12K SPECIAL! 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰'𝓼 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝓿𝓮

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12K SPECIAL!〘𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓰𝓮/𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰!👑𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰!𝓢𝓱𝓾 𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓲 𝔁 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝓿𝓮!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻〙

Requested by: KaoruKenzaki555

This is as good as I can do. Apologies for not putting enough spice

[R/G/N] = Random Girl Name

[R/G/2/N] = Random Girl 2 Name

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𓂀 𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖: ⏲️ + 🌶️ 𓂀

╚══════ »»——⍟——«« ══════╝

𝓑𝓾𝓽, 𝓘 𝓽𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓭.


A H/C haired girl with torn clothes was running through the forest through a thunderstorm, trying to catch her breath. She hears people yelling behind her, their voices muffled and falling on her deaf ears. She found a hollow tree and hid there in the meantime.

Man 1: "Where'd she go?!"

Man 2: "Keep looking! She shouldn't have gone far!"

She heard the footsteps disappearing further away into the forest. She let a sigh of relief as she relaxed in her spot, but that was only a few seconds. A clap of thunder boomed through the sky before lighting bolts started shooting everywhere by flash and hit and miss around the forest. It hit one of the trees that were around the girl.

A lightning bolt hit the tree setting it on fire and come crashing towards her. The girl gasped and quickly got up a few inches away from getting crushed and burned by the tree that fell. A big gust blew her away making her fall a bit hard and hit her head on a rock, making her unconscious.


A couple of royal horses were galloping through the forest. One of the Legends, The King of Raging Bulls, Shu Kurenai and his friend, Fubuki Sumiye. Right now the two of them and their knights were out hunting some deers. Normally royals don't do that but Shu Kurenai is different from his friends.

Shu: "Okay. This should be a good hunting spot. We'll all go in groups of two. Fubuki and I will go together and go ahead, 2 of you will go west and the last 2 can go east. Be careful, though the storm yesterday sure made a big mess in the forest."

Knights: "Yes, Sir!"

Everyone started heading in their separate ways. Fubuki and Shu continued ahead, where they spot three deers.

Shu: "Get ready..."

Shu and Fubuki readied their bows and arrows at the deers before they could shoot Shu spotted a H/C haired person lying on the ground, nearby.

Shu: "Wait, hold your fire, Fubuki!"

Fubuki: "What is it, Shu?"

Shu: "I see someone over there. It appears to be a girl. Wait here."

Shu got off of his horse and walked over to the fainted person. He kneeled down by the H/C haired girl. He took a look at her appearance.

Shu: 'This girl... by the looks of her appearance. She might be from the Black Market.'

Shu looked up to a burned tree a few feet away from them.

Shu: 'She must have escaped from the market. And the storm from last night could have killed her if she didn't dodge in time. Better get her back to the castle and get her treated.'

Shu picked up the girl bridal style and walked back to Fubuki. Shu got back onto his horse with the girl placing her in front. Fubuki raised a brow at the girl.

Fubuki: "Who's that?"

Shu: "I'm not sure. But, I'm guessing she's a runaway merchant girl. We should get her back to the castle and get her rested up. We'll ask her later."

Fubuki: "I'll stay behind after the knights have gathered enough food for tonight. It should be enough to fill our new guests' strength."

Shu nodded and galloped back to the castle to heal his new guest.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The H/C girl woke up on a king-sized bed. Her vision was hazy, as she slowly sat up holding her aching head.

???: "Uh... what happened?"

Shu: "You tell me."

The H/C girl turned to see a man with white hair and crimson eyes, dressed up all fancy.

???: "Who... who are you? And where am I?"

Shu: "My name is Shu Kurenai. And you are in my kingdom, Raging Bulls. I found you lying unconscious nearby when my knights, Fubuki and I were out hunting for food. Can I have your name?"

The H/C haired girl looked to her side.

???: "I'm Y/N. I used to be a merchant girl. Last night, just before today actually, was supposed to be Black Markets sale day, where you know girls like me get paid off. And I was the only one to escape from that hell."

There was a short silence in the room.

