• Chapter Six •

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A/N so so sorry for the inactivity!! I'm dealing with some stuff and it's left me rather drained so I haven't felt inspired to update the story! I'll continue to try and update weekly however! Please don't forget to comment and favorite! >.>

One by one the students were called up to show off their quirks. Someone with an animal quirk, shadow quirk, duplicating quirk, and more. The only two who hadn't gone were Nikki and Adara.

"Nikki Ridetoshi." Mr. Aizawa called. By this time, the class was all sitting down and leaning against the cool rock wall, the sun was just past the middle of the sky, meaning it was just past noon, and it was beginning to cool off.

Adara gave her friend a pat on the back as she walked up in front of everyone nervously. She looked rather pale and harmless standing on the cracked and destroyed marble her classmates had left.

She took a deep breath and locked eyes with the first person in line. Haru Hanako. At once the sky turned red and the clouds turned black. The water was no longer water, but lava and the trees had eyes, all staring at Hanako. The girl's eyes widened and the tentacles in her eye socket squirmed in fear. Then the earth returned to normal. Hanako blinked, her heart thudding loudly as she glanced over at Nikki.

Nikki was slowly walking in a circle, locking eyes with every student in her class, and every time she locked eyes with one of them, they turned pale and looked very scared, often shaking or backing up against the wall.

Haru glanced over to see the twins hugging each other and trembling.

'What is this kids quirk?' Haru thought.

Nikki smiled as she locked eyes with Adara, mumbling a 'sorry'. At once, the girl with neon hair's world turned dark and the trees stared at her darkly. Adara inhaled quickly and swallowed, knowing it wasn't real, and attempting to blink away the hallucination. After a moment, the world returned to normal, leaving her in stunned silence. She had known what her friends quirk was but she didn't think it was that powerful.

Nikki now stood in the center and did a quick nervous bow in front of her shaking classmates.

"My quirk is to make others hallucinate. I could have made you feel, see, smell, hear, or taste anything but I simply chose to show you a dark version of our world."

Mr. Aizawa glanced at his students who all looked very shocked, then back at Nikki. "Aren't you going to show me?"

"Wh-What?! Uh...I mean- if you want? Frankly, I was afraid, sir." Nikki said sheepishly.

Mr. Aizawa smiled then nodded at her. She locked eyes with him and immediately his world turned dark. His eyes widened momentarily, then he nodded as the hallucination faded.

"Very good Nikki, thank you."

Nikki grinned shyly as she rested her hand on her head and returned to stand next to Adara, her face red.

"You good?" Adara asked.

"Yeah..just tired. Using my quirk that much gives me a headache and drains me." Nikki responded with a slightly shaky smile.

'Nikki, tired? No way.' Adara thought, slightly amused.

"For the last student of the day, Adara Akira."

Nikki gave her friend a thumbs up and watched with interest, glancing down to see the dark, steaming impressions her footprints were leaving on the marble.

Without a word, Adara lifted her hand up, her palm to the sky, and at once, bright red and pink flames burst out of her hand. A burst of hot air hit the students and everyone's hair flew back as the heat rushed past their faces.

Adara lifted her other hand and more flames emerged, as they grew and formed together, growing larger and larger. Then she threw her hands down and the large flaming pick and red ball flew into the river. The water immediately evaporated, leaving nothing but a steaming intention in the earth.

The water that evaporated formed a dark cloud above them, blocking out the sun. The water slowly began to fall from the cloud, refilling the river.

"My power is solar absorption." Adara said, as the water sizzled on the hot concrete. "I absorb power from the sun and turn it into hot pink and red flames. They can burn enemies and even myself if I'm not careful. It can also evaporate water, causing an immediate storm cloud."

Thunder struck in the distance as the rain continued to fall into the sizzling crevice, the river refilling.

The crowd stood for a moment in shock, then applauded loudly. Most of them were just really happy to finally have some shade.

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