×. ❜Royal Deception [rev. Sami]

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Title: Royal Deception
Author: tanny-precious
Reviewer: @mitali2203

Title :-

Title of any book is one of the first things a reader notices about the said book. Titles are mostly expected to be fancy but yet relevant and connected to the story. A title should be able to give the reader a light idea about the book and yet not give away too much. I think "Royal deception" is actually a good title. It's short, sweet and connected to the story but I still think you can add a tagline to it as there are many stories titled 'royal' or maybe completely go for a different title or a synonym of it.


Cover is among the first which helps catch the reader's attention. Again it should be able to attract the reader and make them curious.The story is set in 16th century China. But I would like to point out the fact that your cover gives rather a modern vibe and doesn't actually go with the classic, historical theme of the book. So I did suggest opting for another cover which you connect to the vibe and aura of the story better. The blue color simply doesn't fit, maybe for a brown or purple or a darker shade of blue with some golden intricate designs.

Blurb :-

This aspect is among the last aspects of the three which are the foremost important things in a book. It should be short, not giving out too much and yet making the reader curious and making them read. One of the tips I would give is ending it with a question or cliffhanger. I actually loved your blurb. It made me want to write what morals the queen has to break to bring justice in the kingdom. Also, I would like to point out the fact that you can cut downc

Story :-

The story is yet repeated, I remember reading two books with similar plots but I would have to say one thing, your conversations among the characters are well done. It's simple and lucid. I don't have many things to say about the plotline, it will unfold in later chapters.

Characters and descriptions :-

One of the biggest things I find faulty is the lack of descriptions regarding the surroundings, characters and their body language. Showing images isn't the way out, you have to use your vocabulary to create those scenarios in the reader's mind. It would have been better if the characters' features were described and even body language. The characters need to have a more concerted personality but the rest of the things are good.

Vocabulary and grammar:-

This is a part where I can let you have all your appreciation. Even though going from many chapters I couldn't find words that were misspelled or were grammatically incorrect.

But here's one thing which I would like to point out, in some places in chapter 2 or 3, the word "dad" was used which just turned out the game for me. Do get yourself familiar with historical language in your genre. Don't use modern words.

Personal  enjoyment:-

I personally found the book decent. It wasn't bad nor great, something mediocre but still I found myself getting engrossed in some scenes. If you work on some aspects of the book, I am sure it's gonna be an amazing book.

Overall (tips) :-

Having read too many historical books,  I can suggest something to you. Do some research on the era you are gonna select, their clothing, lifestyle, culture, authentic language spoken. Try to indulge some of his historical incidents and symbols in your story as it makes the reading a lot more enjoyable. Your book is definitely a good one just needs some polishing.

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