×. ❜Long Live The Queen [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: Long Live The Queen

Author: penpaperandbooks

Reviewer: Anika ( FrozenHeartsGalaxy )

Cover: 4.5/05
The cover is attractive and eye-catching. The fonts are positioned in unique ways with the dagger and crown which made the cover look magnificent. The theme and design matches the exact genre of plot that is royalty. The cover is the first thing that catches the reader's eyes, perhaps if you ever need to promote your book I would advise you to use Taehyung's face claim as it would attract the readers looking for his fanfiction. Nevertheless, this cover is still perfect.

Title: 03/05
The first impression of the title tells that the main protagonist is the Queen, it is unique and appropriate for the plot. The cons is the title also foreshadows the main protagonist will sooner or later achieve her goal no matter what since this is the main quote of the story.

Synopsis: 8/10
The dialogues in the blurb signifies the conflict and the purpose of the main protagonist, they were attention-grabbing as it shows her willpower to change the big controversy. Although, none of the dialogue was spoken in the main story, it is still thrilling enough to hook the readers who may get excited for the journey depending on protagonist's choices while being surrounded with dangers.

Execution: 7/10
Most scenes are too short as it ends pretty quickly but it looks somehow appropriate as the author only focuses on the important parts to show to the readers. Although, I would suggest making sure to balance the flow of the story so the readers connect to characters and stay immersed in the situation more naturally.

Plot: 19/20
The plot is exactly the way the author described in the blurb, the purpose of the protagonist is common but the author spun the story in its own creative and interesting way. The exposition shows valid and short parts of stereotypic problems that the protagonist faces with the complete relevance to the main plot. The rising action involves the main protagonist's strategies which created many interesting events and incidents, some of them went in her favour while others didn't work, giving the story a realistic touch. Lastly, I would say the tension with the Marquess was quite intriguing.

Writing style: 16/20

The description and details are excellently well-written, it helped quite a lot to understand the situations better, empathize with character and depict their appearances or settings. Nevertheless, I still found some minor mistakes, kindly avoid using informal words such as 'till' in narrations and don't give spaces between the double and single quotation marks when quoting something within the dialogue. You can enclose them together like this "'dialogue'" if you believe it would look messy or might confuse the readers then just italicise them. If the dialogue is broken into another paragraph, the first paragraph shouldn't end with a quotation mark whether it's single or double. This mistake is found in chapter 13, so kindly correct it.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 14/20
Your grammar and vocabulary is great but there are still more punctuation errors. Sometimes you don't end the dialogue with a comma when it is followed by an attributive tag.
Chapter 2: "Yes. Please forgive me, Your Majestic. I overstepped my boundaries." the Duke said immediately.

You even used the dialogue tag 'said' instead of 'asked' for interrogating dialogue.
Chapter 2: "But why, Princess? Have I not treated you well enough?" Nicholas said.

You missed adding commas in a few sentences. One of the example is this sentence where you was suppose to add comma after the word 'sister'
Chapter 7: Surely, you are not going to dance with my sister are you?

Character development: 7.5/10
The characters enhanced the story very well, their reasonings, flaws and action seemed realistic and logical. Even some cameos have some personality sketch and background which displays the efforts the author put in the characters and that's very praiseworthy and admirable. I believe the romantic scene in the carriage was too unnecessary as their relationship doesn't seem like it could escalate this quickly. Even if it was just a motive of seduction, I rather prefer some hints instead of a blunt first move such as a kiss where they still didn't have any moments together that would deepen their bond and form good chemistry between them. It obviously seemed odd and it wasn't that surprising when Estelle's intentions were revealed. Looking at their background and environment both protagonists grew up, slow-burn romance looked more suitable for them but Taehyung already seemed to be falling for her, making it look too easy. It won't give the reader the chance to hope, feel suspense or eagerness while waiting for it to happen. His personality isn't understandable either, first he was portrayed as cunning or somebody who may use Estelle for his own gains but after a few chapters you showed different emotions through his internal monologue and opinion about her. It is a confusing major switch unless it's just an attempt to deceive readers with another twist later.

Total Marks: 79/100

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