Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter 34 - Bring to Light

Since this was his third time around, Dumbledore was becoming more familiar with the inhumane process they were very deliberately putting his old body through. As the pain of being chemically forced to expel every morsel from his digestive system began to wane, his appreciation of the powerful aroma resulting from these actions became far more pronounced. Just before it became totally overpowering, the jets of ice-cold water would instantly replace the dispelling abdominal pain in refocusing his mind away from the vile stench.

Thankfully while the severe change in temperature still shocked him every time, Dumbledore couldn't deny the forcible application of the ice cold water was very effective at fulfilling its main objective - cleaning away everything his body had so recently and explosively expelled. As he lay there shivering, listening as the last of the water ran into the drains built into the floor, Dumbledore was already anticipating the next part of the process. A hot cup of tea and a mug of soup might not be much to look forward to but, until he could figure a way to get himself out of here, it was really all he had.

They wouldn't tell him how long the purging program would continue for, but the longer they took the more time he had in hand. Albus was certain once they started to ask him questions under truth serum his goose would be well and truly cooked. Interrogator Smith seemed very competent, he had no illusions that his darkest secrets wouldn't soon spill from his lips.

At that, Smith walked in with a pair of metal cylinders Albus remembered were called 'thermos flasks'. These were muggle devices that kept the tea and soup warm, since no magic would work in his cell - very clever devices that also had their own attached cups.

Pouring tea into the stainless steel cup, Smith held Dumbledore's head up and helped him sip the sweet warm liquid. When the cup was empty he switched flasks and started feeding the old wizard chicken soup.

In a vey light tone, Smith began their chat. "The latest news is you have been disowned by your brother - kicked out of the Dumbledore family. I know this is unusual - since you are the older brother - but there were so many families lining up to declare blood feud on yours. Sorry, that was rather cruel of me, since it's not your family anymore. Discovering that your brother was one of the most heavily spelled of your victims generated Abe a lot of support and sympathy - and saw the unusual motion pass through your Wizengamot unanimously. What possessed you to cast that amount of spells on your own brother - since the time he was a teenager too!"

His first serving of soup finished, Dumbledore's eyes never left the flask as it refilled the cup. He chatted away, as if having a conversation with one of his closest friends.

"Abe was telling anyone who would listen that I had murdered our sister, he didn't believe my story that it was Gellert's wand that cast the fatal blow. Gellert knew it wasn't his wand that killed Ariana and immediately ended our relationship - said I was a dark bastard. Pot, kettle, black."

Taking another welcome sip of soup, Albus continued spilling his secrets. "Abe broke my nose at Ariana's funeral by punching me like a common muggle, it was very public too. Enough people were beginning to listen to him that I had to quickly put a stop to it. He still hates me of course, it would have appeared too suspicious if I took that hatred away as well, but every so often the charms would start to wear off. I finally had to take action to destroy his reputation, annihilate his credibility, create the situation where no one would believe Abe no matter what he said. Would you believe the claims of someone who served time in Azkaban for casting inappropriate charms on goats?"

"Did you force him into life he's led?"

"I couldn't risk anyone getting too close to Abe, they might have figured out he was under so many charms. I also didn't want any Dumbledore offspring running around, possibly outshining their Uncle Albus one day. When people think of the name 'Dumbledore', I want mine to be the only one that comes to their mind."

Smith let the old wizard finish his second cup of soup before changing the subject slightly. "There's teams of wizards and goblins tearing apart your old office and accommodation at Hogwarts. One of the things they discovered was the recipe for the potion you had administered to the Longbottoms. Our experts though are saying there must be a missing step - one you didn't write down."

Albus actually smiled at that. "Yes, I was really proud of that one - such a pity I couldn't actually boast about it to anyone. I infused the potion with my magic, only someone infusing any antidote with stronger magic than mine would release them. The potion will eventually wear out of their systems, but we're talking years for that to happen - rather than months."

Having used this method a number of times - slipping the suspect truth serum while they thought they were undergoing a purging program - something about Dumbledore's demeanour had been niggling away at the experienced interrogator.

"You appear very calm for a wizard whose life and reputation now lies in tatters. Is there a reason behind this?"

