Chapter Ninteen

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Chapter 19 - Comeuppance

Dolores was grinning at the headline in the Prophet. It wasn't a grin that contained so much as a gain of happiness though, rather one of twisted anticipation for a well worked plan of hers that was finally coming to fruition. The newspaper was obviously very pleased to have an exclusive interview with Lord Black on their front page, posted on his even more famous godson's birthday, but Dolores was confident this would have little to no effect on what she'd been meticulously plotting.

The Senior Undersecretary had been beavering away behind the scenes for the last couple of weeks, ensuring the right people understood the dangers Sirius Black taking control of the orphanage posed to their way of life. These particular people had far too much to lose so no chances would be getting taken today. They wanted a stop put to this - immediately and permanently.

While Dolores could certainly appreciate this exclusive interview as a shrewd tactical move on Black's part, a move that was sure to set Cornelius off in a spin, she was supremely confident today's Wizengamot meeting would result in blood being spilled on the floor. This article might result in Black and company actually lowering their guard, thinking their job of convincing the Wizengamot was already done.

With it being the Potter brat's birthday too, Dolores felt sure he would accompany his summonsed godfather to today's session. Whether it was Black or Potter blood that ended up on the floor didn't bother Dolores in the slightest, she was actually hoping to see both.


Harry and Hermione were heading for the Ministry of Magic, mob handed was the expression that came to mind. Sirius had Francesca on his arm, her drawings and work schedule for the new orphanage shrunk and in his pocket. Since they were on the orphanage committee, Dan, Emma and Neville had demanded to accompany them too. Barchoke thought his presence today might prove more of a hindrance than help so was rather diplomatically unavailable to attend. Since only Sirius had been summonsed to face the Wizengamot, none of them thought Barchoke's absence would be even noticed.

As Harry held Hermione's hand, there was a very real sense that something was missing between them - or rather someone. For the last couple of weeks, that someone was Joan. She never walked anywhere without at least holding one of their hands and seemed happiest when it was both of them. They had of course realised that they were both growing incredibly fond of the little girl. Joan not being with them today just emphasised how far that relationship had progressed.

A beaming Joan had presented Harry with a hug and a card she'd made when they met this morning. Only her being roped in by Remus to help prepare Harry's 'surprise' birthday party allowed them to escape her company for this visit.

All the orphans and orphanage staff were still in Italy and having the time of their lives. With the amount of hard work going on to get the Institute up and running for September, these children were not only helping relieve any stress the daily problems that enterprise turned up caused - they were a constant reminder of why everyone was working so hard. These were children who would never catch a break in Magical Britain, due to their undetermined blood status, yet each and every one of these children already had their names down to attend the Institute when they were eleven. Everyone involved with the Institute were working hard to ensure that experience would be as positive as possible for every student, regardless of birth or blood status, who entered the new school.

With work on the orphanage now progressing at an amazing pace too, Harry and Hermione were well aware the clock was ticking on any decision they wanted to make on the little girl who had wormed her way into their hearts.

Joan's absence today however clearly emphasised just how much of a hole would be left in their lives without this special little girl being part of those lives. Neither wanted to think what returning to the orphanage would do to Joan, who Jillian continually remarked on never having seen the young girl so happy.

That was a talk they would be having soon, having put it off until after Harry's birthday.


A table had been positioned for Sirius in the centre of the Wizengamot chamber, that table had to be extended and more chairs conjured to accommodate all the members of his group.

Starting the meeting, Cornelius tried to keep the atmosphere light. This meeting was about discovering what was behind Black's move, and today's Prophet had portrayed the wizard sitting there in rather a good light. It wasn't Cornelius' job to tear the man down. After all, that's why he employed Dolores.

"Lord Black, thank you for attending. Perhaps you could introduce the people who are with you, and tell us why you thought their presence was necessary at this special session of the Wizengamot."

