Chapter 12: Master Chief?

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I finally finished my drawing of DJ wearing a different color. I kept the shirt design the same. I just colored it red and made his hat black. I looked down at him to see him still asleep. I added a few finishing touches then locked my diary and headed outside for a walk.

/"I still feel uneasy knowing that Duncan knows that I like DJ. Why him of all people. But maybe if I don't tell DJ about bunny, Duncan will just forget, hehe." *Laughing nervously*\

I headed back to see Harold holding s'mores with underwear in them.

"Okay who made s'mores out of my underwear?!" Harold said.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the person that instantly hated us when we first arrived." I said looking toward Duncan. Him and Geoff were laughing at the s'mores.

"Come on Harold, let's just go." I said as we sat somewhere else. We sat under a tree with shade.

"So how are the love letters for Leshawna going?" I said.

"They're great." He said smiling.

I nodded happily for him. I then looked up to see DJ walking. I just smiled and sighed. He then looked over at us.

I froze up. He waved at us. Harold grabbed my wrist making my hand move like I was waving. He looked confused and just shrugged and walked off. Harold just looked at me.

"What? I panicked. I didn't expect him to me staring like a creep." I said.

"Yep. Because DJ's the creep. Not you." he said with obvious sarcasm.

We both busted out laughing together. Then our conversation was interrupted by the loud speaker.

"Listen up you little cockroaches. I want you to report to the dock of shame in 0900 hours." Chef said on the loud speaker.

Me and Harold looked at each other confused.

"That means now soldiers! Now!" Chef yelled as me and Harold got up and ran.

We got to the dock of shame and stood looking at chef. He was dressed in a military type of outfit.

"Line and stand at attention. You call this proper formation." Chef said.

I quickly changed my formation and straightened up before chef got to me. He smacked Harold a good bit of times. I just looked serious and continued to listen.

"What did you say soldier?" Chef question Gwen.

"Um. Nothing." Gwen said.

"And you'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something" Chef demanded.

Harold then taped me. I looked over at him waiting for him to say something. "Isn't she a beauty?" Harold said looking at Leshawna. I nodded since I would always rant to him about DJ. I didn't see why I shouldn't do the same. I then looked over to see Chef hit Owen get hit by chef.

"Ow that hurts." Owen yelled

I looked over at DJ and smiled at him. He then noticed that I was staring then I quickly turn looked away and blushed.

"Rule number one. You will address me as Grand Master Chief. Have you got that" Chef said.

"Yes Master Chief." we all responded.

I just rolled my eyes at his foolishness.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me boy!" he said.

"No Master Chief." I responded.

"Keep it up and I'll roll your eyes into the back of your head." He said and continued ranting.

/"Okay, I can't believe I'm saying this but. I miss Chris. At least he won't threaten us if we talked. He was just get irritated and gives a smart remark."\

"Rule number two. When you are ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule number three. Let's get one quitter before the end of the first day. And that day will not end until someone drops out now get your butts down to beach soldiers now! Now!" He said as we all began to run and scream.

"Listen up! Each team must hold a canoe over there head. I catch you taking your hands off and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoe's up. I stood behind Geoff and in front of Duncan.

"Piece of cake" Geoff said. We stood there for a long time. I felt dead.

"Come on you sissy's it's only been three hours." Chef said.

"Looks like they missed lunch today." Chris said.

"Guess they just weren't hungry. Unless someone wants to quite now."Chef said.

I looked over at Owen to see him considering it.

" Don't even think about it Owen." Gwen snapped as I chuckled to myself.

I looked to see Geoff with a fishing rod pulling up Harold's underwear.

"Time to land that fish" Duncan said to Geoff.

He pulled it up causing Harold to react.

"Ow! Idiots!" Harold said.

"Is there a problem down here!" Chef yelled.

"No" Harold said.

I kicked my foot at Geoff's foot causing his sandal to fly off. He looked back at me but I pretended to look like I didn't know what happen.

I fell asleep in the position then woke back up at night. Chef went on about some war story.

"What war were you in anyway" Gwen said annoyed.

"Did I ask you to speak! Because I don't remember asking you to speak." chef snapped.

"Maybe you just forgot." I said getting smart. Gwen smiled at my comment while Chef growled at me.

"Whatever he so wasn't in a war." Gwen said as I nodded in agreement.

"Guys, I can't do this anymore. I have no more feelings in my arms." Lindsay said tired.

"Looks like we have ourselves a quitter." I smiled excited to be able to let go of this boat soon.

"Don't do it Lindsay" Owen said.

She Just banged her head on the bell. The Gophers boat fell while we flopped ours on the ground. I fell to the ground tired of standing.

"As for the rest of you, head to mess hall. Dinner I served.