"I'm certain an opportunity will present itself for me to escape, and if I don't appear for the second task then those holding me captive will lose their magic. There is also the fact I know for certain Voldemort is not gone from this world. You see, he created soul jars - horcruxes - and will never be gone as long as one of them survives. Since Harry Potter is walking about with one of those in his head, you can perhaps understand why I'm confident Voldemort will return - and the wizarding world will need me once more. Who else is going to stand up to him? After I defeat Voldemort, no one will give a fuck about my little indiscretions... I'll also be sure to secure a full pardon from whoever is in charge of this investigation before I'll even lift my wand against Voldemort."

Taking the auto-injector from his pocket, it was quickly placed against Dumbledore's thigh and the press of a button passed a different potion into the old wizard's body. It not only put Dumbledore to sleep but reacted with the truth serum already present and ensured Albus Dumbledore wouldn't remember a word he'd said today - or that he'd even been questioned at all. He would know that a purge sequence had been carried out, including the tea and soup, but nothing else.

Collecting both thermoses, he headed straight for the control room - after securing Dumbledore's cell of course.

Hugh was on duty, and waiting on him. "All readings are well within acceptable limits. Please tell me he was talking bullshit at the end there? That is without doubt the darkest bastard we've ever had in here, even the thought of him possibly getting a pardon makes me want to vomit!"

"We both know that's a decision for way above our pay scale, let's see what they make of it." Hugh handed over a recording of the interrogation, knowing just how explosive this recording could be.


Pomona had grown to love Friday evenings of a visit weekend. Since the extensive Quibbler coverage of the very first visit, families now arrived with a good idea of what awaited them. They were still almost all amazed though, that had become the standard reaction to actually visiting the Institute for the first time. That was why the only glum couple at dinner tonight attracted Pomona's attention like a moth to a flame.

"Good evening, Mr and Mrs Tonks. Is our hospitality not up to standard?"

"Oh no, Headmistress. Your hospitality matches the rest of your wonderful school - top notch. I sat through lessons today where even I learned things, about the subject our Ministry want me to teach. Emma and Dan are wonderful at what they do, and have given me their course objectives for all seven years. They've also given me their lesson plans for the first four - and apologised that they hadn't gotten around to doing the rest yet."

Andi was shaking her head in disbelief at that. "They handed me what could be the most important documents for dragging magical Britain forward into the next millennium, and then apologised for not having lesson plans for lessons they'll eventually teach over the next three years. Those documents are nothing short of remarkable, and I can't say enough about how grateful I am to receive them, but I'm sitting here racking my brains over how I can replicate what they're brilliantly doing here in a thousand year old magical castle..."

This actually had Pomona smiling. "You know, it's amazing what you get used to. For those of us working here, our students too, this very quickly became our new normal. It's hard to imagine that a little over six months ago, we were just starting to put ideas down on paper. Our biggest and best decision was to choose the architect we did to design and get the Institute built. We all decided on a brilliant young lady by the name of Francesca Rossi - though she will become Lady Black before Christmas. She, more than anyone knows the problem you will face. We gave her an extensive list of requirements - which were continually added to - and she surpassed them all when she delivered us the Institute. Dobby..."

The little elf appeared at Pomona's side and she had her question ready. "Is Sirius and Francesca meeting with Harry and Hermione tonight?"

Dobby quickly confirmed they, and the Grangers, were having dinner in their accommodation while discussing tomorrow's wedding shopping trip to Naples.

"Could you ask if they could spare some time to speak with the Tonks?"

Before Ted or Andi could object about disturbing them, Dobby had popped away to ask. It was only a couple of minutes later that Dobby returned, only this time by a different method of transport. Joan was holding his hand and enthusiastically pulling Dobby into the dining area. The little girl headed straight for Pomona, guessing that the people sitting beside the Headmistress were the Tonks.

"Hello, are you Mr and Mrs Tonks? I'm Joan Potter - pleased to meet you. I'm here to take you to our rooms. Uncle Sirius says he has a surprise for you. Uncle Sirius is quite funny, but sometimes his surprises are not ones you would want or like. Harry calls them pranks, I'm not supposed to repeat what mum calls them - or what she calls Uncle Sirius sometimes."

Andi couldn't help but smile at the little girl, who seemed to say all that without taking a breath. Beside her, Ted was chuckling away. Both stood, and ended up with Joan between them. Taking a hand each before leading the way, with Dobby walking a step behind his little Miss.

