Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

While getting prepared for her wedding, Hermione was effortlessly switching between tears and tantrums. This was so unlike her daughter that Emma eventually decided to clear the room. With Tonks, Susan and Winky now gone, it was time for a serious mother daughter talk.

"Hermione, if you have any reservations about this whole wedding and ritual scenario, now is the time to speak about them. I remember becoming a bit nuts on my own wedding day, but I didn't have half the things going on that you have at the moment."

"Mum, there's a part of me that wants this with all my heart, Harry is the one for me without question. Then there is another part that's terrified about tonight. I'm spending my wedding night in the ministry, so bloody romantic. Harry and I will make love for the first time under auror guard with practically the fate of the entire country riding on the result. What if I can't do this mum?"

"Being nervous about your wedding and honeymoon is to be expected for any bride. As seems to be becoming the norm for Hermione Granger, you have far more things to be nervous about than any other bride I can think of. What's Harry's take on all this?"

Hermione's deep blush told Emma what the real problem was here. "We haven't really talked about it, there's been so much else going on."

Emma called for Winky and asked her to tell Harry his future wife needed a chat.

"But Mum, Harry can't see my dress."

"Hermione, with everything else that's happening around here, I think that should be the least of your troubles."

A soft knock at the door signalled Harry's arrival, Emma rose to let him in. "Harry, you're shaking. Calm down, there's nothing wrong. I just think you and Hermione need to have a chat before your wedding. I'll be back shortly."

Hermione could clearly see the worry written all over Harry's face, she held her arms open and he rushed right into them. "Sorry for worrying you Harry, I'm just being silly here and mum thought I should talk with you."

"My Hermione being silly, now you've really got me worried. Let's sit down and see if we can sort whatever's bothering you. You look absolutely beautiful, but then I always think that."

Hermione could feel her doubts fading away the moment Harry held her in his arms, now it was time to talk out the few that remained. "I so want to be Mrs Potter but I think it's tonight that's beginning to prey on my mind. This will be our first time. That in itself is pressure enough without all the additional burdens of a soul bond ritual, defeating Voldemort, Tonks being in there with us and then the possibility of me becoming pregnant. What if I can't do all this Harry?"

"I would be lying to you love if I said the very same worries hadn't been preying on my mind too, Winky just wiped all that away though with one phrase. When she said you wanted to see me, I though you'd finally come to your senses and didn't want to marry me. I shot from being worried straight to terrified out of my mind. You taught me we could cope with anything, as long as we're together. I know tonight will not be how most young couples spend their wedding night, but we're not most young couples. What I do know for certain is that with Mrs Hermione Potter by my side, we can do anything."

Hermione kissed her husband-to-be in a manner that clearly emphasised his fear of rejection was totally groundless. She'd been letting her perfectly natural anxieties run away with her while forgetting the most important thing, Harry would be with her through everything. Harry's use of Mrs Potter had the instant and added effect of destroying all her lingering doubts, Mrs Potter was exactly what she wanted to become. With her future husband sitting here beside her, she was now smiling and looking forward to her wedding. Tonight would take care of itself.

They then talked through what was really bothering them and felt much better for it, both had been worried their spouse would have expectations they couldn't meet. The newlywed Potters would approach tonight one step at a time and face whatever tomorrow brought them.

"I'm really glad I got to see you beforehand. If we'd waited, I probably wouldn't be able to answer Madam Bones when she askes me that all important question later. You are so beautiful, it takes my breath away."

This earned Harry another kiss before Hermione replied. "You're very handsome in that tux too, Lavender and Parvati were almost drooling at that picture of us at the New Year Ball."

"Just wait until they see the wedding pictures, I think your dad has bought about half a dozen cameras. He's passing them out to Sirius, Remus and even Ron got one."

This had Hermione giggling, she couldn't wait to see what type of pictures the marauders and their clueless friend would manage to take with muggle cameras. "How's Ron holding up being best man?"

