𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Chapter 9 - Hermione's Parents

Amelia once more had a glass of firewhisky in her hand. That it was only lunchtime and she was at work made her feel even guiltier for having it there. In her defence, Lupin and Black also had glasses containing the same liquid in their hands too - and looked as if they needed it as badly as she did.

Neither can live while the other survives

That was the line right there of this bloody prophecy that hit the group like a bludgeoning curse to the gut, all except the two teens.

She was glad Sirius rather blurted out the question Amelia desperately wanted to ask.

"Harry, how can you be okay with this?"

"I'm not okay. Hearing that though didn't change anything. Actually, it did. The prophecy gave Hermione and me a little hope."

There was no way Amelia was letting anyone else ask the next question. She needed to know where this hope came from, because Amelia certainly didn't see any in this prophecy. To anyone else in the country, including herself, this prophecy would be a death sentence hanging around their neck. What made Harry Potter so different?

"Do you know what this supposed power to defeat him is?"

Glancing at Hermione, Harry nodded before answering. "We think so. They say that knowledge is power, we hope to use our knowledge to defeat him. We know why Voldemort didn't die that night, and are taking steps to ensure he will never have that option available again. Only Hermione and I have that knowledge, and we won't talk more about it until we're out of the country."

It surprised no one that Hermione was in complete agreement with her betrothed. "We understand it's dangerous hoarding knowledge, you just need to look at Dumbledore to see where that can lead. Dumbledore used whatever knowledge he has to form his own agenda, and doesn't tell anyone else what that agenda is. We intend to sit down with you three and go over in great detail what needs to be done to strip away Voldemort's immortality."

The very thought of an immortal Voldemort had Amelia reaching for a refill. Sirius and Remus could have used one too, but were meeting with the Grangers after this.

"Hermione and I won't say how we came by this knowledge, but we've also known we've need help with this since gaining that knowledge. Action was taken this morning that will strip Voldemort of his most wealthy supporters, that news will break in the next day or two. It was done through Gringotts, so you know everything was legal and above board. If Death Eaters are stupid enough to sign control of their vaults over to Voldemort, then enjoy watching them squirm as someone has apparently taken advantage of that access to empty their vaults."

Looking down, Amelia noticed her refill was gone - and she couldn't remember drinking it. Putting her glass away gave Amelia time to respond to that simply unbelievable news. Even then, her response was poor. This really was unbelievable though.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"If you are asking me if the rich pureblood Death Eaters can no longer buy themselves out of a trip to Azkaban, or the pages of the Daily Prophet, then my answer is yes. We might end up owning stock in the Daily Prophet too, amongst other properties and companies. One thing I wanted to assure you of, any dark items in these Death Eater vaults will never see the light of day. They will be destroyed by the goblins."

Amelia so wanted another drink, this time to celebrate. She denied herself though, alcohol was a crutch she didn't want to get used to. Since getting to know Harry Potter however, Amelia had found herself needing support of some kind after discovering just a few of the trials and tribulations this young man had faced - and still had waiting ahead of him.

Agreeing to meet with them in Italy on Monday, Amelia could then spend the coming weekend watching the dominoes fall. A piss-poor Malfoy might see her reaching for the champagne, now that really would be something worth celebrating.


As Remus left them to collect Hermione's parents, Sirius was left chuckling at his godson's display of nerves while they headed toward the restaurant.

"Harry, today you've met with the leader of the Goblin Nation, and then Amelia Bones. What are you so nervous about?"

"We pretty much knew how each of those meetings would turn out. Everything we did in Gringotts was by the numbers, the goblins' reactions then were rather easy to map out. Amelia will do anything to bring down Voldemort and his Death Eaters. As that is our number one aim, again her reactions were predictable. We don't know how this meeting will go, and that's why I'm worried."

Trying to help his Goodson, Sirius pointed out the obvious. "You hold all the cards here. Hermione is of age to accept your betrothal. As Lord Potter, you are now her magical guardian. Barchoke just sent over the deeds to their house and business, you have them exactly where you want them. Why are you worried?"