Sirius stood and played to the crowd, walking around to the front of the table. Since he and his godson were the biggest draw in magical Britain, the place was packed. Except for those members who had fled the country or died - in the case of Malfoy and Parkinson - every Wizengamot seat was occupied. The tiered public benches located behind Sirius' table were also full to bursting.

Making his way along the table, Sirius began the introductions. "Certainly Minister. The lady who was sitting beside me is Miss Francesca Rossi, one of the best architects Italy has to offer. In consultation with myself, the trustees and those currently working at the orphanage, Miss Rossi has performed miracles on an old London town house and is busy providing us with a building to be proud of. She is also the architect who designed the Potter Institute and came highly recommended by everyone involved in that project."

Sirius ignored any grumblings about foreigners and moved on to the next shock for them. "The Doctors Granger here are highly qualified healthcare professionals, with their own business too, before falling under the allure of the Potter Institute. They will be the Muggle Studies professors when the Institute opens this September and I was delighted they consented to serving as trustees on the orphanage board. Sitting next to them is a young wizard from a family with a proud history in magical Britain, Mister Neville Longbottom - also a trustee board member. Next to Neville is one of the smartest witches I've ever met, Miss Hermione Granger. As well as being betrothed to my godson and heir, Miss Granger is an integral member of the board of trustees."

Smiling, he then introduced the person who certainly didn't need one. "At the other end of the table is my godson and heir, Lord Harry Potter. As my heir, he will one day in the future take over the running of the board so his presence here today is also necessary."

Sirius remained standing, he felt more in control being able to pace up and down. With the first questions of the day soon being fired at him, it was now time to attack their arguments. Harry and Hermione were ignoring these proceedings in favour of monitoring those currently in the chamber that they knew carried the dark mark. Harry had spent the last couple of days running Hermione through casting Riddle's parseltongue shield charm. If anything started here today, that was going to be their go-to spell.

Harry's danger signals were going berserk, there were actual goosebumps appearing on his arms due to his anxiety levels. He was as certain as he could be something was going to happen here today. While keeping an eye on their main suspects, neither Harry nor Hermione had any trouble identifying Dolores Umbridge. Amelia's description of a woman who resembled a toad yet always wore pink left them with only one viable candidate when identifying the Undersecretary. That she was smirking the entire time just added to their unease, since there was currently nothing for her to smile about. Sirius was now striding up and down before the Wizengamot while giving a killer presentation that was tearing any and all of their arguments against the Black Orphanage to shreds.

it was Hermione who picked up on what was bothering them first. 'Rosier keeps glancing into the crowd, as if he's expecting something to happen from there. I've had a quick look and don't recognise anyone in the area he's looking at. We could be dealing with someone polyjuiced, or under the imperius curse though.'

As Harry too scanned the crowd behind them, a wizard sprang to his feet with his wand already drawn. Only the wizard shouting "Die blood-traitor" before casting a spell at Sirius' head gave Harry time to react. That Sirius' pacing currently saw him at Harry's end of the table was the sole reason he reached his godfather in time.

Hermione was pulling her wand up, already knowing it was too late. She fired off a stunner but the blasting curse had already left the assassin's wand. There was a massive disturbance in their bond as Hermione's head whipped around to see a bloody Harry lying on top of a shocked but seemingly otherwise uninjured Sirius. Her temper exploded, and so did Riddle's charm for controlling his death eaters from Hermione's wand. Her anger was such that the charm contained enough power to encapsulated the entire chamber.

Within the chamber, four members of the Wizengamot, an auror and two wizards in the public gallery fell to their knees clutching their left arms.

Hermione's voiced boomed around the chamber, Riddle's charm painfully demanding answers from those carrying his mark. "Who is responsible for this? I want your answers now."

Amelia attempted to take charge of the situation. "Aurors stand down. I've seen this before. All those on the ground are Death Eaters and we can't interfere."

Dolores' scheming might have achieved her objective, Potter blood had certainly been spilled, but she was far from happy with the current situation.

