×. ❜Mystical Mutant [Rev. Cia]

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Title - mystical mutant

Username -  Kikibtsstan

Reviewer - hooWoman

COVER: 2.5 / 5
The background picture looks good with the girl sleeping who looks like a human but isn't one when I saw her ears. So I get where the title 'MYSTICAL MUTANT' is coming from but it would have been much appreciated if you would have shown some romance on the cover as it's a romantic fantasy story.

Secondly, I didn't like the text placement as it looks quite messy. The font you chose for the title is unattractive so please try to find a better one and most importantly please try some other font colour as the whole cover looks a lot pinkish.

TITLE: 3.5 / 5
The title didn't give me much idea except about the female protagonist. The title is simple and creative in its own way. So yeah I don't hate it.

SYNOPSIS-  5 / 10

At some point I felt withdrawn, I didn't feel hooked to the story and I feel it may also make the readers quit the book and won't even give the book a second chance.

Not going to lie but the synopsis had given a bit of information in the start where I felt hooked enough to try the next chapter but the later part was disappointing. Hope you fix it somehow.


Please try to explain the personality of the character rather than just explaining the likes and dislikes, the readers want to know her, what is she exactly, her personality.

Coming to the flow of the story, it was okayish, I didn't feel rushed. Things were explained smoothly and deliberately which I loved the most.

I noticed that you don't explain emotions, the female protagonist has been going through a lot of emotions but it wasn't explained well to make readers feel what she is going through. 

PLOT-  13/20

As far as I have read, I didn't understand the plot much. The story is interesting and the plot is quite confusing. I can't understand where the story is exactly going. Maybe I need to read the whole book to understand the plot so I'll read the whole book once you finish it.

   WRITING STYLE -  10 /20

I understand different people have different writing styles but you need a lot of polishing over your writing style.

You need to bring your character to life, imagine yourself in place of her. Just adding they did this or this happened won't let the reader understand a thing. Explain each scenario not too fast, not too slow, and build pace. Explain how they are feeling etc. Use phrases.


There are a lot of grammatical mistakes I found but the most common one is you put commas in between the sentences. When you quote something make sure you use the right punctuation mark or else the sentence gets a completely different meaning. 

Coming to vocab, the book was an easy read so I didn't find anything much in vocab.


Fiona is the only character I have seen to a greater length, her character was well explained which is great but I would like to see a more detailed explanation about other characters. The whole story revolves around her, trying to give a bit of importance to other characters, giving them life.

Hope this review helped you, you are free to PM if you find any mistakes in the review or need some help.

Good luck.

Total: 57/100

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