{7} ゴールデンディスク

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" Chapter 7 , The Golden Disk "



It was the night of the next heist where The Golden Disk of Greece would be in an art gallery in Hazami Square. Detective Keiko was already at the scene , waiting with Nozomi and Haruto for Miyako and the so-called " Mini Spade ". Yukina was the one at the wheels this time but of course , she can't drive and chaos went loose. " NO THAT'S THE GAS PETAL ! BREAKS ! LOOK TO WHERE I'M POINTING ! " Miyako yelled , trying to point to the breaks from behind Yukina in the driver's seat as the car continued to blaze at full speeds. They were at the area of the building and were supposed to stop near a shaded area full of trees but passed it and was about to hit the side of the building. " WALL ! WALL ! WALL ! " Miyako yelled , unknowingly grabbing Yukina's hair and the girl yelping in pain , her foot stepping on the breaks and the car coming to an abrupt halt just barely hitting the wall. Miyako went flying forward and hit her head onto the honk. Luckily she quickly pulled away before it could continue on. Just a little beep was all it made. Twitching , Miyako hopped out of the car and dusted whatever dirt was on her clothes.

" Are you ok ? " Yukina asked. Silence. " Do I...look like- " Miyako quickly turned to her with a bright red face and a red mark across her nose. " I'M OK TO YOU?! " Yukina sighed. " Well seeing as that you're not bruised , that means you ok. Well , besides the whole bumping into the wheel anyway. " she got out of the car and the two girls looked up to see the large building that was in front of them. They slowly crept behind the corner of the long white wall and poked their heads to see two guards at the front of the museum. Both didn't look like security guards. " It's Nozomi and Haruto. So how do you think we'll get past them ? " Miyako whispered. " I don't know. We'll probably just have to find another way inside the museum. For now , let's check the back " silence. " Hey , did you hear me ? " silence...

" Miyako ? " Yukina turned around to see no one behind her and jumped to the sudden loss of Miyako. " M-Miyako ? Spade ? Where the heck are you?! " Silence once more...it was just nothing but her by herself..." Miyako stop playing around. This isn't funny ! " she whispers. At least , she could give herself some time to really breathe and understand what she's doing. It hasn't been much of a observation but tonight was awfully chillier than the previous one and she wasn't as nervous as the last heist. Maybe it's because she's already gotten away with stealing one item. Then again , it'll be the last time since she has no enjoyment from this. Suddenly , the sound of footsteps linger behind her and the feeling of something on their shoulders brings her back to reality. " AAAAAAAAAAAAH ! " she screamed , but only to be silenced by a soft hand around her mouth.

" Relax , it's just me ! I found a way in through the back. Come on ! " Yukina struggling in her grip stepped on her foot and pushed Miyako away when Miyako started to groan in pain. She didn't make much noise since she bit down on her lip. " One , don't scare me like that. Two , you basically did what I already said we were gonna do and Three , don't ever trust me with this stuff ever again ! "

" Again huh ? So you are doing this again ? That's not what you said the first time , right Dumpling Head ~ ? "

" Stop turning my words against me ! Just hurry up and show me where to go so we can get the stupid disk already ! "

Yukina stormed past Miyako and the two continued to walk to the back. " So what gadget are we using ? " Miyako chuckled softly to herself. " Some use a grappling hook , some use a crowbar. But as for me myself , I prefer the easy way out of things. " she reached in for her pant's pocket and pulled out an array of keys. Some were silver , two were rotten and one was shining gold. They clinked with each key her finger passed through till she got to the gold key. In front of them was the " Employee Only " door and a single light above it. A few moths flicked around it like specs of dust.

" What ? You thought I was all that sophisticated ? Even I know when to not complicate the simplest problems. " with a clink of the key through the keyhole , the door opened with a creak and was halfway opened. " Phantom Thieves are more than costumes and a light show. We're not dense. " flicking Yukina's forehead , she walked through the door.

