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➺ for killingkingdoms, this is just republished just for the sake of keeping it all together. 

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

face like an angel, she never looks back


the mistress




lysandra terrwyn attaway, born pruitt


lysandra  ➺ liberator

terrwyn  ➺ courageous

attaway  ➺ roadside

pruitt  ➺ valiant


sandra. this name was what her parents called her once. her childhood friend, silas also knows her by this familiar name. she doesn't really like going by this name by anyone other than her childhood friend, but alas, there are rather limited options so to say. whatever others call her, and especially the king, she'll content to accept. and then of course, as a mistress there are a wide range of far less flattering honorifics so many people hurl at her. ha! as if she'll let that get her down, the words just bounce off. what's a little verbal assault in the long run? anything for this goal. anything for the mission. she will endure it.

she makes up her own rules, she never looks back



𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚


 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 


𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 



5' 7"


bruna marquezine 

she does what she pleases


many people may assume to know her. to know who she is, the type of woman, her hopes, her dreams, her plans, everything. ah, but this assuming will probably prove a fatal mistake. to say the least, lysandra is a woman of many layers, many facades, she is an actress in all that she does, and rather an expert at it. to the untrained or even the trained eye, the woman is perhaps a little simple, easy to categorize and easy to classify. of shameless demeanor and ambitious quality, both of these definitely do have some truth to be. though lysandra can be a bit of a... flirt to say the least, however unlike what people might claim or think she isn't just some common pleasure starved you know... all of her flirting, always has some sort of purpose behind it, some reason making it worth enduring, lysandra is not that desperate mind you. ambitious? oh yes. the one thing people get right about her, of course the female is ambitious. it's hard to be a mistress and not have at least some level of ambition? but her hopes and dreams are by far more complex than what one might expect. often times, the most common whispered rumor is that she has her eyes set on being the eighth queen. ha! as if! as if she wants the bloodstained crown, built up by the bones of at least five other woman. darkened with the shadow of a insane king, with insatiable appetite and ruthless mind, whose reign brought nothing but suffering, a regime built off the denial of magic.

 oh ho, make no mistake. she's here to kill the king. but more on that later. a quick end will do. this won't be some long drawn out show of revenge, mind you lysandra isn't at all stupid. quite clever in fact, there is so much more to this young woman than just a pretty face, although she does admittedly is quite a beauty, a fact she knows and a skill she puts to good use. the ravenette is blessed with a photographic memory and an eye for detail, her darkened gaze observes much more than what some may assume. a quick thinker, the eighteen year old tries to avoid overthinking much of her decisions, because then where would that get you? not far that's for sure. on a day to day basis, she tends to flit through events, barely processing, it's simply easier to adapt a lighter mindset and not read too much into things. able to think through a situation and come to a solution quickly, the young woman is of a very efficient mindset, determined and perhaps a little ruthless once she sets her mind to something. lysandra... isn't exactly someone you'd call loyal. the girl can however become incredibly dedicated to a certain cause or purpose, if that's what she believes is just and right. she's definitely not loyal to the throne that's for sure, although she does do an excellent job of pretending. that brings us back to the earlier point. above all, the female prides herself in being an excellent manipulator.

 having learned from early on, people see what they want to see. that's what they are accustomed to seeing. and that is what they will prefer to see. manipulating and getting others to act in ways more agreeable to your personal goals and private plots? it's all about finding out what they desire and finding a way to fulfill it. find ways to subtly tie their wants to yours. charismatic and charming, this is an excellent conversationalist, she is many things but certainly never boring at all. beneath the surface, though lysandra will not hesitate to make life very unpleasant for those in her way, she isn't a mean or malignant person at all. coming from a lower background, this isn't someone to look down and sneer on another simply for their class or rank. petty grievances and annoyances, she sees herself as above. there is a compassionate side to her even, and regardless of the mission, which she sees as highly justified, she isn't one to hurt just to hurt, whether physical, emotional or mental. kind of ironically, lysandra is a firm believer in justice. everything she does? she sees as serving her greater purpose, which is for the greater good. it's doubtful she'll go down in history that way, but in her eyes, lysandra is the hero of her story. it's a good thing the female is well trained in holding her tongue, because oh oh oh she has a bit of a self righteous tint to her thoughts and definitely rather controversial opinions. but this is all hidden in dazzling confidence and flirtatious facade, who would ever guess there's anything deep about the king's precious, precocious mistress?


mind control! lysandra is practiced in this gift thought she doesn't use it too much, for the most part she finds herself only using it to send little 'mind nudges,' to help with persuasions and such, sort of subtle pushes in the right direction to make another more agreeable to parley with. or occasionally, on the rare occasion someone spots her doing something a little shady, like a servant per say, because she's far too cautious to get caught by anyone more important, she'll pull the classic use mind control to make them forget what they ever saw. for the most part, lysandra prefers not to use her gift though, better to only use it if absolutely necessary. she most certainly doesn't want to get found out and definitely not before she accomplishes the mission!


