Day Thirteen: The Lord Of The Flies

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The midnight hour slowly passed, that was when Matthew started to worry at last. He had been at Kathy May's house since eight, but there was still no sign of her. The cosy cottage was starting to feel more and more ominous as the minutes ticked by uneventfully.

He sat in the clustered living room. His gaze firmly on the colourfully painted door. It had been two hours since Matthew sent Jeremy to bed after their supper and the boy had been less than pleased by his mother's disappearing act.

"She always does this, she's never home." Jeremy had told him mere hours before.

"She doesn't mean to, you must know that, she loves you Jerm." Matthew tried to assure him with a warm smile.

"No, if she loved me she should be here, with me, not of you." Jeremy said seriously, "She wouldn't keep you around like a substitute father."

Matthew hid his hurt and sent him to bed after that. He knew he wasn't Jeremy's father, he wasn't trying to be. He was only doing what was right and hoping it was enough.

But now, as the minutes went by and he sat on the brown leather couch shifting the clutter on the coffee table, he didn't know what was right. He wanted to go out and search for Kathy but didn't dare leave Jeremy alone. He thought about waking Jeremy and taking him with him, but realized that was an extremely stupid action considering now Carsden crime ridden state.

He pondered through his opinions as frightening theories of where Kathy could be began to form in his head. They thrived on his fear and grew in his worry. He became more and more anxious and paranoid, there was an assisting buzzing in his ears and took him about five minutes to realize that it wasn't his imagination.

He clenched his head in his arms. The buzzing, it was loud. It was everywhere, it was everything. Louder and louder, screaming and shouting. He was shaking, his skin warm and sheet of sweat over his face.
It was to much, it too much. He had to get it out of his head, it was inside him.

Without thinking, he smashed his head against the coffee table with a sickening bang.

All at once, stopped stilled.

He exhaled softly in the silence. His was face still pressed against the table as blood ran down his forehead when he heard the first knock.

He didn't dare move. His stare fixated on the colourful door across from him. His heart pounded in his chest as he quietly spoke in a blank tone.

"Who is it?"

The knocking stopped. Quint quietness filled the space and for a second Matthew thought the person had left.

"A friend,"

Matthew breath caught. That voice, it couldn't be-

"A brother."

Matthew felt his blood run cold. No, no, it couldn't be- Damien had told him that he was dead, this was an imposter or a fragment of his crazed imagination.

"It's me Matt, open the door for your dear friend Jamie!" A crazed laughter filled Matthew's ears and it sounded immediately worse than the buzzing.

Matthew slowly rose to feet and carefully wiped his blood on his sleeve. He felt like he was in a daze. He walking, but it didn't feel like he was moving and the dark room was suddenly very illuminated. But before he knew it, he had reached the door.

His hand raised and placed itself on the keys that were hang from the keyhole. One turn, one turn to see James, one turn to meet death.
His mouth slightly opened as he twisted his wrist arou-

"Matthew! Don't!"

Jeremy's panicked shout broke his daze.

But it was too late.

The door was unlocked.


It wasn't dramatic like you've seen in the movies. Her head didn't rotate all around and she didn't sprint backwards on her hands and legs while her tongue hanged out. No, in all honesty, Damien would have preferred that. Because at least that was exciting.

It would be way more thrilling than doing the same prayers and pacing around with a small wooden box and his favourite candles lit. At least, he thought as he splashed some water on the withering woman on bed, I get to throw water at them.

The woman didn't share his boredom. Or at the very least, her demon didn't seem to think it was a dull event. It shouted, screamed, and rousted each and every time the water touched the woman's skin which was now a bright strained red.

Damien had done this process this many times in his life. His time was when his father bought him along on a case where a woman was believed to be possessed by by devil's presence. She was twenty two and had a young son that gave Damien mournful glances when he caught sight of him. His father, Denzel, had explained to him and Dionysus long ago that they would rarely encounter a real possession and not to expect much from the experience. But, fortunately or rather, unfortunately, this had been one of those rare occasion experiences.

She had died. Damien recalled, and he had threw up after witnessing it. Denzel looked at him with that same dissatisfied disappointment in his eyes that Damien had grew used to since birth. But Dionysus had comforted him, and that had been the real rare experience of the day because as time went on, it would remain the last time Dionysus had hugged him.