Shu: "So... I'm guessing you're the first runaway merchant girl?"

Y/N: "Yeah. The very first. Many tried to escape but got caught many times and well some made it less far than I did."

Shu: "But, why did you escape on the day of the storm?"

Y/N: "Well, sometimes stormy weathers are mostly perfect for a runaway and an escape. Besides those catchers couldn't even see properly in the dark even with a small light."

Shu hummed as he headed towards the door.

Shu: "I'll be right back. Just rest up. Gotta go see if Fubuki and the others are back from hunting. You can stay as long as you like after your recovery."

Y/N: "Of course, Your Majesty. Thank you for the hospitality."

Shu nodded with a smile before leaving the room as Y/N laid back down on the bed.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Fubuki and the knights returned back to the castle from hunting and went to the stables while other knights came and took the deers away.

Shu: "Fubuki."

Fubuki turned to see Shu walking toward him.

Fubuki: "Hey, Shu. Is the girl awake?"

Shu: "Yeah she woke up a few minutes ago, I just left her in my room for her to recover a bit more. I'm planning on taking us to Black Market on the next big opening sale."

Fubuki looked bewildered at the information.

Fubuki: "Go to the Black Market? What about the girl?"

Shu: "Don't worry. Y/N is fine. I was planning on taking you and the others with us for the next big event at the Black Market."

Fubuki: "You mean 'them', right?"

Shu: "We know the Black Market is very shifty and crafty. We've seen them go through each kingdom. Mostly us and our friends."

Fubuki nodded at Shu.

Fubuki: "Would you like to send a letter to let the others know about this. I'm not sure what the Black Market would do after since they lost their first market girl."

Shu: "That's why we'll be bringing reinforcements and of course gold."

Fubuki: "How much gold are we talking about here?"

Shu: "Pretty much a lot. They get pretty nasty when they lose something."

Fubuki: "They'll probably be even nastier after they lose a market girl."

Both Shu and Fubuki sighed at imagining what would happen.


Y/N was awake and stood by the large window looking at the forest thinking about the other girls that are trapped in the Black Market.

Shu: "Is something the matter?"

Y/N side glanced at Shu before facing the window.

Y/N: "I'm just worried about the others. The tortures there are horrible."

Y/N wrapped herself up as she thought of the nightmares.

Shu: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Most of the girls there were rapped only the ones who were only able to give birth to a child."

Shu narrowed his eyes as he glared at the floor. He placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Shu: "I was planning on taking you with me and my friends to the Black Market. Is that okay? We'll help you"

Y/N thought about it as she looked at the dark sky.

Y/N: "I'll... think about it. I might gonna be needing sleep. That's all. And thank you... for the hospitality, Your Majesty."

Shu: "Of course. Once we rescue your friends, you can stay here as long as you like."

Y/N turned to him and nodded with a small smile before walking to the small couch.

Shu: "Ah... I think you should sleep on the bed while we prepare you a room. Forgot to do that."

Y/N thanked him again and walked to the bed, climbing in and going to sleep. Y/N finished settling in when Shu went out of the room leaving Y/N be. As he left the room Fubuki came running over.

Fubuki: "I've sent the letters to the others but there is one letter for you. I'm sure you know who."

Fubuki handed him a letter that had a Black Market mark. Shu unwrapped the letter, his eyes narrowed as he read through.

Shu: "Guess we got to be a lot quicker."


Y/N and Shu were riding on a horse together, accompanied by Fubuki, some knights from the kingdom walking through the forest to head to a meetup spot.

Y/N: "Who are we meeting again, Your Majesty?"

Shu: "Some friends of Fubuki and I."

Y/N hummed and looked around the area. They got closer to the meetup spot to see a couple of horses with people riding them.

???: "Here they come! OVER HERE!"

Everyone had to cover their ears at a loud voice that could be heard all over the whole nation.

Shu: "Hey, Valt, everyone. I'm glad you all could come."

Valt, Honcho, Hikaru, Hyuga, Aiger, Dante, Lui, Rantaro and Lane were the ones Shu had called over.

