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☆彡Ramen – A dish containing quick cooked noodles, served in a broth with various types of meat and vegetables. ☆彡


"Ash?" I yawned lazily as I walked into the living room, my hair a mess I walked stretching my arms over my head.

No reply.

I looked around, the kitchen, the living room, her room, she was gone. Maybe she had gone for work.

I smiled and started to hum a song, walking around I came to the window in the living room which faced the busy streets of Tokyo. The tall skyscrapers rose high in to the sky, I could see the sunrise causing the shadow of the apartment building to fall on the tech company that was opposite the street. I was in the 3rd floor, so the paved streets below neither was nor too far or too close.

I immediately spotted Ashley exiting the building. But it was odd that she didn't have her coat, she seemed to have gone downstairs in a hurry.I was just about to wave frantically and hope that she would see but she immediately stopped as someone stopped her in her tracks right below the steps of the building.

I gasped as I realized who the other person was.

"Hakyeon?" I thought as I quickly lowered myself and peeked over, spying on the two. The sounds of the city was not too bad yet, but I needed to know what these two were talking about.

I immediately picked up Ashley's familiar voice as she seemed to defend herself.

"No don't, we had agreed. You can't play with a life, you can't, you wouldn't. You said it yourself. You wouldn't take advantage of the lost past and make a new one. I know you're not the person to do anything like that, that's why you chose to let this go."

He was quiet, maybe hurt, I don't know, but I felt hurt again.

"Please, I thought about it a lot. I know we decided to stay the way we decided, but.. we were about to get married.. and.." he sighed as he looked down and at her again.

"Fate has given me a third chance, I would be a fool not to take this to try to set things the way they were. Please, I don't want to give this up."

"You gave it up before, why think different now?" Ashley barked at him, her arms crossed. She was really rude. She must have had her reasons. I was starting to get the picture.

"Do whatever you want" she sighed angrily as she leaned towards him, her finger pointing at him she seemed to threaten him.

"Last chance, don't mess it up. If you care, you would know how to play your cards." She finished as she turned around and entered the building again. He watched her without a reply. I could only sigh sadly as the tension eased, he didn't leave, he sat on the stairs and waited. I spent a few seconds watching him from above, wondering what was happening.

I heard the click of the door open, I stood with my arms crossed as she walked in and froze seeing me.

"Y/N, You're awake!" she seemed surprised and scared.

"I know what's happening." I squinted my eyes and looked at her. She stayed still.

"What do you mean?"

"That guy, Hakyeon. He's you're ex-fiance huh?" I spoke, my mind set on that fact. It seemed like that.

She let out a disappointed sigh as she walked into the living room and grabbed her lunch and walked back to the door and took her coat and handbag off the rack.

"No, he's just a guy I know, you should know him more than I do..." she trailed off as she stuffed her lunch in her handbag and wore her coat along with the handbag on her shoulder.

I stood in shock.

"Me? Is he someone I should know?" I pointed at myself and looked at her in desperation. When it came to the past, I had developed a fear about it, it's scary that others know what my past was and I only know some of it. It's scarier that there seems to be a section I'm discovering only now when I thought that it was all over.

"That's your choice Y/N, It's not up to me..." She signed as she walked up to me and kissed my forehead. "Look I'm going to work, explore Japan, just don't get lost. Call me if you do or if you need anything. I'm sorry I can't talk about this anymore, it's really something you should do by yourself, I'm not going to intervene in these memories or be anyone to stop you." She walked up to the door and smiled softly before closing it and leaving.

I was left just standing there. I had no idea what she just said, but there was one way to find out for sure.


I quickly made my way down the stairs and made my way to the entrance of the building. Through the glass doors I saw his back. He was sitting outside, on the steps, his same beige coat and blue scarf. The light wind made a few hair strands on the top of his head blow the other way.

I felt sorry for him and walked out of the doors. He didn't realize that I was standing a step behind him.

"Cha Hakyeon?" I broke his silent train of thoughts as he quickly looked back, seeing my clothed legs as first he looked up and saw my face as I smiled at him softly. He was so... he seemed so sweet. He was in utter confusion and that made him look so sweet.

He quickly got up and turned towards me. Being two steps down our heights matched as I looked at him. I was nervous as to whether I would have sudden emotional charges by looking at this man but luckily nothing seemed to happen, in the both of us.

"Y/N, Good morning!" he managed to stutter.

"Good morning!" I replied with a smile, wanting him to feel comfortable around me. He seemed really nervous. That made me uncomfortable.

There was a moment of silence as the both of us took time to say something. He looked down feeling uncomfortable.

"I know who you are.." I looked down and put my hands in my coat pockets, I felt him look back at me. His intense stare made me very uncomfortable.

I looked at him and saw his eyes filled with hope, he seemed stiff and very impatient. I couldn't figure out whether he would be happy or be unhappy for he seemed to be stuck in the middle, keen for my answer.

"You're.. you're Ash's fiancé aren't you?" I managed to smile as I lifted my head in enthusiasm, positive that he would reveal me what the right answer was.

His eyed widened by a small amount at my answer but he soon faded into a soft smile.

"No.. I have never dated her or had a relationship with her." He didn't seem like he was going to say more.