"Oh Ron's having the time of his life, your dad had to switch the TV off before he would move to get himself ready. MTV might now rival the Cannons in Ron's affections. He's talking about putting a boy band together when he gets back to Hogwarts. I just don't see Ron, Neville, Seamus and Dean as Gryffindor's answer to Take That. The snoring in that dorm was bad enough, who knows what racket they could generate trying to sing?"

Emma stuck her head back inside the door to be greeted by the sound of the bride and groom laughing, she signaled to the others that it was safe to return. She thought Harry was surely a great wizard for the magic he had just worked on Hermione. It was with some reluctance that Harry was ushered out the room so they could continue to get ready, Hermione saying she would see him soon settled both their nerves.

Harry was heading back up the corridor when he heard the sound of 'Relight my Fire' blasting out of Ron's room, he wondered if Ginny was going to be drafted in to fill the Lulu role? She certainly had the red hair. He supposed it was a better way for Ron to spend his time before the big event rather than drinking firewhisky with the twins, a lot healthier too. Hermione would literaly kill him if he turned up drunk at their wedding.


Lucius Malfoy was rapidly reaching the conclusion that leaving Britain was the best thing he'd ever done. His covert journeys from country to country had all gone incredibly smoothly, proving once more to the aristocratic pureblood that with enough money you could achieve anything. The only blip on his now constant state of contentment was when the gnomes asked for a next of kin. Lucius eventually put Draco's name down. He may not like the useless little shit but the alternative was unthinkable to the pureblood fanatic. Any money that he didn't manage to spend over the coming decades would automatically revert to the gnomes if he didn't have a named next of kin on his account.

Lucius fully intended to sire another heir, he just wanted to spend a few years having some fun until then. His first night in Bangkok confirmed to him that he'd chosen exactly the right place to have that fun. The city was so busy and vibrant, with everything available for the right price. That Lucius had more than enough gold to meet those very reasonable prices for years to come had him thinking he'd set foot in paradise. Then he discovered the ladyboys of Bangkok and knew for certain he'd reached the Promised Land.


Dan's shopping trip had been for more than just cameras, Remus had side apperated him to York where he quickly stocked upon some other essentials for his daughter's wedding. While the wonderful elves could handle most things, Dan wanted the proper music for when he walked Hermone to meet her Harry. A powerful stereo system and a bag full of CD's soon solved that problem, he'd already picked the perfect track for the father / daughter dance. They had figured that York, while being far enough away from London and Hogwarts, was still a big enough city for them to blend into without attracting any unwanted attention. Even the ministry couldn't monitor the entire country so they reckoned they would be safe enough.

When it was finally time to enter the ladies dressing area to collect his daughter, Dan had tears in his eyes. Hermione had asked Tonks to be her maid of honour. Considering what the young auror meant to both her and Harry, there really couldn't have been any other choice. Dan deliberatly didn't hear the part where they asked her to be godmother to their first child too, his mind would only go there when it became a fait accompli.

Tonks had responded positivly to both requests and now stood in her Dora Granger guise. Hermione had tried to convince her that, since she was going to be family anyway, she should just go with her natural look. She had responded that, since this would be the first pictures in the Grangers new albums, this was a better look for the occasion. The result left Dan thinking he was looking at three of the most beautiful women in the world. His wife was simply stunning while Hermione took her father's breath away. As Tonks was portraying a mixture of both, Dan's hand reached into his pocket for his new camera to take the first picture of the day.

Emma could hardly believe this was the same room they had been eating their meals in every night, the elves had worked wonders. The dining room was now at least twice its original length, with a rose covered archway leading to an altar at the other end. Remus operated the CD player as the bridal march alerted the small wedding party that Hermione was about to make her entrance.

At the other end of the room, Harry and Ron stood waiting with Madam Bones as Dan began leading a beaming Hermione to her future. Harry eventually had to dunt Ron in the ribs. "That's my wife you're ogling, put your eyeballs back in and remember what your here for."

