{4} アルテミスムーンダガー

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" Chapter 4 , Artemis's Moon Dagger "

" Any word of Miyako showing up ? " Keiko asked , setting up traps all around the museum to catch any intruders.

" No Detective Keiko , not even a single shadowy figure. Maybe she might not show up- " a security guard said , rolling around in his wheelchair to check all the cameras.

" No , I'm sure of it. She'd never give up on a treasure as valuable as this. " she then turned to the police force. " Look for anyone at the museum that's suspicious , especially for a short blonde haired girl that's with Miyako. She looks like a high schooler. " the all nodded.

" Yes Keiko ! "

The police force scrambled into different directions and left the room cleared with Keiko walking to the Dinosaur exhibit. Leaving Keiko by herself , looking up at the moon. ' Miyako plans to steal the jewel of the museum , and has the girl with her as a hostage no less. If so , then why would the girl have ran off with her ? I don't know what Miyako's planning but if it involves a civilian , someone's gonna get hurt. ' she brushed her brunette hair back and the sound of a piece of metal dropped to the ground rang in her ears , alerting her to run to the direction of wherever the noise came from. The thumping of footsteps moved all across the ceiling , till two figures stepped onto the floor from a large window opening above , dropping onto the ground.

" Should we really be starting off here ? We're far away from the treasure , which by the way , how will we get it ? " Yukina asked , Miyako adjusting her hat with a cocky smirk. " Let lady luck decide for us. What I do know is that Artemis's Moon Dagger isn't protected with any regular old casing , it's made of crystalized glass. That means it can't be penetrated by any regular tool I own. Glass by itself isn't that strong but when you add in the thickness of the casing and the addition of Pb , that makes it a challenge. Especially since we have to get the dagger before the police notice we're here. "

" You studied elements!? When did you even find the time for that!? " Yukina asked , Miyako chuckling to herself and adjusting her hat. " You really are dense. It's called home school. Did you forget already what I do for a living ? Greatest thief in the world ringing a bell to you ? Yeah , picked up a thing or two from people I know. Let's just get the treasure and figure it out on the way. " Miyako ran past Yukina and she eventually followed after , heading to the " Rocks & Minerals " area. " Platinum , Rhodium , Mica , Quartz- Where is it ? Yukina , did you spot it ?...Yukina ? "

" Something's over here ! " a male police officer called out , Miyako running to the sound of the voice into a the space area , hiding behind a white pillar , seeing Yukina on the other side , holding her mouth while panicking. A beetle was close to her face , her eyes twitching with fear. " I can never leave her alone for a second , can I ? " she groaned to herself , grabbing a small pebble and throwing it to Yukina's head , causing her to collapse onto the ground and the beetle landing off her head and safely onto the leaf of a nearby plant. The pebble landed far away from Yukina so the guards snapped to that direction which luckily , was not near Yukina since Miyako quickly rushed to her side and held her body from falling as soon as the rock fell to silence their own movement and trick the police.

" What was that!? " the first officer asked , adjusting his hat while looking around for any figures or any clues to trespassers. " I think it came this way ! Let's take a look ! " a second officer called out , a third officer pulling out a flashlight. " I'll search here ! " the group of men scattered along the hallways of the museum , leaving the girls alone to come out of their hiding spaces. " I get this is a first time...but... " Miyako suddenly dropped Yukina onto the ground and her fingers began to twitch , a vein popping on the side of her head and her teeth gritted. " But your really twisting my hat here Yukina. I left you alone for 1. second. and I already see you freaking out , and almost getting caught , and jeopardizing the entire heist , all because of a small harmless beetle ! " silence. Miyako looked left and right and noticed Yukina was gone , sighing to herself before throwing her hat on the ground , fuming with anger. " Why did I even bother to help her!? She's nothing but trouble ! "

Yukina ran through the hallways with a racing heart , looking left and right to find the exit. " She fell for it ! Like hell am I going to get arrested ! I need to find the exit and get someone to actually help me ! My legs hurt , but it'll be worth it ! " Yukina smiled happily and continued to run until she noticed two double doors that lead to the outdoors. Miyako kept running throughout the whole museum to find her groaning to herself. " Trouble , trouble , trouble ! What were you thinking leaving her alone like that?! She's gonna get herself arrested ! Yukina ! " she slowly whispered , waiting for some sort of response while trying to keep under the radar so Keiko won't know she's there.