"They're Hermione's parents, they're also muggles. I'm saying that not as a bad point, rather to point out they don't have a clue how dangerous our world can be. Simply by being Hermione's parents, the Grangers will have wizards and witches thinking they have no right to live. How do I explain that to them, especially when I don't understand it myself."

Hermione was quietly walking along while holding Harry's arm, dreading this meeting even more than he was. If her father tried to get heavy-handed and impose a solution none of them wanted, Harry's reaction could be bad.

Upon reaching the restaurant, Harry discovered the owner had closed his doors to everyone else. Since 'Ambrosia' was considered the best restaurant in magical Britain, it was causing quite a stir. When the owner came out to greet them personally, a small crowd who's bookings had been cancelled didn't take it too well. Harry thought the owner was trying to cash in on the whole Boy-Who-Lived phenomenon. Finding out he couldn't be more wrong was a very pleasant experience for the teen with the unwelcome and unwanted fame.

The owner eventually turned on one of the people venting their anger at being refused entrance, he soon shut them up. "This young man's Grandfather gave my father the gold to open this restaurant, and then wouldn't take a knut of it back. The Potters will always have a table at this restaurant, it belongs to their family as much as it does mine. That the latest Lord Potter wants to meet his new family here is a great day for 'Ambrosia', and a great honour."

They were then led inside by the owner, only to discover the entire staff lined up and waiting to greet them. Harry felt like a visiting dignitary while Sirius loved it, especially chatting up the two lovely waitresses. By the time they reached the bar and had a butterbeer in their hands, both Harry and Hermione's nerves were shredded.

It was then Remus led Hermione's parents over to be introduced. Her father didn't wait for those introductions though. "Hey dear, I hope your new beau isn't blowing all his allowance trying to impress us?"

The embarrassment radiating from Hermione just added to the spike of anger Harry was experiencing. This man hadn't seen his daughter for ten months and that was how he greeted her?

Hermione mumbled through some introductions before Remus intervened.

"Sorry Hermione, this has to be done formally. Doctors Daniel and Emma Granger, may I introduce Lord Sirius Orion Black, Harry's Godfather."

Sirius took Emma Granger's hand and kissed the back of it before then shaking hands with Dan.

All this had given Harry time to study these two. He immediately understood why McGonagall was Hermione's favourite professor, her mother looked like she was attempting to be the strict Scot's apprentice. Sharp business suit, hair in a bob - with not one strand of her brunette locks daring to move out of place. It was her mouth though that reminded Harry most of their Head of House. His immediate impression was that it had been a long, long time since Emma Granger's lips had formed a genuine smile. With her husband acting the fool, he thought these two were the very definition of the odd couple. Harry didn't have time to think anymore, it was his turn to be front and centre.

"This is Lord Harry James Potter, your daughter's betrothed."

Harry repeated the same procedure with Emma as Sirius, but Dan pulled him in when they shook hands.

"Listen son, I don't want to alarm you but that looked like some kind of demonstration outside. I also heard them mention filthy muggles. Are you sure this place is okay to eat in? Emma and I would be more than happy with a pub lunch, this place must be costing a fortune."

It was in that instant, Harry had his epiphany regarding Daniel Granger. Funnily enough, he had his many years spent living at Privet Drive to thank for it. His impression of Dan was completely formed by Hermione's memories, but her view was tainted as he'd always been dad to her. Viewing Dan with a fresh set of eyes, Harry spotted something Hermione had missed. She missed it because this was the man she'd grown up with, and she'd never met the Dursleys in person.

His Uncle Vernon had many faces. The differences between the one he showed Harry and his 'respectable' persona was vast and startling. His Aunt Petunia too could be hobnobbing with the neighbours one minute, and snarling at him the next. Even Dudley was a master of this skill, he easily pulled the wool over his parents' eyes. These years of experience allowed Harry to see that Dan was wearing some sort of a persona here, he just didn't know why.