Damien shut his eyes in memory. Everything was so faded away now. Lost in time, lost in emotion. The world moved on, but what can you do when you couldn't move on with it? He wondered as he let his focus slip and the sounds of the woman groaning and straining against her bounds became muted in his mind.

His attention snapped back when the woman's hand broke free and her body bounced against the mattress.

He quickly moved to restrain her again, desperately wishing he wasn't doing this alone and Joseph hadn't abandoned him earlier that night. But he couldn't dwell on Joseph because the woman's grey hand reached out and grabbed at his white collar.

"She's- she's- coming." Her voice grasped out in a watery cough. It wasn't the demon this time, but the woman named Ayla.

Damien groaned. In what may be her dying moments, the woman was playing the pronoun game with him. He tried to free himself from her grip uneasily, but she only tightened her hold.

"Who?" Damien was forced to ask after another minute of this pointless experience. "Who is coming?" And don't you dare freaking say winter, he finished the sentence mentally.

Abruptly, her gaze gleamed and soon she wasn't holding on his collar anymore, she was choking him.

"She!" The demon spat quite literally on his face. "Our Mistress, our Dark Lady, our Mother." It let out uncontrollable laughter and Damien took this opportunity to free himself and back away.

So Demons had sided with The Mistress Of Monsters too. Damien thought as he gasped for breath. He stepped against a drawer in a dizzy moment, knocking over a lampshade.

"You run? You run like the coward you are!" The demon mocked through it's laughing fit when it saw Damien back away. "But you can't run anymore, you can't outrun her!" It suddenly stopped laughing as it's face twisted up, "Your child shall not survive this next week, orders will be given and she will die." It shouted gleefully, "Try and outrun that, try and run away from that fucking pain!"

Damien simply caught his breath a minute later and continued the exorcism. He tried to ignore the raw ripples of pain that pulsed through him after hearing the word.

It wasn't true

It wouldn't be true.

He opened the box slightly and set it down near the bed. The deep red cloth covering it fell off revealing writing of blessing arched into the wood. It was one of many blessed boxes stored at the church that his father taught him to use. This would be the demon's entrapment for eternity unless it be disturbed.

He quietly whispered the last few prayers and left the room with a much heavier box in his hands.

"Will she be okay?" The Ayla's father asked when Damien stepped outside the door of his house.

"She will be just fine," Damien falsely smiled at him. The woman's body would give up after a week and she would die. But right now, her father didn't need to know that.

After all, ignorance was bliss. Even if it was just for a week.


Matthew grabbed the first thing he could see as a weapon and held it out in front of him threateningly. It just happened to be a letter opener, which wasn't completely useless but still less preferable to a knife.

The door suspenseful cracked open with a creaking click. Matthew held his breath and Jeremy slowly edged back up the stairs fearfully.

But the moment the figure stepped fully inside, something became dangerously apparent to Matthew. His hold on the letter opener shook till it eventually hit the ground a muffled drop on the carpeted floor.

"Jam-James!" He croaked out.

But it wasn't James. Not truly, it couldn't be. Because Matthew was fairly sure that a swarm of files wasn't eating at James face the last time they met.

If Matthew were asked to describe him. The flies would be the least horrifying contribute to James new appearance. The most noticeable being the fact that his head was now to the far left side on his neck while where his head should be was fleshly chowed on lump. The flies seemed to be feeding off it and smell of rot instantly thickened the air.

"Hiya Matty, been a while." 'James' said, his jaw sacking up and down with each word.

Matthew immediately noticed how he looked strangely like a puppet. Even James' movements as he closed the door was strangely stringy. It was like James was a living puppet, only, he wasn't exactly living.

Jeremy, who had been frozen in fright. Finally let out a blood chilling scream. That seemed to kick Matthew back into action. He grabbed a vase and aimed at James. But without looking to see if it hit, Matthew raced to the staircase and urged Jeremy to run to his room and lock the door.

"Go!" Matthew yelled, his head full of prayers. "I'll keep him busy,"

Jeremy wasn't a stupid child. He hightailed out of there before Matthew could blink. But Matthew only had a moment of rushed relief because James was now standing behind him.