With a smile on her face , she went for the handle of the doors , just when Miyako saw her. She couldn't move , couldn't think , everything was happening so fast. She knew if she left they're would be more danger for her. With all the hesitation and caution out the window , Miyako yelled for her. " YUKINA ! " Yukina , flinching at her name being called out , turn around and in turn activated fiery red lasers all around them. The lasers forced them to back away , bumping into each other's backs. " You can never leave me alone can you?! " Yukina exclaimed , Miyako rolling her eyes. " Did I just save you a excruciating pain from those transparent wires near the door ? Yeah , I did. I can never leave you alone cause you'd be arrested within 5 seconds of me just walking to find the dagger. " silent , Yukina pushed Miyako away from her , almost falling face flat and hitting a laser before a force stopped her. No impact , no pain , not nothing. Just the tug of her costume. Yukina was grabbing her by the cape , with a upset scowl on her face.

" You're so cocky it kills me. It literally kills me to know that I used to look up to you to see how immature you are. You're not even a good example to kids. " Yukina mumbled , looking back at her. " I can take care of myself. I may not be as smart as you or as quick as you or as experienced as you...but at least I don't have to be a jerk to do what I love. Last time I checked , I've never broken the law before so you already expecting much from me is gonna end up backfiring at you , not me. You're the one committing the crime , not me. I can just as easily say your the one responsible for this and I'm a eye witness. Don't forget that you were the one that grabbed my hand and drove me away like I was a hostage. " Miyako rolled her eyes and pulled herself away from her , glaring at her. " Who do you think you are talking to me like that?! I don't have to help you know?! I'm not obligated to ! I just did it out of pity ! It's frustrating for me to always have to pick up your inexperienced self ! "

The two were quiet. The lasers glowed around them a bright red , Miyako lowering her hat with a bitter scowl. Yukina sighed and looked back at Miyako , holding out her hand. " You wanna steal this treasure right ? You want to be the greatest thief in the world right ? Then teach me how to do this. I can't do this without you and I'm just scared of what I'm doing. Your impulsive , overly confident in yourself would be a understatement , and a overall annoyance. But Phantom Thief Miyako ? Phantom Spade ? The greatest thief in the world ? Me going back home ? To my family ? Both won't happen if we fail here. So we can both help each other. But when you said for me to trust you ? I need you to trust me to do the right things here. Please. "

Miyako continued to stay silent , looking at her hand then her. She lower her lids to the ground before nodding , adjusting her hat and shaking her hand. " Now , a way out of this mess. " the two girls scanned the room for something , anything that could stop the lasers. Then it hit Yukina. " Miyako , you know how every building has water systems and alarms to put out fires ? Well , look above us " Yukina said with a smirk , the two looking up to see in fact a smoke detector. " That's risky Yukina. That'll set off the alarm. " Yukina chuckled and grabbed a piece of wire from the ground. " Not if we tamper with it. Give me a boost. "

Miyako grabbed her , and raised her to the alarm , Yukina opening the box and moving the wire through the circuits , before closing it again. " Alright , let's give it a shot. " Miyako said , grabbing the wire from Yukina van placing it near the laser , causing it to heat up to a extreme temperature and leave behind a fiery red tint. Passing it back to Yukina , she placed it near the detector , no noise coming from it but water sprinkling down , wetting the girls. Yukina laughed happily and Miyako placed her down , the two girls laughing in the water. " Not bad for a rookie. " the heat lasers were put out and the two continued to find the treasure , coming across a room covered in curtains. " Shall we ? " Miyako asked , Yukina nodding and the two ran past the curtains , the room enveloped in darkness.