first thing to know, lysandra is a highly secretive soul, private by nature even if it did not remain so very essential to her survival to keep her secrets. oh make no mistake, it is every bit necessary for her to remain so very tightlipped about her past. no doubt, countless scores of folks both fair and foul and a mix of both would love to have some dirt on her and see her fall. that's just... a given, considering her current ahem ahem position. but even were there absolutely no pressure forever, lysandra simply isn't the type to spend time reminiscing on the past. there is just no need. so, there is likely only one person who knows her true, full story, her childhood friend of forever, silas alderidge and even he doesn't know too many details. born lysandra terrwyn pruitt, her parents naturally didn't really have that much trust in the government, what with rumors and such going around among the... "magical community" that elyrian politics were becoming increasingly hostile towards their kind. a pair of simple merchants, her father isander, and mother, demetra had skills that made the profession only natural. isander could teleport anywhere he had been before and her mother, could manipulate nature to a small extent, nothing huge like trees and stuff, but it gave them easy access to fresh produce. so the pair lived a fairly nomadic life, traveling from town to town to do some trading. her parents did not plan to have her mind you, she was a surprise, albeit a welcome one.

after having lysandra, her family moved back to their village of origin, non coincidentally where her aunt ivanna also made her living, with the humble, simple job of a seamstress, although she was a highly skilled one. ivanna for the most part was a self made woman, possessing only magically enhanced senses, so she was able to go undetected throughout the whole witch hunts. lysandra was usually in her mother and aunt's care, her father often flashing in and out, going only to the markets he'd been before with their fabulous fruits. it was like this till she was about three or four and then both her parents started traveling more leaving the girl with her aunt ivanna, unable to stay away from the luster of going out and living the open road, trading merchant lifestyle. they'd return sometimes only a few days between, usually weeks, occasionally a month's distance. until one day, they didn't. it was a harsh winter, when lysandra was five. everyone was hard pressed for not just food, but also money to buy winter provisions, such as firewoods and furs, the latter being such a luxury to the commonfolk. and well... some of isander and demetra's usual trading partners, decided to sell them out. next time they showed up to trade, kingsmen were there. it was too fast. 

ivanna learned about it from a family friend, devastated but no less, still very devout in caring for their now orphaned daughter, who was basically her own daughter now. the woman, not wanting to traumatize the five year old, hid the truth of her parents death from her, feinting some typical travelling accident cover story until the girl was thirteen. by then, lysandra was far too bright minded and curious to keep off this topic for long, and naturally she pried the true story out of ivanna. that month... oh the arguments she endured with her aunt, resentment and betrayal running amok in her mind for shielding the truth so long. eventually though, she got over it, realizing well maybe it was better that way, to have some semblance of a normal childhood and not knowing about witch hunts and the horror of their end any longer than necessary. it didn't take long for her grief over their deaths and outrage over the true cause of it to manifest it as a dangerously disloyal mindset and deep loathing for the nobility and above all, the elyrian king. aside the serious past issues and no parents, lysandra had a pretty normal village girl childhood, though she insisted on training in weapons and such, not wanting to be helpless. if kingsmen were going to come for her, she'd be ready for them! oh and, her gift helped in persuading people to be willing to lend her equipment and such. no she doesn't steal. she borrowed. 

growing up, ivanna taught her niece to be reserved, polite yet private, so she only actually has one true friend. silas alderidge. then, in her preteen years he decided to run for it. he offered her a chance to run with him, but the girl denied feeling a duty to stay with her aunt. she often wondered, if she should've gone with him. two years after finding out the truth of her parent's death, ivanna decided to move the two of them to the capital, seeking new opportunities and also wanting to get out of that sad little village. shortly after this time, lysandra made contact again with her childhood friend silas, and though he would come and go, they stayed in contact through letters. when she was around sixteen, she, silas and six others of similar mind formed a little plan thing. at around seventeen, lysandra became a lady in waiting to the advisor's daughter. half a year later, she became the king's official mistress, in the last year of queen zarya's reign. and you know what they say, the rest is history. eventually all seven of them wound up at the palace. now she is eighteen, almost nineteen, and her place at court is fairly solidified. people may despise her but of course, none would dare cross her and risk the king's wrath. it's a pretty stable position to be in. 

she knows that you need it


the female privately is of fairly liberal views, though she will never dare voice any of her opinions. outwardly, she tends to just agree with whatever the common consensus is, or she'll shape her outward opinions to align perfectly with king stefan's. however, she absolutely despises the witch hunts, i mean how could she not? they are responsible for the death of her parents, silas's parents and plenty of other good people! sexism is annoying, but she's accepted that you can't do anything about it, so while she dislikes it, she is content to play the role of a typical woman, whatever is needed to stay afloat. to the casual observer, lysandra is nothing short, nothing more than the king's mistress. a young woman maybe a little petty, a little arrogant, maybe even jealous but true threat. as for homophobia? worrying about romantic and sexual relationships of other people isn't that important to her. she honestly doesn't give a fuck about people's preferences and such. it's simply not important and pales in comparison, to the mission. 


shortly after becoming the king's mistress, he let her get a pet falcon! a female gyrlfalcon she has taken to calling essix, honestly the bird is one of the only things keeping lysandra sane still, as the young woman fights to navigate a poisonous court and a king who she secretly loathes.


chaotic neutral. lysandra is loyal and true to causes she deems worthy, and absolutely ruthless to the people and ideals that stand in her way. she is not inclined to obey a law just because it is a law, but she will not mindlessly break them either just for the sake of being rebellious. 



 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 

lilith ➺ ellise



➺ n/a

make you cry, no point in hiding 

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