"Don't be preposterous, Amelia. This little mudblood bitch is torturing pure-blood members of the Wizengamot - inside our own chamber." Knowing all eyes would now be on her, she limited her curse to a stunner. Dolores would later be glad she didn't give in to her more base instincts and fire something far deadlier, since Dolores' stunner rebounded from Hermione's shield and hit the squat witch square in the face. Dolores would take no further part in these proceedings until someone revived her. Since all hell was breaking loose around the chamber, that was unlikely to happen for a while yet.

Those Death Eaters with no involvement in this plot were very quick to loudly declare so, knowing that their current pain levels would ease with a truthful answer - and they had nothing to loose by telling that truth. Hermione was left staring at one wizard, beads of sweat running from his forehead as Evan Rosier attempted to fight against the increasing levels of pain. Eventually the Death Eater cracked.

"It was me, I wanted Black dead."

Hermione's 'Why' was enough to get him talking. Admitting the truth had seen his pain reduce, Evan was desperate for that pain to reduce even further.

"I'm certain to have a few bastards in that place. I don't like spilling magical blood so, after I rape a witch, I just obliviate that memory from them. They would then be likely to leave any resulting child at the orphanage. I don't want inheritance rituals performed on them, bastards have no place in my proud family."

Hermione's anger was now off the scale at what this sick bastard had just admitted to. "Those lovely children have just spent two weeks holidaying with us in Italy, I doubt whether any of them would want to be associated with the likes of you. Is it only pure-blood witches you spare, or are all the women you grace with your unwanted presence obliviated after you rape them."

"I have no problems killing muggles, or little mudblood bitches like you. I'm only sorry I didn't get to rape you first. Avada Kedava."

The green light shot from his wand and stopped at the shield protecting Hermione. Evan was screaming in pain while Hermione struggled to hold the shield. It was touch and go who would win this battle until she once more felt a wonderful presence in her mind.

'Accept the magic, love. Magic is magic. Just because this arsehole used it to rape, torture and kill, you won't be tainted by any of that."

Realising he wasn't going to win this one, Rosier screamed for help - but rather specific help. Evan called on his fellow Death Eaters currently under Hermione's spell to aid him in his time of need. "Overload her shield. She attacked us, the Wizengamot will never convict pure-bloods for killing a filthy mudblood who cast the first spell."

Another two killing curses hit Hermione's shield but, since she had begun to accept the magic syphoned off from Rosier, these additional contributions only made her stronger. She then took a chance and glanced around to see Sirius supporting a bloody yet now sitting Harry. His left shoulder looked a mess but both had their wands drawn and were ready to defend themselves and their group. They were all looking in the wrong place though.

A wizard who appeared to be in his early twenties leaped from the public benches and had his wand against a terrified Francesca's temple.

"Release my father or she dies."

Seeing the family resemblance, Hermione spoke to the wizard who had fired the killing curse at her from the public gallery. "You must know this can't be stopped now. Order your son to lower his wand."

Hearing a couple of clicks as safetys were disengaged, Sirius recognised at once what was about to happen and tried to offer the pair of muggles some semblance of legal protection. "Dan, Emma, I'm ordering you to protect our family. Take the shot!"

As there appeared no chance of this little bitch laying down her wand and accepting death from their killing curses, the father understood he was destined to die from his own curse. Rather than accepting the position he'd placed himself in though, he selfishly wanted to take as many as possible with him. Nodding to his son he gave what would be his last ever order to the young wizard. "Kill the bitch..."

A pair of loud explosions happened so close together, they could almost have been one. The Wizard who had been holding Francesca hostage was flung away with half his head now splattered over members of the public gallery well before he could even think of implementing his father's command. Dan and Emma's handguns were now sweeping the chamber, looking for anyone else who dared to attack them. Neville had his wand drawn but quickly moved to comfort a now freed but understandably distraught Francesca.