The Tonks had spent their entire day with Dan and Emma, and also met Harry and Hermione in one of their classes. They of course already knew Sirius, who took great delight in introducing them to his fiancée.

Getting the Tonks' seated as Dobby provided some refreshments and cake, it was a grinning Harry who got the ball rolling. "Let me guess. You've loved what you've seen here today, but have no idea how to make that work in Hogwarts. You'll have quickly reached the conclusion that it just can't be done inside the castle, there will need to be a new building specifically designed and built to accommodate the running of the course. Bearing in mind the British Ministry couldn't even come up with a course, what do you think the chances are of them being able to manage that?"

Kissing her betrothed on the cheek, Hermione took over. "We're not saying that to score some cheap points here, but we all know it's the truth. The Ministry has looked down on muggles and the muggleborn for so long, they have no idea how to even approach this problem - which is why they approached you. We happen to think this is a wonderful idea though, and want to support it - and you - as much as we can."

Harry seamlessly took over. "We have pureblood students here who are learning to mix with Italian muggles. Learning a dress code, speaking a little of their language and confidentially using their currency to buy what they want in Muggle shops and cafes. They all love learning and doing it, and have no intention of ever giving that activity up. Once you can show the students what's available to them on the Muggle side of the equation, pureblood supremacy holds very little attraction for them whatsoever. My parents died over a decade ago defeating a dark Lord - and nothing inside magical Britain changed. For that institution to survive the drain of witches and wizards abandoning the sinking ship, there needs to be massive changes - and those changes need to happen as soon as possible. Francesca?"

Dobby was beside Francesca, with her required bag, before she could even move to get it. "Thank you Dobby. Andi and Ted, you just got a small taste of how the Institute was able to be built in such a short space of time. These two are very determined, know what they want and quite decisive when they set their minds about something. I have to warn you, these are mere sketches - they only approached me with this brief a few days ago."

Sirius passed the sketches along to Andi, who wasn't exactly sure what she was looking at. Harry soon cleared that confusion up.

"What your looking at there is the first drawings of The Lily Potter Faculty of Modern Studies, to be designed by Lady Francesca Black and built at Hogwarts. I'm willing to fund the costs of designing, building, fitting and furnishing this faculty at the edge of the Hogwarts wards. All the technology you will need would of course be included to. I would advise hiring someone to keep all the tech running, and they could also act as your Assistant Professor. Hogwarts can pick up that wage bill but we'll fund everything else - including an inbuilt contract to keep the technology updated. We have a specific location on the Hogwarts grounds in mind, but the final decision on that would of course be up to the architect - Francesca."

Andi was speechless, currently switching between studying the drawings and starting at this pair of unbelievable teens. It was left to Ted to break their silence. "This is a fantastic offer, that's going to cost you a small fortune. I'm struggling to see what you get out of it though?"

A grinning Harry couldn't help but look at his godfather. "Sirius was asked the exact same question about his sponsorship of the Black Orphanage, his answer that day was outstanding - and could easily also apply here. To be perfectly frank, no one connected with the Institute wants to see Hogwarts close its doors. For it to remain open though, vast improvements in curriculum and attitudes needs to be made. The Lily Potter Faculty of Modern Studies is a massive step in the right direction. If that's not worth investing in, then I don't know what is."

Taking a quick glance at his smiling godfather, Harry continued with what he wanted to say. "The Potter Institute was always intended to be a family legacy. This facility can be one too. Built in honour of a former muggleborn Hogwarts Head Girl who - in a time of terrorism against people like her - shone a spotlight on the pureblood supremacy crowd and showed them for the imbeciles that they are. I've personally seen all types of blood spilt, including my own, and none of it looked any different to me. The only purpose of our blood is so it can continue being pumped around our bodies and keeping its owner alive."

Hermione noticed Joan's nose twitching. She normally just asked when something was bothering her now, but obviously having company left her unsure whether she should here. "Something the matter, sweetie?"

"What's pureblood superman?"

Trying not to laugh at that image, Hermione attempted to explain. "Some witches and wizards, whose parents are also wizards and witches going back a few generations, think that makes them better than everyone else. That their pureblood makes them superior."