"Well, that was really stupid of you, Matty." James rolled his loose head thoughtfully and gave Matthew a kind of parented look.

Matthew swallowed, quite aware it may his last act on earth. But he wasn't afraid, he hadn't been taught to fear death. "James, my brother, what happened to you?"

James groaned but his face lit up cheerfully. "Okay, okay, confession time Father." He said in a joking manner which frankly chilled Matthew's bones. "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."

It took Matthew a moment to realize James actually wanted him to play along."Tell me your sins."

"I told a lie today, Father." Came the reply in a almost childish tone." I lied about who I was, I am not James." Toby lowered his head as if in shame but Matthew could his grin.

"Who- who are you?"

The man paused, giving Matthew a considering look. As if he were judging him worthy of telling this secret. A sick grin stretched over his rotten lips as he leaned in close to Matthew.

"You can call me Toby."


When Damien finally returned to the church, the first sparks of morning light were beginning to peel passed the dusty grey sky. He was beyond exhausted but he didn't slow his pace. He needed to deliver the box to the vault so he could lock it away as soon as possible.

"Father Damien! A word?"

Damien nearly groaned. It was the last person he wanted to deal with now. He pretended not to hear and continued his brisk pace through the courtyard.

"You've already said four, I don't see how added one more could help, best stay silence, Lucas." Damien was forced to say when Pastor Lucas didn't give up his chase. By his comment wasn't taken with the lightness he represented. Lucas was at his side before he could blink, one hand holding Damien's shoulder back in a strong hold a man his age shouldn't possess.

"This is serious, Damien." Lucas looked him in the eye, something that always made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Damien stiffen under his hold. "What's the matter?" He inquired quietly. There was only two people he genuinely feared. His father, and Lucas. He didn't even understand the fear that made him give in easily to their will. He supposed it came from years of trying and failing to please them.

Lucas looked at him incredulously. "What's the matter?" He repeated with disbelief and anger raising in his tone. "What's the matter!?"

Damien stared back at him. "Yes, what's the matter? I'm not a mind reader, Lucas." He said dully, the box still firmly in his hands.

"I'll tell you what's the matter, Father Damien. The matter is that since this church came into your care there's been nothing but problems!" The man seething, his skin now the oddest colour of red. It appeared to Damien, who was in that calm emotionless state. That Lucas wasn't quite as subtle in his abhorrence for him anymore. But just when he thought Lucas was about to attack him, the hold on his shoulder loosen to a slight embrace.

The hard look on his face softened to something like a parent dealing with an incompetent child. "Listen, Tobias." Lucas stepped closer to him." I know it's been hard for you lately, harder than what any man could take given what happened to Gwyneth." Lucas left a blank pause for him to reflect on Gwyneth. Almost as if he knew merely saying her name caused that sting of pain that never went away to pulse in his chest. "You know what? She is still blessing you Damien. Her niece called earlier today, says she needs a ride to the airport since the funerals done."

"Jane? She's still here?" He murmured with surprise. He wasn't particularly close with Jane, but he would honestly do anything for her if Gwyneth had asked. Her eighteen year old niece was a constant visitor to the church and a somewhat familiar presence in Damien's head.

"Yes, and as you know the closest airport is in Eastcliff, our neighbouring town. I think you should drop her off and maybe spend a day there. "Lucas suggested, but there was an unbalance in his tone. As though something untruthful was hiding. "I'll take of the church while you are away, don't worry about a thing, son." He said, a whispery smile on his face. "I'll take everything."

The suggestion sounded wrong. He didn't want to go, but the words Lucas used were beyond persuasive that they felt like more of a command than a gentle exhortation. He supposed it was good to get away, and it wasn't like he could refuse Gwyneth niece.


This didn't seem right.

"I don't think I should." H replied evenly. Trying to ignore how unusually close Lucas was to him and how his presence darkened greatly. "I'm sure Jane could get a taxi into Eastcliff." He quickly added, fearing that Lucas must have thought that Jane had no way into Eastcliff and that's why he was looking at him like a live chicken sitting in KFC.

