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Chapter 7 - Wrestling Problems

Ron lay stretched out on his dorm bed, fully clothed and hands clasped behind his head. He was mentally wrestling with the problem of how he could discover this mystery girl's identity. Ron was certain he would recognise the scent of that particular perfume again, but he could hardly go around sneakily sniffing Slytherin sorceresses. Getting caught doing so would certainly earn him a good cursing or two, and may actually piss off the actual girl who did want to kiss him.

There was also his handkerchief that he'd used to wipe the lipstick from his face, but holding a used hanky up to some Slytherin witch's lips to compare shades was also a non-starter - exact same reasoning applying as the perfume scenario. Without staring, he had been stealing glances at those same witches, trying to discern just who his secret kisser could be.

Ron knew he didn't have the kind of luck that would see his mystery witch being the absolutely gorgeous Daphne Greengrass, though her friend Tracy wasn't half bad looking either. He'd almost regurgitated his dinner with the very thought of it being Pansy Parkinson. Not that there was anything too wrong with the girl physically. His aversion to Pansy though was right up there alongside his spider phobia, and that reaction was based entirely on who her current boyfriend was. Ron may have reached a point of maturity where he could cope with having a girlfriend from Slytherin - especially one who kissed as bloody brilliantly as his mystery girl does - but lips that had kissed Draco Malfoy would never touch his. Ron would rather kiss Aragog.

He suddenly had a thought, maybe his approach here was totally wrong. Ron had assumed his mystery kisser wanted her identity kept secret because she was a Slytherin, and he was a Gryffindor. Take that away though and what were you left with? Was there something wrong with the girl that she needed to kiss him in the dark?

Trying to tick off things he knew for definite was no help either. Yes she was strong, but how much of that was down to shock on his part? When she started sucking his face off, you could have knocked him over with a feather. That she appeared the same height as him could also easily be explained, some girls wore heels that made them seem taller. Saying Ron wasn't exactly experienced with girls would be a massive understatement but his hands told him there was certainly nothing wrong with his secret kisser's backside. In his opinion, that arse was beyond bloody brilliant.

A shocking idea then occurred to Ron. Perhaps the problem wasn't with the girl, but might actually be with him. She could be a rich pure-blood, he was a piss-poor Weasley. A wizard wearing second hand robes wouldn't be allowed over the door in a lot of pure-blood households. This girl - whoever she was - might not want word getting back to her family that she was kissing Ronald Weasley.

Remembering his mystery kisser's parting words though cut through a lot of his rapidly mounting anxiety, and settled Ron's jangling nerves - no judging. Realising that this approach might benefit them both was a big step for him, a step Ron hoped he could manage to pull off when he finally discovered who this witch was.

Making his mind up that laying here was getting him nowhere, Ron got up and decided to go for a walk. That his intended route for this walk would lead to him passing a certain tapestry multiple times was already a given.


Amelia Bones was also mentally wrestling with a problem, basically everything that had happened within Hogwarts today. Mister Potter and his girlfriend might have fooled everyone else in the infirmary with his startling questions and glib answers but Amelia knew when she was being played. That she had been played by two kids the same age as her Susan was what really worried her. Susan's latest letter home left Amelia with the impression these two were also playing Dumbledore for all they were worth too.

The Boy-Who-Lived having to hire tutors, because the education being given at Hogwarts wasn't of a high enough standard, would rock magical Britain to its core. That was small beer though when compared with the bombshell that the Dark Mark couldn't be administered under any form of duress, be that blackmail, potions or curses. There were many prominent magical citizens who had used the imperius curse as an excuse for them becoming Death Eaters, this revelation exposed each and every last one of them as murdering liars.

There was not one shred of doubt in Amelia's mind that these two teens wanted her to know that game-changing information, or that they were certainly all on the same side in this matter. It was their motives behind these manipulations that she desperately needed to discover.

That they wanted Black to receive a trial was a given. Then again, Amelia agreed wholeheartedly with Harry that this was something he shouldn't even have to ask for from a competent Ministry of Magic. Since she would be running the trial, and ensuring there was no room for trickery, this was something Amelia was happy to organise - the sooner the better.

