×. ❜Seafaring Raiders Sailin' To Cursed Destiny [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: Seafaring Raiders Sailin' To Cursed Destiny

Author: Jancey_Selcouth 

Reviewer: FrozenHeartsGalaxy

Cover: 3/05
The cover is majestic, eye - catching, and attractive. The characters' face claims are positioned well and fit appropriately as a group. The white background of the font makes it obvious that the title is not in the center, it would be much better if it didn't have one. Nevertheless, the font style selection is impressive with a sword displayed in it.

Title: 3/05
Although the title is lengthy, it is incredibly inventive and captivating. But kindly avoid using a different font for the title.

Synopsis: 4/10
It would have been better if you hadn't revealed that Kim's brother can possibly save him because that has destroyed the suspense and thrill of whether or not he can even be saved in the story. The description should only be utilized to illustrate the protagonist is in difficulty; leave the resolution to the story. Let the story show the readers the choices for his survival. There are a few errors; for example, the second paragraph's tense should read 'to become powerful" and also 'as (the) graveyard.' So pay attention to articles in your writing. Refrain from using different fonts in the description as well, and note that you closed the action tag in the final paragraph with a comma before beginning a new dialogue. This rule only applies to dialogue tags; please avoid using it for action tags. The blurb is great overall, however these errors must be corrected.

Execution: 2/10
The story's background, plot, and characters have all been well developed by the author, however the chapters lack the quality illustrations that would give them the worth they merit. I believe the author has to put more effort into every sequence because they fall short of the intended outcome. For example, It should have been exciting to read the first chapter when the protagonist stole a bread and then got caught by the mages, but it didn't make the readers feel that way.

Plot: 5/20
There are many strong villains introduced in the story against less powerful people, making the plot unique and exciting. The author occasionally includes some really inventive story twists, but for the reasons mentioned above, they don't usually cause shock or tension, even though they were nonetheless creative. Unfortunately, the main plot of the story doesn't match the blurb's description. The prologue was thrilling, but since most of the characters had nothing to fear and nothing much was happening, the rest of the story was less frightening and thrilling. The reader who decided to read your story with the expectation that the story might depict horror based on the impression of blurb, cover and title will be disappointed.

Writing style: 3/20
The setting, mood, and atmosphere around a particular scene in the story are not adequately described in your writing. Readers are unable to feel tension throughout it primarily because of this. I suggest using the right amount of detail when narrating or describing something because readers often create imaginary worlds in their minds while they read an author's work, so you must ensure that you give them the greatest possible imagination so that they can feel the emotion, experience the situation, and empathize with the characters. Check out different books with excellent writing; it will help you understand how a combination of a character's internal monologue, narration, and action tags function.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 10/20
There were numerous mistakes, but I only chose a handful so you could repair comparable ones. Pay attention to your articles and punctuation.

The ship's wooden which was brown
Correction: wood

Chapter 1,
Opening her eyes she was about to devour it
Correction: Add comma after eyes

Chapter 1,
"Stealing is bad." A male's gentle voice said.
Correction: End the dialogue with a comma if it is followed by a dialogue tag such as said, whispered etc.

Chapter 1,
A man wearing dark red claok
Correction: cloak

Chapter 1,
As she awkwardly was paused in mid-air.
Correction: As she was awkwardly paused in mid-air

Chapter 1,
"Yes, I know." He nodded, "But they don't steal a loaf"
Correction: 'He nodded' is an action, so it doesn't end with a comma.

Chapter 1,
"Yes, Lady Strawberry." Cherry laughed as he named her too with a fruit's name
Correction: The reader already knows he named her, repeating it again ruins the writing.

Chapter 1,
Cherry's cloaked head moved up and down as checked her out from head to toe
Correction: Reader can already imagine him moving his head if you have just written the last sentence.

Chapter 4,
Her one eye had a patch whereas her other black eye judged all of people sitting on the deck.
Correction: Add comma after patch and 'the' before people.

Chapter 6,
Jade flinched and stared Scarlett who had a concern look on her face
Correction: stared at, concerned

Chapter 6,
Jimin non-chantly stated
Correction: nonchalant is full word without minus in between.

Character development: 4.5/10
If you hadn't revealed Jade is Ovra earlier and left the readers guessing, it would have been much better. Keep the readers in the dark for a time to increase their desire to learn the truth and maintain their interest in your story. Also I advise against having the protagonists fall in love right away without first having any chemistry or connection. The phase of falling in love shouldn't merely involve flirting or caring about each other; it should also involve some deep moments and difficulties they faced. Furthermore, there was a lot of confusion. Yoongi's best friend Jade is also the princess's lady-in-waiting, and despite the fact that Yoongi only recently met the princess, Jade is close enough to her to know all of her secrets, it doesn't make sense. If I hadn't read the part again, I nearly believed Jade had spent years with the Princess rather than Yoongi. Nevertheless, the mages' personalities, as well as the fruit names they gave each other and their skills, were all entertaining. Your portrayal of pirate accents is fantastic as well.

Total Marks: 34.5/100

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