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{ Hey guys! I just wanted to make this for ya'll since you guys got me to 7k reads and over 370 votes, tysm!! It honestly feels so unreal to have this many read and votes ( sorry if that sounds cocky or narcissistic I SWEAR I'M NOT TRYING TO BE LIKE THAT ). I honestly expected the most votes I would have would be 50 or something like that, but you guys really delivered!! I love you all!

     Anyways, this is completely out of the original storyline and this is going to be a Hanako x Reader Valentine's Day oneshot!! Please enjoy and Happy ( LATE OOPS ) Valentine's Day!!! }

     Valentine's Day. Every year Hanako would see couples or soon-to-be couples give each other chocolates while other students gave some to their upperclassmen, as they hoped to be noticed.

     Hanako never really cared for the holiday, since he figured it was just a cash grab. Either way, it wouldn't have mattered since he couldn't celebrate it eith anyone anyway. Well, that was until this year.

     It was February 13th. Hanako, Y/N, Kou and Yashiro were currently gathered in the girl's bathroom as the three humans cleaned the room while Hanako floated by Y/N's side.

     "Y/N! Do you think anyone is going to confess to me this year?" Yashiro questioned as she gave the said girl a puppy-eyed look.

     Y/N had sweat dropped at the girl's question before she forced a smile and replied with, "Well you sure are a catch Yashiro! I bet money on someone confessing to you."

     "Really!? I really hope so!" Yashiro grinned before she turned back to continue her work.

     "Y/N?" Kou called, once he saw that the girl gave her attention to him he continued. "What about you? Aren't you excited for tomorrow?"

     Y/N shrugged her shoulders and grabbed a rag to help clean before she gave her response. "Eh, I don't know. Nobody, or a guy really, has given me that kind of attention." This caught Hanako's attention. "If a guy gives me anything, great. But I'll just be happy if any of my friends get anything really."

     "But Y/N, that's unfair! You should get something too! You always do so much for us." Kou shook his head in disapprovement, which caused the female exorcist to smile and reply, "It's okay, really!"

     Hanako heard this and slightly frowned at the discovery. Y/N? Not ever having a Valentine? No way. Hanako knew that Y/N wasn't ever the most popular girl there was, but he expected her to at least have a few admirers. Maybe they're just shy?

     Hanako shook his head in order clear his head and finally came to a conclusion. He would make this the best Valentine's Day Y/N would ever have.

     "Um... Hanako, are you alright? You've been staring at me for the past minute.." Y/N snapped Hanako out of his thoughts, a slight blush visible on her cheeks, not used to the attention that had been brought upon her.

     "Ah nothing, you just even prettier today is all." Hanako replied nonchalantly, which caused Y/N to blush into a bright pink and for the other two humans to sigh and shake their heads at Hanako's flirtatious antics.

     "Hanako, stop joking around!" Y/N laughed as she blushed before she immediately went back to cleaning the toilets.

     "But it wasn't a joke..."

     After Y/N finished her part with cleaning the bathroom she washed her hands, grabbed her school bag, and waved goodbye to her friends. "Bye everyone, I'll see you tomorrow!"

     "Wait Y/N! I just fini-" Yashiro had been cut off by Hanako placed a mop's handle in her hands. Hanako then went on to place a rag in Kou's hands as well. The apparition had finally turned to Y/N and give her a sly grin.

     "Bye Y/N!! See you tomorrow!" Hanako grinned before he pushed the female exorcist out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

     "Huh.. weird. Hanako never throws me out like that.. Whatever, I'll ask him about it tomorrow. There must be a reason." Y/N had thought optimistically to herself before she turned and headed home for the day.

     "Hanako what the hell!? We are already done with absolutely everything you needed for us to do! Y/N even helped us out for this one!" Kou exclaimed, a tick mark on both his and Yashiro's foreheads.

     Yashiro nodded her head in agreement and placed the mop down while Kou threw his rag on the ground. "Yeah! What is wrong with you today? And why did you throw Y/N out like that!? Wait, don't tell me.." Hanako's brightened cheeks gave Yashiro all she needed to know before she gasped in realisation. "It's about Valentine's Day! Are you trying to plan something for Y/N?"

     "Hm.. Once Yashiro mentions it, you did look oddly curious when Y/N mentioned Valentine's Day.." Kou nodded acknowledgement. As he saw Hanako look away in embarrassment. "Hey, I have an idea! You should make something for her! As in, something sweet!"

     "That's a great idea! Let's do this Hanako, we'll use the culinary room!" Before the two humans could head towards the door, both of them felt a hand grab each of their wrists. They looked back to see Hanako look them straight in the eye as he pouted at the two humans.

     "I just... I just don't want her to know.. Truth be told," Hanako let go of both of their wrists in order to cover his face with his hat in order to hide his burning red cheeks "I've never.. actually celebrated Valentine's Day. Much less actually talk to a girl and have her like me, even as a friend. I don't want to screw this up.."

