Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter 32 - Changes

Granny V Gone for Good

With an almighty crunch, the former monstrous Dark Lord was instantly transformed into a monstrous Dragon's Lunch. The very name 'Voldemort' had held the entire country in an iron grasp of terror for decades, yet a couple of muggles left this Dark Lord defenceless before the dragon attacked - and the rest was over very quickly. Granny V was gambling that no one would attack her, because the unbreakable magical contract the tournament invoked would see those attackers lose their magic. As Hermione Granger's father so eloquently pointed out, neither he nor his wife had any magic to loose. Using muggle means, both soon had Granny V on the ground and bleeding. This was taken as an invitation to lunch by the huge Hungarian Horntail, and no one was foolish enough to try and disagree with the massive dragon's decision.

This reporter did learn that the dragon handlers were later approached by a Ministry representative, asking if it would be possible to recover Voldemort's wand from the dragon. The representative was immediately given permission to sift through the Horntail's dung, but was advised they didn't thing the wand would survive its journey through the Horntail's digestive system. The representative was also advised to compile a will before beginning this task, as the handlers didn't think they would survive trying to sift through a nesting Horntail's dung either.

Bella could read no more. "Muggles, fucking muggles! That thing was certainly not our master, letting a couple of muggles get the better of them. I would have happily sacrificed my magic to put an end to that abomination..." The three wizards currently sharing this house with Bella could all see her thinking something, all of them instantly recognising this could be bad.

"Does the Prophet say when the date for the second task is?"

Having already read the newspaper before returning with it, Augustus was able to answer Bella instantly. "No, I suspect how the task ended put that decision out of their minds. We should know in a day or two though. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that if I have to live like a muggle, wearing their clothes and eating their food, I might as well become one. We can't even use our magic, in case it attracts attention from the Ministry - so what's the point in having it? Our way of life is gone forever but we can still choose how we go on from this life - killing Potter, or even Dumbledore would be a fitting end."

Her husband wanted some clarification. "Are you suggesting a suicide mission?"

"Not exactly, but if I go I want to take as many of those fuckers with me as I possibly can. This hiding amongst the muggles is keeping us free - but we have no freedom - or life. We tried Europe, that wasn't any better. Do you really want to move further away, start again with nothing? Become Mr and Mrs fucking Average in Australia, get jobs and live normal lives? That's not me..."

Indicating the issue of the Prophet they were currently reading, Bella really made her point. "And that's not how I want to be remembered either. They've turned our Master's memory into a fucking joke - that thing he became treated as nothing more than a clown. They will be selling dragon eating Granny V cuddly toys for Christmas, and people too frightened to say our Master's name will buy them up for their little brats. I just wanted to put this on the table, see if you three can come up with another option that will give our lives meaning - instead of our deaths."

With that, Bella left the three stunned men sitting there while she went to lie down. Her anger was never far away, just bubbling below the surface. Bella could effectively keep a lid on it, if there was a possible outlet on the horizon. At the moment they had nothing, making every day harder than the one before. Without such an outlet, it was only a matter of time before her temper got away from her - and that would be disastrous. They would need to blow something up, or burn something down, soon, before those urges became uncontrollable.

Of the three men left with their thoughts, it was somewhat predictable that Augustus was the first to speak. "I'm not comfortable going into an attack where we have no exit strategy, other than take as many of the fuckers with us as we can. To be honest, I'm too young and handsome to die for a good while yet."

Since Augustus was clearly none of those things, it raised a couple of wry smiles amongst the brothers. Knowing his wife better than anyone, Rodolphus stated what the other two had already surmised.

"She needs an outlet, or at least a fixed time for one. Hitting a muggle target would be easy, and not very satisfying. Dropping into a Diagon Alley packed with people shopping for Yule would be better, but would instantly unleash the Ministry onto our heads - for very little gain. I can see why she's drawn to this tournament, the Prophet said the first task was broadcast live all over Europe. Like you though, I'd like to go to Hogwarts with an exit plan."

