an alternative way for them both to leave Hogwarts and Dumbledore behind.

Tonks and her had been working on this since Harry first mentioned it back before Christmas. Their main problem though was this situation was unprecedented and for the first time ever, Hermione couldn't find the solution in the pages of a book. Their betrothal and now Tonks as regent to the Black family would certainly help deal with the aftermath, none of them thought it was anywhere near enough to push through their removal from Hogwarts under Dumbledore's rule. Their ministerial support would disappear the instant they showed any indication of wanting to continue their schooling outside Britain, and that would be all the encouragement Dumbledore would need to push for regaining control of Harry.

The way Harry had been left isolated and unaware of his heritage or family history was appalling. When added to all the other things that had happened in his life, you didn't need to be an avid believer in conspiracy theories to see something was badly off here. Everything kept coming back to Dumbledore and he was just far too powerful, magically, politically and every other way they could think of for a couple of teenagers to take on.

Padfoot had led them a merry dance but, after turning a tight corner they could all now see the cave entrance the big dog was making for. The mutt's tail had barely crossed the threshold of the cave when suddenly there was a man standing in the dog's place. Harry had the cloak whipped off and raced right into his godfather's waiting arms. Hermione stood there watching with tears in the corner of her eyes until both wizards turned toward her and opened their arms for her to join them, she didn't need a second invitation.

Tonks had one eye on the hugging trio while the other scanned the cave. She noticed the camp bed at the back with the sleeping bag and pillow, there were also two large logs that had obviously been used for sitting on since there was a campfire in the centre. There was a part of the cave wall that jutted out, forming a natural shelf. When four mugs of hot chocolate, with Dobby's signature of mallows floating on the top appeared on the shelf, Tonks got some idea of why this appeared such a well organised camp site.

Sirius was now coming toward her with his hand held out. "Last time I saw you Nymphadora, you were about six!"

She actually growled in reply. "I was nine, and don't call me that. Some parents shouldn't be allowed to name their children, just call me Tonks."

Sirius managed to stifle his laughter. "Well Tonks, I just want to thank you for looking after these two for me." They were interrupted by the arrival of a basket, a basket that had a delicious aroma wafting from it. "Harry, that elf of yours is something else. He drops by almost every night and we sit here for hours talking about his favorite subject."

No one in the cave had any doubt what, or who that subject would be. They sat on the logs around the campfire, drinking their hot chocolate and munching on the hot pies Dobby had just delivered. Harry silently promised to thank his little friend later, it was clear to see Sirius wasn't exactly 'roughing it' here. His godfather actually looked a lot better than the last time they met. A constant supply of good food, and Mr Granger's clothes, were responsible for most of that change. There also appeared to be a spark of life back in his Godfather's eyes. This was much better than the hint of madness shown there that night in the shrieking shack, his obsession with Pettigrew was perfectly understandable but certainly unhealthy.

The chat was light and conducted between mouthfuls, mainly consisting of Tonks thanking Sirius from her mother. Sirius also loved hearing about how they dealt with the Malfoy spawn, he sounded every bit as obnoxious as his utter bastard of a father.

It was Sirius who decided the preliminaries were over. "Ok you two, while I'm delighted to see you betrothed, I would like to hear the real story behind it."

Harry started, with Hermione's assistance, painting a picture of his life up until now. Sirius grew more concerned as the story progressed. With any other teens, he would have been sure they were bullshitting him. Dobby daily delivering the Prophet, especially the issue that featured the basilisk, killed those thoughts stone dead. Sirius was wondering where this was going until his godson blew every thought straight out his head.

"I had a moment that Hermione told me is called an epiphany, I saw myself lying dead at Hogwarts. This led me to see that the only way I was ever going to leave the castle was as a body with a sheet over me. Every year the incidents get more and more dangerous, and my luck can't hold out forever. One slip against that bloody dragon and I would have been a gonner for sure."

Hermione now had her arms around Harry with her head resting on his shoulder.

Sirius was quiet for a few minutes before speaking. "I can't fault the logic, nor the conclusions you've reached. I'm also convinced Dumbledore would never stand idly by as Harry Potter walked out of Hogwarts. I'm pretty certain you have a plan to deal with that, one that if your expressions are anything to go by I'm not going to like?"

Harry decided to just come right out and say it. "I can't go to Hogwarts if I don't have any magic. I intend to deliberately not take part in the second task."

Time seemed to stand still for Sirius. By no stretch of anyone's imagination could the last decade of his life be classed as comfortable, it had literally been hell on earth. At no point though would Sirius have considered giving up his magic to end his torment. That his godson was not only considering this option, but actively pursuing that course of action had him ready to weep at the life Harry had been forced to lead. He then caught on to the fact that Harry was desperately waiting on an answer from him, Sirius' heart was breaking as he spoke to his godson.

"Last summer, you accepted the word of an escaped convict and then risked both your lives to rescue me from a dementor's kiss. I've loved you since the moment your dad placed a crying baby boy in my arms. Whether you have magic or not will make no difference to me."