Joan's eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open as she glanced around the room at the people she considered family. "That's just stupid. No one's better than you, Harry - or the rest of our family. No one at the Institute thinks like that!"

It was a smiling Dan who said what everyone else was thinking. "Out of the mouths of babes. If a four year old can see that, how can the British Ministry run a society built on embracing those values?"

Francesca snuggled into Sirius. "It is just all so totally different than what I'm used to. That day in the Wizengamot, they were starting at me like I was an exhibit in a zoo. They will never accept me married to Sirius..."

"Which is why we'll be living in Italy - in a house designed and built by my brilliant wife-to-be. As you can see, since there is a wedding to organise too, this genius next to me is a very busy lady. Even so, she's prepared to have this facility built at Hogwarts - up and running before the end of March."

This rebooted Andi's brain. "How could you possibly have something as complicated as this ready so quickly? Do you know what the weather is like in the Scottish Highlands at this time of year?"

"Oh, that won't be a problem. We'll erect a weather dome, clear and prepare the ground before portkeying the prefabricated sections into the dome and joining them together. If your Ministry and school approve this project, I will go there with a surveyor and be able to firm up the dates for starting and finishing."

Indicating the drawings Andi was drooling over, Francesca went into a little more detail. "A self-contained generator is probably the easiest solution to power the facility but we will need to run telephone and coms lines from wherever the nearest points are. As you can see from the drawings, the facility will have a classroom - similar to the one the Grangers use here. There will also be a computer suite, since laptops are not really a practical solution - they wouldn't function outside the facility."

The Tonks had heard from the Grangers today that each Modern Studies students entering their OWL year would be provided with a laptop for use through to their NEWTs. The Institute was currently investigating the best wireless system to be installed over the coming summer. This was simply not an option available at Hogwarts so the computer suite made sense.

"There is also the equivalent of a muggle flat built into the facility. While fully functioning, it's main use will of course be for demonstration purposes. Both the classroom and computer suite will have projectors fitted, and can easily be used as a version of our cinema..."

This proved too much for Ted. "You have a cinema here too! I should have gone on the tour with the Headmistress, while you stayed in Modern Studies."

This drew a chuckle from Sirius. "I'll see if Minnie can give you a walk round tomorrow, as we're all heading into Naples...." A quick glance at Francesca saw instant agreement for the idea he'd just had. "Would you like to spend the day in Naples with us? We always intended to invite you both and Nymie to our wedding, and plan to do some clothes shopping for that tomorrow. From a professional point of view, a visit to a muggle shopping area is certainly something you should consider building into your course. We've been privileged to watch our lot experience Naples for the first time, it really was a life-changing experience for all of them."

It was a delighted couple who quickly agreed to accompany the group to Naples in the morning. Both already understood their lives had radically changed since the moment they'd stepped inside this wonderful school, with tomorrow now promising to be of a similar magnitude too. It was pretty daunting though to realise that you were being charged with the formidable task of changing the attitudes of magical Britain's students. Looking at these wonderful drawings once again, Andi for the very first time, actually began to believe she just might have a shot at pulling the impossible off.


While Harry enjoyed the monthly family visits, he strangely preferred the Monday mornings after - when the Institute returned to normal. That normally didn't last for long though, as Harry found himself being accompanied to Pomona's office by an equally bewildered Professor de Marko - with Penny temporarily taking over their potions class.

Upon arrival, they discovered Pomona had a visitor, the Italian Minister of Magic no less. A clearly agitated Minister barely allowed them to take their seats before starting on the reason he was here.

"Dumbledore's interrogation has thrown up some very disturbing allegations, concerning yourself, Lord Potter, and Voldemort. The Headmistress assured me you wouldn't mind talking about this in front of Professor de Marco, as I also need to speak to her on another matter."

"The Headmistress has full disclosure on this matter, as do the staff and my friends who spent the summer at my home. The matter was dealt with before the Headmistress began appointing staff to the Institute, hence why Professor de Marco wouldn't know anything about it. It's really not something the people who were involved want to talk about, although there was always the chance we would have to."

Nodding in understanding why she wasn't included in this information, the potions Professor was then almost physically sick as her Minister laid out these allegations.

"Dumbledore claims Voldemort made horcruxes, and can't be banished until all of these are dealt with. His most shocking claim though is that you have one in your head..." The Minister didn't need to say anymore, the consequences of that being true didn't require explanation.