"What about the technique this granny thing used to hide - the Prophet claims it just walked out of a boulder. Could we use something like that?" Rabastan looked toward Augustus for an answer to his question.

"We need a lot more information, since we currently don't have any. Depending on the security around the event, we may even be able to get in there by using glamour charms. Remember, no one is looking for us here. If we can keep that status until the task, polyjuice potion should see us able to stroll right in there. Tomorrow's Prophet should give us some of what we need to know."

They left their discussion for now, all understanding events beyond their control would dictate most of their decisions and tactics.


Pomona entered the infirmary, immediately noticing the crowd around the Longbottom beds this morning. Poppy was there too, so she asked for an update.

"Whatever potions they've been given, those potions have been getting administered for over a decade. I'm not expecting any changes for at least another day, it will take that long for the potions to begin working their way out of their systems. I hope to know more when Professor de Marco is able to analyse what's exactly in those potions."

"I have Miss Clearwater and Mr Weasley covering her classes for today, freeing her up to concentrate on this. Her research should at least give us an idea of what we're dealing with." Addressing the students gathered there, Pomona gave them a gentle reminder. "I hope everyone remembers that there are no bells in the infirmary, watch your time for first period."

After receiving a number of 'yes, Headmistress' replies, Pomona nodded to Augusta before making her way over to Poppy's other patient. She knew the group that had summered with Harry were now all close, but to see every one of them here this morning - supporting Neville - brought a smile to her lips.

"How are you feeling today, Miss Delacour?"

"Much better, 'Eadmistriss. I talked 'zings over with my parents and would like to stay 'ear until I'm 'ealed. 'Ogwarts I found lacking in nearly everything, but your Institute est magnifique!"

"Thank you, we try our best. Will your parents be staying to?"

"Non, papa 'as to return to work, mama 'as to go 'ome - my little sister is 'zere."

"Your mother would be welcome to return with your sister. We also have childcare facilities at the Institute and, if my memory serves me right, Madam Riccio listed French as one of the languages she speaks."

Fluer couldn't hold back the tears, and her parents then turned up at what could have become an awkward moment. She acted before that could happen, exclaiming loudly to her parents that Gabrielle was invited to stay as well.

Apolline's entire demeanour changed in an instant. "Oh 'zank you, 'Eadmistress. I didn't want to leave Fleur but 'ave already been away too long from Gabrielle. She is only eight, and misses us 'orribly when we 'ave to travel."

"Think nothing of it, we have a number of younger children at the Institute. I believe you met one of them last night. If you arrange your portkey back home, we can supply you with an Institute one to return you and your daughter to here. I think Filius's holding the office position this morning, Minerva and I have classes first period."

With that, Pomona really did have to leave.


The head Unspeakable was shown into the Minister's office, finding a grinning Cornelius reading a report.

"You got him then?"

"Oh yes, and our aurors are being very thorough. They stripped him of all clothes, trinkets and even his glasses, before shaving his head bald and whipping that beard off. As the report says, Dumbledore could have hidden a bloody hippogriff in there. He's currently dosed with Draught of the Living Death, and still under auror guard too. Letting him escape would be a total embarrassment, one I don't think my Ministry would recover from."

"What do you intend to do with him?"

That question actually drew a sigh from the Minister. "As much as I'd like to put him on public trial, there's just so much more that urgently needs done right now - trying to fix all the shit he's caused for a start. I'm thinking of handing him over to the ICW, let Dumbledore become their problem. I know they're desperate to get their hands on him, and it might buy us some goodwill from their direction too." Cornelius thought the Unspeakable was nodding in agreement, at least the hood moved.

"I think that's a good solution, Minister. You'll be pleased to know we also have a solution to your tournament woes as well. Throwing the Goblet of Fire and the Triwizard Cup through the Veil of Death will end all contracts associated with the tournament."

There was no imagination needed this time, Cornelius was definitely shaking his head in disbelief. "I don't know if Dumbledore hadn't thought of that, or was determined the tournament had to continue anyway, but that's a brilliant solution to this problem. I want you to collect both and keep them somewhere safe, and tell no one you have them. This must be kept secret."

