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✮˚. ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚

8 am came a lot quicker than I expected, but I was eager to start the first day.  I had already got up an hour before to perfect my new morning routine. I needed everything to be perfect, since it was my last year at Hogwarts before I turn.

I tried sneaking into Reece's dorm with James, Remus, and Sirius, luckily I got in successfully and proceeded to lay out his clothes and wipe the tobacco from off his nightstand.

Brothers... I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and left the room after that. Pretty soon, everyone was stirring and groaning about the day to come. I smiled brightly as I pulled out the books I needed today, potions with the Slytherin's, Herbology with Hufflepuff's, and...

Transfiguration with Ravenclaws, ugh.

It's not that I hate the Ravenclaw's, they're just so stuck up, annoying and boring. Well not all of them, just Leia Monroe.

I didn't realize how tense my face was until James walked up to me after I had just entered the common room.

"Ruth, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked, adjusting his glasses onto his face. I quickly relaxed and smiled softly,

"Just not looking forward to Transfiguration today."

He nodded in agreement, understanding what I was talking about. Sirius had walked up to us both, asking what was going on. James looked over and filled him in,

"Oh Monroe? She's hot, gotta give her that." Sirius laughed, before Remus had entered the picture and pretty soon I was surrounded by boys all talking about the girl I've grown to hate.

"Guys. Please stop talking about her, I already have a headache." I groaned, picking up my books and leading the way down to the dungeons.

Potions was the same old, same old. The same lecture that Slughorn always uses at the beginning of the year, apparently safety is a key component in the structure of his class.

After walking out, the boys had decided to get breakfast during our two hour break before Herbology. My stomach seemed to agree with them as we headed towards the Great Hall.

As we made our way through the halls of students, everyone seemed to be looking at me. It was strange, the only attention I normally get is either at the end of the year when I compete for top marks or when I get picked on because of that.

This time was different, it felt like they knew something I didn't, or they knew my secrets.

"Guys...why is everyone looking at me?"

"Looking at you how?" Sirius asked, I turned to look at him, my stomach uneasy.

"Like they know something that I don't."

Remus shook his head, "People look at me the same way all the time. It's like I have 3 heads or something." He scoffed. I tried my best to look sympathetic, but all I could think about was the unfamiliar feeling in my gut.

Out of nowhere, Aries appeared, and enveloped me into a hug.

"Oh my gosh Ruth! I'm so so sorry about what happened. It's terrible you have such little time left." She cried. It was like all of my oxygen supply had cut off and I had no air. I tugged away from her and coughed,

"Are you talking about-?"

She frowned, "Yes! Your disease! It's terrible!"

I took a step back, almost running into James. Why did she know about that? How did she know about that? I certainly didn't tell her.

Before I could find out, she walked away and I was confronted by Leia. We both locked eyes for a second before she scoffed,

"Ready for the final round Wilson?"

I scrunched up my face, "What are you talking about?" I asked angrily. Leia tilted her head slightly to the side.

"Oh darling everyone knows. You have the maladictus disease."

She stated this like it was a known fact. I stared at her blankly, the whole school knew?

"I haven't even been here for a day, how does everyone know?" I asked, my throat started to burn. Leia narrowed her eyes, clearly as confused as I was.

"I don't know. I heard through the grapevine. See you in Transfiguration." She said, her dark, wavy hair cascaded down her back as she walked away.

"Wow," Sirius said, "Even her voice is hot."

I elbowed him in the ribcage. "Oh shut it! This is my last chance to beat her in exams." Sirius seemed to shut up after that as we entered the Great Hall. Nobody said a word for the first few minutes of breakfast, then James had perked up with an idea.

"Ruth, why don't Sirius and I find the perp who snitched your secret? Maybe we can all play a prank on the person who did it as revenge." He smiled wickedly after the last part, Sirius nodding furiously.

"Yes yes! Let us catch this loon!" He agreed, I sighed and looked at them.

"I suppose you can try." I said simply, picking up a muffin and biting into it. The taste of the baked good mixed with chocolate chips flooded my mouth. Both boys looked overjoyed as Remus sighed, pulling his forehead to his palm.

Later the same day, I met with Lottie before Herbology. We decided to meet up in the Room of Requirement to get some peace, people kept walking up to express their sympathy for me. It was getting annoying.

"Look what I received this morning Rue!" Lottie exclaimed, holding out a small teddy bear holding a red heart. "It's from a secret admirer."

I laughed, "Cute. So you know how the whole school knows I'm destined to become an animal?"

Lottie put her bear down and nodded, I could see she was trying not to frown. The truth is, I can't focus on her love life right now when my social life is in jeopardy.

"We can talk about it later Lottie, I promise." I smiled, grabbing her hand. That seemed to cheer her up,

"Aries only told me about your...condition." She swallowed, "But I didn't tell her I already knew, I just didn't say anything."

I nodded and gathered my things, "C'mon, we'll be late to class." Lottie and I both stood up and started walking to Herbology.

a/n: so sorry guys, this chapter felt like such a filler. I'm working on chapter 4 right now but warning updates might be slower. Thanks and remember to vote on the chapters!

✮˚. ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠𝕠𝕟

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