All this ran through his head in a few seconds and Hermione's worried 'Harry?' over their bond snapped him out of it. "Those people outside are angry because the owner closed the restaurant so we could have the place to ourselves. We really have a lot to talk about and had requested a private room."

This news shocked Dan. "He closed the entire restaurant?"

Harry couldn't help but smile at the reason. "My grandfather apparently gifted his father the cash to open the restaurant, and Potters are always welcome here." Harry was actually pleased to see her mother take Hermione by the arm and ask where the rest rooms were. She clearly wanted a private chat with her daughter. This was an attitude Harry thought seemed much more natural than Dan's devil-may-care approach. It was Dan's attitude that first alerted him all was not as it seemed with her father.

They sat at the table and waited on the ladies returning. Dan almost had a fit when offered the wine list. "There's no prices on here. Is this restaurant that exclusive?"

The waitress was quick to answer though. "Sir, that wine list hasn't been used in over a decade. The Potter family has it's own private wine cellar here, a cellar that is not available to anyone else. You won't be charged for something that already belongs to Lord Potter."

Harry was more sure than ever Dan was portraying a character he wanted the world to see. His shock was genuine before he recovered and once more played the joker. "But how am I supposed to boast about how expensive the wine is if I don't know the price?"

He received a knowing smile from the waitress. "The Potter family never boast about their wealth, sir. Just mention the name and year on the label, anyone who knows anything about wine will certainly get the message."

With a genuine smile, Dan handed the wine list back to the waitress. "You obviously know far more about this than me, I'll be happy to drink anything you bring to the table."

Sirius was chatting away to the waitress while Harry was listening in to what was taking place between Hermione and her mother.

"He seems very nice, but what exactly does this betrothal mean?"

"Bluntly, it means you're meeting my future husband today."

"Hermione, you're fifteen!"

"I did say future, mum."

"And just how far into the future are we talking about here?"

"We haven't really had time to discuss that, not anytime soon though. We're not rushing into anything here. This ring and these robes offer me a form of legal protection in our world."

"I'm assuming that they have other forms of protection in that world too, and I sincerely hope you and Harry are using them. I have no wish to become a grandmother."

Hermione could feel Harry getting out of his chair as his anger spiked along with hers. Trying to calm him down over their bond allowed Hermione time to form an answer for her mother. Harry's anger though did bleed into her own ire, making Hermione's reaction harsher than her mother had seen from her before.

"Harry and I are nowhere near the stage of needing protection. Rest assured though, mother, when we need it - we'll use it. The children we eventually have will not only be wanted, but loved and cherished too. They certainly won't get any of that from their grandmother."

Storming out of the bathroom with tears forming in the corners of her eyes, Hermione almost sprinted into Harry's waiting arms. The three adults at the table were also on their feet as Emma came back and walked right past the couple standing holding tightly to each other.

Emma sat by Dan, and Harry led an upset Hermione to the other end of the table - placing Remus and Sirius between them and Hermione's parents. Platters of exquisite food were placed on the table and wine glasses filled but there wasn't much appetite left. You could have easily cut the oppressive atmosphere with the supplied cutlery.

After taking two forkfuls of something Harry couldn't even taste, he put his fork down and started to speak. There was a power radiating from Harry that was felt by the other three magicals at the table. Some of this power might have reached the Grangers too, since they sat and listened without interrupting.

"Mr and Mrs Granger, I really wanted this meeting to go well but you only have to glance at Hermione to see we're off to a bad start. I love your daughter with all my heart, these rings we wear tell everyone in our world that Hermione will one day become my wife. There are those in our society who look down on my wonderful betrothed, simply because her parents aren't magical. They call non magicals 'muggles', I believe you met a sample of these morons as you entered the restaurant..."

Harry could see Dan got it, and clearly wasn't happy that 'filthy muggle' shout had been aimed at himself and Emma.