"You don't want me to destroy them now?"

With the voice modification spell on the Unspeakable's hood, you couldn't tell if you were talking to a witch or a wizard - far less garner any expressions from what they said. Cornelius chose to believe he'd surprised the Unspeakable, and then gave his reason for doing so.

"Dumbledore is still a extremely powerful and very resourceful wizard. Whether the ICW will be able to hold him during any trial, get a conviction and then keep him contained in a prison is debatable. If they manage all that, we can end the tournament without anyone risking their magic by detaining a champion. Should he escape, the fact Dumbledore is still a champion means he has to turn up at Hogwarts on a date and time of our choosing."

There was a minute of silence, the Unspeakable clearly thinking things through. "Assuming the task is broadcast live on the wireless again, we would know at once when Dumbledore shows up. Throwing the goblet and cup through the veil then would allow the aurors to take him down - without risking their magic."

"I like that plan - I like that plan a lot. I'll now need to contact the ICW, see if they're interested in collecting our prisoner from a Ministry holding cell. Then I'll be heading off to Hogwarts, trying to keep the castle open for business. The healers should finish scanning the Ministry personnel sometime today, there will be an emergency Wizengamot meeting called for tomorrow morning. After that, we should be able to go public with this - and start offering scans to everyone."

Sensing their dismissal, the Unspeakable stood to leave. "I'll get the goblet and cup safely locked away, then we'll see what happens." With the Minister agreeing, the Unspeakable left to complete their task.


Lunchtime was a welcome relief for Harry and Hermione, sitting with Joan between them centring their attention once more. They'd just come from a double period of transfiguration, where McGonagall had sprung a surprise on them - demonstrating to the class the transfiguration they'd used in yesterday's task at Hogwarts. She'd left the last half hour of their lesson free so the two champions could be front and centre.

Hermione confessed over their bond that she found McGonagall sitting in the front row watching them more terrifying than doing this in the arena with the dragon present.

Harry's answer of 'well I think a Hebridean Black would kick a Swedish Short Snout's arse any day of the week' almost had Hermione losing control of her transfiguration as she laughed in his head - almost.

Ron was eating like he'd forgotten all those manners so recently learned. After shovelling down his usual amount of food in roughly half the time, the reason became clear as he pulled a pile of parchment - each bit appeared covered in names and diagrams - from his bag.

"We really should have had some practice sessions, a few pick-up games last weekend doesn't prepare us for this match tomorrow. Are you sure I can't convince you to play seeker, Harry?"

With a groan, Harry answered his friend - and team captain - again. "We've had this discussion, Ron, many times. The next task at Hogwarts has us on brooms, Hermione and me playing chasers allows us to work on our coordination. On parchment, what's your best team?"

"Well, me in goal, the twins as beaters, you, Hermione and Ginny as chasers - with Colin as seeker."

"Ron, that's a Gryffindor team - you really need to mix it up more."

"I could replace one of the twins with Millie?"

This had Hermione laughing. "Replacing one Weasley with another is hardly helping." Ron was now bright red, while Millie appeared delighted.

Harry held his hand out, and Ron gave him the list of players in the squad. "Our friends who trained and flew all summer with us all saw a big improvement in their flying."

With Neville down as the other replacement beater, Hannah a chaser, Susan Ron's back-up and Luna seeker, it was easy to see the impact their holidays had. With Dean and Daphne taking up the other two chaser slots, Harry though Ron had done a great job with his selection. It was time to play it down a bit though.

"The whole idea of tomorrow's game is to have a bit of fun. We only have two players over the age of fifteen available to us, and this is our first ever match. Swap the players in and out - give all of us a game. If we're getting hammered, switch to whoever is playing best on the day. Can you put Hermione and me in and out as a unit? We really need to be playing together, and this match will give us that chance against tough opposition. The important thing to remember here is to enjoy tomorrow. There's no quidditch cup or house honour at stake."

After setting Joan off to her lessons, Ron was heading to third year Runes, and the other three to fourth year Arithmancy. They split - with Ron hardly out of sight before Millie turned on the other two.