Lucas sighed heavily and eyed him with in disgruntlement ."Damien, when are you going to start trusting in me?" He inquired quietly. "Your father did, and look how far he went."

Yes, far into his grave, Damien thought, is that what you plan on happening with me? But, like most of his thoughts, he didn't dare say it. Instead he scornful hid his discomfort. "Lucas, take no personal offense. I simply want to stay in Carsden. As you must know, Latherna is with child but she has hit a stroke of bad luck lately, i would never forgive myself if I wasn't here and something happened." He admitted with a sigh. The last thing he wanted was to have some kind of heart to heart with Lucas.

But Lucas had a more temperamental look set his facial features than a understanding one. "Damien, i know that you are hurting over Gwyneth passing, and you're understandably making excuses. But you've been avoiding her family too long. Jane needs this and so do you." Said he this all in such a way that Damien felt he was speaking with his father again.

Before he knew it, he was nodding in agreement. Confirming that he would go." I guess it wouldn't hurt to go drop her off, but I'm not staying away for longer than two days." He stated firmly, closing the discussion.

Lucas nodded with a pleased expression. "Of course, of course." He agreed and actually patted him on the back.

Damien resisted the urge fervently step out of his reach. Another issue intrude into his mind, one he couldn't ignore. "What were you saying earlier about me leading the church into problems?" An edge of darkness glared forth in his eyes, an expression devoid of emotions present on his face. "Do you have a issue with the way I run things?"

Lucas let out an exasperated noise. "My time had passed, Damien. But it's hard for me to watch you do stupid things and not comment on them." He simply said with a smugness that made his face look very much like it wanted to be punched. "An example would be that girl you adopted, now that was just in poor taste."

Damien raised a brow in surprise. Lucas didn't like Latte? Since when?
Sure he had never seen them together, in the same room, and he had once referred to Latte as his pet but- oh. Okay, so maybe Lucas wasn't entirely child friendly, but that didn't prove that he completely hated her.


Yeah, he knew he was grasping at straws too.

"In what way? Watch what you say next, Lucas, they may be your last words." He couldn't help the question. Lucas had a noxious personality for as long as Damien knew him. But he was never this open about his-his-his what? Poisonous thoughts? Sick dislike? Damien couldn't rightly describe it, but he knew if Lucas was going to start spewing out nonsense about his daughter. Well, the church may suffer even more damage.

But Lucas didn't appear fazed by Damien's wrathful glares nor infuriated at his disrespectful tone. He just looked at Damien with sad disappointment in his burning brown eyes. "Don't you see, Damien? Your father would be so ashamed of you."

The punch didn't even hurt his hand.

The hard knock against his jawline made his knuckles gleeful for more. But he stopped at one even though his breathing was harsh with desire for more. Lucas was now casted against the marble floor, the edge of his face already marked with a bruise. His smoking white hair falling in strands over his face as he rubbed a hand against his lip that now bled.

"Damien, you dar-"

But he was already walking away.


It wasn't the first time the name Toby came into conversation while Matthew was present. But he was positive that Toby haven't been an actual person nor did he had a connection with James. He had been told that Toby was the reason Damien had been sent away back in his youth. That he was nothing more than a annoyance Damien took medication to cure. But if that were so, how could this be?

"Why do you look so confused? I just told you my name not my age." Toby grinned a sharp pointy grin. His eyes peeling away their glittery white to an ever lasting black. "You shouldn't look like you're staring at a dead man." Toby sank his fingernails into Matthew's chest. "But then again, only the dead can see the dead."

"Ho-how?" Matthew heard his pulse beat as warm blood rushed in his ears and heated up his face. He wanted to move, he wanted to run, but his body was stilled. It was as if he had been hit by a body binding curse from Hermione. He felt powerless as Toby's claws sank into his flesh.

"How is this happening?" He heard his voice croak out. " Wh-what are you?"

Toby's blinked at the question. His hand paused in it's eager lust for blood. The flies buzzed over his face but it didn't seem to bother him. In fact, he smiled, "Want to hear a story, Matty?"

Matthew nodded quickly. Of course he did, anything to delay his death. Even if it was a long villain monologue, it wasn't like he was going to object.