"Bloody hell Harry, Hermione is gorgeous! you are one lucky..."

Madam Bones deliberately clearing her throat ended whatever Ron was going to say next. Harry didn't take umbrage at Ron's outburst, he happened to agree with every word. After all the shit he'd had dumped on him since he was a toddler, Harry genuinly believed today wiped the slate clean. As he watched Hermione approaching on her father's arm, Ron's words rang true to the young groom. Harry Potter was one lucky bastard.

Harry spent the next fifteen minutes staring into the most wonderful brown eyes and responding whenever Madam Bones required him to. When she eventually said he could kiss the bride, he was never as glad to follow anyone's instructions in his life before. The newly married couple eventually parted to loud cheering, their wedding party might be few in number but they were making enough noise to grace a Hogwarts Quidditch match.

Hermione took the custom of kissing the bride to new heights when she knelt down to kiss Dobby, thanking him and Winky for all their hard work to make today the special occasion it was quickly turning into. Both elves had been stunnned to be told they were expected to be part of the celebrations but this was beyond their wildest dreams. Dobby then earned another kiss when he floated in a beautiful wedding cake that bore a striking resemblance to Hogwarts. It was manufactured to scale and the white icing appeared to sparkle under the festive lights the elves had bedecked the room in. The clearly recognisable couple that stood atop the Astronomy Tower were sculpted to a larger scale than that of the castle, Mr and Mrs Potter looked out over Hogwarts.

Susan, like most teenage girls, had thought a lot about getting married and how she wanted her wedding to be. She had originally felt sorry for her two friends who appeared to have been left without any options other than the path they were pursuing. Now, she wasn't so sure. This may be a small wedding but both bride and groom appeared very happy. They couldn't have all the friends they wanted to attend but their families were here, Susan had already decided she wanted her aunt to perform the ceremony when her turn eventually came.

Hermione's dress was just stunning. A combination of white satin and lace, with pearls lovingly embroidered into the bodice. The dress did come out at the hips but not to the extent where she couldn't fit through doors. One of Hermione's main requirements when designing the dress was that she be able to dance close with Harry while wearing it.

Harry had also promised Susan a dance later so, as she sat between her aunt and Croaker for what she was sure would be a wonderful meal, the Hufflepuff had to concede that this was indeed a lovely wedding. Susan was at an age where she realized it wasn't the actual wedding itself that counted, rather the person who you would be spending the rest of your life with. Using that as a yardstick, Hermione and Harry's wedding just jumped to the top of her list of the best weddings she'd ever attended.

Dan and Sirius had taken the time to chat with Harry and Ron beforehand, neither groom nor best man had expressed any enthusiasm for performing speeches at this point of the proceedings. As the father of the bride, Dan was only too happy to say a few words while Sirius could never be accused of shyness.

Dan stood first to deliver his speech. "I originally heard the name Harry Potter from Hermione's first letter sent from Hogwarts, I can assure everyone here we got used to hearing that name over the next few years. It's extremely disconcerting to a father when his daughter is five hundred miles away at boarding school and her two best friends are named Ron and Harry. At one point Emma and I began to wonder if there were any other witches at Hogwarts."

The guests were now laughing while the bride and groom sat there blushing, Dan could only think it was going well so far. "It was only during the last Christmas Holidays we got to meet the young man who'd so clearly won our daughter's heart, and what a first meeting! Harry standing on the train platform going toe to toe with that fraud Dumbledore. We then went to the bank with a bodyguard and heard about betrayal and a betrothal, just your typical day for these two." This drew more laughter but Dan was now getting serious.

"Sadly we were to discover just how true that 'typical day' statement was as these two finally came clean and told us what was really going on, which leads us directly to where we find ourselves today. Through all these tasks, trials and tribulations there has only been one constant that they could rely on, each other. Their commitment, caring and love for one another sees me standing here today as a proud father, welcoming Harry into our family, and asking everyone here to raise their glasses. Please join me in toasting Mr and Mrs Potter, the bride and groom!"