"That was mean. Ron had this built up into a huge event and you two just tore him down. You're supposed to be his friends..."

Harry interrupted before she could say anymore. "Millie, of course we're Ron's friends. Tomorrow's game isn't huge - it's gonna be historic. Sofia has already picked the spot in the library where the picture from tomorrow will hang. Front and centre of that picture will be Ron, in the Institute's new quidditch uniform - which are currently hidden in the Headmistress's office - and he'll be wearing the captain's armband. That picture will probably be front page of the Quibbler and plastered over the Italian magical press too. Barchoke is also arranging medals for both sets of players, to commemorate the first ever quidditch match played by the Potter Institute."

Millie's lips were moving, but no words were coming out. Hermione giggling at this reset her thoughts. "Then why did you play it down, if this is even bigger than Ron and I thought?"

She was surprised when Hermione answered her question. "You'll know by now, Ron lives and breathes Quidditch. He's a great tactician, a superb reader of the game, and a natural when he plays - that's the Ron we want on that pitch tomorrow. When he starts putting himself under pressure, questioning his own decisions and basically overthinking everything - that won't turn out well for Ron or the team."

"You were trying to help him?"

Harry was nodding in agreement as he answered. "Yes, and you can too. Keep his mind of the game tonight, or at least have him focused on the celebrations after the match. Win, lose or draw, we will be celebrating the Institute's first ever match."

"Oh dear, I just remembered I'll be in that picture too. Now I'm the nervous one, and Ron will have to keep me calm."

That had Hermione smiling. "Brilliant tactic, and one he won't suspect. Ginny's name's on that wall because she helped design the robes we wear. Ron's gonna be up there as the Potter Institute's first Quidditch Captain, which one do you think he'd prefer?"

Millie suddenly had an epiphany. "You did this for him! Of course you did, Merlin you built a bloody school for your friends..."

Harry could only smile. "Ron dreamed of being Head Boy and Quidditch Captain, copying his elder brothers. Coming here took that away from him, this gives Ron something no one else will ever have. Only Ronald Weasley can be the first ever Quidditch Captain of the Potter Institute."

Looking to Hermione, Millie then asked a stupid question. "What about you. You were a stick-on to be a prefect, and eventually Head Girl."

Hermione put her arm around the girl. "Millie, I get to be Mrs Potter. For me, nothing tops that. As for this, that's what friends do. You and Ron are two of our best friends, why so surprised?"

This had Millie smiling again. "My bridesmaid spot is already yours, unless Ron dithers until Joan is old enough to claim the spot."

That had her laughing. "Harry and I are getting used to playing second fiddle to Joan. Either of us Potter ladies would love to be your bridesmaid."

It was three happy students who walked into what each considered the hardest class of their day.


Severus wondered if there was some strange type of kismet invoked when a politician called you by your first name, he couldn't help but think that nothing good could come of it. He and Narcissa were sitting in their Hogwarts quarters, with Fudge lounging across from them like a welcome guest who was drinking his offered tea. They were about to discover what attracting the attention of the Minister of Magic meant for them.

"Severus, I have a couple of dilemmas on my hands, and you feature in both of them. With Dumbledore arrested and Hogwarts brought under Ministerial control, I really need someone who could step forward this instant and take over the school. We need to make massive changes very quickly as, like it or not, Potter's Institute is the new gold standard that Hogwarts will be measured against. Now, as charming as Narcissa is, she would be the first to admit that she's not the Charms Master Filius Flitwick is. That's what Hogwarts needs, people with experience that are also masters in their fields. Now my Ministry is committed to finding those masters, but I need someone to lead them."

"Minister, I'm flattered - I really am - but I think we both know the person you want is Minerva McGonagall."

