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☆彡Shutsuen-sha - Entertainer/Performer  ☆彡

☆彡 ☆彡☆彡 

"You repay your debts fast" he smiled as he took another bite off the fried chicken he so hungrily ate in front of me. I smiled and shrugged, finding myself slowly getting attracted to him.

"Eat Y/N, I don't want to be the only one eating. Besides, you must be hungry, we skated for a while." he smirked with pride after swallowing his mouthful.

"Yeah that... that was unexpected, very unexpected. I hate skating and I suck at it.... But it was quite fun. Thanks Hakyeon for bringing me" I smiled at him, choosing a fried chicken leg from the plate we were sharing.

"Anytime" he smiled as he took another bite of the fried chicken piece he ate.

Citizen Plaza was a building filled with many eating spots, some shopping spots, an Ice rink and even a bowling alley. After skating, I offered to get us lunch and Hakyeon accepted. He had a craving for fried chicken and there was a food place for fried chicken so we went there. We were tired but we quickly fueled our spirits with drinks and food.

Eating quietly my mind kept replaying the past hour at the ice rink. It was so fun and it was truly worth the trip.

And then my mind thought about Hakyeon, how well he could skate, how graceful and elegant he seemed when he skated, he seemed to make the white ice block his own stage.

And learning to skate with him was incredibly fun, and... exciting *smiles*

He looked really hot too, but he's so kind. He was both in one.

My train of thoughts were broken as the sound of a notification from Hakyeon's phone made my eyes shift to the table from my plate. I spotted his phone on the table, facing upwards the screen was lit as a single notification seemed to scream for attention, leaving the screen on for a while. I spotted the picture, the notification blocked the top but I saw Hakyeon's smile and he seemed to wear a dark blur yukata. He was holding a girl, dressed in a white yukata. I couldn't see her face because of the notification but I felt a sense of disappointment and guilt seeing that.

Hakyeon quickly picked up his phone and switched it off, turning it face down he put it on the table again.

"Sorry, should have switched it off before" he apologized.

Hesitating but curious, I looked at his phone for a second and decided to ask,

"Was that your girlfriend?"

He looked up at me, his eyes wide and his cheeks chubby with a mouthful. He gulped his mouthful and wiped his mouth with a napkin, hesitant.

"It's.... complicated. We haven't met in a while but I still love her." He smiled sadly, looking at my eyes. He seemed to zone out into past memories. I blinked back at him, looking back at his intense yet sad eyes.

"Well.. I hope she comes back to you. She seems to be hurting you a lot." I replied softly as I wiped my hands on my napkin, eyeing the chicken bones on my plate.

"I hope she comes back too. It's okay though, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sure she'll be back soon." He broke out his intense gaze and quickly drank his drink. Excusing myself, I got up and washed my hands at a sink. Softly sighing and a little upset that he wasn't single. He seems the type to invest in one true person and to stay with them forever.

Damn, that's a rare breed of person.

Japan seemed to have punished me, matching me up with an attractive college friend with the best personality I've ever seen, but he had to be taken.

Lucky girlfriend, whoever she is.

I felt my pone buzz in my pocket. It was Ashley.

"Hey Ash."

"Heey... what happened to you? Are you... unhappy?" she seemed to be shocked.

"No... just disappointed I guess.. " I couldn't believe what I was saying.

"Why? Tell me.." she replied.

"I just found out that Hakyeon has a girlfriend.." I mumbled, ashamed at myself and admitting my shamefulness at the same time.

"Oh.. you like him? Since when? You just met Y/N..."

"Yeah I know but.. " I trailed off, unable to confess.

"Oh sweetie, it's just a crush. Don't worry you'll shake out of it. Don't worry about him too much okay?" she seemed concerned.

"Yeah you're right."

"Hey, I'm finishing early today. Whatcha say we go to a sushi bar tonight?"

My eyes lit up and the thoughts of puzzeled feelings wiped clean as my mind started to remember all the Japanese sushi I've seen on Pinterest.

"A sushi bar?? Really? Oh yes please Ash! " I couldn't help but chuckle happily.

"Great! We are going out tonight then! Be home by 5.30 – 6. I'll come home around that time too!" she chuckled on the other side, equally excited as I was.

I made my way back to the table, my heart happy and a light skip in my pace.