This unconditional acceptance was something Harry had longed for his whole life, that he was sitting in a cave in the middle of the Scottish highlands mattered not a jot. He was soon wrapped in a hug from the person he was desperate to promote to the role of a father figure.

It took a few moments for everyone in the cave to dry their eyes and get things back on track. "Ok, now I get the need for a betrothal. While I can't see how losing your magic could fail to get you chucked out of Hogwarts, please tell me you're all working on a plan B?"

It was left to Tonks to answer. "Working on yes, got one - no. Apart from Hermione's parents, no one else knows about this. Hermione and I have been searching through every book we can get our hands on but so far come up blank. Everything we've read says an unbreakable magical contract is just that, unbreakable without facing the consequences."

Sirius desperately wanted to rant and rave about the injustices that appeared to be heaped onto his godson but reckoned that wouldn't help them here. What they needed was another way out of this. "How can Harry be entered into a magical contract by someone else? Unless that person was their parent or guardian, it shouldn't be magically binding."

Hermione had of course thought of that. "It shouldn't really be possible but then again, Harry competing in the first task might have confirmed the contract." Hermione didn't feel as silly saying the next bit as when she first thought of it. In fact, it made a lot of sense now. "There is also the possibility that Dumbledore entered your name in that goblet. Since he would be considered your magical guardian at the time,that would make it magically binding."

Harry hadn't thought of that angle but had another agenda entirely. "It doesn't really matter now. If I keep my magic then I need to stay at Hogwarts, that's something I no longer want to do. I've made my choice, I'd rather be a healthy muggle than a dead wizard."

Hermione agreed entirely with that sentiment. "And I want my boyfriend and betrothed beside me for many years to come, not to be crying over his body. I'll happily take Harry whatever way I can."

"Ok, so we need to come up with a solution that allows Harry to keep his magic yet still get out from under Dumbledore? Well, that should be easy. How long we got?"

"Less than six weeks."

"Shit! I assume that's why you're standing next to that idiot Fudge in the paper, it certainly can't hurt when the chaos begins."

"My biggest worry is being obliviated, not remembering Hermione, or you, would be far too high a price for my magic."

"Oh so I'm Miss Forgettable am I?"

"Sorry Tonks, you know I would certainly miss you too."

"Well I'll help anyway I can, even if that's just buying a muggle house for my godson to live in. No matter what happens this term, I will not have you going back to those Dursleys. Dumbledore can rant all he wants about protective wards, he's supposed to keep you safe the rest of the year and look how that's turned out."

"If you're serious, there are some rather nice houses beside ours in Crawley?"

"Of course I'm Sirius, and that's a great idea Hermione. I'll get our little friend organised for a trip to Gringotts later. Please thank your parents for me. Not only did they take Harry into your home but their kindness toward me, an escaped prisoner who they've never met, was just wonderful. Having Harry living amongst people like that is certainly something I want to encourage."

This was something that had Tonks' complete support. "They are a really nice couple Sirius, and the area is lovely too."

That was all the recommendation Sirius needed, his mind was made up. Now to the far more difficult task of what to do about this bloody tournament. He now understood it was not the tournament as such his godson was rebelling against, rather Harry was using it to get out from under the thumb of a conniving old bastard. That the lad was willing to accept such a drastic change in his life to accomplish this left Sirius ready to storm the castle and set about the said old bastard himself. What was almost as disappointing to the marauder were the actions, or inactions, of his former head of house. Dumbledore would have a plan that no one else was privy to, Snape was just a death eater who hated the name Potter but McGonagall was someone the marauder expected better from.

"Ok, so where we'll live is taken care of, now for getting these two away from Hogwarts with Harry still being a wizard. Let's hear any ideas you have, however crazy."

They talked for hours, losing all track of time until a pop alerted them they had a visitor.

"Dobby is sorry to interrupt but Harry Potter is going to be late getting back to the castle."

A quick check of watches confirmed the elf was right. "Thanks Dobby, looks like Ron's had his sweets. We'll need to get a move on."

The little elf then produced a bag that was brimming over with all sorts of confectionary. "Dobby did some shopping as Harry Potter was busy..."

The elf was cut of by his master's wide smile and thanks. "Dobby, that's brilliant. I don't know how I ever managed without you?"

It was a very happy elf who popped away to let the four say their goodbyes.

They made good time, which was just as well. Harry noticed Snape hanging about the gates to the castle, obviously hoping to catch them returning late. He turned to share this information only to find Tonks had all her attention focused elsewhere.

Victor was standing on the deck of his ship, stripping down to a pair of skimpy swimming trunks. The muscular young wizard then strode to the stern before he unhesitatingly dived off into the extremely cold water of the Black Lake.

Harry was shivering just watching his fellow champion. "I think they must build them different in Bulgaria, you would need to be nuts to be doing that at this time of year."

A pair of arms encircled Harry from behind. "I like the way they build them here just fine. Tonks though seems to agree with you since she couldn't take her eyes off Victor, perhaps we should invite him over one night?"