Rosa though required a drink before they could continue this conversation. Wishing it was something stronger than orange juice - even at this time on a Monday morning. There really was no good time to hear news as bad as this, about a young man her whole family had grown to care for. Rosa tried not to think about the Potter girl her own children had practically adopted as a sibling before nodding she was back under control - and ready to hear more.

"Most of what Dumbledore claims is, or was, true. That he had all that information for over a decade - yet did nothing about it - makes us very suspicious over his claims to be the supposed 'Leader of the Light'. Dumbledore's greater good is exactly that - what's good for him. We have a top Italian Mind Healer visiting the Institute today to routinely check on Ginny - because she came into contact with one of these things. I'm sure he would take time to examine me as well, give you some practical evidence to back up what you're about to hear."

The Minister and Rosa would both be ecstatic just to be told things weren't as disastrous as they thought, although both appreciated corroborating evidence would go further in dismissing these claims.

"Near the end of our last term at Hogwarts, Lord Black, Hermione and myself came closer to death than any of us want to think about. I actually did receive a kiss from a dementor - not one of life's most pleasant experiences. The thing is, it sucked the part of Voldemort right out of me - and released my magic to previously unknown levels. I was able to cast a corporal patronus powerful enough to drive the entire swarm away before they could get their hands on Sirius or Hermione. I'm certain the horcrux is gone, and positive the Mind Healer will be able to confirm that."

The two Italians in the room felt their spirits lift at this news, but Harry wasn't finished yet.

"I destroyed the one that possessed Ginny in Hogwarts, Hermione and I actually found another hidden in the castle before we left. It was destroyed by using the same method that worked on the first. Before we left Britain for Italy, passing news of this evil to Gringotts saw another horcrux being found in one of their customer's vaults. The Goblins hate these things, as any rational being would, and came fully on board with destroying any more this monster had made."

It was Harry's turn to need something to drink, with Dobby instantly appearing with a cold glass of juice. Thanking the little guy, he took a couple of sips before continuing. "Curse Breaker Bill Weasley was assigned to join the team of myself, Hermione, Sirius and Remus who would actually hunt these things. Since they were in Britain, Amelia Bones, who was head of their DMLE at the time, joined the team too. We destroyed another at Voldemort's mother's old shack, and were actively planning on capturing what we knew to be the last remaining horcrux when it accidentally fell into goblin hands. We all really celebrated that news, as Voldemort had protected these monstrosities with lethal wards and deadly traps. He was mortal when the dragon killed him, there's no coming back from that."

The Minister began to relax for the first time since hearing of this, knowing healer evidence and corroboration from both Amelia Bones and Gringotts would satisfy even the most sceptical amongst them. He would be recommending immediately moving Dumbledore to trial, there was already a mountain of evidence that would see him found guilty of a multitude of charges.

"Really glad to hear that, Lord Potter. Now, something else we got out of Dumbledore was that the potion fed to the Longbottoms was infused with his magic. The antidote, that Professor de Marco led the creation of, will need to be infused with even more powerful magic than Dumbledore's to actually be effective. It will eventually wear off, but we could be looking at years for that to happen."

Harry was quiet for a few minutes as he and Hermione searched through Tom's vast knowledge, looking for a solution. "We might have a method to help, but would rather discuss it with Poppy, the mind healer and our potions Professor - before going anywhere near Neville or Augusta with this."

Since this could and would happen today, all quickly agreed to that plan. After discovering Harry didn't have death literally hanging over his head and the Dark Lord really was gone for good, both Italians present were ready to agree to practically anything this young man wanted.


Andi was beginning to regret telling the Minister that anyone was welcome to her demonstration lesson tonight. A small conference room at a local hotel had been hired to basically give the Grangers 'Introduction to Modern Studies' lesson to whoever showed up. She didn't bat an eyelash at the Minister arriving with Arthur Weasley, Griselda Marchbanks and another three people she didn't recognise. It was the party from Hogwarts that threw Andi off her stride.

Only having Ted there at her side allowed the witch to cope with the fact her pregnant sister and nephew were in the same room as her. After that, discovering the current Hogwarts Muggle Studies Professor was also in their party hardly bothered Andi at all - which was strange since she was effectively auditioning here to take that witch's job.

