Jade x Reader x Floyd [ENG]

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🌌Age down, age up, Princess!Attina!Reader x Octotrio, dirt, fine print in a contract, Mermaid plot for adults, fraud, Ursula!Azul, Male!Gey!Ariel, voice in exchange for legs.

I don't know the name of Ariel's prototype in the game, so let's shorten it.

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- I don't think that's the best solution," you pronounced, slamming down the book you were reading before your younger and only brother arrived. "Father will not be pleased.

Ari folded his arms across his chest, sighing unhappily. He's the naughtiest kid in your family. He's only fifteen, but he's more trouble than any of his older sisters. When Ari goes outside, all the inhabitants of the underwater world hide in their homes, because curiosity in the prince's eyes is a bad sign.

- Father is always unhappy with everyone," his green long snout nervously stirring the water, irritating you. - Attina, please, just one potion!

- Father is just worried about you, and besides, are you sure the witch isn't lying to you? There are bad rumors about Azul," you said, "and his muren friends are terrorizing the villagers, and no good will come of your plan.

The prince fell on the soft featherbed of your bed, his tail brushing against the gentle slime growing on the bottom. He took umbrage. You hated arguing with your sisters and brother, and when he pouts his cheeks like that, it's the worst. Before she died, your mother taught you to take care of your family and give you happiness; as the future Queen of the Coral Sea, you owe it to yourself to follow her words.

With a sigh, you opened the door of the room.

- But quick, don't take anything from Azul's hands, and don't eat or touch anything," the prince jerked happily from his seat as he swam out of your room before you grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him.

Ari nods. Your road goes beyond the Coral Sea, through deep hollows, dark bodies of water full of horrible people and criminals. After a while, you find this deep cave, where the cursed octopus and his henchmen reside. Generally among your circles, Azul is known for his frauds and improper contracts. But there's nothing you can do about it, you can't send him to jail or impose a fine - the fine print in his contracts absolves him of all responsibility. Jade and Floyd are his sidekicks and his only friends who visit the town occasionally, but they do nothing critical, they don't overstep the bounds of the law. But there are a lot of complaints about them.

- Brother, once again, don't touch anything, don't sign anything without my consent, don't say anything unnecessary," you say, hoping for your brother's discretion.

- I remember, remember," the prince says nonchalantly, stepping inside the cave. At the threshold you are met by two golden eyes, glowing in the darkness, and you reflexively hide your brother behind the back.

- We have guests!" someone says, and two identical eels emerge from the shadows. The twins clap their hands, catching the witch's attention. - The Royal Family! Unexpectedly!

- Floyd, show some respect for the crown princess," the second twin says, waving his long tail, beckoning them inside the cave. Everything seemed much cozier inside. The usual rich style of furniture, the shelves with jars containing the originals hung like trophies behind the back of the octopus sitting on the chair. Its long tentacles dangle across the floor. You think this is the first time you've seen such a big octopus. Although seeing one octopus is good luck-they're hermits, you can't see them walking around the market during discount season.

A heavy, webbed hand pressing against your shoulder forced you to sink down onto the cushioned couch. And your brother, mouth wide open, studied the room, floating from the shelf of trophies, to other elements of the decor, annoying you.

- So, what brings the prince and princess to my humble home? - Azul said, folding his arms on the table. There's a sly look on his face, his lips curve into a smirk, and you can already feel yourself wanting to leave. Bad idea to begin with.

- Theoretically, if there is a potion, or maybe an herb, that would allow the sea-dwellers to go on land as humans?" the prince began to speak at once, leaning his elbows on Azul's desk, showing disrespect. You tugged warningly at his tail fin, taunting one of the twins standing behind you like a guard.

- Floyd, shut up," Jade said, and twitching, the twins dropped down beside you, still clasped between each other. Apparently, the only brain cell they have is one for two. - Interesting question, Prince, but why would you want to do that?

You covered your eyes with your hand, knowing that Ari was about to speak, covering yourself in red shame beforehand.

- I met a prince on land, and he was handsome and kind to the people of the sea, and he cleaned the mud from the shores of the sea," the prince said dreamily. - I would like to share it with him!

You frowned and rolled your eyes, which did not escape Azul's attentive gaze from under his glasses.

- Is something wrong, Princess?

- He's fallen in love with a prince on dry land," you said, "and he's somehow convinced that you can help him win the prince's heart.

Your brother squeaked and, covering his face in embarrassment, sank to the bottom. But you don't see anything wrong with that, so he fell in love with a man of his own sex, so what?

