𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

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Lydia sat nervously in the back seat of the car as Scarlett and Elizabeth chatted away, trying to ease her nerves. Two days had passed since she arrived in Atlanta with the others and the rest of the cast had flown in late last night as filming was scheduled to begin today.

"Don't worry, Lyds. We've got your back. You'll be great," Scarlett said, giving her a reassuring smile through the rearview mirror.

Lydia managed a small smile in response, but her mind was still racing. What if things were awkward with Chris? What if he still held a grudge against her for breaking his heart? She tried to push the thoughts aside and focus on the excitement of the first day of filming but her mind kept circling back to one thought only...him.

Upon arriving on set, the girls found out that there were the first ones present, considering they lived the closest to the set as well. Lydia sighed in relief as she thought that this would give her a little more time to calm her nerves before she had to greet everyone. With that in mind, Lydia headed to her trailer to make herself some coffee before starting the nerve-wrecking day.

It was an hour later when an attendant knocked on her trailer door and informed her that everyone had arrived and were gathering together in the main area to meet with the directors, who were still on their way.

Lydia's hands trembled as she held onto her coffee cup tightly. She took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror one more time before leaving her trailer. Scarlett and Elizabeth were already waiting for her outside.

Scarlett noticed Lydia's nervousness and asked, "Are you okay, Lydia? You look like you're about to faint."

"I'm just really nervous," Lydia replied.

"About the movie or about seeing him, Lyds?" Scarlett questioned her with raised brows as Lydia sighed in response.

"I haven't seen Chris since we broke up, and I don't know how he's going to react to seeing me."

Elizabeth put a reassuring hand on Lydia's shoulder and said, "don't worry, Lydia. We're here for you, and everything will be fine. Chris isn't the type to hold grudges or be rude to someone like that."

Scarlett added jokingly, "And if he tries to be a jerk, I'll kick his butt. Don't worry."

Lydia managed a small smile, feeling slightly better. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate it."

As they made their way to the set, Lydia's heart pounded in her chest. She kept rehearsing what she would say to Chris in her head, but nothing sounded right. Scarlett and Elizabeth chatted with her along the way, trying to keep her mind off things.

Finally, they arrived on the set, and Lydia caught sight of Chris in the distance. He was talking to Robert and Chadwick, and she could feel her stomach twisting into knots.

Scarlett and Elizabeth noticed her distress and guided her to their designated area as Sebastian and Anthony approached the group.

"Hey, Lydia! How was your morning?" Sebastian asked.

"It was good, thanks. Just getting ready for today," Lydia replied, smiling.

"It's just briefings and schedules for shoots and rehearsals today so, it shouldn't take too long or be too hectic, don't worry," Anthony assured her as the others nodded along.

After a while, Robert noticed them and walked over with a smile on his face, Chris following close behind. Lydia's heart raced as he approached, unsure of how to react.

Lydia's heart skipped a beat as she saw him, feeling a mix of emotions. Chris looked at Lydia and their eyes met. For a moment, there was an awkward silence as they both stood there, not sure what to say.

"Lydia! So excited you're here!" Robert exclaimed, breaking the silence and hugging her tightly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing alright, thanks," Lydia mumbled softly as she pulled away from the hug.

Chris then turned towards her, and Lydia felt like her heart stopped. He looked just as good as she remembered, and she felt a pang of sadness wash over her. She tried to compose herself, but her emotions were getting the better of her.

"Hey, Lydia," Chris said, giving her a small smile.

There was a brief pause as they both stood there, unsure of what to do next. Chris debated whether to shake her hand or give her a hug, but before he could decide, Lydia stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him.

Chris hesitated for a moment before reciprocating, giving her a light hug as they both pulled away quickly.

"It's good to see you again," Chris said, breaking the silence.

Lydia smiled slightly, trying to keep her emotions in check. "yeah, it's good to see you too," she replied.

Scarlett noticed the slight awkwardness between them and decided to break the tension by asking about Chris flight. "How was your flight here?"

Lydia felt relieved at the change of topic. "it was alright but I'm still very jetlagged though," he admitted as Chadwick nodded in agreement.

"Hey guys, how about we all go out for lunch after the briefing? It's been a while since we all hung out and it'd be nice to catch up," Anthony then spoke up, trying to shift the focus from the awkward reunion of the ex-lovers.

Sebastian chimed in, "yeah, and I know just the place. There's a great little spot a few blocks away from here that serves amazing barbecue."

Elizabeth smiled at the idea, "that sounds great, I've been craving some good BBQ."

Chris nodded in agreement, "me too, let's do it."

Right about then, Anthony and Joe Russo arrived into the main area. More greetings were exchanged before the briefing began as everyone settled down into chairs and listened to the brothers intently, as they discussed each actor's character arc and contribution to the overall plot.

Chris couldn't help but steal glances at Lydia as Joe Russo continued to give out instructions for the movie. He had never expected to see her again after their breakup, let alone work together in a Marvel movie. He wondered if Lydia felt the same way, but he couldn't bring himself to ask her.

Meanwhile, Lydia's mind was racing with the thought of working so closely with Chris. She knew their characters had a love-hate relationship in the comics but she wondered how it would play out on the big screen. She had always admired Chris's acting skills and had been a fan of his work even before they started dating. However, she wasn't sure if she was ready to be so close to him again.

The brothers gave a detailed rundown of each character's arc and how they would interact with each other. He talked about the challenges each character would face and how it would affect their relationships with the others.

At one point, he turned to Lydia and said, "Nyx is going to be a crucial part of the movie. We need her to be strong, determined, and able to hold her own against some of the toughest villains we've ever seen in the future. Bring that energy to her character from Day 1."

Lydia nodded, feeling the weight of the responsibility on her shoulders. She knew she had to bring her A-game if she was going to do justice to the character.

As the briefing continued, Anthony Russo mentioned that Captain America and Nyx would indeed have a hate-to-love relationship throughout the movie, as per the comics, causing Chris and Lydia to share a nervous look as they felt all eyes on them.

"Wait, don't Bucky and Nyx have a romance plot in the comics too?" Sebastian questioned, moving the attention from the two of them as the Russos nodded.

"So do Natasha and Bucky," Joe reminded, "which is why we want to put each character with the other and see which one fits better on screen and decide from there."

"It's going to be a lot of fun to watch their dynamic play out on screen," Emily added and even though the conversation moved on from there, Lydia couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the thought of having to act out a romantic storyline with Chris, given their history. But she pushed those thoughts aside and reminded herself that this was just acting.

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