Honcho: "No problem! So, this is the girl that ran away from the Black Market."

All eyes were now focused on Y/N as she quickly pulled the hood down of her cape.

Shu: "Yeah. We'll all be going to the Black Market and see what we can do."

Everyone nodded and started to mount on their horses and they hit the road.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The group were riding for 4 or 5 hours. It was around 1 PM and the Black Market was in sight. The sunrise shone behind the tents.

Fubuki: "Black Market..."

Shu felt Y/N slightly shaking, he gave a small grip on the shoulder telling her that she isn't alone. Y/N looked back at him and nodded with a small smile.

Shu: "Some of us should stay here and the rest of us go in."

Everyone nodded at the idea. Y/N and Shu were going in with Valt, Honcho, Aiger, Lane and Lui. The others who will stay out of the Black Market were Dante, Hyuga, Hikaru, Rantaro and Shu's knights.

Once they entered all eyes were locked on them. The group looked around in disgust, horror and angry looks. There were cages that held females, and animals, blood smelled everywhere. Y/N head looked down and covered her nose from the disgusting smell.

Y/N: 'I always hated this disgusting smell.'

Aiger: "Hey, someone's coming."

Everyone stood their ground as someone came up to them with a mask covering only his eyes. Shu narrowed his eyes, glaring at the person.

Shu: "Theodore Glass..."

Theodore Glass once was a King of Raging Bulls, but Shu had taken over his place that was years ago. Now, Theodore built an illegal place, called Snake Pit but it's more like a Black Market.

Theodore: "King Shu Kurenai. Welcome, to my dome. And thank you for finding one of my seller girls."

Shu: "Uh-huh. I'm surprised you're still scheming things even after I took your crown and kingdom."

Theodore only chuckled at Shu's words. Theodore turned around, and the thugs around them moved to the side letting him through.

Theodore: "Please follow me."

Shu got off his horse grabbed the horse reins and gave them to Valt.

Shu: "Look after Y/N."

Valt nodded and Shu followed after Theodore to a large tent compared to the small ones. Y/N sat nervously on the horse.

Y/N: 'What's gonna happen now?'

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Shu and Theodore were talking for about 42 minutes now, Shu stood in front of Theodore as he sat at his desk, with his infamous smirk. Shu gave him a warning glare at Theodore.

Theodore: "So, that's your proposal? Hmm... I'd expect nothing else from the Shu Kurenai. But, fine. I am a man of my words."

Shu: "You better keep your word or else there'll be war."

Shu left the tent as Theodore stayed put not pulling any tricks as usual.

Shu: 'I hope this will do good for now.'

All of Shu's friends sighed in relief at Shu's discussion with Theodore. Theodore is a sly snake after all. After they left the Black Market, they had gone on their way safely. Theodore was now taken to a special prison. All the people were freed from the Black Market and was returned to their home. Y/N was relieved after this but also got annoyed by some females who she and the other females didn't get along with.

Y/N: 'This is going to be such a pain in the a**.'


After rescuing the females, and returning them back to their families and home, some had to stay at the palace for check-ups. Only 6 of them recovered and 2 of them, which Y/N hated the most, had the guts to flirt with King Shu Kurenai. The rest of the 4 thanked them and returned home but the other 2 stayed to get a chance at being the Queen of Raging Bulls. Y/N became Shu's first lady, not 'romantically' as Shu said but that's what he wants her and the other females to think.


Right now all of them were having dinner, Shu sat at the long end of the table on his right was Y/N and on the left was a red-haired girl, named Chris a good friend of Y/N. Chris decided to stay as her advisor. They both were annoyed at the fact that 2 girls were still flirting with Shu, making him irritated.

Y/N: 'Do they ever give up?'

Shu kept on ignoring the girls as they try to get his attention. Y/N sighed and placed her cutleries down and stood up excusing herself to her to rest, annoyed at the girls. Shu followed after her ignoring the pleading from the others.

Shu caught up to Y/N walking beside her.

Y/N: "When are you exactly going to send them back to their home? They are being a pain here and hurting my head."