"We wear these rings because your daughter and I are in love. They also offer her protections from these same type of morons. The main problem is though that our society is run by, and full of people, with the same opinions as those morons. So much so, Hermione and I intend to leave Britain - we'll be studying and living abroad."

Holding up his hand, Dan stopped his wife from charging in all guns blazing. They really needed to know more before adopting that approach. "You're talking here as if we, Hermione's parents, don't have a say in this matter. To be perfectly frank, I'm prepared to listen to what you have to say, but will not sit here and be dictated to by a teenage boy."

"I am Lord Potter, Head of the Potter Family, and legally responsible for my betrothed, Hermione Granger. This country didn't learn any lessons from the last magical war, and look to be repeating all those mistakes again. I lost my parents in the last war, no one is touching my family this time. Just by being Hermione's parents, you are now in danger too. We had hoped to sit and convince you to leave the county with us today..."

There was no holding Emma back this time. "Don't be preposterous. We have responsibilities, commitments, lives to lead. Surely you didn't expect us just to walk out of here and head off on some sort of wild adventure because you think we're in danger? These are real lives Dan and I lead, not some fantasy..."

Emma's rant was halted by Harry tossing an envelope that landed right in front of them. Dan opened the envelope and his hands started shaking when he realised what he held. "I'm going to need an explanation for this before I get very angry..."

Harry shrugged, unconcerned. "You are two stubborn people, people who can't possibly understand the danger you could be in. We didn't expect you to come with us today, but I also promised Hermione I would do everything in my power to protect you. Since I now officially own both your buildings, no one can stop me putting protective wards around them. Not the Ministry of Magic, and not either of you. We know you're stubborn, we can't allow you to be stupid too."

Snatching the documents out of Dan's hands, Emma was reading them as Harry continued speaking. "There's a mortgage agreement there that you can sign, or you can tear it up and consider both properties a gift. Pure-bloods consider it appropriate that money changes hands during a betrothal. While there's not enough money in the country to come anywhere close to Hermione's worth, there's certainly precedent for you accepting this as a gift."

Dan was practically growling as he eyed up Remus and Sirius. "Now I know why he turned up with two bodyguards here..."

Sirius had a wicked smile on his face as he answered for both marauders. "Not even close, Dan. These two are very powerful, Harry's certainly more powerful than me. Just over a week ago, a horde of the darkest creatures imaginable tried to kill the three of us - Remus was indisposed at the time. They made a mistake though and threatened the lovely Miss Granger, Harry released his magic and drove them all away. I can think of only one other wizard in Britain who could possibly have managed that. These two saved my life twice in the one night, and were then responsible for me being declared a free man. They've held meetings today with national leaders, more than holding their own. You just see two teenagers sitting there, no one else in this restaurant does. You don't shut the premier restaurant in magical Britain for two teenagers."

It was now Remus' turn to fling his two knut's worth into the ring. "I work for the two of them, and it is the two of them. I don't know what happened between Hermione and Emma but I would bet my pay check Harry does - and also before he spoke to Hermione about it. These two are so close, sometimes it seems as if they can read each other's minds."

Since these were her parents, Hermione thought she should at least say something here. "It's not mind reading, we can communicate through our rings. We share thoughts, memories and experiences. Yes, Harry heard everything that was said in there, that's why this meeting became so confrontational. A slight to one seems to rile the other up more than the person it was aimed at. It's something we're working on but don't hold out much hope of fixing. Harry puts far more emphasis on my safety and happiness than he does on his own, and I'm the same with him."

Shaking his head, Dan just had to ask. "Are you happy with this... I don't even know what this is."

"Oh dad, I've never been happier. Hogwarts has been horrible again this year so we're going to Italy and opening our own school. We're meeting a bunch of our friends off the express and they're coming too, but only for a holiday. The school bit is a secret for now but we're going to be working all summer to try and make this happen. We've already convinced some of the best people at Hogwarts to at least consider working for us. Harry and I seem to grow closer day by day, and we both see our relationship ending up the way we want it to - with me becoming Mrs Potter."