It's bad enough that his infatuation has clouded his mind, making him a puppet. the idea of going to Azul was dangerous from the start. And you hope the brother won't do anything dangerous to himself and the royal family.

- Hmm, love is a terrible flaw," Azul said, "But, love makes everyone do strange things, break mountains, transcend their own selves. I guess falling in love with someone is a nice feeling, too bad I'm a heartless creature. I would help you, prince, but I need the benefit.

You count the seconds, ready to grab your brother and leave this place, because Azul's sweet speeches smell like rotten fish - false, horrible, with a catch. But your brother didn't give a damn, and he's got his ears open.

- What you need, I'll get it! Money? Gold or jewelry?" said the prince.

The trio laughed out loud at his words. It was as if the twins had deliberately lowered their cold hands to your tail, digging their fingernails under your scales so they could deceptively caress the stained skin. It doesn't hurt you, it just doesn't feel good. A tail with scales is not the most sensitive place of a mermaid.

- I don't want money or anything tangible," Azul pronounced. "In exchange for my legs, I'll take your voice, prince.

You did not disturb the conversation because you wondered what terms the octopus would dictate. Nothing just happens. Everything has an expiration date.

- And what are the conditions?" you said.

- Seven days," Azul took a scroll of gold paper out of the bottle, and magically glowing it showed the terms of the contract. - A prince has only seven days to marry a man. Then he'll have his legs forever, and if he doesn't, he'll be left without a voice and with a broken heart.

You hesitated and twitched the brvt again.

You thought about it and yanked your brother's tail again when he was already holding the golden pen.

- Ari, let's go, it's a stupid contract - you pop up, but the twins are yanking you back, their fingers tight on your shoulder. The atmosphere has changed. Tension was building up. You didn't want to be here, but apparently Azul doesn't know the word no. This contract is a spit in the face of a lovesick prince whose eyes swam with love.

- What's impossible, princess?- said Floyd, grabbing you by the high chin.- Become a legal husband in seven days and live a happy life on land?

- Or live without a voice and with a broken heart for the rest of your life?' said Jade, turning your face to himself.

Different eyes scared you. But, as a princess, you shouldn't show fear. With a sigh, you took water in a light and even voice, as your mother taught you, and said your thoughts.

- You can't fall in love with someone for seven days and get married without speaking. Some beings are not few years old to make the first step towards a relationship, what a week it may be about. And if a man already has a fiancée, you think about it, eh? What will I say to my father, he will be angry! - You've already begun to shout out your brother's foolish intentions.

- It's just a voice, the prince said quietly. Before you could make a move, his plans were quickly signed on the edge of a golden sheet of paper. You swallowed saliva. It's a lousy situation.

- Very well! It's a pleasure to do business with you, Prince, Azul has rather flapped his hands and the contract has dissolved, flashing a golden glow in a new bottle behind his back. You wanted to move, get your brother out of this hole, but the Morenos are holding you tight, not even breathing. They press you against the couch, waiting for some miracle or command.

- And....? The Prince could not continue his words, for his voice had gradually subsided, until a silent gurgling came out of his mouth.

- And now, sailing on land if you don't want to suffocate, huh,' said Azul. Gradually, his laughter grew to the point of cracking the fragile walls of the cave, and your brother's tail split. The skin became one beige tone, and gills from the neck disappeared. The long tentacle wrapped around a man's ankle, pushing him out of the cave, thus enabling him to land faster.

All you had to do was watch your brother's silhouette disappear.

'Have fun, boys,' said Azul, and vanished from the study with a click of his fingers.

You didn't know what he meant at first, but the hunger of the twins' touch made that abundantly clear.

'Get your hands off me,' you shouted, hitting Floyd with your hand, sliding down your belly.

- No, no, Princess, Jade chuckled, clearly amused by your reaction. It's time to fulfill your contract.

- I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't sign anything! You shouted, trying to brush away the murals, which are taller, longer and stronger than you several times.

But it was useless. You felt panic and fear growing in your chest when you hit your back against the couch, lying in front of the twins defenseless.

- Do you think the voice and seven days is the only condition for your brother?' said Jade with a sly smile. His hand plunged on your chest, squeezing and scratching your skin. Their touch is coarse, cold, terrible.

No, the contract says you and your brother, so it's two to pay, says Floyd, nailing your bra.

- And your terms...," said Jade.

'-That's your body,' said Floyd.

It's ours for seven days, Princess.

- I always wondered what the princess's blood tasted like.

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Hi, sorry for the mistakes, corrections are welcome! Xia

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