Chapter 26: The last episode[Not]

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Me and DJ were hanging out with the rest of the losers. We had nothing better to do.

"Hello campers." Chris said.

"Haha, that's ex-campers to you." Duncan said.

"Yeah. For once I agree with Duncan. We were all eliminated. Which means, game over." I said.

"Congratulations to our winner. Owen, you played hard, fought hard, ate hard, and farted even harder. I'm not sure why, but you beat every other person on this island."

"I would've won. But the brownies motivated him." I mumbled.

"You'll get it next time buddy." DJ said patting my shoulder.

"There won't be a next time." I said.

"That's where you're wrong. Owen, what I'm about to offer you may change all of that. Inside this suitcase is one million dollars."

Okay.... I wanna see where this is gonna go.

"We had our PA's make a cardboard check to this awesome new prize."

A copter then pulled the giant check onto the resort.

"We went through alot of cardboard to make this." Chris yelled over the copter.

"Owen, my man, this million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it and bring it to the dock of shame before anyone else does."

"Wait, you said anyone else. Does that mean we all have a chance to win the million?" I asked

"Yep, what do you say, Owen? Will you settle for 100gs or one million dollars?" Chris asked.

"Game on baby! Yeah!" Owen said as chris nodded and tore up the check.

"That's the spirit, Owen." Chris said.

One of Chris's interns take the suitcase.

"Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints from the loud speakers just to make sure you're not completely lost. All right campers, the ultimate million dollar challenge starts now!" He said shooting a cork that hits a seagull

"Here I come million dollars." Owen says taking off into the forest.

"Let me get this staright. After messing with our heads for an entire summer, you expect us to start running around the island like idiots all over again?" Heather asked.

"That's right." Chris said.

"But how do we know you didn't stuff that suitcase with bricks our something?" Leshawna sked.

"You don't," Chris said.

"I'd love to play another round of humiliation of the teens, but I got a buffet to eat." Noah said.

"Fine, so it yourselves. I'm sure Owen would be happy to have no competition. Won't he make the easiest million dollars in TV history." Chris said.

We then all heard Owen start to laugh and cheer excitedly. Okay... that's it. I'm going to go search.

Everyone dashed off before I could even tie my shoes. They all got stuck together.

Everyone began forming groups. I ended up forming a group with DJ, Tyler, Cody, and Owen.

"A guys only team." Owen said."This is awsome."

"Yeah!" Tyler said in excitement. "Guys rule! I've been hitting the weights since I got here. Working on my fiercenessness." I race palmed at his statment.

He then got push to the ground by Eva.

"Get over yourself." She said walking with Noah. Izzy them came over laughing.

"Hahahhaha. You stupid guy." She said, then went off to follow Eva and Noah.

After all of us formed teams, we have a montage scene of us searching for the case.

Chris then decides to speak on the loud speaker.

"Okay, this is pathetic. It's been two hours now, and no one has even come close to finding the suitcase. So here's your first clue, It's just hanging around."

"Oh! I know! The kitchen!" Owen yelled.

"Why would it be in a kitchen?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just hungry." Owen said squeezing his stomach.

"Well we're in a forest. So It's probably hidden some sort of tree." I said.

I climbed a tree to get a better view. I silently pointed to where it was as they nodded.

We continued to walk around.

"There it is! I see it!" DJ yelled.

"Where?" Cody asked.

"Right there in the tree." DJ pointed.

Okay... didn't see that there. How did I almost walk by that?

Tyler climbed up on the tree to get it as the guys cheered. He fell, then he tried again, then fell.

I climbed up the tree, and tossed Owen the case.

They then started chanting'We won the million.' Over and over.

"Guys. Stop. Someone could be listening. "I said.

"Dock of shame, here we come." Owen said excitedly. But DJ stopped him." What?" Owen asked.

"Why should you carry it?" DJ asked.

"What difference does it make?" Tyler asked.

"Chris did say 'the first person on the dock with the case wins." Cody added.

"No offense but, who says you won't take off with the money?" DJ asked.

"Okay, then you carry it." Owen said.

"What if he ditches us, and makes a run for it?" Cody asked.

"This is crazy. How are we all gonna keep an eye on each other?" Tyler asked.

"I got an idea!" Cody said.

Before we knew it, we were all tied together. Cody was in front, DJ was behind Cody, I was behind DJ, Tyler was behind me, And Owen was behind Tyler.

"There. Now there's no breaking up this team." Cody said.