In her many years of service in the Auror Department, Amelia had seen that vile green curse take lives. Today was like witnessing a miracle, and seeing someone actually survive the same vile curse that had taken family from her easily qualified as a miracle to Amelia. Not only that, the curse then rebounded onto the caster and issued its own form of poetic justice.

She had no trouble believing Macnair was a Death Eater, and no tears would be shed by her over his demise - especially after hearing from his own lips that Macnair had lost count of how many people he'd murdered. Amelia's old mentor - Alastor Moody - had fought tooth and nail to allow aurors the use of lethal force against these bastards, saying that a dead Death Eater was one who wouldn't torture or kill again. She was a fully paid-up member of that club, Macnair would certainly never torture or murder anyone ever again.

Amelia had heard of dementors unlocking memories of those unfortunate enough to be exposed to the creatures, usually vile memories people didn't want to remember. She had never heard of their presence unlocking someone's magical abilities. Then again, parseltongue wasn't exactly a well-researched branch of magic. Add in that Potter apparently inherited that trait from Voldemort the night the bastard hit baby Harry with the killing curse and just about anything would be plausible, though she still didn't believe their story.

This left her with a number of unanswered questions however, questions she really wanted to know the answers to. How did Potter learn that spell? They couldn't possibly know Macnair was going to turn up in Hogwarts that day, he was a last minute addition by Cornelius for his knowledge of dark creatures. Did this mean Potter had a way of identifying Death Eaters?

She wondered if that meant there were going to be more Death Eaters turning up dead. Looking into the flames of the log fire in her own sitting room, Amelia took a sip of her very good firewhisky and discovered she didn't really care. Too many of these murdering bastards had gotten off Scott-free after baby Potter killed their master, one getting away was way too many as far as Amelia was concerned.

Potter and his girlfriend, Granger, didn't have the look of vigilantes however. Yes he was certainly angry about the lack of a trial for his godfather, rightfully so and especially if Black now turns out to be innocent. Considering how hard they were pushing for this trial, Amelia couldn't see any way Black wouldn't be a free man at the end of it. Knowing the amount of collusion that would need to take place for Sirius Black to be flung straight into Azkaban without a trial, and discovering he was Harry Potter's godfather, led Amelia to believe their government might actually be even more corrupt than she thought it was.

Amelia now quietly admitted to herself she was prepared to cut these two a load of slack, providing they didn't cross a certain line - that line being innocent people getting hurt. She'd stood back today and watched on as a ministry worker was basically questioned under torture. Harry's word that the curse only affected Death Eaters was enough to stay her hand, and see her await further revelations. Those revelations were the reason Amelia was sitting here with a drink in her hand, or rather Fudge's response to them. She was faced with another reminder of just how corrupt their government was, Fudge wanted the whole 'Macnair is a Death Eater' and 'you can't accept the Dark Mark while under the imperius curse' buried under so much bureaucracy that those revelations would never see the light of day.

She could only guess at how Fudge was going to deal with the fact that Rita Skeeter was there, Amelia's guess though would be scarily accurate. It was well known their press was available to the highest bidder, and Lucius Malfoy had enough gold to see neither of those life changing points made it into the Daily Prophet.

Thankfully Fudge couldn't interfere with her own investigation into Macnair's life, though whether she was allowed to act on anything the investigation turned up would be an entirely different matter. If that investigation pointed her aurors in the direction of any of Fudge's financial supporters, Amelia already knew she would be blocked from proceeding.

Finishing her drink also saw Amelia reach a decision. Potter and Granger seemed determined to stir things up against the Death Eaters, Amelia would support them any way she could in that endeavour. If that meant standing up to Fudge, Malfoy or even Dumbledore, then so be it. Their community needed taking by the scruff of the neck and given a right good shaking, these two teens actually appeared capable of doing that very thing. With her momentous decision made, Amelia headed off for an early night.


Neither Harry nor Hermione were sleeping, though they didn't made a sound while chatting to each other well into the night. Harry wasn't exactly truthful with Bones today. There was a shield spell Riddle had developed that would theoretically stop any curse. He didn't feel too bad about not telling her however, since you still needed to be a parselmouth to cast it, and it also needed to have been cast at you by a Death Eater Voldermort had marked. The spell had also never been tested, with only one of his Death Eaters ever firing a spell at him.

