25K SPECIAL! 𝓐𝓷 𝓐𝓻𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓵

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25K SPECIAL!〘𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓰𝓮/𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰!𝓓𝓸𝓶!💍𝓗𝓾𝓼𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭!𝓢𝓱𝓾 𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓲 𝔁 𝓢𝓾𝓫!💍𝓦𝓲𝓯𝓮!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻〙

Requested by: MiraculousPokeblader

Does anybody know the name of the artist of this art? I need to know!

And since I've been tagged like 4 times I think. I might make a book of tags and Q&A. MiraculousPokeblader and CureFire14 tagged me. I also apologise that I haven't been active. Tiktok, Youtube, watching anime, reading other fanfics, Homework and family have gotten me busy. Although I had fun with it. Happy (Late) Valentines Day!

But I do have a question. Does anybody love K-Drama over anything other than anime?

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𓂀 𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖: 🌶️ + ☁️ 𓂀

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𝓘 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝔂~


The door opened to a house, and the person entered, taking his shoes off and placing them on the shoe stacks. Walking through the hallway filled with pictures, heading towards the bedroom to see someone else sleeping in their bed in the late afternoon. He walked towards the person, kneeling in front of the person's face, removing the hair from her face.

The movement made her scrunch her face slightly, opening one of her eyes slowly, her vision a little blurry. Letting out a yawn, rubbing the sleepiness away.

Y/N: "When did you get back home?"

Shu smiled at his wife and kissed her temple.

Shu: "Just got home. Why are you still in bed?"

Y/N deadpanned at her husband showing a bit of her skin under the blanket making him smirk.

Y/N: "My legs and ass hurt, Shu. And guess who's fault is that?"

Shu: "Sorry, dear."

Shu let out a hearty laugh making his wife grumble under her breath and gave her butterfly kisses on her face trying to forgive him.


Y/N: "An arranged marriage with Shu?"

A letter from Shu Kurenai came through her office mail. Her company was left by her mother, who was in stealing other companies' amounts of money and ideas. Her mother was a designer seller, she made beautiful outfits but hardly any of them were originally hers. And after finding out she was a fraud, she got arrested and the company was passed down to Y/N, who was having trouble.

Desk Assistant: "He said he will help you with the business if it means to⎯"

Y/N: "... If it means to marry him. I get the picture..."

Y/N sighed and turned her chair around, facing the large window whilst crossing her legs and leaning her arm on her armchair and leaning against her hand. Looked at the letter once again and sighed. If it was to save her company and turn it for the better than what her mum did. She stood up and looked over her shoulder.

Y/N: "I'll contact his company and set up a meeting."

Assistant: "Yes ma'am."

The assistant bowed and left the office, leaving Y/N to her thoughts.

Y/N: "I wonder if he really is sincere about this and if I'm doing the right thing. Haaa..."

Y/N sighed and crossed her arms, closing her eyes. Thought deeply and gave in to the idea.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Sitting in Shu's office, both CEOs sat across from each other, a paper in between them on the table that sat there waiting for it to be completed and done. A scribble was heard on the piece of paper. Y/N's name was done and written and Shu followed after. The marriage between them was official now.

Shu: "No need to hold a wedding ceremony. Just sign the paper and we're official. With my status as Raging Bulls Boss ad help with your company. Your business will go through the roof. And it'll only be for five years. You can deal with that, right?"

Y/N: "Uh huh. Yeah, I got it. I've handled my mum since I was two years old. I can handle five more years."

Y/N grabbed the contract, folded it up and put it in her purse and faced Shu.

Y/N: "Okay, so for the next few weeks we'll be living together. But we'll be sleeping in different rooms. We'll each take turns cooking meals."

Both were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice they were outside already in front of Shu's car.

Shu: "Now, that we set some rules. I'll drive you off at your house and we can ask the movers to move your stuff to mine."

Y/N nodded in understatement and got into the passenger seat thanks to Shu, being a gentleman opening the door for a lady. Shu got in the driver's seat and started the car and they drove off to Y/N's house.

Arriving at her house, Shu let her out of the car and headed towards her house. Y/N turned towards him.

Y/N: "Anyways, thank you for helping my business and for the meeting. Anyways I'll see you in a couple of days later."

Shu nodded and suddenly grabbed her hand surprising her as he placed a kiss on the back of her and glanced up at her. Y/N looked at her with a shocked expression with a little blush on her cheeks but shook it off and removed her hand from his grip and rushed inside her home, to bothering to say goodbye.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Y/N: "Yeah, that's the last of it thank you very much."