With Ted's arm around her, Andi was able to take a deep calming breath and start her lesson.

"Good evening everyone, and thank you for coming along tonight. What I plan to do here is give a basic introduction to the things you see around you - electric lights, the projector and my laptop to name but a few - and how they all work by electricity."

With Ted acting as her assistant, operating the laptop, passing out the samples of wire loaned from the Institute - he even demonstrating fuse blowing on the rig Dan had built - Andi taught her lesson. While playing the short video clips of the Institute's power and communication control cupboards, Andi also explained that the building they were currently sitting in would have something very similar to carry out the exact same functions.

At the end of her lesson, Ted used the laptop to log into a news channel. With the date and time clearly displayed, their guests could easily see this was live. After a few minutes, which Andi needed to gather her thoughts, Ted lowered the sound - which appeared to emphasise the silence in the room. As Arthur had the most experience of the Institute, it was perhaps understandable that it would be him who broke the silence.

"Outstanding Andi, Dan and Emma would be proud of that lesson."

Andi wasn't about to take credit for something that wasn't hers. "That lesson was designed by the Grangers, they've given me their entire course - including all the computer files too. Being there, and watching them teach - it really opened my eyes."

Cornelius had instigated this entire thing, and really couldn't sit here with his mouth hanging open any longer. He'd thought watching Augusta Longbottom using a phone was astonishing, this last hour just blew his mind.

"Mrs Tonks, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that is one of the most profound things we've ever seen. I'm really hoping you can answer my next question though, as I don't think there's another witch or wizard in this room who has the first clue how what we've just witnessed can possibly be taught at Hogwarts."

With a wry smile, Ted switched off the news program as a few pictures were now displayed in a slow loop on the screen by the hotel's projector.

Andi then explained the pictures. "This is the Muggle shopping area in Naples. The Institute's students all get opportunities to visit here, their Modern Studies and Italian languages classes providing the abilities to blend into their surroundings. Dan Granger took me into a shop selling technology and recommended the laptop computer you see there - Harry bought it for me and then Dan loaded all the files they had onto it."

Severus couldn't hold back any longer. "Why would Potter buy that for you? What's in it for him and his Institute?"

"Oh, that's quite simple - no one at the Potter Institute wants Hogwarts to close its doors. Yes they want the school to change, but not close. With that in mind, as well as arranging the hire of these facilities tonight, he's also making the following offer."

As new pictures were now being displayed, Andi once again offered an explanation to what they were seeing. "This is the proposed 'Lily Potter Faculty of Modern Studies'. It would be designed by the same architect who designed and built the Potter Institute, and her work redesigning and refurbishing the Black Orphanage is nothing short of miraculous. This team have the expertise that everyone in this room is sadly lacking, and figured out within minutes such facilities couldn't exist within a castle whose rooms have been bathed in magic for a millennium."

If a voice could be described as 'dusty', then Griselda's was as she asked the questions that cut right to the heart of the matter. "How much would something like this cost? Who would know how to furnish and equip this building? I don't even recognise half the stuff shown on these pictures, far less how they got up on that screen."

"I have no idea of the total cost, but can tell you exactly how much it will cost the Ministry and Hogwarts. Harry intends to pay for everything, including renewing all the electrical equipment as it becomes necessary. He described it to me like top of the range racing brooms - after five years they won't be the best anymore. Incidentally, that laptop sitting there cost more than the new Firebolt - and each of the computers for this faculty will cost about the same."

Severus just had to question Potter's motives again. "What does Potter and his Institute get out of this? Surely he must have a long list of demands? No one throws that amount of gold around for nothing."

"Other than not wanting Hogwarts to close, he has no hidden motives or other agenda here. He has requested the faculty be positioned at a certain part of Hogwarts grounds, but concedes that decision will be made by the architect. Her involvement - as well as the faculty's name - are non-negotiable , to be frank we're very lucky to have Francesca onboard. She's brilliant, and very busy - including getting married to Lord Black just before Christmas. She also thinks this building will be up and in use by the end of March, Francesca will provide firmer dates after visiting the site - if this proposal is accepted by you. One other small point, Ted assisted me greatly tonight. Dan and Emma Granger effortlessly switch roles between teaching and operating the equipment. I would need an assistant professor, preferably one who was more knowledgeable than me on the equipment side - and could keep it all maintained and running. Harry has no intention of paying this person's salary, that will have to be picked up by the Ministry or Hogwarts."