'Harry, we knew that spell worked. That Death Eater who admitted warning his sister about an attack knew his life was over, he tried to take Riddle with him. That once was enough to discourage any other Death Eaters from ever trying it again. I thought my heart would burst when Macnair fired the killing curse at you."

'I understand, Hermione, and using that shield would be a last resort. It also drains the person who cast against you of their magic. That's why Riddle used to cast the cruciatus on as many of his followers. Yes he enjoys inflicting pain but that was a win-win situation for him. Should someone retaliate, he would strip them of their magic while adding to his own power. If we're forced to face him, I want you to be as powerful as possible.'

This confused Hermione until Harry explained his thoughts. "When I use parseltongue, you understand what I'm saying. We both know that's the rings' doing but, and it's a big but, if we could get you casting a couple of spells in parseltongue you would be much safer.'

'I didn't think that was possible.'

'I don't know that it is, but we can at least try. The sinks in Myrtle's bathroom would be a good place to practice, and you don't get hit with a spell if you can't manage it. If you can get those sinks to open, I don't see any reason why you couldn't eventually then be able to cast the shield spell. Ginny managed it with the help of a parselmouth. Although this is certainly not possession, I'm still in your head to help.'

Hermione was always going to say yes to learning something new, they now just needed out of the infirmary to get some parseltongue practice. After tomorrow's Prophet, that might be easier. Since Dumbledore had already agreed a deal with Remus, the Headmaster might leave them alone for the last few days of term.


Remus might have a copy of today's Prophet and yesterday's Quibbler in his hand, he knew though that it was the Potter family crest on the arm of his new robes that gained him access to Augusta Longbottom. While the formidable witch had seen today's Prophet, no one had dared mention her grandson was on the front page of yesterday's Quibbler.

Today's issue talked about how the Minister of Magic, and Head of the D.M.L.E. had gone to Hogwarts as part of an ongoing investigation. This investigation had thrown up the fact that Sirius Black never received a trial before being flung into Azkaban. The headline was all about Fudge, declaring 'Justice will be done on my watch' while standing in front of a dead basilisk with his hand on Harry Potter's shoulder.

Augusta though was focused on the other front page, and demanded an answer from Remus.

"Harry has always been friendly with your Neville. Discovering that they were godbrothers saw Harry elevating that relationship to one of family. I'm sure I don't need to tell the matriarch of the Longbottom family how close your two houses have been in the past. The two boys also discovered they had a godsister, Luna Lovegood, and have practically adopted her as well. This interaction has had a very positive affect on all three of them, and is something I hope we can agree should be encouraged."

Seeing her grandson standing surrounded by friends was something Augusta had practically given up hope of ever happening, and had every intention of encouraging its continuation. She knew Lupin was here looking for something else though, and Augusta wanted to know exactly what that was.

"I think we should save time and get to the real reason why you're here. I'm assuming it involves the Hogwarts tutor situation reported in the papers?"

Nodding in agreement, Remus got down to business. "We have a situation in Hogwarts where the worst bully in the castle is not only a member of staff, but a Head of House too. Your grandson's boggart is Severus Snape, because the man bullies Neville mercilessly. The only time your Neville gets a break is when Snape is bullying Harry instead. As far as Dumbledore is concerned, Snape can do no wrong so tutors appeared the only option."

Augusta had already experienced Albus backing his potions professor against any and all complaints, the school board had been pushing for the man to be chucked out of the castle for years. This was certainly a point in favour of believing what she was hearing, she didn't know how bad things were going to get though as Remus continued to dismantle how the current Hogwarts curriculum was being taught.

"Harry's original intention was simply to find a potions tutor for him and his friends, but then things got out of hand. Taking past form into account, he has no confidence in Dumbledore finding a competent defence teacher to replace me. Harry's also dropping divination because the teacher is hopeless, and predicts his death in front of the entire class on a weekly basis. History of magic is still regarded as nap time by most of Hogwarts, they're learning nothing from Binns. While Hagrid is a good friend of Harry's, he feels his friend has just been chucked in there, with no help or supervision. Hagrid teaches his classes what he thinks they'll like, rather than what they need to know. While the Malfoy boy was at fault for the debacle at the start of term, someone more experienced should have advised Hagrid against using hippogriffs for his first lesson."