Boxes of all different sizes were arranged all over the place. It smelled like old wood and papers were all over the place. " I'm guessing this is storage. " Miyako whispered , grabbing something from her pocket and pulling out a flashlight. Yukina facepalmed herself. " I will never understand how you can fit so much junk in your pockets...then again you are a fictional character... " she mumbled , Miyako turning to her. " What'd you say ? " she raised an eyebrow. " It's hot in here ! Can we get to the disk already ? "

" I'm looking for any valuable treasure. If you wanna complain so much about being in the storage , then be useful and look through the boxes. I'm gonna go up ahead and check for the number of guards surrounding the place. If you can handle being by yourself that is. "

" What's that supposed to mean?! I'm just not used to this stuff ! It's not like I have anywhere to go. Just leave already , I'll let you know if anything happens over here. "

Miyako adjusted her hat and opened the door in front of her and ran at full speeds. The door was left open. Groaning , Yukina grabbed the door and closed it. " Great. Now I have to go through countless boxes full of junk ! " the silence dragged on as she went through so many boxes. Nothing more than glass vases and bones. " Would it count as treasure to have fossils ? Well , I better give it shot just in case this heist ends up flunking. " grabbing as many in her hands , she pushed the crates to the side and continued to look through whatever was in the storage. " Wait till Sensei Tamiko hears about me holding real authentic dinosaur bones. Who knows how long they even were in this storage or even how long they were preserved in the ground before even reaching this museum. Days ? Months ? Years ? Maybe even a whole decade if we're really throwing out ideas " Yukina placed her finger onto the artifact and slowly slid it across the bone.

" Who knows , but I know for a fact that fossil piece your holding belongs to the wing of a Pteranodon. And I know how long it was here. It was a month "

A voice mumbled from behind , chuckling softly before a hand covered Yukina's mouth before she could even make a single peep. " It's me. Miyako. Listen , the disk is in the Roman area. I just took down security guards so we're clear to move. Let's go " pulling her away from her Yukina held on even tighter to the fossils in her arms. " I try to work with you , I really try , but it's annoying when I constantly have your fish scented hand always up in my face and the fear of being caught down my spine ! "

Miyako let go of her and gripped on her hips in frustration. " Excuse me?! Fish?! What's your damage?! I use soap and it smells just fine ! Quite frankly for your information , I USE A SCENT CALLED HYDRANGEAS ! " Miyako scoffed.

" Really ? Cause for the looks of it , it might not have been doing its job if you always smell like this ! " Yukina rebutted. Miyako huffed and bit into her cape in frustration. " It's called working out ! I do it in the morning and then- "

" and then you what?! Not bother to take a shower?! " Yukina laughed.

The two of them went back and forth as their voices were slowly getting louder and louder from a whisper. Keiko with Nozomi and Haruto were passing by and the sound of muffled arguing caught Keiko's attention. " What do you suppose that is ? " she asked. Nozomi and Haruto looked at each other. " Maybe it's the staff putting up the last-minute items. " Nozomi placed a hand on her hip. Puzzled , Haruto raised an eyebrow. " Wait , didn't we see them where the Disk treasure was ? They said they were going to watch over it. "

Then it hit her. " The Golden Disk of Rome. Damnit ! I should've seen this coming ! You two , search the room ! " Keiko running as far as she could , left Nozomi and Haruto to the hallway where storage was and headed to the Ancient Rome section of the museum. " She's always so serious. Maybe that just makes her the best " Nozomi cheered on. Haruto nodded his head " Yeah ! She'll take em down ! " he exclaimed , jumping in the air and throwing fists in prideful joy.

The two clasped hands and jumped up and down with excitement. " K-E-I-K-O ! Best detective in the world ~ ! S-P-A-D-E ! You can't steal the gold disk on display ~ ! " the two cheered. Their chanting was loud enough to reach through the creaks of the door to the storage room. Miyako didn't pay no mind , grabbing a stool and reaching towards the ceiling. Reaching into one of her gloves was a screwdriver and applied it to the corners of the ceiling vent , twisting at it. " That's what you thiiink ~ " she mumbled to herself with a sly chuckle.