Taking another sip of his tea, and wishing it was brandy, Cornelius had to immediately kill that idea. "I actually spoke to Minerva last night, and mentioned Dumbledore would be getting arrested this morning. She turned me down before I could even bring up the subject of her becoming Headmistress. She's apparently having the time of her life at the Institute, loves Italy so much she's already planning to spend her retirement there. She also mentioned loving teaching again, enjoying not having anyone casting compulsion or memory charms on her and has her own veranda attached to her accommodation - that just so happens to overlook their quidditch pitch. Minerva is a self-confessed quidditch nut, and likes nothing better than sitting in that veranda and watching the students play. Apparently they have a game against another Italian school arranged for tomorrow, and members of their Ministry are invited too."

Severus struggled hearing the first bit, never mind the rest. "Where did you see Minerva?"

"At Longbottom Manor. I had gone there to advise Augusta that all the healers who attended her son and his wife had been compromised by Dumbledore. With the healers at St Mungo's going to be very busy scanning the witches and wizards of Britain, I was offering her the chance to arrange their care elsewhere. I saw the damnedest thing ever. Augusta picked up a device that was sitting on her sideboard and contacted the Institute, she actually spoke to people there - I could hear Pomona clearly calling Dumbledore some choice names - all the way from Italy. In what seemed like ten minutes, In walked her grandson, Minerva and Harry Potter."

Severus gave a glimpse of his knowledge of muggles. "I believe she used a telephone - a device now common in muggle homes."

"Not just muggle homes anymore. Potter's Institute is apparently full of these things - allowing the students to call home. I have my NEWT in Muggle Studies, and have never heard of these things. A pair of muggles took down the Dark Lord that had brought Magical Britain to its knees - yet we know so little about the people we share our country with. I'm now reliably informed that most of what we do know is either wrong or so out of date to be bloody useless. That's just one of the things we need to change."

There was nothing else for it, Severus simply had to say the words. "Minister, I really don't want the job. I don't think I'm the best person to push through what you're looking for either."

Sitting his cup and saucer down, Cornelius had expected no other answer from the wizard. If he couldn't save Hogwarts though, his tenure as Minister for Magic would end fairly soon after the castle closed its doors to students. It was time to play hardball.

"Well you see, Severus, this brings my other dilemma into play. At this moment, the only two Death Eaters still at large and known to the Ministry are both at Hogwarts - Igor Karkaroff and you. Igor had his trial, made his bargain and served his very limited sentence. You, on the other hand, survived purely on the word of Albus Dumbledore - a wizard who the entire country now recognises as a lying, cheating, wand waving ruthless bastard. If we pull you in for a trial, and I promise you it will be a fair trial, only you know what that trial will reveal. If you're confident you'll walk free from a fair trial, I'll wish you well with your new position at Drumstrang Academy. I'll also be cursing under my breath, knowing I'd lost my best chance at saving Hogwarts."

Looking at his pregnant wife, Severus just had to ask the question. "If I accept the Headmaster position, where will that leave me - and what will you expect from me?"

"That would leave you with my full support, and I would expect you to try your hardest to see Hogwarts survives this crisis - and comes out the other end stronger. I will be honest here and say that, if Hogwarts closes, we both know there will be a massive outcry for scapegoats to be found and punished. I will almost certainly lose my position, while you would already have no school to be Headmaster of. Whatever the newly elected Minister would then do is anyone's guess."

Narcissa understood her husband really didn't have a choice here, but wanted some clarity on their situation. "Cornelius, what do you mean when you say 'full support'?"

If this wasn't such a tense situation, the Minister might have smiled at getting what he wanted. "Exactly that, my dear. Tomorrow morning I'm calling an emergency meeting of the Wizengamot, with the first task of the day being getting every single member examined by the team of healers we'll have standing by. I fully intend to blame Dumbledore for the atrocious state Hogwarts finds itself in. Harry Potter is on record saying Dumbledore was the reason he left Hogwarts and opened the Institute - apparently I was memory charmed right in front of them by that old bastard. If Potter wasn't safe with the Minister of Magic standing beside him, what other choice did he have than to flee the country. Potter's spent a fortune on his school, that Institute is here to stay - and we're going to be dealing with the consequences of that blunder by Dumbledore for decades to come. This tournament isn't doing us any favours either..."