After everyone had toasted the happy couple, Sirius now stood to say his piece. "I first met the lovely Mrs Potter about a year ago and, as first meetings go, I think I've got Dan's beat. You see the entire country thought I was this half-crazy psycho killer who was hell bent on revenging my master's demise. That this would make Harry my main target should give you some idea of where Hermione would be."

Sirius gazed lovingly at the young married couple as he continued. "If you guessed throwing herself in front of Harry with her wand pointed at me then you got it right. These two then went on to save me from a dementor's kiss not once but twice on the same night. The second time I was locked in Hogwarts castle, trying to meet my end like a Gryffindor, when these two busted me out of there."

This was something Sirius really hadn't spoken about but the emotion of the day was obviously affecting the marauder. "Escaping that fate was like being reborn. I swore to myself that night I would help these two any way I could, and I intend to continue doing everything in my power to do so. You can perhaps understand why I was delighted when I heard they'd gotten together. I personally owe them a debt I can never repay and, by this time tomorrow, the entire country will too. Dan's already toasted the Bride and Groom but I would like you all to raise your glasses once more and toast our family, a family I consider everyone here a part of."

After the toast, Sirius received a round of applause which saw him pretend to continue. "Oh, I forgot to tell my joke about the one-eyed barman and the stuttering witch..." The fake stern stares from Emma, Tonks and Hermione saw Sirius announcing he would save it for later as he wanted a dance with the bride.

Harry had learned to dance with Hermione in his arms and classical music playing in the background. Now that same music was filling the room as he guided and glided his bride along in rhythm to the timeless classics. The repeated camera flashes signalled their family were taking lots of pictures of the moment but the bride and groom only had eyes for each other. "I loved dancing with Hermione Granger but I think waltzing with Hermione Potter beats that experience hands down."

Hermione intended to start her marriage the way it would continue, by not letting Harry off with that jibe. "I have to say that dancing with Harry Potter was nice, but being here in my husband's arms is so much better."

Harry's wide smile almost turned into laughter as he caught sight of his best man trying to dance with their bridesmaid. Ron wasn't sure where to put his hands and had difficulty focusing his eyes where they were supposed to be. Tonks was chuckling at his discomfort, which didn't help Ron's problem.

"Oh, he's got to dance with me next. that should cool him down a bit."

This comment saw Harry shake his head in disbelief. "Hermione, you are the hottest girl here, I hardly think that's going to help Ron's condition." Hermione was about to refute that but her husband got in first. "I had to practically pick his eyeballs off the floor when he saw you walking toward me. I thought for a second we had made a mistake because 'jealous prick' seemed in danger of making an apperance. He eventually settled for calling me a lucky bastard, a sentiment I happen to totally agree with."

As the music ended, the couple kissed before swapping partners to dance with the best man / maid of honour. Harry drew no pleasure from realising that he was right, Ron didn't handle his dance with Hermione any better than the one with Tonks. After his talk with Hermione, she was obviously a lot more aware of this now too. She was trying to talk to Ron while keeping her blushing to an acceptable level. The young auror currently dancing with the groom of course missed nothing.

"That is why you are able to marry Hermione while Ron can't even dance with her, you two are old souls in young bodies. Ron may grow into a decent young man but Harry Potter is already the finest wizard I've ever met. I understand you and Hermione must be worried about later and I can appriciate that. Personally, I think you two are made for each other and old Voldie doesn't stand a chance. You just look after Hermione and remember I've got your backs covered."

Harry could only hold her tighter as he attempted to get his voice working again. "Thanks Tonks, I really don't know what we would do without you."

"You're both family now Harry, so you'll never have to find out. We're stuck with each other for the rest of our lives."

He couldn't help but think his comment from earlier was just being reinforced, Harry Potter's luck had certainly taken an upturn. That his next dance was with the woman who was now his mother just sealed the deal.