Yukina , holding all the crates , was keeping an eye on them. " What's that supposed to mean ? " she asked. She raised an eyebrow. " What's the one thing that provides oxygen to a small room like this one ? " Yukina sighed and facepalmed herself with a small smile. " The vents ? "

" Bingo ! " the nails's were loosened and Miyako pulled it open ,!setting it down onto a crate. " Come on , before they realize we're here. Keiko no doubt is on the way to protect the disk. " the two crawled through the vents and came across the museum. " Not a bad way of transportation. No doubt Keiko's on her way to watch over the Disk. I'm going to guess that in her head , we're disguised as those guards. She'll be so busy with them that it gives us time to steal the disk. So that's less work on us to create a distraction knowing it's already in place. "

" How long did it take for you to even form this plan ? " Miyako laughed to herself.

" I'd give myself the world record of a minute and a half. " the two crawled through the vents till one of them fell. Luckily a bush caught the vent so it didn't crash into the ground. Yukina gripped the edge of the vents before Miyako extended her hand. " Take my hand but stay as quiet as you can. " Yukina darted her eyes left and right for any sense of security. " What do you mean stay quiet?! I'm about to fall onto the ground and possibly break a limb ! "

" Oh for crying out loud you drama queen , just grab my hand. " Yukina huffed and grabbed her hand , Miyako pulling her up just in time before anyone could've known they were there. " Won't they notice that one of the vents is open ? " Miyako grumbled and twiddled their fingers , huffing. " That was what I was trying to avoid but you blew our cover. I can only hope that Keiko takes this as a sign that those janitors in the roman exhibit crawled to the disk's location. We'll stay up here , it's the safest spot. Just... " she chuckled to herself and squished Yukina's cheek. " Try not to hurt yourself ok ? I've got this. Just follow me and we'll be out before we get dinner , okay ? "


' Try not to what?! '

Anger engulfed Yukina as steam came from both sides of her face. Her body immediately tried to calm. She clenched her hands so tight that they began to slowly shake.

" I'll have you know that I am not I am more than capable of handling things by myself! I'm not a fragile doll made of china so don't treat me like that ! " Yukina huffed and continued crawling through the vents. Miyako scoffed and continued to crawl as well.

( 2000 word mark wahoo ! )

At long last did they get to the roman exhibit. Miyako chuckled , looking at Keiko discuss the whole situation with the guards. She looked onto her silver watch and sighed. " Looks like we're a little off schedule from me saving you but it looks like we've got some time left to sweep by them. " she turned to Yukina then back at Keiko and the guards. " I say sneak past them and get to the disk while we have the chance. " Yukina's eyes widened and she shook her head. " Are you crazy ? That's just stupid , this won't work ! Let's just stay in the vents. We can get the high ground and reach the disk. "

Miyako rolled her eyes. " That's the dumbest idea I've heard yet. Where's the fun in that ? We're gonna sneak past them. Unless you're gonna end up ruining the plan again " Yukina , with what remained of her frustration finally becoming pent up , yanked Miyako by the head and close to her face to give her what for. " Listen here Spade ! I don't have the time to deal with you or whatever you think is deemed " fun ". You agreed to work with me so put your ego aside for once and do the most logical thing to do and stay in the vents. Go down there and we're caught. Do you want that ? "

Miyako's eyes widened and her face glowed a soft rosy red across her cheeks. By that point , Yukina started into her bewildered violet eyes with her angered blue ones. All until she realized too late that she was breaking her cold demeanor. Quickly , she pulled away with her bright warm cheeks. She put the strawberries to shame. " S-Sorry ! I just needed you to hear me out... "

Miyako paused for a second to hear what she had to say. It was...oddly settling to hear that she finally stepped up to her. Chuckling , she pushed a bit of her hair behind her ear and nodded. " Sure. Let's go with your plan. " Yukina sighed. " Thank you. " releasing Miyako from her grasp , she turned to the rest of the vent's pathways and went on from there to the Roman exhibit. " I wonder what that disk was for. Maybe to play catch with a dog or something " Miyako muttered , perking Yukina's attention to the subject at hand. " You really think so ? I thought it would be for something more practical like a ceremony or construction. "

Miyako laughed at the suggestion and turned to Yukina's confused face. " Do you have a sense of imagination ? It doesn't always have to be work , work , work. Sure , the Romans were intelligent enough to have created works of art and science but they had their own inventions of fun too. Ah , oh well. Whatever the case may be , it'll be fun to nab. "

After an hour of crawling with what was by now sore legs across the vents , Miyako stopped dead in her tracks. " What is it ? " Yukina asked. Miyako smirked and placed a finger onto Yukina's lips and looking down. There it was. The golden disk of Rome sitting proudly upon its pedestal. By now , they were by themselves. It was just them and the disk.