"Once a upon a time not too long ago in the past, there was a happy little demon named Toby. He enjoyed tearing little brats hearts out, breaking into homes and stealing Santa Claus cookies and of course, causing as much chaos as he could. That all changed one day, when the priests attacked." Toby paused dramatically and Matthew had the odd feeling that last line was taken from somewhere.

"They forced him into this tiny bitsy box but even that couldn't hold him for long. You see, he was a strong boy and so the priests had to come up with another way to trap him." Toby's eyes lowered and suddenly seemed to be lost his memories. "And one priest suggested using a child. But the idea was immediately met with protests and complaints, no one wanted to offer their kid up. Then someone did, they offered their little new-born son." Toby muttered with a far away look in his eyes." The world was never the same again for Toby, he spent all his time locked up in the head of this inferior being and cursed every second of it. But that's not to say he didn't try, he acted with kindness towards the child. He even tried to turn the boy away from his father's path. But what did he get from the boy? Ridicule and hatred, all for just being good!" Toby shouted, enraged, he push his claws into Matthew reaching his ribcage and making Matthew cry out as his back hit the wall behind him.

"Not anymore! Thanks to our mistress's power i was able to get an inch of my freedom back. When i got infected by her curse, everything changed. My power was no longer weakened by my entrapment. But the most joyful thing of all was when I was able most of my consciousness into James after that bite." Toby continued speaking but Matthew had zoned out. His head spinning with pain. But still even that state, Matthew knew that Toby's last words didn't make much sense.

"How-how was that possible?"

Toby paused in his rant, suddenly looking excited again. "Oh it was all thanks to Mother, using her power along with mine. I was able to possess James corpse! Yes, that does have some let downs." He waved a hand over his face, gesturing to the flies. "But at least I'm not only stuck in Tobias mind any longer."

While Toby was gushing over his freedom. Matthew took his chance, his hand reached out and grabbed a lampshade he smashed against Toby's head. It didn't wound the monster but it distracted him enough that Matthew could step back and put some distance between them.

"You're really going to regret that, Matty." Toby growled as he approached Matthew again with a wicked glint in his eyes. But that wasn't the only in his eyes, because a second later an arrow sailed passed Matthew with air cutting speed and shot Toby right through his left eye.

"Stay away from my family you ugly freak!"

Matthew's head snapped in direction of the young voice. But his eyes didn't need to confirm it because as soon he saw the arrow he knew who it was. Nevertheless he still felt his heart clench.

"Jeremy, I told you run away!" Damn Kathy for taking him to archery lessons and buying him that wicked looking bow and arrows. It had instilled far too much bravery in the child.

Jeremy was crouching on the top step of the staircase with a bow almost as large as him. He seemed disappointed when he saw Toby simply pull the arrow out along with his own eyeball.

"I couldn't leave you, what kind of person runs away when someone they care about is in danger?" Jeremy said, eyeing Toby curiously before grinning. "Don't worry Matthew, we can take this guy down together!"

Matthew died a little inside. It had been a mistake indeed to let Jeremy watch all those cartoons about friendship and teamwork.

"Take me down?" Toby asked and threw his head back in a hard laughing fit. This only further Matthew's concern. How was he going to get his attention off Jeremy now? The kick him in the nuts suggestion that his brain thought up didn't help at all.

Abruptly Matthew's head knocked against the wall and he saw pain white as he crumbled to the ground. His barely open eyes watched as Toby slowly advanced on Jeremy with blade of black metal in his hand. He repeatedly tried to block out the pain and climb to his feet. But ultimately it was useless, his head was hit too hard and he was slowly losing the fight against unconscious.


"I think it's time you went to sleep, Jeremy." Toby said with calm glee as he placed his blade against the child's neck and prepared to slice. Blood slowly dripped as the blade tasted the flesh of the child.

The front door crashed open.

A resounding bang rung out and Jeremy used this shock to push Toby downstairs with all his strength. His might was enough. Toby was inched backward, his body tumbling down the remaining stairs.

"What the hell is happening here!?" The voice from the doorway commanded and Jeremy spared a moment to glance at it.

Joseph. Jeremy recognized the man that was constantly visiting his mother's shop. For some odd reason, as soon their gazes met, Jeremy felt a sensation of peace wash over him. Everything was going to be okay now, He thought, Mom is going to come home and everything will be fine again.