Thinking back, on what was admittedly a long time, Augusta was sure these animals weren't covered until much later in the course. "I seem to remember hippogriffs being covered just before my O.W.L.s, near the end of fifth year. Has Harry taken these complaints to McGonagall or Dumbledore?"

"They've had no help from McGonagall, she simply parrots whatever Dumbledore wants her to say. Dumbledore himself just keeps repeating that Hogwarts is the safest place in Britain. With the amount of times Harry has nearly been killed inside the castle, no one seriously believes that any more."

If hearing that shocked the grandmother, the next bit blew Augusta's mind.

"With having so many classes needing tutors, a friend jokingly commented that Harry would be better opening his own school. What started off as a joke has now become a very serious matter. We've purchased a building and are now actively recruiting staff."

"Has Albus allowed things to become so bad?"

"Harry considers Neville family, which is why I'm being so open about our plans. We're hopeful some of the best professors at Hogwarts can be enticed away to teach at this new school. I know the position this puts you in, being on the Hogwarts School Board, but we would like you to come and see everything for yourself - before making any decisions."

Augusta would do that anyway but one massive problem jumped out at her immediately. "How are you going to get this passed by the Ministry? Fudge and Dumbledore would never allow a school to be set up in competition with Hogwarts."

The smile Remus wore reminded Augusta of her son, Frank would use that same smile when she was missing something obvious.

"The school is not in Britain, therefore nothing to do with Fudge or Dumbledore. The option has always existed for parents to send their children outside of Britain to be educated, we are merely taking advantage of existing legislation. This does bring up the main reason I'm here. Harry will be leaving for this building straight from Hogwarts, he was hoping Neville and a few of their friends could accompany him. Look on it as a holiday - one you are very welcome to join, though we would suggest giving us a week or two and by then we should have solid plans for the school you could look over too."

While understanding the need for secrecy regarding the exact location of this new building, hearing the school was on the Mediterranean Coast - with its own private beach - saw Augusta agreeing to the holiday part. Seeing proof that her Neville now had friends, she was delighted to allow him to spend some time with them over the summer.

"I want it understood that a holiday is all I'm currently agreeing to, I will need a lot more persuading - and actually see things for myself - before even considering my Neville changing schools."

A relieved Remus was now smiling. "We always knew that would be the case. We also know you'll make the right choice for Neville, it's now up to us to make sure that right choice is our school. This school will carry the Potter name, and Harry is intending to spend a fortune making his dream a reality. We hope you will lend us your expertise when you visit to help us achieve that goal. If we achieve nothing else, this should at least see magical Britain waking up, and demanding better standards of professors and lessons at Hogwarts."

Augusta heartily agreed with that, and also to bring a trunk with summer clothes for Neville to King's Cross station. She would see her grandson, wish him a good holiday, and then meet up with him again in two weeks. This could be quite the summer.


Ron's lips were once again locked onto those of his mystery girl. While enjoying those kisses even more the second time, Ron's hands were also doing a bit of exploring - solely in an attempt to discover who his secret kisser really was.

Those hands were sending back information for his brain to collate, and that information was confusing. Without doubt, her arse was magnificent. His mystery girl's waist tapered in as it was supposed to but then she shot up to a pair of shoulders that were wider than his. Ron knew who the Slytherin beaters were but reckoned the girl kissing him could give them both a run for their money.

Running his hands through her hair, Ron worked out it was shoulder length and straight, no curls whatsoever. His mystery kisser broke lip contact, it would appear Ron wasn't as subtle as he thought in his actions. Instead of pulling away though, she started to slide down his body. Ron's hands clamped on those wide shoulders, holding her still.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you as my boyfriend, which was why I dragged you in here in the first place. I want you even more since we started kissing. When you find out who I am, you won't want me as a girlfriend. I was going to try and change your mind..."

Pulling her back up, Ron kissed her before putting his hands back on that wonderful arse. "If we get to that stage, you will already be my girlfriend and I certainly want to see what you're doing."

The girl's voice was very quiet, she practically whispered her confession. "I've never actually done that before - I've never done anything before. I would be willing to do anything for you, if I was your girlfriend."