I got up and followed our team to the mess hall.

"Alright maggots. Open your ears! You've got ten minutes to eat before night training begins so get to it." Chef said.

Everyone started complaining as I just rolled my. eyes.

"Um excuse me Master Chief. Where's the food?" Gwen questioned.

"Your looking at it." Chef said. Owen opened up the trash can and looked at it.

/"Okay. To be honest. This has been the hardest challenge yet."\

"This is the garbage from this mornings breakfast." Owen said.

"Darn right. When your at war you take what you can get."

Owen dug in and picked something up and ate it. I choose to just sit down next to Harold. Then Duncan comes up to us.

"Hey Harold. We felt really bad about the whole underwear fishing incident thing. So here we found you some apple juice." Duncan said. Okay how gullible is Harold.

"Thanks" Harold said.

"Harold, don't drink it" I said facepalming. He then drunk it anyway. He spat it out.

"That not juice." Harold said.

"Told you. This is what happens when you don't listen to me" I said.

"Oops, we must have got mixed up the the kitchen grease." Duncan said chuckling.

I decided to walk off and relax before chef started up again. We then had to do this dance that honestly seemed like a copy of Micheal Jackson's Thriller. Duncan then turned off the music. We panted in relief that we got a break.

"We're done when I say we're done!" Chef yelled. "Now drop and give Me twenty. Anyone else got something they wanna say?"

"Yeah, can I go to the bathroom." Gwen said.

"I second that. I have to go to." I said.

He send us in the bathroom with a mop.

"Not exactly what I had in mind." Gwen said as I nodded.

We then came back to the mess hall with the group after we finished. I came in and sat down next to DJ.

"For your next challenge you will have to complete a 300 word essay about how much you love me." Chef said.

/"This is perfect. The highest grade I've got in English was an 104%. plus I was top of the class. And that was because of how good my Essay was. "\

I began to write. I started off with " I think that chef hatchet if amazing" then I continued to write more of it. Chef then snatched my paper and skimmed through it then smiled at my work.

I then looked to my right and seen DJ sleep. I poked his arm to wake him up.

"You fell asleep. Come on, I'll take you to the cabin". I said. He was so tired that he just nodded.

We then had to do this obstacle course. I was doing pretty good. We then stopped when Duncan kissed Chef's nose. After that we relaxed in the Cabin until Duncan and Courtney came back with Peanut butter and Jelly.

I ate some since that's better than eating garbage. Me and Harold both look out the window to see Courtney and Duncan talking outside.

" Fine, enjoy a less peanut butter less life" Duncan said to Courtney

"Thanks, enjoy prison." Courtney said back

"I will"

They then kissed and Geoff and DJ walked out.

/" When did DJ even wake up?!"\

Harold then gasped and the glared. "Yeah, there's no way he gets to have fun here while we get bulled." I said as Harold nodded. We both went to bed.

I woke up early being the early feeling tired from the obstacle course. We then hanged upside down the tree. I watched Heather jump down and land perfectly until Owen fell on top of her. Courtney began to laugh. She fell out the tree. I wasn't paying attention much to what she said until she said

"You really need to take a chill pill." Courtney said as we were all shocked to see her breaking the rules. My glasses then slipped off my face causing me to lose concentration and fall down. Luckily I caught myself and picked up my glasses. Then Geoff fell making the gophers the winner of this challenge.

I made my way to the bonfire and vote for Courtney

" I only have six marshmallows on this plate, and these marshmallows represent campers that will continue to be campers... here. You've all cast your ballets in the confession can. If you do not receive a marshmallow you must immediately head to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and go home. And you can never come back.. ever." Chris said as I looked worried at Harold as Harold seemed completely calm.

"Duncan" Chris called as Duncan cheered to himself. "DJ" he cheers for himself. "Bridgette and Geoff. Derick" I look over at Harold worried while he just gives me a thumbs up as I walk over and get my marshmallow. I seen Courtney looking confident that she was gonna get the marshmallow. "Harold" Chris called.

"You guys voted Harold, over me!?" Courtney questioned in anger.

"Yes yes it's always a shock." Chris said as I smiled at Harold.

"This is impossible. I demand a recount." Courtney snapped.

"Aw seriously. I know for a fact that three of us didn't vote her off." Duncan said. Chris and Chef began taking her to the dock of shame.

"Bye Courtney!" I said in a happy tone. As everyone stuck around I went back to the campfire to see Harold burning his marshmallow.

"How did you manage to get enough votes to get her off?" I asked.

"Easy, I didn't. I just swapped the votes." Harold said. I just shrugged and walked off to the cabin. Duncan was to bummed out about Courtney being gone to bully me. The other guys were talking to Duncan to try to get his mind off her but it didn't work.

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