3.2 | the soulmate paradox

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AUTHOR | Nicoismysenpai



TITLE | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS? i have nothing to say here. absolutely stunned and left speechless. i cannot. i'm sorry. how. just how. your title captured the irony of two people meant to be together but the endless hurdle of obstacles stopping them over and over. it transcends the oxymoron of falling in love and i am living for it. i have always adored short and meaningful titles and this is it.

COVER | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

you said you put in a lot of hardwork. and the best part? it shows. i am not a designer and i sure as hell do not understand placements but i am a (sort of) connoisseur of the fine arts. i know when i see a masterpiece and i make it a point to appreciate it. your cover isn't overly done, it isn't heavily manipulated and yet, the vector art and the colour scheme pops to life brilliantly! well done!

BLURB* | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

the blurb leaves the reader wanting more which is exactly what you need to achieve. it talks about the main plot of the story and also poses two important questions: why did gregory leave? why does he hate jeong-soon? however, my only issue with the blurb was that it wasn't exactly detailed. like most authors do, they underline a lot of tension in the blurb. how, what, and why are the questions you need to ask, so your readers want more answers. as always, this is only my personal opinion and you do not have to accomodate any changes in the blurb.

PLOT | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

like my own english professor says while grading assignments, "always room for improvement but here's your well-earned A+". your story reminds me of that statement. i loved the simple yet complex plotline, especially the strange lady and her weird headphones lmao i snickered so bad my mom thought i was choking. i love the whole strangers to crushers (?) to enemies to lovers arc. i'm looking forward to adding tsp to my 2022 tbr!

CHARACTERS | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

while i am in love with gregory gan, i cannot help but fall for jeong-soon, too. there's this magnetic quality to both of them that makes you wish they were your best friends and you were watching them fall in love. i love how you described their personalities; fiery and calm. it's also how most grumpy x sunshine stories are which gives me massive case of deja vu. what works is how much i love that trope, so well done on your portrayal! now, bring them to life before i go mad, thank you.

GRAMMAR* | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

i don't know what you want me to say here. it's perfect??? and that makes me anxious because i always find grammatical errors even in published books. hell, i wrote an email to simon and schuster for two typos i found in one of their books. i'm not letting you off the hook, alex, i'll scout again muahahaha. kidding, kidding, i am not unhinged. great work, i'm beyond impressed!

DESCRIPTIONS* | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

i'll say this about your writing. they're like "words plucked from a velvet sky." you must see what i did there, okay. the descriptions were top-notch, plucking every emotion from the beat of your characters. i laughed, cried, and cursed along with them. i have no improvements to suggest and it's driving me crazy haha. also, i want to point out that the chapter titles being my favourite songs was just beautiful.

SO, BABY WON'T YOU CRY FOR ME -- okay, moving on.

DIALOGUES | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

i have no complaints. i love straight forward characters and i love cursing haha. i love how when they meet again, gregory just straight up says, "fuck you." that's the kind of confidence i need in my life. beautifully done, alex, you don't let me complain enough =)

FLOW/LOOPHOLES* | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

crescendo, crescendo, crescendo. that's how you built your story. brick by brick. it was paced perfectly, never felt rushed. you took your time and wove it with love. it reflects and demands attention from every word on your page. i hope you know just how well-written this book is.

ENGAGEMENT | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

do you need me to say anything? it's perfect. you keep your readers engaged with every syllable you write. it's unreal.

FINAL VERDICT | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

this was less of a review and more of a fangirl post. i'm not sure why you requested a review lmao, you should know the masterpiece you have on your hands. i have nothing to say, wtf. i always have opinions and nonsense to rant about. you better give me a signed copy when you publish and exclusive merch. tsp raised my anxiety levels beyond repair, thank you for pushing my standards higher, hahaha, now i'll never have a significant other unless someone thrusts contrasting headphones in our hands (for free, of course.)

thank you for requesting!

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