Swallowing the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat, Ron now struggled to answer the girl. "I've never had a girlfriend, or done anything either. I have to ask though, why did you pick me?"

Taking a deep breath, she tried to answer. "I honestly can't explain it. I look at you and it does funny things to my insides. Kissing you drives me insane. When you reject me, I don't know what I'll do..."

Kissing her again, Ron now already had a very good idea of just who this girl was. The funny thing about it however was Ron found it didn't bother him in the slightest. To be perfectly honest, when his hands were on that magnificent arse, Ron was pretty sure nothing was going to bother him.

"If I'm going to have a girlfriend, I think I should at least see who she is first. Do you want to do the honours?" Ron gave both her cheeks a reassuring squeeze.

This gave her the courage to slip out her wand, that and the fact his hands never moved from her backside. With her own hand now shaking, she cast the lumos spell.

Seeing the terror of rejection in those blue eyes, Ron smiled at her. "Hey Millie, want to be my girlfriend?"

Dropping the wand as she wrapped her arms around her new boyfriend, Millicent tried to kiss his socks off.

Ron knew they would face many questions, gasps of disbelief and even ridicule over this but found he didn't care. His hands were firmly planted on their now favourite location - Millie's wonderful arse - and Ronald Weasley didn't have a care in the world. His new girlfriend kissing him with such enthusiasm didn't hurt either.

Saying Ron had little experience with girls would be a massive understatement, he had been up close and personal with a troll though. So it was with a degree of confidence Ron could state that Millicent Bulstrode was certainly no troll.

When her hands took a reciprocal position on his body and then pulled the new couple closer to each other, Ron's teenage hormones went from dead stop to flying about his body on Firebolts. They had ground to a shuddering halt when Ron grabbed Millie's shoulders and said no. Now they thought that was a brilliant idea, and that Ron had found a girlfriend who was one in a million.


Sirius was lying on a sun bed beside the pool at Harry's new home. He was hoping the beautiful Italian sunshine might take away some of the greyness in his skin tone, caused by a dozen years in Azkaban. That time in hell had also seen Sirius swearing that, if he ever got out of there, he would live every moment to the full. No more putting things off until tomorrow, there might not be a tomorrow.

That was the reason why Sirius was lying there without a stitch of clothing on. He'd always wanted to try swimming and sunbathing in the nude. With no one else in the house, this was the perfect time to try it too. The sense of freedom escaping from Azkaban had given him was almost overwhelming. Having goals, protect Harry and kill the rat, was the only thing that kept him sane at the time.

This was another type of freedom though, one Sirius was certainly enjoying. There was just something so liberating about letting your equipment have a day in the sun, feeling the gentle breeze...


Sirius shot bolt upright, the marauder couldn't believe his eyes. He was praying Moony had slipped him something and this was a prank, otherwise he would have to believe Minerva McGonagall was standing there frowning at him.

"Really, Mr Black, a little decorum wouldn't go amiss. A little bit of clothing would be good too."

He ran for it, shooting toward the bushes that were part of the landscaping at the end of the pool. It was only when he got there Sirius realised there was no route back into the house from here, and his wand was sitting on the table beside his sun bed. Sirius was screening himself behind appropriately placed shrubs, wondering how he was going to get past his old Head of House without exposing himself again, when she shouted in his direction.

"I have a very important letter here for you, from Remus..."

A big black dog walked toward her and casually used its mouth to remove the letter from Minerva's hand. With as much dignity as he could manage, Padfoot ambled off in the direction of his room. His hearing was so much sharper in his animagus form, so Padfoot had no problem picking up McGonagall's sniggering laughter as he walked away.

Minerva had only been here two minutes and already she was feeling better than she had in years. Minerva couldn't remember the last time she smiled, never mind laughed. Then again, with that old bastard messing with her mind, Minerva was probably lucky she remembered her own name.

Dumbledore would get his though, he'd apparently forgotten that you should never make an enemy of a Highland witch. First though, she would have to work on an apology for two young people she'd harmed whilst under that whiskered wanker's wand. That they had sprung into action to ensure Dumbledore couldn't influence her again left Minerva doubly in their debt. It was a debt she had every intention of repaying. If, while repaying that debt, they managed to shaft Dumbledore at the same time - so much the better.