Again, Amelia tried to take command of the situation that was in imminent danger of spiralling beyond anyone's control. "Lower your wands! Anyone firing on Miss Granger will see their own curse rebound on them. These three signed their own death warrant when they used the killing curse. All others affected will be tried today, in this session of the Wizengamot. I've seen this before and nothing can be done, lower your wands or you will be fired upon. Shacklebolt, get some healers in here - now."

Albus was appalled at the death of the young wizard - by muggles no less. He was not going to stand back and watch as a further three wizards were basically being sentenced to death. He would deal with Amelia's ludicrous promise to try the others involved later. "I can't allow this, Amelia."

He attempted to move a chair into the green beam of the nearest killing curse, hoping to break the connection. The chair never got there though as Sirius, Harry and Amelia all simultaneously hit the Chief Warlock with stunning spells. As Dumbledore dropped to the ground, Emma's voice rang around the chamber.

"I was just about to put a bullet in the old bastard's head, so thanks for that. There is no way of knowing what breaking those spells will do to my daughter, Dan and I will put a bullet in anyone else who tries it. Please remember, they all fired a killing curse at our Hermione - a fourteen year old witch. Imagine if that was your child..."

Emma never got to say anymore as Evan Rosier's magic was now exhausted, causing his own killing curse to finally rebound and take the Death Eater's life. The screams from the other two Death Eaters rose in volume and intensity, knowing their own end was fast approaching. Mere seconds later, both slumped to the floor - dead from the killing curses they had cast at someone still legally considered a child.

Hermione was glowing from all the magic she had just absorbed but had only one thing in her mind. Seeing aurors ready to restrain the four wizards still held by her spell, she cancelled it before stumbling toward Harry. Hermione dropped to her knees and, mindful of his injury, carefully hugged her betrothed.

Releasing his godson into Hermione's tender embrace, an absolutely livid Sirius stood and surveyed the scene around him. Nodding as Dan and Emma moved to stand guard over their children, Sirius had to hold himself in check from racing straight to Francesca. The entire incident had probably taken less than two minutes but it was the following few that would set the tone for what happened next in magical Britain. One thing was for sure though, all their lives had just changed forever.

He let that anger show as Sirius addressed the room. "Is this what magical Britain has become? Lock a wizard in Azkaban for over a decade without a trial. When he proves his innocence, lure him back here to be assassinated in front of everyone. Let's not delude ourselves here, that's exactly what was supposed to happen today."

With Dumbledore and Dolores still unconscious, it was left to the Minister to try and rebut these allegations - with some of his own.

"The only assassination I witnessed was a pure-blood wizard getting his head blown to pieces by a pair of muggles."

Hearing growls of agreement coming from the masses at Fudge's declaration, Sirius immediately jumped all over that idea. It also gave him the excuse he was looking for to wrap Francesca in his arms.

"Miss Rossi and I are currently courting. As you can clearly see from her robes, she is also under the protection of houses Black and Potter. Those same house crests also adorn the robes of the Grangers, and you all heard me ordering them to carry out those actions - protecting someone who is becoming very dear to all of us."

With Francesca clinging to Sirius and burying her face in his chest, his piercing gaze travelled around the entire chamber before laying his cards on the table.

"A member of the Wizengamot plotted to murder me in the very heart of your government, all in a bid to ensure his multiple rapes and murders wouldn't be discovered. He would probably have succeeded too, because only having a godson with exceptional reflexes sees me standing here still. Watching Harry get injured probably gave Hermione the power she needed to cast that spell, and survive three attempts on her life. Neither Harry nor I were prepared to let Dumbledore risk her life further in a futile attempt to save three Death Eaters who all cast the killing curse at Hermione. Madam Bones, I would like to know what your intentions are regarding the wizard who fired at me and the Death Eaters that were exposed within this chamber?"

Amelia knew she would gain instant approval for her initial suggestion, it was her following intentions that would set this place alight. "I propose to question the wizard that fired upon you with truth serum, right here and right now. If, as I suspect, he was acting under the imperius curse, then he can face no blame for what happened."