Shu: "My apologies. I sent their family letters months ago and didn't get a reply until 1 week after that, they did. Apparently, each of the families wants me to marry their daughter after rescuing them. But, I told them I had someone else in my mind. Yet, they still didn't give up. I guess those 2 families are filled with greed and would do anything to get money."

Y/N: "Hmm true. But... I have a question tho."

Shu: "And what's that?"

Y/N: "Who do you want to marry?"

Shu paused and so did Y/N. Shu crossed his arms while looking down and turning his face away, with his beet-red face.

Shu: "I-I'll tell you that someday!"

Shu then rushed away from Y/N leaving her in the hallway confused. Question marks appear above her head.

Y/N: "What was all that about? Hm. I wonder tho..."

Y/N shrugged it off and walked to her room still wondering who Shu really wish to marry. Y/N is just oblivious cinnamon.


Chris came to check up on Y/N to see she was combing her hair and getting ready for bed.

Chris: "Are you alright, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hello Chris. Yes, I am."

Y/N placed her comb down and a curious look showed on her face. Chris came up behind her and grabbed the comb and decided to finish combing Y/N's hair.

Chris: "Something on your mind?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Chris: "Care to share?"

Y/N: "Well..."

Y/N explained to Chris how 2 of the annoying girls' families kept persuing Shu to marry their daughters even tho he had one person in mind he wishes to marry. Y/N ended her explanation and got a smiling Chris in return.

Chris: "I might have an idea on who Shu wishes to marry."

Y/N only raised a brow and got up to get ready to sleep. Chris left her room with a 'Good Night' ad headed off to her room. Chris was by Y/N's side for the past few months and watched how Shu and Y/N grew close. So, she knew who Shu wishes to marry.

Chris: 'My child is all grown up.'

Chris happily walked to her room with a small tear threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes.


Shu was finally able to send the 2 girls back home, even tho their attempt of trying to convince Shu to let them stay but Shu didn't fall for their tricks and sent them back home (even have to type those two up and throw them in the carriages).

As for Y/N and Shu, each day they're getting closer and closer than ever. He plans on confessing to Y/N soon at an event that Valt decided to hold which also means that some families he might see will be there much to his and Y/N's annoyance.

And time flies pretty quickly and today was the day of the event. Chris was helping Y/N get ready with a new dress Shu had given her.

Chris finished getting Y/N ready, she was awed at Y/N's new dress. Chris clapped her hands together in excitement.

Chris: "You look beautiful! Oh, Shu is going to go crazy at your new dress."

Y/N blushed at Chriss' words and shook it off as one of Chriss' teasing. Y/N patted both of her cheeks and took deep breaths.

Y/N: "Well, I better get going. Can't keep His Majesty waiting. I'll see you tonight!"

Chris: "Be safe! And make sure to never leave His Majestys' side!"

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah! See you!"

Y/N ran out to the Castle doors to meet up Shu. Shu waited in front of a carriage waiting for Y/N while looking at the moonlight.

Y/N: "Shu!"

Shu looked over at Y/N and his cheeks turned red at Y/N's dress. He quickly snapped out of it as Y/N stood in front of him, smiling brightly.

Shu: "Are you ready?"

Y/N: "Yep!"

Shu's driver opened the door allowing the 2 of them in. Shu reached his hand out to Y/N allowing her to get in first, Shu followed after her. The carriage started moving on its way to Valt's kingdom. The ride was slightly bumpy and Y/N did love sightseeing there were many things she didn't get to see much.

A couple of hours later, they finally made it to Valt's kingdom, Y/N was awed at the sight. Once the carriage entered the Kingdom Y/N was even more awed.

Y/N: "Woah! It looks amazing here. It's pretty colourful."

Shu [chuckles]: "Are you saying that Raging Bulls isn't as colourful as Valt's?"

Y/N turned to Shu and quickly waved her hands but paused realizing Shu was only teasing her.

Y/N: "Hey!"

Shu laughed at Y/N's flustered side. The two stopped as they felt the carriage stop at its destination.

Driver: "Your Majesty, Lady Y/N. We have arrived."