Y/N thanked the movers as they placed the last box of her belongings at Shu's mansion. The moving truck drove off, waving goodbye to Y/N who waved goodbye in return. She then looked at her to-do list, some of that has been ticked off and a couple more empty boxes on the list.

Y/N: "Since Shu is away to help with my business. I should start unpacking my stuff. Might as well call the Comets."

She pulled out her phone and dialled Reina's number. A few seconds later, she picked up and greeted Y/N with a cheerful voice.

Reina: "Hey, Y/N! How are you?"

Y/N: "I'm doing good. How are you guys doing? How are you and Hikaru doing? The kids doing well?"

Reina: "We're doing great. So, what made you call me?"

Y/N: "Well, recently I just moved into Shu Kurenai's home―, well-ah... his... mansion actually. Anyways, I need help for you to help me unpack my things."

Reina was silent on the other side of the call until she squealed that immediately dispersed in a second. Y/N sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled through her nose before calmly speaking.

Y/N: "It's not what you think. We're just roommates, well..."

Y/N stayed silent on the line, looking away as if Reina was here in person and spoke up to make sure she didn't get too excited.

Y/N: "Shu and I... haa... Shu and I are... married but not reeeaally. And don't tell the others about this okay? I don't want to deal with reporters."

Reina squealed on the other line and she heard Hikaru say, "What's wrong?" to which she replied with a "Nothing". Reina quickly composed herself, shooing her husband out of the room and went back online.

Reina: "That's amazing! Why didn't you throw a wedding ceremony? It would have been great!"

Y/N: "It's only a work-marriage contract. NOTHING else is going on alright?"

Reina: "Hehe... suuurrre~ And I'll come over and help out. It'll just be me. I promise you that."

Y/N: "You better. Or you're dead."

Reina ignored it and said her goodbyes and ended the call. Y/N rolled her eyes and placed her and Shu's address through the text and put her phone away and started to get her things moving in her new room and hoping that Reina keeps her mouth shut.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Reina: "So, you've only met Shu in a couple of meetings and he sent a mail to your mail asking for your hand in marriage despite you two not knowing each other."

Reina and Y/N finished moving some boxes and now we're unpacking Y/N's things in her new room. Y/N finished placing her books on the bookshelf.

Reina: "Reminds me of one of those romance books of the forbidden love between an employee and the boss or the boss from one company in love with another.

Y/N: "Yeah... classic falling in love with another boss. By the way, me and Shu being official aren't going to happen anytime soon."

Reina: "Hmm... that's what every female protagonist says..."

Y/N: "Ay! Stop fantasizing and help quickly finish packing my stuff."

Y/N flicked her forehead making her rub the pain away. Y/N rolled her eyes and removed the last of the boxes putting them in the attic. Reina came up towards the attic holding Y/N's phone, seeing as it was ringing.

Reina: "Hey, Y/N! Shu is calling for you."

Y/N took her phone and answered the call, placing the phone against her ear. Y/N walked downstairs as Reina followed and Shu greeted her.

Y/N: "Hi, Shu. What is it that you need?"

Shu: "I'm on my way home and called to check up on you and wanted to know if you need help unpacking your things."

Y/N: "Everything has been unpacked thanks to Reina. I invited her over to help me."

Shu: "You know you could have called me to help you."

Y/N: "No, you don't need to. You're busy with your work."

Shu: "Oh come on, love."

Hearing Shu say "love" made Y/N clench her fist with pink cheeks dusting her face. Reina gave her a smug look as she judged Y/N's expression and body movement. She inhaled and exhaled through her nose and answered calmly.

Y/N: "Don't try and woo me. Shu Kurenai."

Shu chuckled on the other end of the line and said his goodbyes and ended the call. Y/N removed the phone from her ear and glared at the screen before putting it away. She then glanced at Reina who still had a smug look making her roll her eyes and walk away with Reina teasing Y/N.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Shu: "Hey, I'm home!"

Y/N: "Yeah, welcome back."

Shu walked into the living room to see Y/N sitting on the couch, reading a book while listening to the TV. A drink in her hand not paying any attention to him. Shu walked over, stood behind her and placed his arm around her shoulder and suddenly kissed her cheek. Y/N jumped a little but quickly composed herself and glared at Shu.

Y/N: "Just because we're 'married' and living together doesn't mean you can kiss me out of nowhere."

Shu chuckled and patted her head, making her annoyed but that didn't stop her from turning her face red. Y/N shooed him away to his room to get changed.