Sirius nodded in agreement and waited for her to continue, he wasn't disappointed.

"I propose to question all those affected by that spell under truth serum too. Again, if they were forced to take the Dark Mark and committed crimes while under the influence of the imperius curse, they will face no charges from the Ministry."

This almost started a riot, the very thought of Wizengamot members facing questioning under veritaserum sent shivers of dread down more than one member's spine. This was setting a precedent that couldn't be allowed to stand.

After accepting some blood replenishing potion and numbing charms cast on his shoulder, Harry pushed the healer away as Hermione helped him stand.

Having his recommendations and protests ignored, the hacked-off healer moved on to Dumbledore. The ancient wizard had apparently been hit with multiple powerful stunners and would need a trip to St Mungo's. After dealing with one patient who ignored his instructions, the healer decided to wait until Dumbledore was in a bed at St Mungo's before attempting to revive him. Slapping an emergency portkey onto the Chief Warlock, an unconscious Albus Dumbledore left the building.

Harry didn't really need Neville's nod to know he was with them on this matter, their friend was standing amongst them with his wand drawn and ready to face whatever was thrown at them. It would however give Neville a few seconds to catch his Grandmother's eye, and convey that he was on board with what was happening here. Considering what Harry and Sirius were about to pull, they didn't want to leave any room for the charge of kidnapping to be thrown at them too.

Seeing a bloody Harry Potter standing there at the centre of this group gradually brought silence to the chamber. The blasting curse had caught the boy's left shoulder and the large emergency pad the healer had stuck there was already turning red with Harry's blood. There was nothing but defiance in his posture though, and no give at all in his stare.

As Albus was portkeyed away, Cornelius realised that this whole thing was going to be left for him to sort. He'd shaken his head as the healer approached Dolores, ready to revive her. Dolores would certainly be out for blood, and Cornelius was sure he could guess just whose blood that would be. Anyone trying to harm the Granger girl though would have to face not only Lords Potter and Black, her muggle parents had just dispatched another wizard - and stood ready to serve the exact same fate to anyone else attempting to harm their daughter.

"Lord Potter, that was an incredibly brave thing you did but may I recommend you are taken to St Mungo's as quickly as possible."

"We have our own healer at home, Poppy always takes great care of me. I'm more interested to hear your answer to the second part of Madam Bones' proposal, Minister. Everyone is here, this could be done today."

"Oh that's far too rushed for such a sensitive matter as this..."

Harry cut right across him. "That would be a no then. Fair enough, you leave us no other choice. Dobby."

The little elf appeared before his master and then everyone present got to see a sight they'd never thought possible - an enraged house elf.

"What can Dobby do - who did this to Master Harry?"

"It's alright, Dobby. Hermione dealt with it."

Seeing the dead bodies on the floor, the elf nodded in agreement but everyone could see the little creature was more than ready to defend its master.

"Dobby, I need you to go and inform Ragnok we're calling in all the loans. Apologise that we can't make it in person but I'm going to have to see Poppy and hope she'll let me attend my party later tonight."

With a determined nod of his head, Dobby popped away to do his master's bidding. Turning to address the Wizengamot, Harry explained what had just transpired.

"Over the last month or so, many of you would have received notice from Gringotts that your loans are now under the control of a holding company. B & P holdings are owned exclusively by Lord Sirius Black and Lord Harry Potter. Since this country is clearly morally bankrupt, we don't see why our funds should continue to support it. All those loans will be called in within the next forty-eight hours."

Now there was real uproar within the chamber, with more than a few screaming at Fudge to do something about it.

The Minister of Magic tried his best. "Lord Potter, surely that's a bit excessive for simply not getting your way here today."

