Chapter 1

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None of them saw it coming. As soon as they even began to think everything was back to normal, they were informed in the harshest way that they were mistaken.

"My condolences..."

Clemont remained exiled from the world, as did Bonnie, even if she couldn't quite wrap her head around what was going on.

"Didn't deserve this..."

Serena's eyes were always red from constant tears. At first, Shauna and Bonnie were welcome to comfort her, but before they knew it, she had locked herself away from the world just as Clemont had.

"Better place now..."

Even Alain was shocked to walk through the door filled with happiness, only to find the entire lab in tears.

"We're sorry to announce that..."

Suddenly, they were all dressed in black, staring torpidly into a cold, gloomy morning.

"Ash Ketchum has passed away"


"We are gathered here this morning to mourn the death of Ash Ketchum, whose life was taken before his time"

A honey-blonde girl stood in the back, facing down so that her short hair hid the tears slipping from her dull blue eyes.

"Ash was reported missing after the crisis involving Team Flare"

A lemon-haired boy was a little further into the crowd, but his view of the coffin was still blocked by those in front of him, as for his younger sister.

"For days, there was no sign of him"

A boy with green hair could hardly keep himself from tearing up as he dug his nails into his arms, trying not to see the coffin.

"Eventually, his body was found in the ruins of where the Megalith once stood"

Two other boys and one girl stood in silence, tightly gripping their dark attire, which contrasted the usually colorful and lively clothes they preferred to wear.

"We wouldn't have been able to stop Team Flare without him. He didn't deserve this...but he's in a better place now"

A tall man in the back, who only had to remove his blue scarf since his clothes were mostly black per usual, couldn't believe what he was hearing. A short redhead next to him barely understood the situation, but still stood in silence out of respect.

"My condolences to Ash's friends, Ash's Pokemon, and his mother, who was unable to arrive today due to issues of her own"

Even a middle aged Professor, the host of the occasion, was struggling to keep his act together, as he was also devastated by the loss.

Those who faded away throughout the day after the funeral simply couldn't bear the sight of it, but others felt obliged to stay.

"W-We...we should...start heading back. It's dark and it's gonna rain soon", Clemont mumbled shakily, trying his best to keep his voice from trembling.

"Clemont, I don't get it. What happened to Ash?", Bonnie asked her miserable brother, tugging on his dark clothing.

Serena's easiest option was to stay still. Either facing down, or staring at the coffin. Staring at that horrible, horrible coffin.

Inside was a young boy, whose short hair was as dark as coal. His usually tanned skin was paler than snow, compared to his monotonous eyes which lacked the cheerful chocolate color they were known for. His hat sat by his side. His frozen hands clutched the flowers placed above his motionless heart. He lay so lifelessly it was unnatural. This boy, who was always seen running into adventure, was now reposed behind glass, never to be seen alive until the end of time.

It wasn't fair. It didn't make sense. And yet, it was right there. The very sight of his death, piercing their eyes.

"The burial isn't going to happen until some days later, but I'm not sure when", Professor Sycamore explained, trying his best to suppress his tears, "So if you'd like to visit Ash everyday before're more than welcome to"

Grey clouds caved in on the helpless glimpses of sun that slipped through the fog as the sky began its earthquake. Specks of thunder were already making their way into vision.

Bonnie turned to the honey-blonde girl, unsure of why the ground seemed so attractive to her.


Her lips were sealed, as if she was forced not to speak. Her world was frozen, ceasing her senses.

"I think Serena wants to be alone right now, Bonnie. Let's go"

Before she could acknowledge her surroundings, the girl found herself making her way down the streets, back to the lab as it was shrouded in night. Nevertheless, all was but a blur.

He was gone. He meant so much to her, yet just like that, he was gone. 

And he was never coming back.

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