Y/N: "Remember rule number two. Personal. Space."

Shu: "Hmph. Yeah, I got it."

Shu happily walked out of the living room. Y/N leaned against her fist, resting on the armchair. This was going to be a long 5 years marriage.


E/C opens up groggily and sat up on her arm and lets out a yawn. She blocked her eyes from the sunlight that was shining through the closed curtains. She sat up against the bed headboard rubbing her sleep away.

The bedroom door then opened to reveal Shu holding a tray filled with delicious food.

[Pick one, there were so many good ones]

If Y/N wasn't wide awake. Well, she is now! Shu ignored her look and placed the tray on her lap andkissed her head before leaving the room and calling out.

Shu: "I'll be heading to work now, hope you love your breakfast! Love ya!"

Y/N heard the front door open and close as she stared astonished at the breakfast. She snapped out of her trance and started eating her breakfast, and savouring the taste.

Y/N: 'Hmm... I might as well prepare lunch soon...'

She looked over at the clock next to her door and it was 11:34 AM. Did she sleep in all morning? Yes. Yes, she did. She took another bite of her breakfast thinking about what else should she do for the next few hours before heading to her own work later in the afternoon.

Y/N: "Firstly let's make lunch and might as well watch [Favourite anime] then. Might as well finish/rewatch it again."

And that's what Y/N did for the rest of 3 hours of watching [F/A] and making lunch for Shu until her phone rang an alarm signalling for her to get ready and head out to work. After putting on her jacket, she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note to Shu and placed it on the counter with a fruit bowl sitting on top of it so it doesn't blow away.

Grabbing the car keys from the car key bowl. Unlocking the car, getting into the car, starting the engine driving out of the garage, and driving off to work. While driving to work, she received a call. She pressed the call button on the wheel and the voice came out from the speaker.

???: "Y/N!!!!"

Y/N: "Hello, Hyuga. Nice to hear from you. How have you and Lane been?"

Hyuga: "We're doing great! We're working things out. Lane wanted to talk to you. I don't know what's going on but it sounds really important."

Y/N: 'Something important?'

Hearing Hyuga says that made Y/N not ready to speak with Lane. But better than later.

Y/N: "Alright. Put him on the phone."

Hyuga: "Okay, I'll leave you two alone. Lane! Y/N want to talk to you!"

Y/N hears the phone being exchanged and heard Lane's voice through the speaker, greeting you.

Y/N: "Hello, Lane. How are you?"

Lane: "I'm doing good. How about you?"

Y/N: "Fine. Just handling my business to stabilize it. Sooooo... Hyuga said you wanted to speak something important to me?"

Lane: "Yeah... Are... Are you and Shu really dating?"

That question threw Y/N off to the point where she would crash her car. She quickly composed herself.

Y/N: "Wha- who-?... Well... I..."

Y/N sighed, closing her eyes for a split second apologizing for the stutter as he assured her that it was his fault.

Y/N: "Well... technically not, but... haa... I could entrust in telling you this. but, don't go blabbering it to the others. Shu and I are in a contract marriage. He only did it to save my company, nothing else."

Lane: "Ah, I see."

The silence was heard between those two...

Y/N: "And also who told you that?! WAS IT REINA?!"

Lane quickly ended the call, praying for Reina and went to give the phone back to Hyuga.

Y/N huffed when Lane ended the call. Reina was going to pay later but she could do that later when they meet up next time.

Throughout their first year together. Both respected each other's privacy, taking turns in making breakfast, lunch and dinner, and cleaning the house with or without rented servants. Shu tries to make Y/N fall for him. He might have affected her a little bit, but not enough to make her head over heels for him.

Y/N: "Haa... I really wanna get this over with."

He does go a little overboard by flooding her over with presents and spoils her rotten. Y/N appreciates the gesture but he needed to stop showering her with too many gifts.


Y/N: "Hey, Shu. Pass me the salt would ya?"

Shu passed over the salt, their fingers brushing against each other. That touch made Y/N's stomach flutter. She shook her head and sprinkled the salt across the [whatever ingredient you're cooking] then cooked it up.

The past 2 years made Y/N soften up to Shu a bit... and maybe falling in love with him day by day but it has been three years and she harboured feeling towards him one and a half years ago! She can see why girls are into him after staying with him for 3 years.

This eventually led her to start being loving towards him, which also made Shu smother her with his own affection. A little too much in her prescription. Like a house cat being attracted to a stray cat that happened to be walking by.