"No Minister, we don't think so. Trying to murder someone because you might get caught breaking the law is excessive. When your mask is removed and claims of being under someone else's control aren't even investigated, that's excessive. Putting an innocent man in Azkaban for over a decade without even a trial, now that's excessive. Before you even think of trying to assert some type of control over us, we stand here as Italian citizens - with two members of the Italian Ministry of Magic in the public gallery. They came here today hoping to question Albus Dumbledore over his illegal actions concerning a young pure-blood witch - again, that's excessive."

Handing his wand to Hermione, Harry then wandlessly tore the left sleeve of his already destroyed robe. Blood was running down his arm but there was clearly no tattoo there. "These people aren't even that hard to identify, they allowed themselves to be branded like cattle. I can't lift my arm up at the moment but I hope everyone can see I'm not a Death Eater."

Placing his right hand on his godfather's left shoulder, the sleeve of Sirius' robes joined his now laying on the floor. Unlike his godson though, Sirius' bare arm was thrust into the air. Yes he had tattoo's but there was no dark mark amongst them. As Harry made his way around their group, bare left arms raised into the air became the norm. When Amelia, quickly followed by Augusta, then did the same, it threw down the gauntlet to every single person within the chamber. This became a challenge that was rapidly accepted by all, desperate to publicly prove they were not Death Eaters.

The public gallery pounced on this idea to show their innocence, in a matter of moments no robes with left sleeves remained. With one auror already publicly exposed as being a Death Eater, the others in the chamber couldn't wait to follow their boss' example and display their 'dark mark' free arms. Faced with such a show of unity, Wizengamot members really had no choice but to bare their arms too. That this was greeted with cheering from the public gallery saw even the Minister of Magic tear his robes and raise his left arm. When the prisoners had their sleeves ripped off, all were found to be carrying the mark that literally branded them as Death Eaters.

Harry could barely stay upright by this point and knew he had to end this soon. Hermione was now physically supporting him and she also couldn't wait to get out of here. Hermione had effectively killed three people in this chamber today, while her parents had taken down another. Her mum and dad might appear totally in control but Hermione could see the cracks beginning to show. She was certain her dad would be sending her mum all the love and support he could through their bracelets but that wouldn't be enough for much longer. The entire party needed to get home and regroup or, as Hermione intended to do, cling to those she loved and cry her eyes out.

Harry made their final play. "The people have spoken, Minister. They want to see the end of this as much as we do. Pump these Death Eaters full of truth serum and learn all their secrets, as well as who their fellow Death Eaters are. Grow a backbone and deal with the problems because we'll be watching. You have forty eight hours before your country's financial affairs adjusts to match your morality - totally bankrupt. The clock is ticking."

Before anyone could answer, Harry then issued a command. "Potter emergency, go-go-go."

With that, the entire party's emergency portkeys were activated - immediately whisking them from the chamber and leaving utter chaos in their wake.


Justin, Ernie and Zac were waiting on the girls in Diagon Alley. They hadn't seen their friends since the Hogwarts Express and were delighted to receive an invitation to meet with them today. All three had also applied to attend the Potter Institute, and were hoping Susan or Hannah might have some news for them as well. All three were shocked into silence at the pair of simply stunning young ladies who approached their table in Fortescues, only Hannah's distinctive laugh gave their identities away.

The combinations of exercising every day, their suntans, sporting new hairstyles and their muggle clothing left both young witches practically unrecognisable to the three young Hufflepuff wizards who had known them for the last two years. Like teenage boys the world over, their eyes were eventually drawn like magnets to the girls' chest area.

Hannah was giggling as she spoke to her best friend. "I told you these t-shirts would be a hit. I wonder if they've worked them out yet?"

Ernie's face was bright red at being caught staring, while Zac tried to fudge his way through an answer. "I get the picture is Potter's school, and that the 'INS' stands for Institute. Shouldn't it be at the other side of the picture though, and I have no idea what the 'RE' stands for."

It was muggle-born Ernie who got the INSπRE design first. "Inspire! That' inspired choice for a school."

