"03 | Comfort.."

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"He wouldn't understand me.. he wouldn't understand that I was trying to make him happy.. I tried to make Supra happy!" Kat ranted and hissed at Supra's name. "And now he is that stubborn to even understand! Left me all alone when he knows I hate being alone!"

Ayumi sat there next to Kat, Ayumi noticed the reddening on Kat's face. Showing on how much anger Kat is in. She was furious. Ayumi did not know on how to react to the emotion Kat was feeling. She had multiple ideas on how to help Kat too calm down. Sadly, none of her ideas work. All of it failed and she is now out of option.

She had a solution in her mind, it was to knocked out Kat. The downside of it, she does not know on how to knocked Kat out. She wished that she had brought her frying pan- Glacier's frying pan. As she think it through, it was.. an exaggeration idea so she ignored the idea and let herself to go with the flow.

She hold Kat's clench hands in hers, looking into Kat's teary eyes. "I don't actually know what's happening between you two but surely you two had different.. uhh.. perspective." She took a quick glanced to looked at Kat's face. Her eyes are filled with tears, her cheeks are puffed up, her lips are quivering and her nose was runny.

Ayumi slides one of her hand into her pocket and took out her handkerchief and gave it to Kat. "Here, use this." Kat pouted as she grabbed the handkerchief, she was kind of mad at Ayumi for not understanding her yet she was more mad at herself for not trying to understand Supra. She agreed on what Ayumi had stated. Both her and Supra had different perspective of the situation.

She still cannot forgive Supra for leaving her alone and not accepting the truth. She hates it when people does that to her. That was not the only thought she was lurking into. The other thought was that, whose fault in that situation?

Going back to the library, Luna had already dealt with Supra. She yelled, cursed at him and even slapping the heck out of him. The librarian did not do anything as she was just a background character- Ahem -as she was completely useless on how to react to the situation. Other people in library took their leave because they did not wanted to be involved with it.

The wolf girl sat on the table, leg cross over the other and glared at Supra with her arms folded. "Do you realize, on how stupid you just become?" She scoffed at Supra. The poor- not -boy did not responded to Luna's words and it made Luna furious. "Oh. My. God. You become mute! Wow! How did that happened? Tell me, you intelligent boy- Oh Wait, you can't speak! How did I forget." Her sarcasm ticked off Supra.

"FINE! You win! I was stupid! Happy!?" Supra said in a pissed off tone. Luna was more then happy, she was satisfied. She laughed at how pissed off Supra was. Not that she was crazy. She was insane. "Not happy but satisfied~ oh how I wish Solar see you like this- or maybe better, Thunderstorm." Ticking Supra even more.

Luna noticed it and walked to Supra, flicking his forehead. "OW!? What the hell?!" Again, Luna laughed. "Would you stop wasting time being angry about me and concern more on Kat?" That kind of slapped him in the face. "The more you wasting your time with me, the more Kat-" her sentence were cut off with Supra clamping his hand over Luna's mouth, glaring at her.

"Bring me to her."

Ayumi had done everything to make Kat happy and now she had given up. Kat knows that Ayumi tried her best yet she could not fulfilled the emptiness she was feeling. All of sudden, she heard a portal opening. A jingle of bells. Luna's portal. She turned around to see the person she does not want to meet.

Supra was standing next to Luna who whispered something to him before going back to the portal. Letting Supra and Kat to be on their own. Supra remained at his spot, not wanting to make Kat uncomfortable.

"I want to confess.." both of them said in unison.
"..no you go first-"

"SUPRA YOU GO FIRST" that shout was from Ayumi who was on the tree she was sitting.

Supra sighed, he clear his throat. Looking at Kat with a sympathetic looked. "Listen.. you were right.. I was stubborn-"

"aND STUPID!!" This time, it was Luna who shouted. High five with Ayumi.

"Yes.. stupid.. let me get straight to the point. Kat, I am sorry, I know you hate being alone, I know I was.. stupid to not accepting the truth you said, practically it is my fault that this whole thing happened, not yours."

Kat's face lighten up, happy that Supra realized about it. She tackled Supra down into a big hugged. Smiling at Supra, "you are my big dumb pikachu." Supra accepted the nickname, he does not care now. All he cares was about Kat.

Though, even when Supra accepted that nickname. Laughter was heard from the distance. "HAHAHAHAHAHA- W H E E Z E." Luna rolled around the ground, laughing her ass off. Ayumi struggles to kept her laughter in and eventually laughed with Luna.

Supra ignored the two, he lifted Kat up in bridal style, nuzzling her nose. "Let me make it up to you.. why not I take you on a field trip with the fusions and elementals?"

Keeping myself busy with the days that have become hectic
In order to become distracted, the schedule is all filled up
But I'm unable to forget
It's burned into my mind like a tattoo
We can't return to that time, huh
If something could be done, then it'd be to call your name
No... but I accept your blame
Really, it's time to say goodbye

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