In her time as the Malfoy matriarch, Cornelius was a frequent visitor to their home. Narcissa could sense his frustration was reaching boiling point and, like a good hostess, knew exactly how to avoid that happening. "Can I offer you a brandy, Cornelius? This meeting is clearly going to cover a lot of ground, might as well be comfortable while doing so."

Just having that heated brandy snifter in his hand relaxed Cornelius, the exquisite aroma of the French cognac escaping the top of the glass helped too. Narcissa always did know how to do things properly, and having her standing alongside her husband meant this venture had a much greater chance of success.

"I intend to inform the Wizengamot in great detail of the dire straits Dumbledore has left Hogwarts in, before asking for ideas, suggestions for possible Professors and gold to try and counter the unthinkable happening. The ideas and staff suggestions will be coming to you both, the amount of gold I can get them to part with will determine just how much we're able to achieve."

With both Severus and Narcissa nodding in agreement, Cornelius continued with his briefing. "Short term goals - send the other two schools home. If the Institute can portkey to Hogwarts on the day of the tasks, why can't they? We need them gone, and to immediately begin convincing those students they've been trying to poach that Hogwarts is going to improve - massively. Cancel the Yule Ball - no, that would be very unpopular. Reschedule it for summer, and call it the Champions' Ball."

Cornelius was almost certain the tournament would be cancelled long before then, but there was no point in giving bad publicity an invitation to snap at you. It would do so of its own accord, so best to avoid what they could and not hand out any freebies.

"One of the things that really impressed me from talking to Minerva was the amount of input their students had on the Institute. Augusta complained Dumbledore totally ignored the Board of Directors, he certainly wasn't going to listen to students. Asking them for suggestions and then implementing a few of them will let the very people we need to stay here see that Hogwarts is changing."

While Narcissa was talking notes, Severus started asking questions. "So far you've not suggested anything I'm against, but who teaches the classes if our visitors return home?"

"I intend to badger the examination team to help Hogwarts in her hour of need. Again, short term measure until we can look at appointing appropriate Professors. If I may make a suggestion? Appoint Narcissa here as your deputy, cut down her teaching to perhaps the first two years, that will leave her free to handle all of the administration running Hogwarts entails. That would also free up your time to carry a fuller timetable - teaching the subject of your choice. If you're both accepting of these positions, we can put together a list of exactly what subjects Hogwarts will then need Professors for."

A glance was all that was needed between the married couple for their decision to be made. Taking a fresh piece of parchment, Narcissa promised Cornelius she would have the list ready before he left.

There were still questions to be asked though, so Severus did just that. "Our short term goals are all concentrated around Hogwarts remaining open - again perfectly understandable. We need at least an outline of our longer term goals however, so we're not putting things in place now that would need to be reversed later."

"Number one for me would be to discover when and why Hogwarts moved to an exam system that's below the levels held within most of Europe. That investigation will be carried out by the Ministry, only after seeing that report will we sit and discuss where we take those findings. History of Magic and Muggle Studies simply have to change - probably the sooner the better. Any thoughts?"

"The problem with Muggle Studies is a difficult one. From what I understand, Miss Granger's parents teaching the subject at the Institute have advantages we simply don't. Getting the students using electricity, and all the many devices that allows muggle life to be easily demonstrated, is something simply not available to us here. Without that advantage, any muggle teaching the same things inside Hogwarts simply wouldn't be believed - because they'd have no way of proving what they claim to be true. You would need a respected Pureblood with extensive muggle knowledge before there would be the slightest chance of them being taken seriously. I don't know anyone who fits that bill."

In the short silence that followed, both wizards noticed the quill in Narcissa's hand had stopped scratching its way across the parchment. "I might know someone like that. Whether you could convince her to teach here is debatable. My sister Andromeda married a muggleborn twenty years ago, she works in St Mungo's while their daughter is in the Auror Academy. I think I read somewhere that Sirius reinstated Andi back into the Black family, I know for certain he kicked both Bellatrix and me out."

With both mother and daughter effectively working for the Ministry, this gave Cornelius a lever he could use to get what he wanted - if this witch proved a suitable candidate for the post. He would of course try other methods first - higher salary, better hours, more prestige, et cetera. He had his main people in place at Hogwarts now, it was time to finish this.