He didn't notice the blade thrown at his head till it was too late to move out of its way.


The moment Joseph sensed the distress coming from Kathy's house, he didn't hesitate, he blasted open the door and was immediately glad he had.

He had been on his way to apologize to Kathy for his earlier remarks to her. He didn't like think of himself as someone cruel but his words to her had been more than cruel. He had completely dismissed their relationship, even falsely stating he never loved her. The mere thought of her ever saying that to him made him feel sick.

He completely expected her wrath on his way to her house. He expected a long talk and perhaps a banishment from Daily Doughnuts, but he didn't expect to see James rotting corpse about to slit Kathy's son throat open.

Thankfully the boy had some sense and sent dude falling to the floor. Joseph would have laughed if he hasn't seen Toby throw that dagger straight at Jeremy's face.

Joseph didn't even think. He casted the spell before he process the action. The sensation of breezy winds and floating clouds flowed through his veins and then it was all happened in a blink. Their body's switched, Jeremy was now standing in the doorway shocked and Joseph was standing on the staircase, a blade embedded in his chest.


It took Joseph more than a moment to realize he had been stabbed. Numbing pain finally reached him and clenched the blade's handle awkwardly. He gave Toby an annoyed look, "Now look what you did!" He snarled, simply pulling out the blade and healing his wound as best he could. Of course, as best he could meant he was still bleeding through his shirt. But you couldn't have it all.

Jeremy stared in amazement. "What are you?" He cried, worried that Joseph may also be struck by the desire to kill him.

Joseph glanced sheepishly at the boy. "Um, a magnificent magician?" He answered uncertainly.

Jeremy simply shook his head. "Tell the truth, I know magic isn't real." He accused and Joseph groaned, couldn't the child just be happy he was alive?

"Didn't your mother teach you there's a place and time for discussions?" He said in exasperation. He gestured to Toby who was slowly standing to his feet as the room shook from his rage. "Now isn't it!"

Jeremy nodded and carefully edged his way out of the front door. "Alright, alright, just don't break anything more. My mother will kill us." He said fearfully. But he immediately felt more assured when he realized his bow was still with him. He gripped it tightly as he covered his ears and watched as Toby roared, his voice shaking the foundations of the house.

Looking more beast than man. He aimed his glare at Joseph who stood looking dumbfounded at him. "What the hell happened to you, James?" He questioned but when he spotted the flies he winced." Jesus Christ, you know you can just wave them away right?"

"You pathetic coward." Toby hissed, exposing his sharp front teeth. "You are worse than Draco, your death will greatly please me." The monster seethed, his eyes bursting alight with murderous intent. He rushed at Joseph with a blade pulled from his sleeve.

Joseph didn't look fazed. He simply appeared to ben standing there waiting for Toby stab him. But of course, he wasn't. He was just waiting for to use his favourite spell.

Toby didn't notice how his body was slowly shutting down and falling asleep till it was too late. One moment he was rushing at Joseph with unnatural speed.

And the next, he was laying face first against the step below Joseph feet. The flies buzzed around his head but he continued to snooze.

"And that's the reason it's my favourite spell." Joseph commented casually as he stared down Toby's twitching form.

He had just stepped off the staircase when he was hit with a sensation so powerful, he nearly tripped and had to lean against the wall. It was the presence he had been feeling all around Carsden since Maggie Rose's disappearance. The one that made him feel utter despair and disgust. But also, longing and warmth, she had been calling him. Calling his beast to work at her side. But he had numbed the urge.

"You resist? Even now? You resist me?" Though the words were said with obvious rage. They were hidden delicately in the sweet tone of a mother's kiss.

And then she appeared.

In a great gorgeous light. Her beauty was glorious sight. A series of melodies sing forth her warm, her glow, her charm. She wasn't what Joseph expected to see of the supposedly hideous Mother.

"My son, why do you hurt your brother? Why do you fight against me?" She asked him curiously. Her eyes gazing upon him a little too flirtatiously for his liking.

"Yeah, no. I already had one messed up Mother, I don't need another one. Back your cave you old cow." He spat with venom. He had not forgotten the form of his monster that Mother gave him.