Shu: "Alright, thank you. Come on."

The driver opened the door, Shu came out, he stretches his hand out for Y/N. He made sure Y/N doesn't fall or trip on her new dress, mostly because she was used to short dresses and trousers. They both entered the grand hall where many royals were there. Y/N slightly felt out of place, but as long as she stood by Shu's side she'll be fine. Well, that's what she and Shu thought.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Y/N was pushed against the wall in the dark hallway. Her dress was slightly torn and her body was starting to get hot. Y/N placed a hand on the wall, glaring at the 2 people who cornered her. The two girls that Shu kicked out.

Apparently, they decided to sneak into the Castle and bribed one of the waiters to drug her drink. But they also had planned on their own, to get rid of Y/N and become Shu's fiance.

[R/G/N]: "Y'know, [R/G/2/N] and I may want to fight for Shu's attention but you keep getting in our way. We'll get rid of you first then [R/G/2/N] and I will see who Shu will really want to have as his Queen."

[R/G/2/N] growled at [R/G/N] frustrated enough about her, but calmed herself she still had a plan of her own.

Y/N: "Y'know, what you are doing is against the law, and you will be locked away in prison for good. Who knows you two might get executed if your family can pay enough to help you two."

The two girls grew frustrated at Y/N's words. [R/G/N] raised her hand and slapped her across the face making Y/N fall to her knees weak due to her body heating up.

[R/G/2/N]: "Hmph! Know your place, we are royalty and you are just a pheasant. A slave! A King can ONLY marry a royal, not someone like you Well, we're going to leave now, someone is gonna come here to have fun with you. Shu will know how much of a slut you are."

The two girls laughed at Y/N and walked away back to the ballroom. Y/N quickly got up ignoring her quivering body and walked off, despite her weak and heated body.

Y/N: 'I have to find Shu!'

Y/N felt her body getting hotter and hotter and fell to her knees barely making 2 more steps. She then heard some footsteps and fear rose up in her, due to her messed-up dress and hair.

???: "Well, who are you? And what the hell happened to you?"

Y/N looked up to see a man with blue flame-like hair, dressed formally. He kneeled down to her level.

Lui: "Oh, it's you. Hmm... Shu ain't gonna like this."

Lui took off his coat and dropped it over Y/N's body and picked her up and quickly walked off to find Shu.

Lui: "Shu will help you in no time."

The two got closer to the ballroom, Y/N heard gasps of horror around her as Lui walked around to find Shu. He found Shu with Valt and the two girls, Valt looked over to see Lui walking towards them Valt was about to wave but his eyes widened at the sight of Y/N, he quickly shook Shu and pointed
at Lui.

Shu: "Y/N!"

Shu pushed past the girls, whose eyes widened in fear.

[R/G/2/N]: "Crap! Should we run for it?!"

[R/G/N]: "Rrrgh..."

Lui handed over Y/N to Shu, Lui glanced over at the girls and continued the conversation before Shu glared at the girls behind him. They both flinched at the harsh glare. Shu turned to Valt.

Shu: "Valt, apologies for this inconvenience, but Y/N and I will be going now."

Valt: "Don't worry so much you can go back home. I'll take care of the situation and those girls."

Shu: "I'll notify their families of the shameless action they did. Think you can send them to prison with 'him'?"

Valt nodded and everyone cleared a path for Shu and Y/N. Two guards came and took the girls away, who screamed in protest, telling them they didn't do it or one of them did it and forced the other to do it for them, yet it was ignored.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Shu held Y/N tight as she slept in his arms on his lap. He looked out the window to see the rain pouring down. He sighed to himself and leaned back in his seat.

The carriage stopped at the castle, the driver opened the door letting Shu and Y/N out. Shu quickly rushed inside and headed to his room running past Chris, who was confused. Shu kicked open his bedroom doors and kicked them back closed.

He placed Y/N gently on his bed, he took off his coat and covered Y/N and went into the bathroom to get a towel and a bowl of cold water. He placed it over the wet towel over her forehead. Shu kneeled down beside her and grabbed her hand.

Shu: "Y/N?"

