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You awoke in a place you didnt quite notice, in fact you didnt have a fucking clue as to where you were and that made you panic, should you have kept your mouth shut just incase? Yes.

Did you?

No. You yelled for help as your hands grasped their way through the pitch black surrounding you, when your fingertips eventually grazed something rough, which you assumed to be a wall so probably like anyone would do, in a strange place, in the dark...you followed it.
It seemed like the only thing you could do, your breaths quickened and you kept feeling forward against the rough texture beneath your palms.
You then felt something smooth, the change in feeling startled you, 'it has to be a door' you told yourself and then you felt around against the smooth texture, when your hand curved aorund something metal, you twisted and pushed, the door creaked as you prepared for light, yet you were met with another dark room, not pitch black, just dark. You could see the room your had stepped into better than the one you were just in since there cracks in the roof, letting light shine in.

         the room was rather empty.
A chair in the corner, an old torn up mattress on the ground, a bucket, a desk, and a lamp with a missing cover, obviously turned off.
"H...hello?" You muttered out, your heart beating quickly, you expected to scared but your confusion overpowered your panic, "where the hell am i..?" You asked yourself, not realizing someone had been listening to you the whole time.

The shadow in the corner farthest from you wasnt noticable at first until your turned around, you screamed and fell against the floor, scooting as far from the shadow as you could, the skinny figures head seemed to tilt in curiosity, or maybe they were just as confused as you.

No, they were too comfortable here to be confused, they were amused by your panic. Suddenly they stepped forward, their shoes clicked against the floor and they only took a couple steps forward.
"Who the hell are you?! Where am i?" You shouted at the unknown stranger.

A quiet yet raspy voice then spoke, "im just your new friend, no need to be scared.." the voice said, a guy you assumed. "Im sorry for having frightened you, i didnt know if youd try and fight me if you just woke up to...someone like me.." he said, you could see his fugure tense up, like he was nervous.

He then made his way to the lamp, only then did you realize he was hiding his hands behind his back, he glanced your way before realizing there was no way you wouldnt see his hands, so he turned the lamp on, his hands frightened you, his long fingers twisted the switch which a light then shined across the room, you closed your eyes quickly, blinking while holding your hands across your eyes so they could adjust.

Then when you looked up is when you really were terrified, the guy you had been talking to was no where near a normal looking guy. His skin was a greyish green, he had no hair and a large smiled stretched on his face, he simply waved a long fingered hand at you as if you were supposed to happily wave back.

He wore a long sleeved greenish-blue sweater, black pants and some brown shoes. His smiled only revealed his crooked teeth, some stained, some white, some of then being colors that they probably shouldnt be.
You wanted to be scared, but you just froze "i.." you paused, he tilted his head confused by your sudden posture, "w..who are you..?" You asked, slowly not making any sudden moves, not knowing what he'd do.

"Oh well.." he lifted a slender finger up to scratch at his head, "im salad fingers.." he stated, blinking a couple times then looking back up at you, "and yours..?" He asked slowly.

You gulped back a whimper, you parted your lips, "uh..uhm..well, im.." you paused 'should i tell him..?'

Then you did, "im..(y/n)...(y/n) (l/n)"


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