1.3 | her purpose

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AUTHOR | sulkytae



TITLE | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

i'm a sucker for short, centrally focused titles. so, it goes without saying that Her Purpose is wonderfully apt for the story you're writing. it deals with the entirety of Beth's reason for existence and i think that that's beautiful. well done!

COVER | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

you're a graphic designer and i've seen your work before. it's no surprise that you came up with something so aesthetic and perfect. the light blue is gorgeous and goes well with the bittersweet plot you've got going. the way you placed your banners was something i really adored so, full points for your creativity!

BLURB | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

while the blurb that you have currently is short and ignites imagination, i would have liked to see more of the plot being used here. you could add glimpses further into the story, leave a few rhetorical questions, introduce Beth with more details into her personality.

PLOT | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ .5

while extremely well written, Her Purpose kept reminding me of The Fault in Our Stars, In 27 Days and Ten Reasons Not To Die. cancer, while a deadly killer, is often an overused plot, if you know what i mean. When Beth comes back home to find her parents worried sick about her whereabouts, it's a huge parallel to when Hazel comes back from Gus' fake funeral call.

CHARACTERS | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

if you asked me one thing i adored about your characters, it was how relatable they were. my heart broke when you introduced Meredith for the first time. the innocence you put into her character is remarkable. Beth showed strength and weakness, something that most writers fail to provide. a character can be strong without being invincible and that's alright. Nathan is already one of my favourites and i ship him so much with Beth. Beth's parents portray the role of realistic concerned parents, a respite from dumb Wattpad parents who are barely make a presence.

GRAMMAR | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ .5

although you've been extremely wonderful with your word building and sentence construction, i found areas where a little bit of proofreading would do wonders. i'll leave screenshots below and how to fix them. of course, i couldn't place all of them here but these are some of the most glaring ones you could fix!

Glancing sideways at my parents, I noticed them, sitting in shock, frozen in place, unsure what to say as silence filled the room.

"I understand that this is horrible news to receive, but there are steps that we can take to help ease the process."

I wasn't going to see Meri become the woman I knew she would be and that destroyed me.

"Do you want me to call my mum to see if she'll pick us up?"

I looked over at Nathan in awr as he flew down the steps adjacent to us before swiftly following him.

"You're going down, Shorty," he whispered.

this last correction is required in a few more places, where you've placed a period instead of a comma. if you could edit those crinkles out, your story would be grammatically flawless!

DESCRIPTIONS | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

let me begin here by saying that the part where you described the lake and how it's serenity washing over Beth, was one of the finest paragraphs i've ever read on Wattpad. it had a charming quality to it, not too depressing and yet so revealing. you've also described every single space that Beth moves in, every movement that she makes and every expression that she notices. it's almost as if i'm seeing her world through her eyes and not the author's. having said that, i believe you could also work on her parents' descriptions instead of saying "her hair was red". you could add more adjectives and make it easier on the eyes of the readers.

DIALOGUES | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ .5

your dialogue placement was familiar and neutral, just like real life conversation. that way, your story seemed much more realistic than most books i've read. however, Beth's process of thinking and her choice of words again reminded me of Hazel. it really blurred the character lines for me and i would suggest that you make Beth richer, personality wise. give her hobbies, give her dislikes, use the time she's feeling better for sister bonding, make her seem more 'Beth-like', if that makes sense.

FLOW/LOOPHOLES | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ .5

so far, there has been no loopholes and that earns major points with me! coming to the flow, it's very well paced, the chapters are short and easy to read (or even, binge) and characters are well introduced. nothing feels rushed or without an explanation (except for the part where she leaves without informing her parents — angst), so that's another bonus!

ENGAGEMENT | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ .5

like i've already said, everything about your story is pleasing, easy to read, relatable and insightful. starting from the descriptions to the aesthetic quotient of the chapters, it's all perfect. although it really reminded me of various other cancer-related stories, your inclusion of Meredith makes it so much more real for me. great work!

FINAL VERDICT | ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ .5

finally, i would suggest that you edit your chapters soon after you finish writing the upcoming one. that way you can remain on top of things and you can also eliminate any errors that you come across. keeping that aside, Her Purpose is truly a well written book that deserves a ton of recognition for the beautiful descriptions and lovable characters it contains! all in all, i enjoyed reading it so far!

thank you for requesting!

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