Y/N stirred on his bed. Her eyes opened slightly looking over.

Y/N: "S... Shu?"

Shu: "I'm here. Don't worry."

Y/N: "I... feel hot... Help me, Shu..."

Shu's cheek flared as Y/N snuggled closer to Shu, grabbing his shirt. Shu wrapped his arms around Y/N.

Shu: "Alright, I'll do what I can to help."

Shu got up and locked the door making sure nobody interrupts them. He walked over to the bed and hovered above Y/N.

Shu: 'I hope she won't remember this.'

Shu leant down and started to kiss her neckline, earning soft moans from her, making Shu's ear tips turn red. He continued to trail the kisses up towards her neck and gave butterfly kisses around her face. He then paused at her lips he locked eyes with Y/N who looked back with hazy eyes. He placed his forehead against hers and sighed. He sat up dragging Y/N as well.

Shu: "I'll start taking off your clothes alright?"

Y/N nodded as Shu unzipped her dress leaving her in her underwear. Shu blushed heavily and started taking off his clothes leaving him in his underwear, he leaned forward trapping Y/N underneath him. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and started to trail her own neck kisses on Shu's neck. Y/N moved back a bit her arms still wrapped around his neck.

Shu: "May I...?"

Y/N didn't need his question as she leaned forward and stole a kiss, Shu let out a muffled gasp but slowly kissed her back, Shu pushed her down on the bed, placing a hand being the back of her head. He stuck his tongue out and pressed her bottom lip requesting permission which Y/N granted.

Shu and Y/N continued to kiss while he took off Y/N's bra and underwear completely naked now. Shu did the same and now that they are completely naked without clothes. Y/N's arms tightly wrapped around Shu's neck. Y/N broke off first allowing Shu to leave a trail of kisses on her neck leaving a couple of hickies showing who she belonged to.

Y/N: "Shu...~!"

Shu smirked against her neck, his hand holding the back of her neck as the other trailed down to her core, teasing her. Y/N moaned as Shu continued to kiss her neck and pumping her core with his finger.

Y/N: "Shu...! Stop that!"

Shu ignored her words and placed his lips against hers shutting her up. Shu continued to pump her core until she felt a knot in her stomach, without a warning Y/N cummed onto Shu's hand, Shu broke off the kiss and brought his hand filled with Y/N's cum to his face licking off of his hand, and Y/N could feel her face getting hotter whether it was her drunk state or she's actually blushing hard.

Shu: 'Sweet...'

Shu looked back at Y/N whose face was redder than his crimson eyes. His face was flushed as well, but Y/N couldn't tell due to her hazy eyes. Y/N placed her hands on his cheeks and brought them to another kiss.

Shu: 'Y/N's lips will get swollen if we continue this up... Still can't admit that her lips taste like [Favourite flavour].'

Shu brought his hand that he used to make Y/N cum up to her breast and started needing it to her. Y/N whined at the feeling, she broke the kiss and leaned towards to Shu's neck and started placing her own hickies, owning Shu as her own, which he didn't mind.

Y/N: "Shu I want you to place it in..."

Shu stopped his action and wrapped both his hands around Y/N pulling her closer and kissing her forehead.

Shu: "Are you sure. I do not wish to hurt you."

Y/N only giggled and looked up at Shu nuzzling her nose against his, smiling drunkenly, leaving a small loving kiss on the corner of his lips.

Y/N: "Don't worry~! I trust you, Shu. Besides you're a gentle and sweet person. That's why I love you for it."

Y/N lazily grinned at him and leaned her head over his shoulder, rubbing her head against his warm cheek, which was pretty much red as she said those three words, that he always wanted to hear. Shu smiled and placed a kiss on her shoulder sending shivers down Y/N's spine.

Shu: "Of course. I'll be gentle."

Shu gently placed Y/N back on the mattress while kissing her neck, he slowly lined his member against Y/N's core, and she shivered as she felt the tip touching her entrance. Shu rubbed her head, kissing her lips as he slowly put his member inside her. Y/N grunted as Shu left butterfly kisses on her neck to soothe her as he was fully in her.