Hermione was in her father's arms when she recognised the music playing, it was one of her mother's favourites. 'I hope you dance' was a song about not playng it safe and taking a chance to get what you want. This was her father's way of saying he approved of her choices better than his words ever could. The second verse almost had her in tears.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance

Never settle for the path of least resistance

Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin'

Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth makin'...

Dan saw his daughter's reaction and attempted to appologise. "I'm sorry princess, I thought you would like the song..."

"Dad, I love the song, and the message behind it."

"I really do like Harry you know, the fact that he adores you is a big plus in his favour. I just want you both to be happy."

"We are Dad, very happy. Once we get tonight over with, we'll have the rest of our lives to spend happily together. I'm almost sure he and Sirius have cooked up some kind of surprise but both are keeping quiet about it for now."

"Well, I heard the word honeymoon being mentioned but that's all I've got out of them."

Hermione's next dance was acually with Sirius, the marauder though was impervious to her probing questions. All she could get out of him was that the secret would be revealed shortly.

Harry was trying to thank Madam Bones for officiating today as he led her around the dancefloor, she immediately corrected him about a couple of things. "Harry, since we are now dance partners, I think it's time you called me Amelia. I also think the wizarding community of Britain owes you both such a debt of thanks that anything I can do to help redress the balance somewhat will be yours for the asking. It was also my pleasure to do that today. Wedding ceremonies are one of the nicest things about my job yet I get so little chance to practice those skills. Again, it is me who should be thanking you."

He next had a dance with Susan before then sitting down beside Ron to enjoy a much needed butterbeer. "How you doing mate? Glad to see you at least didn't throw up on anyone this time."

"Oh very funny Harry, I'm never going to live that one down. Anyway, Hermione would have killed me if I'd pulled something like that. Your wife is gorgeous, but still bloody scary."

This raised a chuckle from Harry, again he couldn't argue with his mate's reasoning. "Have you had a dance with Susan yet?" Harry knew fine well Ron hadn't so his shake of the head came as no surprise. "You're best man Ron, that means you have responsibilities today. One of them is to keep this function going, that means dancing." It didn't really mean that but Harry was betting Ron didn't know this. He didn't want Ron sitting in a corner all evening like a lemon, especially when there was a beautiful unatached girl waiting to dance.


The evening passed quite quickly and it was just after ten when Hermione casually mentioned to Harry that it was time to change. They said their goodnights before heading up to what was now officially their room. Although most of the guests knew what was happening later, Ron was still clueless. As he was now sitting chatting to a beautiful Hufflepuff, it was debatable if he even noticed them leaving.

They reached their bedroom and Harry instantly dispelled any awkwardness by lifting Hermione into his arms and carrying his bride over the threshold. Hermione was doing her best to see Harry's actions as romantic but got an attack of the giggles. Harry's pretend pout took his wife the rest of the way there and both of them soon ended up on the bedroom floor laughing.

Hermione then kissed her husband before making his head spin. "It took three people to get me into this dress, do you think the both of us can manage to get me out of it? I would hate to be shouting for help on our wedding night."

"Oh, I think we should manage."

"Good, I want a shower before we have to get ready to head over to the ministry. I couldn't help noticing your shower should be big enough for both of us, what do you think?"

"I think it's a fantastic idea, but are you sure?"

"You're my husband now Harry, and I don't want our first proper 'looks' at each other to be in the ministry tonight. We can shower together before we go, perhaps get rid of some of the awkwardness we're bound to feel."

Harry recognised Hermione biting her bottom lip meant his wife wasn't nearly as confident as she was trying to portray herself as. "Let's get you out of that dress Mrs Potter and then I will take great delight in washing your back for you."

"Once you're finished with my back, you can move onto my front." Hermione thought for a second she'd broken her husband until his face split into a grin Dobby would be proud of. "We still have to be virgins for the ceremony later but that doesn't mean we can't have some exploration first. I want you to know every inch of me, and I'll be doing the same to you." The poor dress never stood a chance.