"And where does this leave your mum and I?"

"Dad, I so want you both to come with us, even if only for a holiday. We were sure you wouldn't leave today but the invitation is an open one - come anytime. Harry promised me he would keep you safe, and he always keeps his promises. Yes, we could have handled it better but Harry thought keeping you safe was the most important thing here. Feelings can be mended, these people don't play around. Torture, rape, murder, arson - it's all the same to them. We discovered one wizard this week, who actually worked for the Ministry of Magic, had killed so many people - men, women and children - he couldn't even remember the total to the nearest dozen. The Minister is trying to cover this news up, because it will make some of his friends look bad - so we're leaving Britain behind."

He was almost afraid to ask but Dan had to know. "What happened to this man?"

"He tried to attack Harry, he won't be killing anyone else."

Emma meanwhile had been looking through the documents Harry had tossed on the table. "There appears to be a document missing, I can see only one mortgage here."

Nodding, Harry answered her. "I combined both mortgages, that's why there is only one."

Looking again, Emma's brows furrowed. "That can't be right, we were paying more than this to each of the mortgages."

Shrugging his shoulders, Harry answered as honestly as he could. "I didn't want to charge you any interest, I don't need to make money from this, but the goblins would never have accepted that. Since we really need the goblins to work with us, the combined mortgage is set at an interest rate of one percent. I told the goblin leader these were special rates for my family, he thought it was hilarious. You don't need to sign that today though, you don't need to sign it at all."

Ignoring Harry, Emma focused her attention on her daughter. "Hermione, does your young man understand the sums of money involved here?"

Harry was being quite conciliable with her father but, after her mother's comment earlier, Hermione was in no mood to cut her any slack at all.

"Mother, Harry's given me cards attached to his Gringotts account that could easily cover that amount. Didn't you listen, we're building, equipping and staffing a magical school - which will cost millions. My future husband is incredibly rich, yet all he want's to do is help people. If some people are too stubborn to see and accept that help, I don't know what else to say."

Before anyone could say a word, Hermione clearly had another thought. "Actually I do, take the money then go on a round the world cruise. We'll even pay for it, and you'll be safe. Harry would give every penny he has to keep his family safe, and think it was a bargain. You might not count him as family, having just met, but being my parents is enough for you to be classed as family by Harry. That's who my Harry is, and he considers all the people sitting here as family. His Godbrother and Godsister will be joining us in Italy today, he's making sure they will be safe too."

Dan well understood the two women in his life could be extremely obstinate but he had never seen mother and daughter go at one another like this. Thinking back, that would probably be because Hermione accepted Emma as an authority figure, and always backed off before reaching this point. There was simply no give in Hermione today, Emma was pushing against a stone wall that was many feet thick and immovable. He attempted to play moderator, and also wanted to get a handle on just how much trouble Hermione thought they were in.

"Do you really think that's necessary dear?"

Trying to put the situation into terms her dad could understand was hard. Like Harry, she struggled to understand the situation herself. "Think in terms of Nazi Germany, at the hight of the atrocities. I would be a little jewish bitch, regarded as not fit enough to lick their boots. You and mum, well they would probably place Crookshanks above you in importance - he's part keezel. The last time they actively hunted the muggle-born, wiping out entire families who dared to give birth to a witch or wizard. The people who did all that killing are still out there, and getting ready to start again. Harry and I are top of their hit list, but we won't be in the country..."

The tears were streaming down Hermione's cheeks but her starting sobbing broke Harry out of his daze. Hermione had been viewing some of the atrocities from Voldemort's memories, but her parents had been playing the parts of the victims. Watching these horrific memories play had frozen Harry, until he heard Hermione sob.

She found herself sitting on Harry's lap, held tightly in his arms, with no idea how she got there. As Harry comforted Hermione, Remus and Sirius took over explaining Death Eaters to a couple of muggles.