Since they weren't certain Harry visiting Dumbledore's office was no longer a threat, Harry and Hermione were still sticking to the infirmary. It wasn't really a hardship though as there was plenty to do, with Dobby getting them any book they asked for and bringing letters from their friends. Luna's latest note had both of them intrigued, more specifically the part where she said Ron now had a girlfriend. In a style they were beginning to understand was pure Luna, she didn't give them the most important piece of information - namely who the girl now dating Ron was.

Knowing her two roommates, Hermione fervently hoped it wasn't one of them. Whoever this girl was, just by being Ron's girlfriend meant they would instantly become part of their close group. That Parvati and Lavender were the two biggest gossips in the school wasn't really up for dispute. That she and Harry had things going on that they didn't want spread all over the castle was also indisputable. If either of those girls had hooked up with Ron, Hermione and Harry could see a gulf opening up between them and their friend. They would have to watch every word they said in front of Ron, even if Parvati or Lavender wasn't there at the time. In all the names they banded about between them, neither Harry or Hermione got close to guessing Ron's new girlfriend's identity.

Their guessing game was placed on hold, both were too shocked by the visitors who walked into the infirmary. Remus was a welcome sight, they had much to discuss with the Steward of House Potter. Their second visitor, Amelia Bones, was rather unexpected but not unwelcome. It was the third member of their trio of visitors who blew Harry and Hermione away - Sirius Black just walked into the infirmary as if he had every right to be there.

Seeing both of them staring at him with their mouths open was as good as a prank to Sirius. "What, no hug for your newly exonerated godfather? I'm disappointed, I thought you would be pleased to see..."

He never got to say anymore as an emotional Harry tackled a now laughing Sirius so hard they both ended up on the floor. Knowing Amelia's presence meant Sirius must be telling the truth, Hermione still looked to a grinning Remus for conformation.

"The Ministry wanted to meet with Sirius as soon as possible. The Steward of House Potter contacted his counterpart for the House of Black and we arranged a trial for this morning. Sirius answers questions under truth serum and was then declared a free man."

Hermione now had tears in her eyes, their chances of pulling this off just got a lot better. They were interrupted by Poppy, asking Remus about Minerva.

"She's out of St. Mungo's and safe. The old man will never find her, and it will be up to these two what happens next. Harry, you need to have a word with Dobby about taking instructions too literally. I asked him to take Minerva to Sirius, and your godfather was in a state of undress at the time."

Everyone could see the mischief twinkling in Remus' eyes but the marauder found himself being cut off before he could tell a story he intended to embellish the hell out of. Amelia wanted to take him back a few sentences.

"Minerva - Minerva McGonagall? Why was she in St Mungo's, and who does she need to be kept safe from?" Amelia couldn't miss that all three adults looked toward a Harry who was helping his godfather up off the floor before giving any answers. The young man then glanced at his girlfriend and all could see a decision had been reached between them.

"Madam Bones, will you take a seat. Trust me, you'll need that seat for some of it." Following Harry's advice, they all sat. Harry and Hermione on his bed, the marauders on the one beside it while the two witches sat on chairs between the beds to hear the tale. Deciding to set the tone right from the off, Harry dived right in at the deep end.

"Albus Dumbledore is a manipulative, lying bastard. You can trust him about as far as Hermione could toss Hagrid." A sharp intake of breath and the Marauders grinning should have embarrassed Harry but he was far too angry to embrace any other emotions.

"Sorry about my rather unfortunate choice of words there but I really hate Dumbledore - he's as bad as Voldemort. No, wait, he's worse. Voldemort wants me dead, Dumbledore has plans for me that we know nothing about - and see us almost killed on an annual basis. The old bastard was going to let Sirius be murdered, claiming he couldn't do anything to stop it. When his own secrets were threatened with exposure, Dumbledore wasn't slow to take action - and didn't care who he took that action against. I suppose we weren't too surprised to discover he'd cast so many controlling spells on McGonagall, it's a wonder she remembered her own name. After all, three of us here witnessed Dumbledore obliviate the Minister of Magic."