"Do you want to talk with your sister about the possibility of teaching here, or would you prefer me to make the initial approach?"

"I think it would be better coming from you. I wasn't allowed to even mention her name in front of Lucius, so we haven't actually spoken since before I was married."

Nodding that he would do so, Cornelius sipped the last of his brandy before standing and shaking Severus's hand. "Let me be the first to congratulate you, Headmaster, on your appointment. While chatting with Minerva, she told me that no magic was allowed to be cast in certain parts of their school, in case magic interferes with their muggle systems. That's certainly something we could investigate within the castle, or build something suitable at the edge of the wards. Again, something the Ministry will look into."

Narcissa handed Cornelius the list of subjects needing Professors, while he kissed the back of her hand to congratulate her on a well deserved promotion. After confirming it would probably be Sunday before he returned, Cornelius then flooed back to the Ministry of Magic - his mission accomplished.


While showing the visiting quidditch players from Milan around the Institute, Ron was already playing down their chances in today's match. They would certainly be the underdogs but having your opponents underestimate your abilities might just give them an edge. That he was basically telling the truth meant there was no collusion between himself, Millie, Luna and Neville for the visiting students to pick up on.

"Yes, this is my first game as captain. Actually it's the first proper game for all four of us. In our entire squad, only my two elder brothers have played before - they're our beaters. Harry's played a few times too, but never as chaser. This really is a day of firsts for nearly all of us."

The visiting captain hadn't stopped smiling since he'd arrived. They'd figured the Institute team would be made up of kids, an initial look around was all that was needed to confirm this. Hearing it from their captain though just supported the idea they would have an easy afternoon. They were under strict instructions to be on their best behaviour today, and not beat the Institute too badly - or they might not get invited back. "Don't worry about it, once the game starts you'll enjoy the match. I've been on the team since I was your age, only the experience of playing matches makes you a better player."

Ron was delighted they'd taken the bait - hook, line and sinker. Basing his judgment on the Hogwarts teams Ron had watched in his time there, he thought the Institute one was pretty strong. If Harry would just play seeker, Ron would be quietly confident about the outcome of this afternoon's match.

After spending the morning escorting the visiting Professors and Ministry officials around the Institute, Minerva then met up with her two friends - having previously arranged to watch the match together. That their grandson and niece would be taking part in today's proceedings just made it that little bit more special.

"Nearly didn't make it in time, Minnie, the Wizengamot meeting this morning turned into a total shitstorm. Dumbledore had cast spells on over a third of the members, they were bloody furious about it and wanted the old goat's head on a stick. Fudge is determined Dumbledore will be tried by the ICW, he nearly didn't get that vote passed in the chamber though. Only his insistence that they should concentrate all their efforts on fixing the many, many things Dumbledore's meddling had fucked up carried the day. That and his assurance that Dumbledore would get what was coming to him, the ICW are also incensed at his actions and want him badly."

Seeing her friend so riled up actually started Amelia laughing. "I have to say Fudge took it well when you told him to stop pontificating and just tell us what he wanted."

Taking a sip of her port, Augusta actually smiled at that memory. "Today I get to see my grandson playing Quidditch, not something I ever imagined happening. After the last couple of days, this is something I really need - and wasn't about to miss the occasion by being forced to listen to Fudge waffle on all day. I think everything he proposed got passed, the Minister will probably thank me the next time we meet. Snape is now Headmaster of Hogwarts, and the Ministry are funding big changes there."

Minerva was glad she was sitting down when hearing that news, though she wore a wide smile, the news had still come as a shock. "Good, none of us here wanted to see Hogwarts close - just improve. I've already enjoyed my time working here more than all my years at Hogwarts - under Dumbledore. He took a once great school and brought it to its knees - all to follow a plan only he could see. I'm actually relieved to know he cast so many spells on me over the years. I would be ashamed of myself if I hadn't fiercely fought against some of the shit he pulled."