While this was happening, a worried staff were clearing away their starters and bringing out the main courses. Kissing Harry in thanks, a calmer and more focused Hermione then returned to her own seat. She was by no means finished with trying to make her parents see the danger they were in.

"Dad, mum, we can get you small devices to carry with you. If you find yourselves in trouble, saying an activation phrase would see you whisked to safety..."

"Hermione, this is the most exquisite risotto I've ever tasted, please stop with the hysterics and let me enjoy this. Your father and I have no intention of stopping you spending the summer with your young man. We can see how important this is to you, and might even try to make it over a couple of days nearer the end of summer. I see no need to disrupt all our plans because of your teenage fears for our safety. Your father and I will be fine..."

Turning to Harry, Hermione deliberately spoke aloud so her parents could hear. "Am I too late to accept your offer of kidnapping them? I really can't see anything else working. We could easily ward the building so they couldn't leave but you're right, we'd lose Amelia's support. Without it, we can't win this war. Just promise me you'll shoot me if I ever turn as blinkered and pigheaded as my mother."

After that, the rest of their meal was eaten in silence. Harry and Hermione of course continued to chat over their bond. He had seen clearly from Dan's body language that he wanted to object to Hermione leaving with them. Emma's decision however wasn't even questioned by her husband.

As he sat his cutlery down on an empty plate, Sirius noticed Dan staring at the young couple.

"Once you know what to look for, it's easy to catch them doing it. Of course, they're not even trying to hide it at the moment."

"Is this normal, amongst your people?"

Sirius laughing pulled Harry and Hermione out of their mental discussion. "When it comes to these two, nothing is normal. It was only a few days ago they were on the front page of our national newspaper, standing next to our Minister of Magic. If that's not enough of a clue for you, the Minister came to Hogwarts specifically to meet with these two."

With her dad now staring at them in awe, and her mother pretending this wasn't really happening, Hermione decided to call for reinforcements. Dobby popping into existence at Hermione's side blew the last vestige of Emma's indifference to smithereens. Her eyes almost popped out her head at the little creature wearing what looked like a cutdown version of Hermione's school robe, with what she now knew to be the Potter Family crest featuring prominently on his chest.

"Dobby, this is my mum and dad. If they call for you, will you hear them?"

"Dobby always hears his family. You is family, they be your family, they is Dobby's family too."

Smiling, Hermione rested her hand on Dobby's shoulder. "Dobby works for us but is certainly someone we consider family. Dobby, could you fetch the papers that had pictures of Harry and me in them? My parents might like to see them..."

She never got to say anymore as Dobby was gone, appearing moments later at her father's side and presented him with the relevant newspapers. Dan's 'thank you' had the little guy wearing a wide smile. A gasp from Emma was the only sound she made, her hand covered her mouth as she struggled to make sense of what she was looking at. It was left to Dan to ask the question they needed answered.

"What the hell is that enormous creature in the picture with you?"

"Well, there were people at Hogwarts who didn't believe my Harry had saved the school last year, by killing that monster with a sword that's nearly as famous as Excalibur. Those pictures proved beyond doubt that Harry was telling the truth. The other three people in that picture are coming on holiday with us today."

After seeing that picture, the waitress serving a sweet was exactly what the Grangers needed. Hermione knew sweets weren't usually on the menu at home but her mother had one weakness, she adored tiramisu. In a pique of teenage rebellion, Hermione ordered the richest cake on the menu - with ice cream on the side. She would suffer for the sugar-rush later, but a small victory against her mother seemed worth it at the moment.

After finishing, Harry was able to tell the owner with complete honesty that he'd just eaten the best meal of his life - and would certainly be back here again.

Leaving the restaurant, both Granger parents got to see first hand how the wizarding public reacted to the boy who was apparently going to become their son-in-law one day. If they thought the staring and pointing was disconcerting, what they made of the couple almost being mobbed as they entered the Leaky Cauldron was lost in the melee as Sirius and Remus had to act like the bodyguards Dan had earlier accused them of being.