Shu: "It's alright Y/N. I'm here."

Y/N: "Shu, please hurry...~"

Shu: "You want to go fast or slow?"

Y/N: "I don't care how I want it... I just want you to make me feel good that's all!"

Shu smirked before he went on a slow pace making Y/N whine, wrapping her arms around his neck Shu chuckled and start on a fast pace, making Y/N moan in pleasure. Shu leant down closer to her ear, feeling his hot breath against her ear made her shiver.

Shu: "You like that, snowflake?"

Y/N and Shu's face was burning red, but couldn't tell by it due to the dark room and even tho their faces were close they couldn't see each other. But that soon disappeared as Shu gave Y/N another pleasure.

Shu: "You're so cute, Y/N. I've been waiting for you to be mine."

Y/N smiled at him turning her head and kissing his temple.

Y/N: "I'm not the only one who's cute y'know, Your Majesty?"

Shu narrowed his and pulled himself up his arms trapping Y/N's head.

Shu: "Stop calling me that. Just call me Shu."

Y/N laughed and pulled him back into a kiss. The rest of the night was something that Y/N and Shu enjoyed and didn't have any regrets.


Y/N was sitting on Shu's bed reading a book while Shu was busy with the last incident, not their 'night-out'. But, the two girls who tried to ruin Y/N. Chris was busy attending Y/N, helping with her health after last night.

Chris: "I hope His Majesty wasn't too rough on you last night."

Y/N blushed and covered her face with the book. Chris only giggled and patted her shoulder.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah. Anyways, how long will Shu be gone for?"

Chris: "Well, probably until noon, I think. I'm sure he'll be back. You must know he was furious as to what happened to you."

Y/N nodded and looked out at the window wondering what will happen.


Shu glared at the two girls who tried to ruin Y/N. Shu, Valt and Lui were there to discuss the punishment for those two girls. Some of their friends had arrived also to discuss it but allowed Shu, Valt and Lui to talk as they sat at a large round table.

Shu: "Now, what shall we do with you two?"

The two girls flinched at Shu's voice. They both trembled until [R/G/2/N] dropped to her with tears in her eyes staring deeply at the three Legendary Kings.

[R/G/2/N]: "Your Highnesses, it's truly not my fault! I swear on my life! [R/G/N] forced me to help her with this scheme! She did this so she can get close to you and take over the Kurenai throne as Queen! I assure you I am innocent!"

[R/G/N] looked at her shocked that her alley betrayed but nothing less, she was bound to say that.

[R/G/N]: "Speak for yourself! You also wanted that spot too! We both know how much of a slut you are!"

[R/G/2/N] growled and as she was about to talk back, Shu slammed his fist on the table, a dark shadow covering his face, his crimson eyes shining at the two girls.

Shu: "Enough. Like I said to Valt last night. You two will be sent to prison for what you had caused yesterday. Your families are ashamed of you and will be kept under watch."

The two girls looked down wondering about their families.

[R/G/N] & [R/G/2/N]: 'I am not going to hear the end of it.'

Shu nodded to Valt and said his goodbye and left to go back to his kingdom to see how Y/N was doing. As he rode in the carriage looking out the window, he had flashbacks from last night and couldn't stop the faint blush on his cheeks.

Shu: "Haah... I hope Y/N is doing alright."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Shu entered the castle, servants welcoming him as he made his way to his and Y/N's now shared bedroom. Y/N was fast asleep on the bed with the book she was reading laying on her chest. Shu smiled at her, he looked over at Chris nodding to him that she may leave. Chris stood up, bowed and left the room. Shu walked over to the sleeping Y/N, sitting on the edge of the bed. He placed a hand on her head caressing it.

Shu: "Guess I have really worn her out last night."

Shu stood up and walked over to the window closing the curtains, he changed his clothes to his nightwear and joined Y/N in bed, since he was also worn out.

"I promise to protect you. Even if it costs my life."

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𓂀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖, 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨! 𓂀

𓂀 ℙ𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕡𝕒𝕘𝕖! 𓂀

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