×. ❜Where Murderers Dwell [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: Where Murderers Dwell

Author:  lilchenette

Reviewer: Anika [ FrozenHeartsGalaxy ]

Cover: 00/05
The cover is plain and unattractive, it lacks uniqueness or something appealing that would catch the eyes of the reader. You can change the same image into something aesthetic and match the theme of the plot. The position, colour and style of the fonts aren't suitable. Kindly design important aspects of cover in an attractive way as it is the first thing that catches the reader's eyes.

Title: 4/05
The title is attention-grabbing and gives dark vibes. But due to cover, the overall combination at first glance subsides the mood

Synopsis: 5/10
The blurb is short with just one paragraph that signifies the cause of climax which indeed sounds quite intriguing. In my opinion, I think it would seem much better if there was a memorable quote spoken in the story that should have been added in the blurb. You didn't need to reveal every name, just one was fine because it was hard to memorize at once.

Execution: 9/10
I love the pace was balanced and the author displayed other aspects along the flow of the story with relevant amounts of information, not letting it drift from the main plot.

Plot: 17.5/20
The main plot is yet to come but the exposition of the story and rising action is well-written and portrayed. Every chapter is quite engaging for the reader to remain immersed in the story. The purpose of character and aim of the story is quite uncommon which makes the thrill-lovers curious about the story.

Writing style: 18/20
The description is smooth and easy to understand to visualize the scenario easily in the mind. Reading different points of views with well-written concise explanations helped to understand the characters and situations as well. The length of paragraphs is reasonable and the dialogues were quite entertaining and great.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 14.5/20
Your grammar is great but there are many missing punctuations and spelling errors.

Chapter 1,
Could you have some painkillers sent to my room please.
Correction: Add comma before please and a question mark in the end.

Chapter 1,
Geez, Mrs Admas, even when you're sick, you find a way to entertain yourself
Correction: Adam

Chapter 1,
Holly giggled as Evalina took her hand and led them up the stairs
Correction: Evelyn

Chapter 4,
"But you did well." He said as he fluffed the pillows and overturned the covers.
Correction: Add commas if the quote is followed by a dialogue tag.

Chapter 5,
"You fancy making a dress from scratch?" The shopkeeper said.
Correction: Use 'asked' instead of said for this interrogation dialogue

Chapter 5,
Correction: Pardon

Chapter 5,
Holly couldn't have corrected Iris and said she was having physical fight with her husband.
Correction: Add comma after Iris.

Chapter 5,
You would think right?
Correction: Comma after think

Chapter 5,
"Could've fooled me." He muttered
Correction: Add commas at the end of quote.

Chapter 5,
She knew he liked his privacy but damn certainly spilling some details about his love life wouldn't be so bad.
Correction: Do not use informal words in narration such as 'damn' and abbreviations as well.

Character development: 8/10
Many characters were introduced at once, it was getting confusing that I had to read more than twice to recognize and become familiar so I didn't mistake them with one another. But it is very praiseworthy and admirable how the author set forth that Holly was the granddaughter when there are many clichés concepts that the male lead is the one who belongs to the certain family of the topic. Moreover, every character effectively manifested their emotions and feelings through monologue, action and dialogues which helped the readers to empathize with them.

Total Marks: 76/100

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