Making it out the door, Remus soon transfigured their robes into attire more suitable for muggle London. Hermione explained that they wouldn't be using owls to communicate over the summer, and that Dobby would be handling all letters and messages between them. "If you have a letter for me, just call for Dobby and he'll get it to us much quicker than an owl - though don't mention that to Hedwig."

Putting his arm around Hermione, Harry didn't need their bond to understand how hard this was for his betrothed. She was desperate for a hug from either of her parents though it was plain to the rest of them that wasn't going to be happening. He held Hermione tight as her parents said goodbye and left, like saying cheerio to a friend you would see later. Hermione had a job on her hands keeping Harry's anger in check.

"It's just the way they are, Harry. I learned long ago not to expect anything else." While that might be true, Harry knew that Hermione still longed for a hug from her father, or her mother's approval. As neither was happening today, they made their way along to King's Cross.


Passing through the brick barrier saw the transfiguration on their robes end, they were actually a little early for the train. There were parents standing waiting though, two with a trunk in tow headed straight for them. The couple bowed so low to Harry, he was actually embarrassed - especially when discovering this was Millie's parents.

"Mr and Mrs Bulstrode, please... Millie is getting used to calling me Harry, can we start from there?"

The woman, who her husband introduced as Glenda, had tears in her eyes, thanking everyone for the opportunity they were giving her Millicent. While there was no sign of tears, it was easy to see her husband, Graham, agreed wholeheartedly with his wife.

It was too much for Harry, who confessed the truth of the situation to them. "We don't really know Millie well but, since she's now the girlfriend of our best friend, we're hoping this holiday will give us all a chance to become friends with her too." From just meeting these two, it was easy to se how much they doted on their daughter. Comparing their behaviour to that of the Grangers was startling, and hurt Hermione despite her protestations over their bond of being used to it.

They were soon joined by Amelia, who also introduced Hannah's parents. They formed a strange group, having luggage with them before the train actually arrived. It was the arrival of the Malfoys though that started the free entertainment, the instant Lucius spotted that Hermione's robes bore the Black crest.

A Lucius who was incandescent with rage challenged her suitability to wear that particular crest immediately, and loudly. "By what right does a mudblood were the crest to the House of Black? Imagine, a mudblood with Toujours Pur on her chest. You'll be the laughing stock of magical Britain by tomorrow. The Black family magic will never accept her, or any spawn that crawls out from between her legs..."

Sirius was reaching for his wand but was stopped by Harry, a Harry who was learning from those memories of Tom's to channel his rage into revenge - and Harry's rage was mighty. "Allow me, Lord Black, since it is my betrothed he is insulting."

With clenched teeth, Sirius nodded to his godson. "Very well, Lord Potter, though this insult to my family will not be forgotten."

"Lucius, you act all superior - and are quite good at it - until you open your mouth and totally destroy any illusion of breeding. This type of behaviour might have been acceptable amongst your Death Eater buddies and that half-blood bastard you called master, in front of ladies it's degrading, disgusting and foul. Mrs Malfoy, I can only apologise - and assure you that the current and future Lord Blacks would never allow a daughter of our house to marry well beneath them for something as vulgar as money."

They had now attracted quite a crowd, so Harry continued playing to them. "It must be terrible to watch your son try to model himself on his father, a wizard with no manners, etiquette or breeding. His magical prowess isn't that great either. He tried to kill me when I was twelve - and a house elf dumped him on his arse."

This drew a lot of laughter from the growing crowd, leaving Lucius trembling with anger. Since there were so many witnesses, and one of them was the Bones bitch, he was powerless to respond other than with a threat.

"I told you then you would meet the same sticky end as your parents, and I still stand by that. You and your mudblood won't graduate from Hogwarts, you can bet your vault on that."

Even someone with the training of Narcissa Malfoy couldn't keep the look of horror from her face at her husband's words. Harry then confirmed what everyone bar Lucius appeared to grasp, he publicly rubbed Malfoy's nose in this revelation too.