It was now Arthur's turn to bombard Andi with questions, without giving her time to answer any. Andi eventually put both her hands in the air to signal her surrender, as an embarrassed Arthur stopped speaking.

"I don't know the answer to most of those questions, Arthur, and I don't have to. Pomona explained to me that they sat down with Francesca and gave her a list of what they wanted, she returned with drawings that explained how that would happen. Everyone had an input before Francesca turned those ideas into the most amazing place I've ever been. We have to be honest here and say none of us would even know what to ask for. We have an expert available, who will take the knowledge she gained from building the Institute to make this faculty the best it can be. Harry only pays for the best, with Francesca Rossi's involvement that's exactly what we would be getting."

Having been happy staying in the background all evening, Ted felt obliged to raise an important point here.

"When Francesca visited the Ministry, she ended up with a wand at her throat. The way squibs are treated in this country is scandalous, certainly worse than myself as a muggle born. Here's the thing though, she's Italian - where that kind of discrimination simply doesn't happen and certainly wouldn't be tolerated - and one of that country's most sought after architects. By the time she comes to start this project, she will also be the Lady Black. Anyone insulting her over blood status - or lack of magic - would not only see the wrath of Houses Black and Potter descend on them but you would have an international incident on your hands too. Without Francesca, this project doesn't even get off the ground. There is no expertise within Magical Britain to even attempt this, and Harry certainly wouldn't pay for something not up to the same standards as the Institute."

While agreeing with every word her husband just said, Andi maybe wouldn't have stated it so bluntly. "Minister Fudge, we all support what you're trying to do here. It's not just the right thing to do, it's the only thing we can do to try and save our society. We only spent one weekend visiting the Institute and Naples but already feel safe in saying the vast majority of the students attending there won't want to return to Britain by the time they graduate. Without change, without this faculty, it's not only Hogwarts days that are numbered."

"Is this Institute really that good?"

Hearing that from Draco made Andi smile. "While the facilities and Professors are world class, the thing that amazed me most was the atmosphere. It was so welcoming, so inclusive. We were there while the monthly family visits were taking place. Those students who had their families visit were understandably ecstatic, but their friends were very happy for them too. Whether it was because their parents had visited before, or were scheduled to visit later in the term, I never saw one bit of jealousy all weekend. Every student is treated exactly the same, a policy that includes the school's owner, and that policy is working incredibly well for them."

Nodding in agreement, Arthur had spent more time at the Institute than anyone else in the room. "That's a great observation, Andi, and one I totally agree with. The change in my own children is nothing short of astonishing. Ginny's coming on by leaps and bounds, Ron has really embraced learning Italian and the twins haven't pulled a prank since leaving Hogwarts. Percy thoroughly enjoys working there, and says he's learning so much. I also agree with your earlier point, Molly and I think we'll need to travel to Italy to visit any grandchildren they have in the future. Amelia's ahead of the game and is already working out there."

This was Cornelius's worst fear happening right in front of him, the haemorrhaging of witches and wizards from the shores of Britain to pastures new. Every single person in the room understood Hogwarts desperately needed this new faculty, and here it was offered at a price and timeline the Minister of Magic couldn't even have dreamed of.

"Mrs Tonks, the Ministry and Hogwarts will be delighted to accept Lord Potter's incredible offer. I would also like to congratulate you on an amazing presentation, the Hogwarts students will be lucky to have you. Congratulations on being appointed Head of the Lily Potter Faculty of Modern Studies."

While Andi appeared delighted, her sister spotted where her eyes had travelled to. These Black sisters spoke for the first time in two decades. "Andi, Charity is retraining to replace Binns - she will be our new History of Magic Professor. That lesson was amazing! Congratulations, and welcome to our new Hogwarts family."

Andi was lost for words, while shedding tears and wearing a massive smile. Charity tried to help out Hogwarts newest Professor. "From where I'm sitting, that looks like a stellar decision on my part. Outstanding lesson, Professor Tonks - and none of what you've shown us here is part of the current Muggle Studies curriculum. You really have torn the book up and written your own."