Y/N looked through the documents that were sent through her office. A few contracts with other companies include ads, makeover stores(somehow), and more fashion stores that wished to stay before getting demolished.

A knock was heard, and Y/N replied with a, 'Come in!' and her assistant carried a wrapped lunchbox with a little note stuck to it.

Assistant: "This just came in and it looks like Mr Kurenai has gotten you some lunch."

Just then Y/N's stomach rumbled making her head go down, groaning. Come to think of it, she did have a big breakfast but it seemed her stomach craved more of Shu's cooking.

Her assistant chuckled placing the lunch on her desk and leaving her office with a, 'Have a nice lunch!' on her way out. Y/N smiled and looked at the lunchbox on her desk. Taking the note to see that Shu has written something cheesy with a little heart drawn on. Reading that made Y/N roll her eyes.

Y/N: "Sheesh, did he really think a small note and a lunch would win me over?"

Y/N lightly scoffed but ate the lunch anyways, reminding herself to thank Shu later. Although she could do that now, but she'd rather do it in person.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Y/N and Shu were walking through a museum to take in some inspiration for her new outfits. She was looking at [Favourite artist] portrait and started drawing an outfit. Shu looked over her shoulder and watched her draw. She ignored him and continued focusing on her drawing a new design.

Shu: "That looks good. You're gonna put that up for sale?"

Y/N glanced at him and hummed and shrugged. He wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.

Y/N: "I will probably... if people will ever come to my store. But, then again my past with my mum doesn't have to do anything with my own store."

Shu looked at her with admiration and smiled. He then placed a kiss on her cheek making Y/N jump slightly and glare slightly at him but allowing him to do what he wants. Not wanting to ruin the moment.

Y/N: 'I guess, it'll be alright for now...'

For the next few months, Shu and Y/N went on dates and worked together in rebuilding Y/N's shop. Her shop has now gotten popular in the next few months and her reputation was now rebuilt. Her gloomy days have passed away and started living happily in her new life with Shu by her side. Even if she 'didn't' like him.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

A pair of arms slithered around her waist, snapping Y/N from her daydream. Placing his chin on her shoulder as he watched her cook. Y/N slightly elbowed his stomach trying to remove him but he wouldn't budge making her sigh and let him indulge her a little bit. Shu placed a kiss on the side of her neck, giving Y/N goosebumps and making her cheeks flush.

Shu: "So after dinner, tonight do you wanna⎯"


Shu pouted and continued to watch her cook while he still held her. Y/N was blushing furiously. Maybe as red as a tomato.

Y/N: "Not tonight..."

Shu lifted his head up and looked over at Y/N who turned her head away still red in the face. He smiled happily and ended up teasing her by biting her red-tipped ear. Almost made Y/N throw dinner at him⎯

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Y/N tied her hair up, cleaned up the last bit of makeup and started preparing for bed. Y/N decided to finally sleep in the same room as Shu but respected the space bubble between them. But from time to time Shu sometimes wraps his arm around her waist and kept nipping her neck, resulting in having a red print on his cheek.

Y/N crawled underneath the covers and rested her head on the pillow, closing her eyes and started to slowly drift to dreamland. But she woke up to Shu sliding in next to her and wrapping his arms around her waist and felt a kiss against her neck and felt him vibrating against her neck.

"Can we please try it?"

Y/N stared off into the night sky. She made a sigh and lifted herself up and leaned over Shu, making him lie full on the bed. Shu smiled like a love-sick puppy or even a high-school boy, making Y/N roll her eyes and slowly leaning down while removing a stranded piece of her hair behind her ear and slowly connecting their lips together in a slow sensation.

Shu grabbed a bundle of her hair making her move to the side and making their kiss go deeper to the point where Shu wished they fought a little for who will be the dominant person in this situation.

In a split second, Shu turned the tables. Now, Shu was on top of Y/N her short/long hair spread across the pillow. Y/N narrowed her E/C eyes at his red eyes, who were staring right through her own although it had. He leaned down to her ear, making her face flush red.

"I hope you're ready~"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Y/N: "Hey! C-Calm down! Ah~!"

Shu was roughly pounding into her, to the point making Y/N leaving multiple nail scratch marks on his back. And now Y/N was straddling Shu, riding him and Y/N leant down to kiss him on the lips. Her toes curl up as his member twitches inside. Her upper lip is touched by his tongue, and you open your lips to let him in.