Hakyeon eyed me curiously, I could sense the smile he had as he crossed his arms and tilted his head at me, watching my as I sat down.

"Good news?"

"Yup!" I spoke, deliberately not telling the rest as I leaned on the table with my elbows and sipped my drink again, looking at the people who walked passed us through the glass doors of the chicken place.

"Well?" he asked eagerly, annoyed that I was short with my answer.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Must I tell you everything Hakyeon?" I smiled.

He smiled back.

"Yes you should."


"Coz I want to know, plus, I know it's only been less than a day but.." he trailed off as his eyes locked onto mine, his friendly nature seemed to vanish as he suddenly gave way into a serious intense mode. 

I felt the blood in my cheeks rush as my mind imagined him confess that he liked me or found me attractive.

Yes I am self absorbed at times ^^

I sat still, waiting for the rest of his sentence.

"... we are friends right?" he smiled casually.

Oh dear... Friend zoned bad Y/N I spoke to myself, resisting the urge to cringe. I can't believe I kept my hopes up.

I mean he literally has a girlfriend. Why was I expecting stupid things?

"Fine" I smiled shaking off the friend zone wave that hit me for the moment.

"I'm going out with Ash to a sushi bar" I replied softly, uncomfortable of telling him. I didn't know why. 

"I'm going out with Ash to a sushi bar" I replied softly, uncomfortable of telling him. I didn't know why.

"Oh that's nice. Hope you have fun." He smiled. I could only smile back at him.

A moment of silence followed as neither of us had anything to say.

"So, enough about me, tell me more about yourself!" I smiled and leaned back on my chair again. He seemed lost at first.


"Tell me more about you. I'm curious to know more about you." I replied, in the back of my mind I was ready to take mental notes to learn about this stranger who I seemed to have a mysterious past with. I wanted to know more about him anyway, so this was a great opportunity.

"Well, I am a performer.." he spoke quietly as he looked down at his lap. I could sense that he wasn't comfortable about telling me.

"A performer?" I asked intrigued. He looked up at me, curious about my response.

"Yeah, I have a dance troupe. Well that's enough for you to know..." he stopped as he laughed nervously.

"Oh please tell me more, I'm very interested." I looked at him, eager to know.

"Really? You don't think it's ... it's silly?"

I blinked back in awe at his statement.

"What? No.. no no. I didn't think that. Why would I? If anything I'm very curious. It's an uncommon job. I like it. So you're in the entertainment industry huh?"

He hesitated at my response, I badly wanted him to open up to me about his job. It was interesting to know.

"Yeah I am in the entertainment industry. I love dance and I wanted to be a performer. So I worked for it. It was hard, but I eventually managed to get my own dance group and I've been performing for a while. I have shows in various parts of Japan."

"Wow, that's great. Have you been doing that for long?"

"Yeah about 6 years. But I know I can't keep doing it. It is stable money for now since people like them.. and since I'm still single." He trailed off again.

"So you have an audience who likes you and you just need to support yourself. That's great too. Are you still considering to change?" I asked, suddenly very eager to help him. The way he spoke about it showed that he must have had this in his mind for a while. He was looking down as he spoke and seemed to have lost hope when talking about his job.

"Yeah, I thought of singing, maybe I could earn a career there, but I'm not sure. It's hard... Maybe I should just use the degree I have and work for a tech or advertisement company.."

"Life is hard, that's the way it's given I guess.." I shrugged. He pressed his lips together and nodded at me.

Not wanting to enter that deep abyss, I quickly spoke,

"So, did you study advertising in college?"

"Digital advertising and marketing which was more towards media and tech design basically. I could join a company for a better salary if I have to, but I don't want to abandon my dance team and my dream of performing." He finished. I bit my lower lip, feeling frustrated. He seemed really hurt, and it was happening again, like I could feel his emotions.

"Are you... still performing?" I asked slowly, looking down I felt shy I felt him look at me.

"Do you want to see one of my performances?" he questioned curious about my hidden request.

I didn't answer. But it was obvious that I did.

  ☆彡 ☆彡☆彡  

A/N - Heey. I'm so sorry for the ridiculously long update. I had writer's block and had little time thanks to school. I'll be back with another update tho! Thanks so much for supporting!I deeply value all your reads, comments and votes. 

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