Harry gazed in wonder at his wife's naked form. "Hermione, this might be a very long shower?"

"We don't need to be at the ministry until midnight."

Harry's clothes quickly joined his wife's on the floor as they tentativly held each other naked. "I thought you were beautiful in that dress Hermione but my god, I don't have words to say how you look out of it."

The new Mrs Potter was blushing like mad but still wore a very satisfied smile on her face. Seeing her husband's very obvious reaction to her body gave her all the confidence she needed to go through what they had to later. "You don't have to say a word Harry, I get the message."

it was much, much later a pair of very happy, and very clean newlyweds exited the shower.


Amelia and Croaker headed back to the ministry to ensure all the preparations were ready for the ritual, leaving the five adults sitting around an open fire and trying not to watch as the clock on the mantlepiece ever so slowly crept its way toward the appropriate time. All five felt as if they could do with a stiff drink but had nothing stronger than fruit juice in their hands. The champagne at the toasts was actually the only alchohol drunk today, everyone wanting a clear head in case they were needed tonight. Remus would be staying behind, Ron and Susan were still in the house, but the other four were all ministry bound with the Potters.

Dan screwed his face up in disgust after drinking the freshly squeezed orange juice, the current situation called for at least a good single malt. He and Sirius had an ancient bottle of the amber nectar put aside for later, after they came back from the ministry. The elves had also secured a bottle of Emma's favourite brandy, they would celebrate only when both Hermione and Harry were safely back in the house. "We think this is bad now, it's going to be a lot worse later waiting outside that door."

The words were out before Tonks even had time to think about it. "Want to trade places with me?"

Dan's shudder of revulsion quickly answered that question as Emma attempted to console the young auror. "I think you got the worst job tonight Tonks but I for one am certainly glad you're going to be in there with them. It's not something Dan or I could do, and I don't think they would want Sirius cracking jokes during their bonding."

Sirius wasn't upset at that quip. "Oh, I'm with Dan on this one, I'd rather be outside the door. I also agree that Tonks is the best person to be in there, both of them trust you with their lives."

Tonks then raised her real fears. "I just hope it won't be awkward between us once we leave that room. I've really got used to having those two in my life, I would hate for anything to spoil the relationship we have."

"Not something you have to worry about Tonks, never going to happen."

The group hadn't noticed the newlyweds enter, Harry's voice making most of them jump. Both of them were dressed in bathrobes with the Potter family crest prominent on each, a pair of slippers finished their ensemble. Hermione's practical mind deciding that there was no point getting dressed, just to take everything back off again.

"I think that now the wedding's over, it's safe to spill the secret of what my godfather and I have been planning. The beautiful Mrs Potter here deserves the best, and that's what she's going to get. The Blacks apparantly own their own unplottable tropical island, and that's where we're all heading tomorrow until everything blows over in Britain. Sorry Remus, but you went and got yourself a job."

"A job a certain little bird told me you had a hand in."

"Oh I don't know if I would chance calling Amelia a bird, but I did mention you were the best defence teacher we ever had."

Emma wanted to make sure she had heard Harry correctly. "Let's go back a bit for a minute, did you say we were leaving for a tropical island tomorrow?"

Sirius was rubbish at keeping secrets and now couldn't wait to tell them all about it. "Oh you'll love it Emma. Imagine little palm-thatched cottages beside a snow-white beach. Our only neigbours are palm trees and parrots, we will of course have Dobby and Winky there too!"

Dan thought this sounded too good to be true. "If this island is everything that you say it is, why the hell were you spending the winter freezing your arse off in a Scottish cave?"

Sirius actually blushed at that though Hermione provided the answer. "He was on that island dad, Harry got a note delivered by a tropical bird. Sirius left that paridise to be nearer to Harry after he found himself in that bloody tournament."

All thoughts of tomorrow vanished as the clock began to chime midnight. it was time to take the portkey to the ministry. The next few hours would decided whether tomorrow brought them to a tropical paradise or a funeral parlour.

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