Tonks wasn't going to let Hermione away with her teasing as they resumed walking back to the castle. "Actually, I was wondering if he was preparing for the second task. Fleur in a bathing costume should certainly raise a few male temperatures on a cold February morning. That's a good idea Hermione, let's invite Diggory and Delacour too! We could make it a party?"

This got Harry thinking. "Not a bad idea Tonks, except for the party bit. Cho can't stand Ron after what he did to her friend at the ball, and he couldn't be in the same room as Fleur without becoming a drooling idiot."

"Remind me again why you two are friends with him?"

Harry ignored the sarcasm against his friend and continued to think out loud. "I think we should have a Champions' dinner, where we can sit and chat about anything other than the tournament."

Hermione thought this was a wonderful idea and kissed Harry for thinking of it, unfortunately they were now in range of Snape's sneer. "A full day in Hogsmead with Potter still not enough for you Granger? Kindly refrain from any more public displays of wanton lust and learn some decorum before you put everyone off their dinner. You can also empty out your pockets so I can check for contraband that you are trying to smuggle into the castle."

The group knew this was a crock of shit. Snape would confiscate anything they had, regardless of whether it was against school rules or not. Both Harry and Hermione made no attempt to hide their smirks as they showed Snape their empty pockets.

The potion master now saw the flaw in his attempt to harass these two, the pink haired auror had a bag over her shoulder.

Tonks thought the best form of defense was to attack so waded right into battle, her wand sliding into her palm. "You can search my bag right after you show us your left forearm."

This took the wind out Snape's sails but Tonks was only getting started. "I know for a fact that there are two death eaters currently at Hogwarts, that kinda points the finger at who would put Harry's name in that goblet. How do you think that revelation would go down at the Prophet? Especially with a ministerial hearing into the basilisk going to be held soon and Dumbledore having to explain he knew about you and Karkaroff. Back off Snape and stay out of our way or I will bury you."

Snape managed to rage and go pale at the same time, quite a feat. Tonks had effectively ruined his apatite far more thoroughly than any public display of affection ever could. The trio heard a familiar voice from the shadows as they crossed the courtyard.

"Well said lass, don't give them an inch. Hit first and hit hard."

Tonks instantly had her wand trained on the scarred former auror. "Moody, I don't give anyone an inch, even you."

Watching that battered old face break into something resembling a smile was too much for the trio, they got out of there.


The meeting in Dumbledore's office later that evening was not a pleasant one, that all three knew there were a large group of friends currently meeting in Potter's quarters only darkened the mood.

Albus was left with no option but to personally intercede in the matter, his two best forms of controlling the boy had been very effectively neutralised. Potter was becoming far too independent and must be brought to heel. Selling this idea to Severus was never going to be a problem, Minerva though was still clinging to her morals and needed some persuasion. Their timing was now going to be tight since it would be professional and political suicide to act before the ministerial hearing but they needed the plan in place now. He needed Minerva's agreement before pushing ahead.

"You tried the direct approach Minerva, and were slapped down like some errant first year. Severus just had his wings effectively clipped by Harry's auror escort. The lad is labouring under the misconception that, should he lose his magic, all his problems will go away. Voldemort won't care whether Harry is magical or not when he kills the boy. Without the protection that Hogwarts and the wards at his home provides, the lad won't live through the summer..."

"Have you tried telling him that? You claim he's making a disastrous decision here but, on the facts he has, Harry obviously doesn't think so. If he's old enough to face that dragon, he's old enough to hear the truth. Surely it would be better to have the boy working with us?"

"Minerva, the mere fact that he would consider losing his magic as an option tells me Harry Potter is not ready to do what he must to save magical Britain. It is a purely selfish act where he is thinking of no one but himself. You even commented that his betrothal was nothing more than a means to protect his vaults from the ministry."

Severus had almost choked at the thought of Potter saving anything, far less the country. Here though was something he could support fully. "I've always said Potter is nothing more than an attention seeking brat, look at what he did with the basilisk. Not content with getting his face plastered all over the newspapers and denying the school even a share of the beast, he goes whining to Bones and now we're all under investigation. If Albus wasn't so adamant the brat needed to stay here, I would be glad to see the back of him and shouting good riddance from the tallest tower in Hogwarts."

"Severus needs time to brew the potions Minerva, we are all required to agree on this. If I were to tell him the truth, whose to say we wouldn't be reading about it in the Prophet before the week was over. I can only reiterate, Mr Potter leaving Hogwarts would be a disaster for every person in Britain whether they be magical or not. We have to weigh any unsavory intentions against that background. Sometimes, the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the one. It's unfortunate, but Harry Potter just happens to be the one in this case."

"Very well Albus, I don't like anything about this situation but I'll do it."

The smile that was on Albus Dumbledore's lips was one of a person who had gotten his way once again. Severus Snape on the other hand couldn't hide his glee at the thought the Potter brat was finally going to get his comeuppance.

Harry was happily chatting to Neville when a shudder ran up his back, almost as if someone was walking over his grave.

Later that night, a cave outside the village of Hogsmead held two beings that would do anything within their power to help Harry Potter. They also put plans into effect toward that end.

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