"Well, be prepared for the ICW to contact you over that. They intend to hit Dumbledore with as many charges as possible, probably the only reason the Wizengamot allowed his trial there to go ahead. They could see the amount of work involved and, as long as Dumbledore goes down, were perfectly happy to let someone else do that work."

Antonio's voice rang around the Institute, as his offer to commentate on today's game had been gratefully accepted. This was also the signal for the three ladies to take their seats in Minerva's veranda.

Ron lead his squad out for a formation lap around the pitch. The stands might not be full but the noise being generated was amazing. The Headmistress had pulled a few surprises on them this morning, one being their new quidditch robes. While of course being in the Institute's colours, a large 'Insπre' was riding a broom on their chests.

She'd also arranged the families of the players to be here for the match. Leading his squad past the stand holding his parents, Percy and Bill had Ron's heart almost bursting with pride. The official was a professional Quidditch referee, provided by the Italian Ministry, and she called the captains down.

"I know this is a friendly match, but things can get out of hand during the game. I'm relying on you two to put a stop to that immediately, I really don't want to be handing out a lot of penalties today. Also, I'm aware both teams intend to be swapping players in and out, just be careful that you only have seven players involved at any one time - if that happens I would have to invoke penalties for it." Both captains agreed, hands were shook and the game was under way.

The Institute team was initially swamped, with Milan scoring three times in the first fifteen minutes. Hannah then scoring the first ever goal for the Institute saw the stands erupt, and Ron swap a couple of players. They'd been playing for an hour and a half, a dominant Milan were now ninety points ahead. The last thing Ron wanted to happen was for them to get so far ahead that catching the snitch didn't matter. Some of the things Ron had tried worked quite well, some combinations simply hadn't gelled. Having sussed who was having a good game, and who had simply let the occasion get to them, Ron swapped in what he now considered their best team over the next ten minutes.

With Harry, Hermione and Daphne as the chasers, and the twins hitting those bludgers for fun, the Institute slowly started to claw their way back into the match. After scoring three unanswered goals in a trot, the stands were going mental, while the Milan captain swapped in his strongest team too. Harry's flying had been amazing since he first sat on a broom, that Hermione appeared to now share that ability was awesome to watch. Daphne was also a brilliant flyer, denied a position on her former house team because she literally couldn't batter her opponents into submission. Between the three, they gradually brought the score down to forty points between the teams.

Ron was practically losing his voice, he'd been shouting for over two and a half hours, when Luna approached him.

"What do I do with this, now that I've caught it? It flew past me so I just grabbed it."

Ron nearly had both of them off their brooms, grabbing Luna and kissing her. It was only after Antonio recognised what was happening the rest of the people watching caught on.

"Luna Lovegood has caught the snitch, the Potter Institute has won the match, and both those two better remember they're betrothed - to other people. Oh, Neville and Millie have shot up to join them - and it's congratulations all round to everyone who took part in what was a very entertaining match."

The visiting team were disappointed to lose but congratulated their opponents on a fine match. Their mood improved dramatically however when Pomona revealed her last surprise of the day. The Italian Minister of Magic didn't need any persuading to present each and every player with a commemorative medal Barchoke had provided to celebrate the occasion.

Noticing every medal was exactly the same, and they were being presented by their Minister really lifted the mood of all the visitors. The Milan players headed off to shower and change, getting ready for this BBQ that they had only heard about on the radio. All in all, not a bad way to spend a Saturday.

The three ladies sitting on Minerva's veranda had made as much noise as anyone watching the match, and were putting their rather flushed appearances down to that. It was a smiling though rather thoughtful Augusta who summed it up best.

"Ladies, I couldn't tell you when I've had a more enjoyable afternoon. I can certainly see the attraction of living here, and can honestly say I've never seen my Neville happier. I don't think anything they do to Hogwarts will ever entice either my grandson or his betrothed to return to Britain, be that for school or to live. The situation with Frank and Alice will of course affect any decision I make. After witnessing the change in Neville since the summer however, who am I to say miracles can't happen."

They all left to congratulate the Institute's team, and their family.

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