Susan was smiling and nodding, drawing even more attention to her t-shirt. "There was a shop in Naples that custom printed anything you wanted, and we came up with this design. Hannah and I put if forward to be considered as the new school badge, Headmistress Sprout is seriously thinking about it."

An excited squeal from Hannah summed up both girls feelings about this. "Imagine, being able to say you designed the school badge. We also had a say in the design of the Institute's uniforms - how good is that. No student's opinion was ever asked for in Hogwarts."

It was Zac who asked the question all three young wizards wanted to know the answer to. "Is the Institute really so much better than Hogwarts?"

Susan signalled for a waitress so she and Hannah could join the boys eating ice cream. Answering that question would probably see them here for a while. They were only visiting Britain today, taking advantage of the portkeys travelling for the Wizengamot session. They would be back in Italy tonight for Harry's surprise birthday party - that everybody knew about - before returning home for the rest of the summer on Monday.

Ron and Millie had taken advantage of the group portkey too so they could spend a date in Diagon Alley. While all Institute students wore personal portkeys anytime they left the school, these were the emergency return version and they all planned to met up in Gringotts later to travel back to Italy.

As well as enjoying their date, today's visit to Diagon Alley had a far more serious side to it. Millie was a fully paid up member of the 'wrapped around Joan's finger' brigade. while Ron might tease his girlfriend about this, he was delighted to be helping the little girl out today. Joan had approached Millie and asked if they could by a birthday gift for Harry - from her. No one needed to ask why Joan hadn't approached Hermione, even a four year old figured out she and Harry really had no secrets from each other and Joan wanted this to be a surprise.

Harry had given each orphan a little gold so they could have their own spending money when they visited Naples. Never having had any before, some had raced into shops and bought the first thing that caught their eye. Joan though had apparently bought one book, and trusted Millie with the rest to buy Harry's present.

Both were choked at hearing what Joan wanted, and silently promised to get the best present they could find - even if they had to add their own gold to do so. They were on their third shop when Ron called Millie over and showed a magical silver photo frame, comprised of three interlinking hoops.

"Harry loves his photos, and I have a great idea for this one. You put a picture of the person in one hoop and their name appeared carved into the silver frame. Harry in one hoop, Hermione in another and Joan in the third. He'll love it."

Instead of saying 'that's great', Millie showed her agreement by kissing her boyfriend. This was their first day away on their own, the first they weren't under Harry's hospitality, and Millie was feeling rather frisky. In one way she was glad the pace of their relationship had slowed down, it gave them more time to get to know each other properly. The other side of that argument was relevant too. The more she got to know Ron, the more certain Millie was that Ron was exactly what she'd been looking for.

Her boyfriend would be going back to the Burrow on Monday, but only until Wednesday when he would be staying with Millie for a week. Millie would also be spending the last week of summer staying with Ron at the Burrow, meaning that they would have spent almost the entire summer together. On those days where they wouldn't be staying together, there was always the floo to visit.

Putting her practical head back on, and doing some quick sums in her head, Millie made a suggestion. "I know someone else who would absolutely love that as a present too. We have enough gold between us to buy Joan one as well, put the same pictures in it, and still buy Harry a present. Harry's quite difficult to buy something for though. I mean, he has practically everything..."

"No, Harry is dead easy to buy for - because he's never had anything. Anything we buy him, he'll treasure and love. He's going to absolutely flip when he sees that present from Joan."

Ron was kissed again but, since they bought two silver photo frames, the shop owner didn't seem to mind.

Walking around the muggle or magical shopping centres in Naples wearing shorts and t-shirts wouldn't see anyone batting an eyelid at them. In Diagon Alley though it was as if they were parading around naked. Susan and Hannah were glad the three boys were with them, until they bumped into Ron and Millie. If the boys had ogled their INSπRE t-shirts, they went pi-eyed over Millie's.

Ron was more amused than annoyed, though did provide a friendly warning. "Yes, that's the best school in the world you're staring at. At least, that better be what your staring at."