Miyako with a smirk jumped down and opened her arms to Yukina. Sighing with eyes rolled she jumped down into her eyes. " Well this is anti-climatic. Isn't there some trap to spring ? " Yukina asked. Miyako nodded. " I think there most certainly is. The question is , which one ? "

" Which one ? " there was almost thing to see but that was only from the top. " Look down. " Yukina upon seeing them laid strange symbols all around them. " This is...the romanic alphabet. Maybe it's a code , but what is it ? " the two girls stood there , puzzled by the endless possibilities of passwords that can lead to this one treasure. " What do you think it is ? " Miyako sighed. " I'm stumped. I would say disk but that's too obvious. " Yukina looked back to her and then around the room for answers. " Then maybeee...hmm... " she looked to the disk , the floor , even the glass casing it was in for some sort of engravings. Then it hit her. ' Wait...back to the disk...that disk...it has words on it... '

Engraved on the disk in small words was. " in honor of the first "

Yukina quickly turned to Miyako and pointed back to the golden treasure " The first...Miyako ! Who was the first of Rome ? "

" Gah ! W-What do you mean ? " Miyako backed away in startled fear with her cape twiddled in between her fingers. " This whole time , I've been thinking about writing a simple code like risk or Rome. It's in fact the first of Rome ! Who's the first ? "

" Well that depends. Let's assume king. The first king of Rome would be Romulus then. " Miyako brushed a hair behind her ear and turned to the trap. " Damnit...this puzzle could set off the trap. " Yukina with a soft breath , stepped forward and jumped all across the tiles , hearing soft melodies that played along with it. At the last tile , the seal was loosened. " YES ! " jumping past the tiles to not trigger them all , Miyako grabbed the disk and placed it in her pocket. " Phew. That's a relief. Come on before the detective is- "

The door slammed open and out came Detective Keiko. "
YOU TWO ! Your coming with me. YOUR UNDER ARREST ! " she yelled. A pair of handcuffs dangled in her hands. Only set though. " Aw , but it was getting fun to have this disk in my hand. Want it ? Come and GET IT ! " a smoke bomb was thrown into the air and covered the whole room. " Damnit ! Where'd they go?! " Keiko exclaimed in between coughs. " I don't- I don't k-know ! "

The smoke cleared and the smoke alarms rang to clear up what was expected to be a fire. Running past the police , Miyako and Yukina laughed among themselves. " This is so fun ! I don't understand why people don't do this more often ! " Miyako found the exit quickly and held Yukina's hand. " Come on ! The var may be busted by it's not too late to get a bike. "

" Wait...what ? " Yukina between giggles tried to keep grip on Miyako who was now as red as a strawberry. " Do you want to escape or not?!?! " Yukina wiping her tears nodded and the two ran past the busted down car. As luck would have it , a row of bikes were near. " STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW THIEF ! " Miyako chuckled and winked at Keiko. " Sorry Detective , I've had enough fun with you so I can't play for much longer. Take caaaaare ~ ! " jumping onto a purple bike , Yukina grabbed a red bike and the two peddled as far as they could go , no longer in view.

" Are you kidding me?! " Detective Keiko scowled , throwing her hat to the ground. " Well as long as I live you won't escape my grasp you hear me?!?! NEVEEEEER ! "

Her screams of promise could not be heard as the two were too busy laughing and enjoying the prize they've claimed. Tonight was a good night. They've taken the disk and only was remaining. " Well it's time to go home. Never thought we'd find fossils , two bikes and of course the disk but hey , always wanted to stroll the city in style " Yukina rolled her eyes. " Sooo we just have one more treasure to go right ? " Miyako nodded. " Yep. That's riiight. Now don't get too cocky cause we'll be taking a break before our next heist. So until then , let's just get home. "

" Yeah. Let's get home " the two continued to peddle , until the mansion was in view. Placing the bikes into the garage , laying in the living room and deep in sleep. A long day was ahead of them and at long last , Yukina would be given the answer she was seeking. Was she destined to be a Phantom Thief , or was she destined to be in her real home...

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