Amelia was on her feet before realising she'd moved, Poppy's hand on her arm soon had her sitting back down again. "I was one of the three people who witnessed it, before Albus turned his wand on me. These two managed to somehow overpower Dumbledore and revive me. I wanted to contact the aurors but it would have been our word against Albus Dumbledore, the Minister had already been obliviated. We took the decision to use Dumbledore's own curse against him, I obliviated the old goat and had him put in his own bed. I already have a new job, and will let Albus know about it by letter, after I'm out of the castle."

Continuing his tale, Harry got right to the heart of the matter. "While my mother was pregnant with me, a prophecy was made about a child being born with the power to defeat the Dark Lord. This prophecy was made to Albus Dumbledore, but overheard by a Death Eater. That Death Eater running to his master with the information is the reason I don't have my parents, and Neville's are in St. Mungo's. We both fitted the profile of this child, right up until Voldemort marked me the night he murdered my parents."

Hermione had her arm around Harry's shoulders as everyone felt his pain. "The reasons I hate Dumbledore are many, but they all have their roots in that prophecy. The Death Eater involved is Severus Snape, who escaped Azkaban purely on the word of Dumbledore. Sirius ended up there, and never even got a trial - go figure. Meanwhile Dumbledore basically kidnaps me and dumps a toddler on a muggle doorstep. I was eleven before I found out I was a wizard, and that my parents weren't a couple of layabout drunks that died in a car crash they caused..."

With a roar of anguish, Sirius leapt to his feet - only to find Moony's reactions were quicker. He got in front of Sirius, blocking any movement and staring directly into his eyes. "We just got you free, murdering muggles will see you back in Azkaban. They've been taken care of, well taken care of, trust us on this."

As Remus got Padfoot calmed down, Amelia just had to ask the obvious question. "I'm hoping this 'taken care of' was legal?"

Harry actually grinned as he answered. "We told them their treatment of me was now known, and the magical authorities would be coming after them. They were given money to move house immediately, and advised not to stay anywhere too long - in case they were found. I hope we can work together, Madam Bones, and always within the law. A prophecy claimed I have the power to defeat Voldemort, I can't fight him, Dumbledore and the Ministry at the same time though."

Here was the opening Amelia was looking for, she took it. "Harry, I'll help you against Voldemort anyway I can. It's going to be difficult though, since I'm basically working in the dark here. Where did you get all this information, and why wait until now to make it known?"

Understanding her position, Harry letup a little more of the truth. "There are things I'm going to have to ask you to keep to yourself, starting with this. The night we were attacked by the dementors, I met my parents. I know that sounds unbelievable, which is one of the reasons I'm delighted Hermione was there too. She had a chat with my mum, and we were betrothed before my parents left us. My mother told me how to claim my lordship, something else Dumbledore had kept from me - because he knew I would never go back to my muggle relatives if I had another option. My mother's encouragement gave me the happy memory I needed to cast my patronus, Hermione can cast it now too."

Drawing their wands, a silver stag and doe were soon cavorting around the infirmary. Poppy and Amelia were now buying the 'meeting parents' story, it certainly explained rather a lot. Amelia decided she didn't want to know how Sirius had escaped that night, though she was sure these two had a hand in it. He'd just been proven innocent of all crimes, so justice had been done that night. Meeting his parents didn't explain Harry's sudden ability to cast previously unknown spells in parseltongue but Amelia didn't push it. She let them keep some secrets.

"We only know the beginning of the prophecy, and need to hear the rest as quickly as possible. Madam Bones, you can get us into the Hall of Prophecies to hear it, without anyone else finding out about our visit. In return, you can hear it too. Then we can sit down and work out what we do next. For security, it would probably be better if that talk happened outside Britain."

That the entire group appeared so comfortable with Harry's last comment about outside of Britain added to one of Amelia's suspicions. Deciding to see if the rumours were true, she simply asked outright. "The entire school knows you're looking to be tutored in certain subjects. There's also a rumour that you might be opening your own school. That's being mostly dismissed as fantasy but, getting to know you and hearing about Dumbledore and Snape, I'm now inclined to believe these rumours. I'm asking here not as a Ministry employee, but rather as someone who has the last member of her family attending Hogwarts. Susan is in the same year as you two, and I now don't want her near Dumbledore - or Snape either."

