×. ❜KILL'ER [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: KILL'ER

Author:  Jeontids

Reviewer: Anika FrozenHeartsGalaxy

Cover: 3/05
The dark theme and design of the cover is relevant to the plot. The font is plain and simple but bends well with the cover. Unfortunately, the sticker at the corner of the end ruins the overall attraction and hides the font and quote a little bit so kindly remove it.

Title: 3/05
The title seems common and plain at first but it is actually unique with a combination of "kill her" but readers' first impression is important too because the title may not catch the eyes of the readers.

Synopsis: 8/10
The blurb sheds light on both protagonist's life and their purposes which reveal a bit of the plot line as well. This made the synopsis quite intriguing and thrilling but kindly do not use different fonts for blurb.

Execution: 9/10
The author executed every aspect of the book pretty well. But out of everything, that one particular thing the author is most skilled and talented at is suspense and foreshadowing. The author kept the readers in suspense instead of info dumping at once, same goes with Jungkook's true personality and intentions. The author just gave bits of the main protagonist's past in each chapter and withheld the important details. This urged the reader to know about them more and read the story further. Minhyan's pasts and fears are occasionally shown as the story goes with flow, basically also a natural way of opening up.

Plot: 13/20
The main plot is yet to come but I still couldn't wrap my head around what it'd be or how the author may demonstrate it, so it is completely unknown to me. Other than that, the setting is realistic and the author spun the events in quite an intriguing and flawless way. The author adopts the delay technique to thrill the readers in various ways, like creating a scenario that has to be paid off later which keeps readers waiting for that resolution and completely immerses themselves in the story. Another intriguing technique the author pulled off was everything the protagonist has done makes the trouble only worse, for example the administration office's camera part and the rumours about her in internet sites even when she hasn't tried anything against the company. The problems were logical and they put the protagonist in a tough situation which intrigues the curiosity of readers more to know what essential steps she might take or consequences she would face in the future. The author also stunned the readers with twists of giving the character exactly opposite of what she was expecting at the meeting. Although the pace was questionable during the time when Minhyan waited for Jungkook at his office for two hours without any proper time skip. Nevertheless, the overall pace of the story was balanced.

Writing style: 15/20

Minhyan's internal monologue, way of figuring out things, reasoning and thoughts are very detailed and understandable. The paragraphs weren't too long nor too short and the dialogues were illustrated perfectly depending on the situation and the character's personality itself who is delivering the message. Although the italics sentences had me confused at first, the purpose of italics was indeed recognized but it took me a while to realize it's the voices of past memories in her head that comes out when she finds herself in a similar situation. Such execution of character's thought and mindset was unique and different from the stories I have ever read. As much as I want to point out the confusion it creates first, a part of me believes it's due to some mental reasons which I have no awareness or knowledge about but I also suggest being careful at this italic matter as some readers who didn't understand may likely leave.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 12/20

The grammar and vocabulary was great but there were some error including punctuation mistakes such as using period instead of commas before closing the quote when it is later followed by an attributive tag throughout the whole book. Many times you wrote "shrugged his shoulder" the noun 'shoulder' is considered unnecessary because the verb 'shrug' is already understood. Besides, every character shrugged way too much. Some other mistakes I found:

Chapter 7: "Just why was it all like that in the begging already?" I think you were trying to say 'beginning' instead of begging here.

Chapter 3: "The word made me chook on the water." The correct spelling is choke.

Chapter 10: "Its breeze touching his smootg hair." Here correction is smooth.

Chapter 8: "Not with you.." You used two dots instead of three for ellipsis.

Character development: 8/10

Minhyan is a broken and empathetic character that helped to enhance the story more. The author made her passionate as she made herself push her out of limits just to achieve her goal despite her trauma and comfort zone. Just so she could do something for her father and keep the family intact which is a common issue and empathised by many readers as well. Author didn't exaggerate her determination that may result in dramatic or unreasonable. It was rather balanced with reasonable character's strategies and fear. I love how you put her in trouble and fear of getting caught by camera and then kept the reader along with the protagonist in suspense for the outcome of it. You left the problem unsolved, adding theories, assumptions and interpretation through the character's own fears and thoughts, making the readers relate to her and desperate to see how the problem is dealt with later on. The author didn't reveal other characters' point of view, especially Jungkook and I admit it's a praiseworthy idea because their intentions are hidden and readers just wanted to discover them just like the protagonist. It's like side by side experiencing the journey with the protagonist and understanding her well. Moving on, every character has a different personality and realistic aspects with flaws. None of them was that detestable yet not so likeable, they were just like normal everyday life humans and the author displayed this well through the protagonist's perspective.

Total Marks: 71/100

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