"How dare you speak to your mother's that way," She growled out. Suddenly all illusion of warmth and affection had left her and now stood stone cold. Her face filled with harshness and abhorrence.

"My children will eat your heart out, Joseph Rev'Gogmir Roviènoür, they will feed you your own severed tongue." She hissed with venom, she raised a hand that immediately dissolved into thousands of black widows. But it didn't end there, sword was now grasped in her hand. It looked like wood but when she swiftly pointed it against at him, it whooshed and glided through the air.

"But then again, why send children to do a Mother's work?" She said wickedly before she advanced at him with blinding speed.


Matthew unfortunately picked that moment to open his eyes. His head pounded mercilessly and his shoulder throbbed painfully, but he was still grateful to the Lord for sparing his life.

That was until he saw Mother about to stab the shiz out of his friend.

He didn't think.

His body just moved.



Joseph didn't even realize he was yelling. His fool of a friend was now standing directly in front of him and Mother's incoming blade. He casted the shield with a swiftness he didn't think he could, and silently prayed it would save his friend.

It didn't.

The blood painted the walls and ceiling.

Jeremy's terrified cries rung out as soon as Mother withdrew her sword from pieced shield and Matthew's lower abdomen.

"You- you fool." Joseph whispered in disbelief as his eyes burned with tears. "Why- why would you do that for me?"

Matthew turned his head halfway and smiled at Joseph. "Protect Jeremy, Joseph." He exhaled as blood dripped down from his lips. "Protect your son."

Then Mother grabbed onto him tightly. Wicked joy glistened in her gaze. "Oh you will be useful." She mouthed into his ear as she flickered her form and soon dissolved in a sea of dead moths.

Then the living room was quiet. Only the choked sobs of a child and the harsh breath of a astounded man remained.

Still, there, in the stillness. One distressed voice could be heard.

"My- my what?"

Jeremy raised his tear stained face and stared at Joseph with large innocence eyes.



Omake: deleted scene: How to kill a Priest.

Several years before.
In a Another Dimension.

There was a nervous energy about the church one morning. Damien couldn't figure out why everyone he ran into avoided his gaze and spoke soft in tones to each other when they thought he wasn't looking. He felt like he was on Survivor and they planning on voting him out.

But soon, It all came to pass when he was summoned to his own study by none other than Joseph.

He stood outside the door with a hand raised about to knock, when he heard the musical noise of Latte's giggles.

He blinked, he thought she would be packing to leave for college. Just what were Joseph and Latherna doing alone in his study?

He carefully tapped the door and waited, feeling oddly ridiculous that he had to knock on his own door.

Joseph opened the door slowly. With a face as pale as one who knew death approached. "Damien." He said in greeting and stepped aside so Damien could enter.

Latte was sitting crossed legged on the maroon coloured couch facing the window. She too, looked oddly nervous when she spotted him. Which was even more concerning because he thought she would still be seething insults at him for sending her away to college.

"Latte, what's going on? Why have I been summoned to my own office?" He asked her with concern.

Latte wrung her fingers and looked away suddenly. But that wasn't what raised the alarm bells in his head. It was when Joseph sat down next to her closely.

Too close.

Suspiciously close.

"I have something to tell you." Latte exhaled and eyed him nervously. Then she quickly grabbed Joseph's hand."We have something to tell you." She corrected and smiled at Joseph who looked about to pass out.

Damien looked between them." I see, don't say it. I have expected this for a while now." He swallowed and suddenly became pale.

"You have?" Joseph stared back at him with wide eyes.

Damien barely held back tears. "You want him to adopt you, don't you?" He choked out.

Latte blinked.

Joseph had the dumbest look on his face.

Agatha was chilling in to corner sipping tea but one no noticed her.

"Um, No. That isn't it, why would you even think that?" Latte shook her head with a sigh.

"Well he's always been you 'fun' parent so I th-" Damien began explaining but Joseph had started choking.

"Par-parent!?" Joseph cut in. "I'm not her parent." He stated firmly.

Damien raised a brow Joseph's odd behaviour. "Of course you are, we even got married to make it official." He said cheerfully, then he winked flirtatiously at him. "Though it does help that your so handsome, that was one hot night."