Catching on at once, Hermione filled in the rest of the group. "If we're including Susan, Hannah's name has to be in there too. Those two are inseparable. If you can wait until we hear what Remus has to say about our friends, we might be able to say more on the matter."

Since they weren't breaking any laws here, Remus had no problem discussing the bit of business Hermione wanted to hear about in front of Amelia. "Luna and Neville both have permission, so it's time to approach them. Ron was another matter. Molly didn't want him going somewhere she didn't know everything about, at least by himself. She would allow him to go providing the twins and Ginny were included. I got the feeling including Ginny was by far the main condition she wanted met, the twins would simply be a bonus."

This saw Hermione giggling as Harry groaned and hid his face in her neck. He then sat up straight and smiled, obviously something had just occurred to him. "If Dumbledore already knows I'm Lord Potter, I think it's time the country - and especially some redheads who seem determined that I'll be marrying into their family - discovered Lord Potter and Hermione Granger are betrothed."

Hermione was now laughing. "Don't worry Love, I'll protect you from stalker fangirls - with any colour of hair." Turning to Amelia, Hermione gave the woman the information she needed.

"We have a facility outside of Britain that we are hoping to build a school around. Some of our friends will now be leaving straight from the platform to join us there for the first couple of weeks of the holidays. If Susan and Hannah wanted to join us, that would be great. Sirius, Remus, Poppy and Professor McGonagall will be there too. You would of course be welcome to visit, though we've asked the other parents to give us a couple of weeks to get organised before coming to stay. At that point, we may be in a position to tell you more about our school, allowing you to talk it over with Susan and the other parents."

The sheer audacity of the boy rendered Amelia speechless. Any other person, irrespective of age or experience, would be in a state of catatonia learning a prophecy linked them to Voldemort. Harry Potter however seemed made of sterner stuff. He was planning for his future, Harry appeared to be planning everyone's future. Amelia was pulled out of her stupor by Poppy deliberately joking with the boy.

"Boss, do I get a holiday or am I working all summer?"

Smiling, Harry let Hermione answer for them. "You've seen the building, we'll all be enjoying our summer. Once we've picked the location for the infirmary, it will be up to you to equip and stock it. We won't have the numbers of students you're used to, so there will be plenty of time to relax."

"With your betrothed attending, I reckon there will still be enough work for me to be kept busy."

It was then Amelia had her epiphany, and recognised what she was seeing here. The other three adults, and especially the Granger girl, were all keeping Harry's thoughts off this prophecy and Voldemort. Amelia decided to play along, knowing it would be a different story once they actually heard the thing in a few days.

"So, Minerva's now staying at this mystery location and Poppy already works for you, which other Hogwarts staff have you got your eye on?"

Laughing, Harry gave his answer. "We have two Heads of House visiting us over the holidays. You'll need all your investigative powers to come up with their names."

Since Amelia already knew Harry wouldn't piss on Snape if the wizard was on fire, she couldn't help but smile at his cheek. Knowing there was zero chance Susan, and her friend, Hannah, would turn down the opportunity to holiday with Harry Potter, she was at least confident of her next remark.

"I won't mention the possibility of changing schools to Susan or Hannah, just that they have been invited for a holiday. I'll tell them to keep it quiet for now, but don't hold out too much hope of them keeping this news to themselves."

The teen couple already knew they would have to speak with their friends before they left Hogwarts, this just pushed their timeline up by a day. They would take dinner in the Great Hall tonight, and discover who Ron's girlfriend is.

Amelia left to speak with her niece, and would then need to contact Hannah's parents. Poppy stepped back into her office, allowing the four who were left to discuss the very busy day that would soon be upon them.

Remus was firming up the timetable for that day, starting with their appointment at Gringotts. They would now be heading from there to the Ministry, where Amelia would ensure they got to view this prophecy in private. Then Remus had a private room booked at a very classy restaurant, where meeting with the Granger parents was the name of the game.

With each of those meetings being potentially life-changing, and Remus not sure which one Harry was dreading more, it would be a welcome relief for the couple to finally greet their friends at King's Cross - before portkeying to the Amalfi Coast for a working holiday.

|Thank You For Reading|

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