Chapter 3: Just stay Awake

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*Derick's dream*

I was sitting down in the cabin by myself, we finished today's challenge. DJ came into the cabin.

"Hey Derick."

"Oh. Um. Hi DJ." I blushed.

"You should wear your hair out more. It's kinda cute."

"Um.. thanks. I think you're cute too."

We both gave each other an dreamy smile. I felt my face getting closer to his. My mind then shocked Itself awake.

*Dream ends*

I woke up feeling weird. Why would I dream that? I looked out to see a little bit of light. I turned on my phone to see it was 5:00. I think we're suppose to be up by 7. I climbed down my top bunk to see that all the guys were still sleep, including DJ, phew. I got my jacket and tiptoed out. And walked toward the confessional.

/Derick: "Okay, I'm not sure why I had that dream. Now whenever I talk to him I'll feel awkward. Also I brought my jacket to use for fishing, I read about it in a book once."\

I unzipped my jacket and held two sides of it and hoped some incredibly stupid fish gets in, within time I finally got to cook three fish. I checked my phone to see it was 6:50. Wow that went fast. I walked back to see Chris with his horn.

"Yeah, you might wanna cover your ears" Chris said as he was already laughing before he ruined their morning.

I covered my ears at the sound, and stopped to see everyone's reaction.

"Ow! It's seven in the morning! Do I look like a farmer to you!?" Leshawna yelled.


We all stood as everyone looked tired as I was already energized.

"Dude, you don't even look tired" Geoff said as he looked like he wanted to go back to sleep.

"Oh, I woke up early" I said feeling a little bit happier that I had that dream. At least it shocked me awake.

It looked like we were all preparing for a 20-kilometer run.

"Oh so your funny now. You know what I think would be funny?" Eva said walking up about to punch Chris until my team holds her back. We all began to run in the forest.

I continued to walk as I played on my phone. I eventually crashed into someone in front of me.

"Yo, book worm. You should watch were your going." I lookup to see Duncan looking angry at me.

"Oh, sorry" I said quietly. as he walked off.

I eventually made it to the mess hall. Then Owen came in yelling.

"Clear a table, stat." he yelled. Harold then arrived last.

"Thanks to you we just the challenge" Courtney yelled at Harold.

"Yeah, but we would have possibly won the last challenge if you jumped into the water, so how are you any better?" I said, she was gonna say something but then just walked off.

"We have to stick together right?" I said to Harold as he nodded.

/Derick:"Look, I need an alliance buddy, plus Harold isn't mean. Beside, we both don't like Duncan."\

Chris then move a white cloth from the table to reveal a bunch of food, well I guess I didn't have to fish this morning. Everyone started eating, it was all gone before I could get any.

"Time for part two of todays challenge." Chris said with excitement.

" I thought eating was the second part." Owen said.

"Time for the awakeathon" Chris said. We all headed to the campfire pit. I sat down near DJ still feeling awkward from that dream. But he doesn't know that so, that's good. I started playing on my phone until it reached 30%. We finally reached the 24-hour mark. Chris then started pulling out fairy tails.

"Bro, you look dead"DJ said to me as my face lit up.

"Don't we all?" I raised an eybrow.

Chef then started sprinkling stuff in our eyes to make us more tired. DJ started to fall asleep. I started to poke him to keep him and myself awake. His head then fell on my legs.

"Well, what do we have here?" Chris said as he looked at DJ sleeping on my legs.

"Look, it's not what you think, I was trying to keep him awake and then he fell asleep". I said embarrassed.

"uh huh." Chris said with a sneaky smirk.

I was sitting there until I blacked out. I woke up before DJ. His arms were wrapped around me. DJ then started to wake up and realized he was hugging me. He got up looking embarrassed.

"Uh, what happened?" he said still looking tired.

"We were talking, and you fell asleep. Cuddling me. Hehe." I said as my face lit up. He looked a little embarrassed.

"We're still friends, right?" I said looking worried.

"Yeah, what made you think I wouldn't be your friend?" he said.

"I don't know. People tend to not like me." I said.

"Don't worry buddy. We're cool". He said with a warm smile.

"Cool, we should go get more sleep." I said as we both headed off.

I went back to sleep.


I went for a walk then came back to see Eva throwing stuff out of the cabin.

"Someone better give it up now before she destroys the whole camp" Courtney said. Then Heather came up, being fake as ever giving Eva the MP3 player. Well, we know who's going home tonight. We all went to the elimination ceremony. I sat down next to DJ.

/Derick:"Look, I'm doing great to act sane. Especially after that dream happened. Maybe I like him. Kinda. He's kinda cute. But my goal is to make it to the final 2 and win."\

In the end Eva ended up going home. I kinda felt bad for her. We at least got to talk about some of our favorite genres of music together.

I went to the cabin to get some sleep but Harold's snoring was unbearable.

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