"Oh no, as I said earlier, the Grangers really have to take the credit for that. They were thinking of books to recommend for coursework, but seem to be leaning towards lists of web addresses." Spotting the blank looks, she went over to her laptop and typed in a web address, while giving a quick explanation of what a web address was. Those looks changed from blank to shocked and astonishment at the information Andi was able to pull up on the screen by pushing some buttons.

They were still sitting stunned when Ted returned with a couple of the hotel staff, who laid out a small buffet and drinks. Ted figured he'd be making a trip to the bar soon, tea, coffee or juice wouldn't be enough for some people here.

Cornelius thanked Ted for the glass of brandy, before he approached Andi. "I really would like to thank Lord Potter personally for such a gift, I'm sure Headmaster Snape would too. Is there any way we could visit the Institute - even over the holidays if it was more convenient for him?"

This had Andi immediately shaking her head. "Certainly not over the holidays. The entire Black Orphanage is spending Christmas at the Institute, planning for this apparently started back in August. Everyone is so looking forward to it, with Sirius and Francesca coming back from their honeymoon to spend Christmas with everyone."

This news had Cornelius puzzled. "I've not heard anything about that?"

A smiling Arthur joined the conversation. "Molly and I will be there to help, we did the same when Harry took the children to his house during summer while their new orphanage was being made ready. You might see some pictures in the Quibbler after the event. I already know what those pictures will show, children having a great time - and Harry won't feature in any of them. I've never met anyone who shuns their fame as much as Harry does."

"There are students from Hogwarts spending Christmas there too, visiting friends and probably lending a helping hand looking after the orphans. Relax, Minister, they're all too old to attend the Institute as students. That was also a very smart move making Professor Tonks a Head of Faculty. She should be on the same salary as a Head of House, and anyone skilled enough to act as her assistant salaried as a full professor. We need good people so have to pay the salaries to attract and keep them there. As my wife has already said, Professor Tonks, that was simply an amazing lesson."

"Thank you, Headmaster. When I phone Harry to tell him this proposal has been accepted, that will put things into motion. Francesca will start on the detailed drawings the builders will need, and try to work a date when she can visit Hogwarts to plot a suitable site for the new faculty. I will of course mention that the Minister and yourself would like to visit the Institute, and am sure he'll pass that request on to Pomona."

"Won't it be Potter who makes that decision?" Andi and Arthur laughed at Severus's question.

"Harry is certainly the owner, but during term time he insists on being treated the same as the other students. He appointed Pomona as Headmistress and expects her to run the school, which she does fantastically well. Nothing happens at the Institute without her approval, she is most definitely in charge." Arthur was still chuckling, now more at the confused expressions on the faces of the Minister and the Snapes.

Nursing her third brandy, Griselda approached with her problem. "I hardly understood any of that tonight. How in the name of Merlin is my department supposed to examine students sitting that course?"

Andi though was having a stellar evening, and was glad the Grangers had already prepared her with an answer to that as well. She really couldn't thank them enough, before thinking it was their future son-in-law who was making this entire thing possible. For Andi, seeing her sister talking with Ted was proof these changes really could work. Once more Harry Potter was stepping in to save Britain, and once more he wouldn't want any credit for his actions.


The third Black sister was having a totally different type of evening, Bella was once more ranting at her current lot in life. "Living like a fucking muggle again, if you can call this living! How long is it going to take the bloody Ministry to announce the date of this second task?"

Her three companions were listing with one ear, having heard this many, many times before. There was also the fact that Bella's bloodlust had been somewhat sated when the owners of the last place they'd been hiding out had unexpectedly turned up. Bella had vented her frustration on the middle aged couple for hours, their screams pushing the silencing charms to the very limit.

Since Bella really couldn't use magic to torture the muggles, she'd been forced to get creative. They then had to burn the house down, again using muggle methods so as not to attract the Ministry's attention. Whether the muggle authorities discovered the victims had been tortured before being murdered was neither here nor there to them. With no magic being used, and more than enough psychos in the Muggle world to go around, no one would be looking for four dead Death Eaters.

The three wizards though all recognised this reprieve from Bella's murderous tendencies was only temporary. They needed the Ministry to announce the date of this second task quickly, allowing Bella to focus her dark tendencies on something - and someone - else. What in the name of Merlin was holding them up?

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