She cups his cheeks between her hands, her hips rolling against his. He thrusts feverishly against Y/N. His fingers dig into her bare hips, skin against skin. Both parted the saliva connecting them disappeared and breathing heavily.

Shu smiled at her and connected their lips once again, making Y/N a little hard to breathe as he craved more of her touch. Y/N grabbed a bundle of his hair, making him moan into her mouth. His mouth parted with hers as you again and was pulled close to his chest, matching the frantic energy.

The energy between you intensifies because nothing is done to reduce the strain. Like a fire fuelled by wood, it grew.

She experienced a bizarre experience that she had previously associated with soap operas, with his hands stroking your face and Shu giving you a passionate kiss. His intensity was admirable, and you felt heat building inside of you like a stone that was sinking. Shu pulls away, catching his breath, and at last, resting his forehead against yours.

Shu: "Who knew you would feel this good, snowflake~?"

Y/N looked away with a flushed look and was gasping for air slightly. She gave him a narrowed glare. He smiled a placed a kiss on her forehead. Grabbing a bundle of her hair, removing them from her clear neck and leaving more of his love. Feeling his lips against her naked skin madeshivers go down her spine.

Y/N: "Y'know, for someone who was all serious back then that I can't believe you'd become so flirty and..."

Shu lifted his head from her covered neck and looked at her with a questioning look telling her to finish that sentence.

Y/N: "... And horny. Pft...! Ah! Hey- what are you?! HaaHahaha!"

Shu suddenly attacked her with tickles on the side of her stomach she tried pushing him off but was a little too weak from their make-out. Seeing her smile and hearing her cheery laugh put a smile on his face. He leaned down and started peppering her face with kisses and slowly ceased his miniattacks.

Y/N: "H-Hey! Why are you suddenly so affectionate lately?"

Shu didn't answer but stopped and rested his head against her shoulder. Shu felt like wanting to be a baby, a little spoon. And of course, wants to feel more loved by his wife... Even if it was just a contract he felt more loved than ever. His parents were never home. Always busy burying themselves in work, like a mole that never comes out of its own burrow.

Shu: "You wanna know why I wanted to marry you?"

Y/N: "Didn't you marry me because you wanted to help me with my business? Which... in my case, I would be a selfish b*tch to use you. Anyways...! I mean... I do because there's no way anyone would marry me just to have sex with me or use me to gain more money and status for their own business."

Y/N spoke about what she had thought for the past 3 years and why Shu wanted to marry her. Shu smiled warmly and wrapped his arms a little tighter around her not wishing her to go away as he told her why.

Shu: "I've never felt this way about other women actually. Although I had friends and fans that love me, I never had my parent's love ever since I entered this world. Even if I get a girlfriend and get married I doubt I'll be feeling happy and feel getting loved."

Y/N looked down at Shu burying herself in his words, muting out everything else that surrounded them.

Shu: "Valt's mum helped take care of me from time to time and eventually I learned how to cook, clean and organize myself. I was alright living by myself and Valt along with the others coming over. It still felt a bit lonely."

Hearing his story made Y/N's heart throb a little. She started petting his white hair, soothing him and telling him that she will be here and won't leave him in his despair.

Y/N: "And when we first met, you felt something within me? Is that what made you want to marry me?"

Shu: "Not just that, I also wanted to help you after what happened with your mum. Which gave me the opportunity to marry you."

Shu sounded a little too pleased with that making Y/N stop grooming his hair and started to re-think their marriage.

Y/N: "You're kinda making me wanna divorce you right now."

Shu: "Wha-?!"

Shu lifted his upper body up with a startled look and looked at Y/N's teasing look. Shu closed his eyes with a huff from his lips and laid back down.

Y/N: "Y'know, if you had tried your best to woo me when we were still business partners I might have fallen for you and probably married you properly. I thought you were smarter than that."

Shu looked away and thought, yeah maybe he should have thought of that.

Shu: "Well, what's done is done. You fell for me after three years and in two more years you could have been a free woman."

Y/N looked away from Shu's statement and slowly nodded agreeing with his words. She shook her head and closed them shut wanting to finally get some shut-eye after all that talk and 'stuff'.

Y/N: "Get some sleep now. You ruined my sleep anyways and you're talking makes me want to sleep even more."

Shu smiled and moved to sleep next to her, laying his head down on hisnown pillow and staring at Y/N with slightly opened eyes as he was slowly lured away to sleep with the moonlight shining down on them.

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𓂀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖, 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨! 𓂀

𓂀 ℙ𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕡𝕒𝕘𝕖! 𓂀

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