Multiple daggers appeared before them and one glowed with diamonds and sparkled in the darkness. " Yukina look over here , I think this might be it. " Miyako pointed to a dagger made of ivory and the moon carved into it as well as small Roman symbols. Yukina knew where this was going. ' I'm going to assume this is one of those scenarios where there's the not so great looking item and the beautiful item where it turns out the poor looking item is the real deal. Maybe it's based on value. Which one had the bigger value. Miyako's smart but she's still a children's character. '

" Yeah I think so too. Last time I checked , isn't Ivory have a higher value ? Ivory is highly valued since it comes from elephants's tusks and that it comes from Africa. Silver is commonly used for jewelry and such so I don't think it would be highly valued. Let's take the ivory one. " Miyako nodded and grabbed the dagger , nothing happening which meant the other ones were fakes. Yukina sighed in relief. ' So she can get away with saying and doing certain things. Maybe it was because of the age demographic of the show Miyako understood what she was saying. Maybe that's why she's smart and immature. '

Loud sirens were heard all around them and the doors were about to lock , the two quickly running to the back door in the room. Cameras were all around them , a button glowing red to indicate they were stealing. " Shoot ! We should've figured they'd set up cameras here ! Run ! " the two ran as fast as they could , running up the stairs before Miyako kicked open a door , reaching the top of the museum. " Hands in the air ! Drop the treasure slowly. Your under arrest for theft and kidnapping a civilian. " Keiko was behind them , along with her police team , aiming their guns at them. Miyako groaned , gripping on her face. " Like I said , ruined my reputation. What is it with everyone and saying I kidnapped her ? " she mumbled , Yukina looking around before sighing. " Yeah...she kidnapped me. "

" WHAT?! " Miyako snapped back to Yukina , ready to yell at her before Yukina winked at her , mouthing the words " trust me ". Miyako nodded and her face softened , turning around to them. Keiko sighed , pulling out her handcuffs. " That's a new low , even for you Miyako. Well it's over though , so you're going to jail where you'll never cause mischief ever again. " that was , till Yukina grabbed Miyako's arm , winking at Keiko. " By the way , my name's not civilian. " she soon backed away to the edge of the building , keiko's eyes widening. " Wait what are you doing?! Back away , your gonna fall ! "

" my name ? " Yukina held close to Miyako. Miyako adjusting her hat before leaning backwards. " PHANTOM THEIF MINI SPADE ! " the two fell backwards , Keiko quickly leaning in to see if they were ok. " Did they just jump?! How am I going to explain this to the chief?! " she gripped her hair in worry before hearing laughter , turning around in shock to see that Miyako's Yo-yo made them swing across buildings , the two laughing together. " HAVE A GOOD NIGHT DETECTIVE ! " Miyako called out , before they disappeared into the night.

The two kept going till they hopped into Miyako's car , driving off with the dagger. " That was fun ! Told you stealing would be fun ! A lot of mistakes for a rookie , but you turned it all around in the end ! Ok , on my part , I was pressuring you but don't worry ! I was testing you. Guess I am great huh ? " Miyako smirked , placing her hands behind her back , Yukina's small smile dropping. " I'm not gonna be a thief. I'm just keeping up the facade , ok ? So don't get your ego excited just yet. It was a decent night , that's all. " Yukina brushed her fingers across the dagger , then turned to Miyako.

" I wonder if this really was Artemis's dagger. What was it for ? " she asked. Miyako shrugged. " I'd like to assume something epic like carving into wood to create art or cutting fruit from the high trees. Or maybe it was just a kitchen knife. Whatever it is , it's sure as hell pretty. "

Yukina looked down one last time at the dagger , before up at the moon with a soft smile. " Yeah... "

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