I pressed my lips together and my brows furrowed as I looked down again, my mind rushing to solve this puzzle.

"I know you're related to my life somehow, I just don't know how, or in which way you are.." I whispered to myself.

He leaned forwards a bit, suddenly very keen.

"Are you.. trying to remember who I am?" he managed to stutter again. I was worried at how insecure he seemed in this conversation, then again, I was a nervous wreck myself.

"Sorta.." I smiled nervously looking at him.

"Are you related to my past in any way?" I asked him, wanting to know whether he was actually a person I should consider in my past.

He sighed and his lips curled into a sad smile as he replied,

"I.. I am, but.. your going to have to figure that out yourself.." He looked down and started to walk down the last few steps. He wanted the end of this conversation.

Lost and shocked by his answer, seeing him walk away was the last thing I wanted him to do.

"No! Please, wait! Mr. Cha! Hello? Please! Stop.."

I ran down the stairs and started to follow him, pushing through the crowd, desperate to catch up with him and to stop him. I knew he heard me, but he ignored it.

"Wait! Wait!oh my gosh his walking so fast!" I murmured to myself.

"Wait.. please wait! Your strides are long!" I shouted at him, desperate for him to stop.

The tall silhouette looked at me. I could sense that he smiled at me before starting to run at the other direction, teasing me.

I got annoyed by his action and decided not to follow him, the crowd made it harder to spot him as he ran ahead, expecting me to run after him. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself for his silly behaviour and his sweet, timely ignorance.

A few seconds later I felt him walk back to me. My arms crossed, I looked down, signalling to him that a partner doesn't leave the other behind.

"I'm sorry Y/N..." his soft voice speaks as his hand rests on her crossed arms, he bends down a bit to look in to my eyes.

I kept ignoring him, but it was incredibly hard when I could feel his angelic voice apologizing and his innocent face watching me. He broke into a beautiful chuckle and placed both his hands on either side of my shoulders, his face still close to mine as I felt his button nose nuzzle against mine, I chuckled for it tickled me and he managed to get me to look at him, I blushed uncontrollably as he smiled.

"Shall we go to eat? How about your favourite? Ramen?"

I gasped as I stood in the crowd, I was standing at one place, the crowds walking past me, my mind lost in my sudden flashback. It was a romantic and sweet incident, but that didn't make sense, I never had a relationship...

"Hey, um.. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have walked out, that was rude.."

I looked back up to see Hakyeon. His unhappy look made me realize that he felt bad for leaving me behind when I wanted to talk to him.

"It's okay.." I could only speak as I tried to get my mind together.

"What's wrong?" he seemed concerned for me as he bend down a bit to look at my eyes as I looked down. His action made me quickly look back at him, similar to my flashback.

"Oh, it's like a déjà vu effect kinda thing, well... recollecting some thoughts.."

"Oh, faded memories?"

I gasped and looked at him, shocked but quickly got over the fact that I didn't know my past and people knew about me more than I know myself at times.

"It's a long story, if you knew me, wouldn't you know about it? Everybody else knows everything about me which I don't know." I spoke as I felt insecure and a little hurt.

There's a moment of silence again.

"How about we start this over?" he smiles at his suggestion as I looked at him in curiosity.


"Start over, like you don't know me, I won't recall my past with you, that way I don't know you. We're equal now." He smiled, making me chuckle. "You can also just call me 'Hakyeon'. I don't mind" he smiled.

"That's a sweet suggestion, but how will that ever work? You know me somehow from the past and you probably have your memories about me, you can't just... forget." I smiled.

"Yeah" he sighed sadly, looking down in an over dramatic sad emotion. He looked back up at me and smiled as he continued,

"I know that your name is Y/N because I met you yesterday." he smiled waiting for my reaction. I couldn't help but laugh. He was so sweet.

"Did you have breakfast?" he asked as he put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled at me, tilting his head a bit.

"No.." I answered back, realizing.

He looked down and back at me, I could sense that he wanted to say something, but was too shy or too nervous too do so.

"Well, If you don't mind, let me take you for breakfast then. I know some places you might like and could help you look around since your exploring Japan. That is again, if you don't mind." He seemed to crawl in to an insecure part of him.

"I'd like that a lot." I smiled, making it easier for him. He smiled as his confidence seemed to boost back up again. He was so attractive when he did that smile.

"You should try ramen. I have a feeling you're going to love it!" he spoke as he looked at me.

"How about your favourite? Ramen?"

I shook out of my thoughts. "Okay let's try it!" I smiled at him as my uncontrollable excitement ignites again, the drive to explore Japan. We both started walking together as I followed him down the streets of Tokyo. I didn't mind exploring Japan with him since Ashley seemed to know him and that he was someone I knew long ago. It was an instinct I had which didn't mind me going out with him. Again, explanations are hard to describe but, it felt right.

For some reason I felt really happy, I don't know whether it was my excitement or the fact that the conversation I had with Hakyeon went well and triggered another memory which could help me.

All I knew was that things were getting more interesting and complex at the same time.


A/N - This was a very long chapter ^^. (2251 words) My limit was to stay above 1000 and below 2000 lol. I hope you enjoyed the story so far. Thanks so much for reading, commenting and voting. Hope  your anticipating the next update! ^^

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