We began traveling, constantly bumping into each other. Suddenly Owen farted.

Everyone started complaining about his smell, which I can't blame them for.

"Uh, guys. I kinda have to go." Owen said, refer he needed to get rid of natural bodily fluids.

"So turn around and take a whizz, we're all dudes here." DJ said.

"No, not number 1. Number poo." Owen said, implying he had to take a shit.

"Oh." We all said.

"Head for the woods, dude." DJ said." Just make sure you put some serious distance between us. "

"Yeah, we'll wait here." Tyler said.

Owen began walking, but he was pulling us along with him.

"You have to untie yourself first man." DJ said.

"I can't " Owen said.

"Where did you learn these knots, the army?" DJ asked Cody.

"And you! Why didn't you go before we tied ourselves together?" DJ asked Owen.

I just facepalmed at the whole situation.

He ended up going behind a bush, letting it our. Which smelled horrible. After Owen finished, we realized the case was gone.

We searched for a while, but then Chris gave everyone a hint.

"The case us somewhere beautiful. And is now heading to camp."Chris said.

"Justin has the case?" I said.

We then ran into Justin.

"I think you have something that belongs to us." Owen said to Justin.

"Come and get it." Justin said.

Owen than threw a piece of chicken at him.

"That the best you got?" Justin asked. Tyler started talking to Owen about the chicken.

"Guys, focus. We got a case to take back. And we're not falling for your pretty boy games this time. Right, Owen?" DJ asked Owen.

Owen started to get into a daze of staring at Justin. Kinda like how I do with DJ. He then broke out of it.

"Oh right." Owen said, regaining his focus.

"Now give us the case, or we'll mess you up." Tyler said putting up his fist.

"No" Justin simply replied. We all stared in silence. I just facepalmed.

"Look, the paparazzi!" Cody pointed distracting Justin.

We all ran and got the case. We ran toward the cliff where we dived off the cliff for the first challenge.

Suddenly we were cornered by a bear. Owen thought it was Izzy, but it wasn't. We fell off the cliff. Cody tried to pull us up. But there was no hope. We have Owen tied to us. The cliff broke, but then we got hooked onto Courtney's airbaloon.

She then dragged us through a forest and another bear got on. It climbing up the rope that we were attached to.

We eventually flew to the camp grounds. We all climbed into the hot air baloon. Courtney put Cody in a chokehold.

"Guys. Help." Cody said.

"Give it to me! I got us into the camp ground. It's mine!" Courtney yelled.

"No way sister!" Owen argued.

"Try to take this case, and I'll mess you up." Tyler threatened.

"Guys. Maybe we could make an-" before Cody could finished everyone except me yelled no.

We looked down to see Duncan chasing a moose.

"Go get em' honey." Courtney cheered.

"You're next sweetheart." Duncan yelled back at Courtney.

We airballoon kept moving. We were about to crash. And the bear was climbing up.

"We gotta jump." Tyler yelled.

"Are you crazy. We'll all die!" Owen yelled.

"He's right. It's the only way. On the count of three. 1.... 2... 3." Cody said. And we all ran and jumped. We landed with Bridgette, Geoff, Katie, and Saide.

Courtney then jumped off her airballoon and landed in between everyone.

We all reached for the case. But it slipped. Then the board at were all standing on sent us straight into the water.

The case was in the water. Which then got eaten by a shark..

"Great! Now what!?" Leshawna yelled.

"Sooo... you loss the case. Way, to go." Chris said." I didn't want to have to do this, but since none of the 14 of you officially won. You all officially tied. Which means, you will all have another shot at winning the million dollars." Chris said. We all cheered.

"In season two." Chris said.

Wait. What!?

"Forget this. I didn't agree to season two." Duncan said.

"Actually you did. It's called' the fine print'. Read it, live it. Love it." Chris said exactly.

"I hate the fine print." Gwen growled.

"As for the rest of you, your treasure hunt ends here, along with your Hopes of ever winning any money. Off of being on this show. The good news though, you'll be watching all the action of season 2 from the sidelines." Chris said.

"Wait a minute. I wanna be on season 2." Courtney said. Chris declined Courtney's request.

"In exactly two days, you will all report to a brand new location for a while new challenge. And the last one standing will receive One. Million. Dollars." Chris said.

Well, I guess that's that. I have to do this... again.

AN: Hi everyone. Thanks for reading season 1. Season 2 will be coming out soon. Thanks again.

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