. . .

"What!?" Both Latte and Joseph exclaimed, especially Joseph who looked close to dying.

"What is he talking about?" Latte demanded, crossing her arms.

Joseph looked bewildered and confused." I- I honestly don't-I--"

But it was too late. she slapped him, tears steaming down her face. "How could you do this to me!? I thought you loved me!"

I am getting get Lazeria flashes Joseph thought and immediately tried to explain. "But, we didn't- i mean- Damien is lying!" He cried and pointed at Damien was smiling cheerfully at them.

Suddenly his smile became sinister. "You thought i wouldn't find out? Though I'm saddened I wasn't enough for you and you turned to Lazeria for comfort." He said mournfully.

Joseph died.

"WHAT THE FUDGE? MY GRANDMOTHER TOO!?" Latte shouted, horrified. She slapped him again. "Don't you have any morals at all!?"

Joseph rubbed his cheek. "Whoa, Whoa no, I didn't- he is lying Lat!" He exclaimed, "I never did anything like that!"

Damien simply raised a brow. "What the three way affair you had with Quivlyyn and Kathy?" Damien mocked a sad face. "Was i really not enough Josey?" He asked while staring deeply into his eyes.

Latte burst into tears and kicked Joseph in the nuts."And to think we were lovers!" She said dramatically." I can't believe I ever fudged you!!"

The room got quiet.

Agatha moved a shaky hand over to Joseph and patted him on the back as he laid on the floor twitching .

Damien rose from his seat. "You ....Fudge......NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BISH!" Damien shrieked, he whipped out his wand and shot a blast of green at Joseph who swiftly dodged.

"WHAT THE HECK DAMIEN? YOU'RE A WIZARD!?" Joseph shouted, running out of the way of another curse.

Damien lowered his wand. He pulled at the corner of face, revealing it be a mask.

Latte gasped. "Liam Neeson!??"

"I prefer Qui-Gon Jinn." Damien said in his deep sexy voice. Somewhere in the church, Bertha fainted and Gwyneth felt oddly excited to go to bed.

Damien turned his cool gaze at Joseph who was frozen in horror. "Over the years as working a Priest for Carsden Abundant Life and Holy Assembly Church, I have acquired particular set of skills Joseph. Skills that make me a nightmare to Boyfriends all over globe. But if you break up with Latte now," He inhaled, and even that looked sexy. "I'll let you live." He tossed his long beautiful hair over his shoulder.

Joseph stilled. He would let him live? If he broke up with Lat? Joseph turned his gaze towards Lat who was looking him and awaiting his answer.

"I...I..."Joseph felt oddly surrounded but he took one glance at Lat beautiful face and knew his answer. She was his one true love, the woman he would surely marry, the person who own his heart and soul.

This wasn't even a question.

"I'll be in Los Vegas ."

Damien nodded happily.

Latte faceplamed, she turned to Joseph with teary eyes. "Joseph you can't- I'm - I'M EXPECTING!" She cried and the universe gasped.

"EXPECTING WHAT? A LETTER?" Joseph shrieked, clenching his chest as he felt a heart attack coming on. God knows, how many is kids that now? He thought.

Damien shook his head and approached Latte, "But Dearest, I have your Hogwarts letter right here." He stated and handed it to her.

Latte shook her head, feeling a headache coming on from all the madness. "No, no, not a letter. I mean a bab-" She paused when Damien placed the letter in her hands. " letter?" She stared down at it in awe and shock. "Finally, after all this time...I've been expecting it for years and, now, "She swallowed back her emotions. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she started gushing. "OMG AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF EXPECTING, I FINALLY GOT MY LETTER!"

Damien smiled as she jumped into his arms in joy and they had a beautiful father/daughter moment.

Joseph stared sadly from the same corner in the room where Agatha sat. "What about my Hogwarts letter?" He asked Damien tearfully.

Damien glared at him over Latherna's shoulder." I burnt it."

Joseph looked ground in heartbreak.

Agatha patted him on the back again.


A/N: Officially the most random thing I ever wrote. Damn Damien, I guess it was you who burnt my letter too? This isn't what i planned to write at all. But hopefully it didn't suck.

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