Justin attempted to change the subject. "Look Ron, we know you're Harry's best friend. Could you put a word in for me? After that 'Heir of Slytherin' debacle, well I wouldn't want that to deprive me of a place in Harry's new school."

Shaking his head, Ron tried to explain something to the boy he personally thought was a pompous arse. "Justin, you're a muggle-born..."

"What's that got to do with anything?" The other two boys were ready to defend their friend when Hannah's laughter completely defused the situation.

Susan nodded to Ron that she would take over the explanation, he was quite happy to let her. "It has everything to do with it Ernie. Harry thinks the British pure-bloods want to keep the country to themselves. It's hard to argue against that, with the amount of nepotism that goes on in the Ministry of Magic. That won't happen at the Institute, or in Italy. Harry want's those who won't get a fair shake of the dice in Britain to have first refusal at attending the Institute. As a British Muggle-Born, that puts you near the head of the queue."

As a pure-blood, Zacharias Smith couldn't believe what he was hearing here. "But that's discriminating against the pure-bloods. That can't be right."

Ernie was also a pure-blood, but on a different side of the fence from Zac. "Like the pure-bloods haven't discriminated against everyone else for decades - if not centuries. All of us here could use our family names to advance any careers we choose."

Ron's quip of he couldn't brought some levity back to the situation but even Justin got this. "My name would help me in the muggle world, but count against me in the magical one."

Hannah was quick to correct her friend. "Only in Britain, Justin. They don't buy into that in Italy."

Ernie was just about to say that sounded like the place to be when the four people they were talking with suddenly disappeared. All three recognised they had left by portkey but didn't know what had triggered it. They, like the entire country would discover what happened in tomorrow's papers.


Dolores' grin was long gone, replaced by barely controlled rage. She had been revived and was now forced to sit here and listen to Wizengamot members being questioned under truth serum. That same truth was condemning those questioned to the Veil of Death, no other option was left available after hearing the atrocities they had willingly and enthusiastically committed as Death Eaters. Not only that, names of upstanding pure-bloods were being revealed as members of that outlawed organisation too. No one seriously thought these named pure-bloods would fare any better when dragged before the chamber and truth serum was forced upon them.

Her helplessness to influence this situation was rather graphically brought home though when, after being revived, she was required to show her bare left arm. The mood in the chamber was such that even a moment's hesitation saw wands being pointed in her direction.

Removing her outer robe, Dolores then rolled the sleeve of her cardigan up, claiming it was one of her favourites. The public benches had practically become a mob, one that didn't care about pink cardigans - just that there was no dark mark hidden under them. Since Dumbledore was apparently indisposed in St Mungo's, Augusta Longbottom had temporary taken up the position of Chief Witch.

With her and Bones pushing this cause for all they were worth, and a baying crowd roaring their approval of the punishments handed out, they were proving to be unstoppable. Cornelius sat there as powerless as Dolores while the pure-blood heart of their society was being all but ripped out. Even the auror wearing the dark mark didn't dent Bones' authority here, he was actually the only Death Eater to accept his fate with any form of dignity.

He'd asked not to be questioned under truth serum, citing he made a stupid mistake when much younger and wanted to spare his wife and daughter the gory details. Since he was pleading guilty and accepting a death sentence, the chamber accepted his plea before the next sobbing and pleading pure-blood was dragged in and chained to the chair.

This was not what Dolores had envisaged when she set out for the Ministry of Magic this morning. As another Death Eater condemned himself with his own words, Dolores' complexion began to take on the appearance of the creature her hated nickname compared her to. Unlike others though, Dolores' cold, clammy green tinge was not due to hearing the latest round of atrocities committed by this Death Eater. No, her reason was much more personal than that.

It suddenly occurred to Dolores that it was her scheming which had been the trigger to kick-start this whole horrendous chain of events. Their magical society was about to be forcibly and forever changed, and it was all Dolores Umbridge's fault. Now that was almost enough of a burden to turn her skin permanently green.

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