"Yes, Mrs Malfoy, your husband all but confirmed his murder attempt on me. Sadly, that's not enough proof for Madam Bones here to arrest him. I would suggest dragging him away though, before his breeding shows true and he does something that will see him arrested. Have you got your mask with you, Lucius? Did you know it was confirmed this week that it's impossible to take the Dark Mark while under the imperius curse? How much is it costing you to stop that fact making the Prophet?"

Harry had to shout the last part as Narcissa was physically dragging her husband away. Harry shouting though just ensured more people heard him, and one glance at Malfoy's reaction told everyone the truth of the matter. Lucius stumbled and almost fell at hearing what he considered a secret shouted across a train platform now full of magical parents.

While all eyes were on Malfoy, Hermione grabbed Harry and proceeded to administer one of her special reward kisses. She loved when Harry let his intelligent side out to play, and Harry had just hurt Malfoy far more effectively than if he'd drawn his wand.

They broke their kiss to find the newly arrived Molly Weasley's disapproval for their public display of affection pouring over them. That disapproval reached Niagara Falls proportions after Molly spotted the crests on Hermione's robes. Before there was an eruption to rival Mount Vesuvius raining death and destruction onto Pompeii, Arthur did the unthinkable and interrupted his wife. He was clearly excited about something, so excited Arthur didn't realise the rollicking he was in for tonight.

"Harry, it's wonderful to see you again, you too Hermione. I've actually got some wonderful news for you, I've managed to get us all tickets for the Quidditch World Cup this summer."

"I'm sorry, Mr Weasley, We won't be in the country this summer. Thanks for thinking about us but we'll have to give it a miss."

The approaching Hogwarts Express drew all the attention away from their conversation, which was probably just as well as Arthur looked as if someone had stollen his precious muggle plug collection. He tried to stumble out a reply.

"The thing is, you see, I kinda used your name to get the tickets. If you can't go, then I don't think any of us will make the final."

Instantly recognising the attempt at emotional blackmail, Harry stood firm. "I'm really sorry, but we won't make it. There's just so much to do..."

Spotting her husband's crestfallen expression alerted Molly that something was wrong. Hearing Harry's last answer saw Molly enter the fray, in her own inimitable style. "What do you mean you won't make it? Of course you'll make it, Harry. You'll be staying at the Burrow after all..."

Deliberately ignoring the lack of an invitation for Hermione, Harry was adamant. "No, sorry we won't..."

Seeing the determination in those green eyes, Molly knew it was time to unleash her big gun. "But Albus said you would be spending part of the holiday with us..."

This was exactly the wrong thing to say though as Harry's attitude visibly hardened. "Albus Dumbledore is a Headmaster, he has no say in where or how I spend my summers."

The disrespect in Harry's voice shocked Molly more than anything else she'd seen or heard here today. "Albus Dumbledore is a great man..."

Harry cut right across Molly before she could build up a head of steam. "Great or otherwise, he still has no say in how I spend my holidays."

With a stern stare, Molly fired off a parting comment before going to search for her brood. "You've changed, Harry, and not for the better. I'll be talking with Albus about this."

While Sirius and Hermione were left jokingly debating about which of them Molly's stare and ire was directed at, Harry had a quiet word with Remus.

"You have got written permission that we can take Ron with us? After that, we may need to kidnap him..."

Hermione's laughter stopped anything more Harry was going to say. The three wizards waited on hearing the reason behind that laughter, Hermione didn't disappoint.

"Molly wants Ginny to be on Harry's arm nearly as much as her daughter does. The chances of me and you leaving here without little Miss Weasley tagging along are nil, especially if Molly has anything to do with it."

Harry so wanted to rant and rave in frustration at the truth behind his betrothed's words but that would have to wait, Neville was approaching with his gran. Harry consoled himself with the fact that it shouldn't take long to get everyone organised, and then they would be off on a well-earned and much needed holiday.

|Thank You For Reading|

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