     Yashiro and Kou both blinked in unison as they watched their ghost friend act completely out of character. Looking at each other, they nodded and then Yashiro proceeded to place her hand on Hanako's shoulder, a supportive smile on her face as Hanako slowly uncovered his face to look at the angelic girl. "What do you want to make her? Kou and I can handle it."

     Hanako softly smiled at the two and placed his cap back on his head. "I want to make her chocolate donuts.." After his shy reply, Kou grabbed Hanako's wrist and dragged him out of the bathroom, towards the culinary room and Yashiro following suit, but went the opposite direction after exiting the bathroom. "I'll buy the ingredients! I'll meet you two in the culinary room!" Yashiro told the two before Kou nodded and replied with a, "You got it! Come on, Hanako!" 

     All Hanako could do was grin like an idiot at his two friends. 

     It was now February 14th, the official day for Valentine's Day. As Y/N and Yashiro walked into their school, they could see couples left and right display their love and girls give their upperclassmen chocolate as they hoped for their love to be returned. 

     Yashiro was constantly bothered by this every year, as she had always wanted someone to notice and give her that same type of attention she had dreamed of. Y/N on the other hand, wasn't bothered by trivial things such as Valentine's Day, though she did get somewhat annoyed after years of receiving nothing while she gave Yashiro and Aoi chocolates, but she guessed that it couldn't be helped. She wasn't on Aoi's status of popularity of course, so Y/N really couldn't expect much.

     "Ah! Y/N, Yashiro, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you two!" Aoi gasped as she ran towards the two girls, a red heart-shaped box in each of her hands. "Here you go! Happy Valentine's Day! I bet you two will get way more candies, but I wanted to beat everyone else to it." Aoi smiled at the two, with Yashiro and Y/N grinning back in response.

     "Thank you so much Aoi! You actually are the first, so congrats! I'll definitely eat these at home. They won't go to waste!" Y/N giggled, with Yashiro following suit. "Maybe today isn't going to be such a boring day after all." Y/N thought before she headed towards her desk to prepare herself for the morning class to start. 

     Just as Y/N predicted, the day went by smoothly. She gave chocolates to her friends which included: Yashiro, Aoi and Kou. She even got chocolates and other sweets in return!

     It was currently after school around 8:30pm since her, Yashiro and Kou decided to stay behind and help the Gardening Club with their daily plant care routine due to their club being shortly staffed. Though, she did have one question,

     "Do you know where Hanako is?" Y/N asked Yashiro and Kou as she put away her school supplies in her bag before receiving a nod from Kou. 

     "Yeah! Actually, he's in the girl's bathroom as we speak. He said that Yashiro and I could go home for today, but I think you should meet up with him. He seemed kind of down when he saw that you weren't with us when we went to go see him." Kou replied with a sweat drop and Yashiro backed up his statement with, "Yeah, he's right! Go right now!" 

     Y/N raised in eyebrow as Kou's words had caught her attention. Immediately placing her bag's handle on her shoulder, Y/N headed out of the classroom with a, "Then I must get going! Bye you two, I'll see you tomorrow!"

     "I really hope Hanako doesn't screw this up.." Kou muttered after Y/N was long gone, which lead to the seafoam haired girl to look at him, a concerned look on her face. "Yeah," Yashiro agreed as she looked at the door the H/C haired girl had went through. 

     "Me too."

     Once Y/N entered the girl's restroom, she saw nothing but a singular light brighten the bathroom and the buzzing from the lightbulb was the only sound Y/N could hear other than her breathing. "Hm... odd."

     Stepping in front of the third stall, Y/N knocked on the door three times before chanting, "Hanako, Hanako, Hanako. Are you in there-"

     "I'm right here."

    Hearing the familiar ghost boy's voice, Y/N turned around, her mood immediately lightened up and she beamed at Hanako. "Hanako, there you are! I was wondering where you were!" Y/N stopped her sentence once she saw how red Hanako's cheeks were. Before she could question anything though, Hanako put a blindfold over her eyes and spoke up in his usual teasing voice,

     "I have something to show you."

     "We're almost there..." Y/N could feel herself going up a flight of stairs.

    "And.." Y/N heard a door open and a breeze lightly hit her body. With Hanako taking off the blindfold, Y/N could see the night sky along with a telescope, and a box of donuts right beside it. "We're here! Surprise!"

     "Hanako, I.." Y/N trailed off, her eyes widened. Hanako looked at the girl in confusion. Did Y/N not like stargazing? Oh god, if that were the case then he was screwed. Completely, utterly screwed. But his thoughts were cut off by the girl suddenly giving him a tight hug, making the ghost boy's cheeks redden. "I'm so grateful. You did all of this for me? Thank you."

      Having been flustered enough, Hanako hums as a response and pulled away before floating towards the telescope. "Yup, I did! I even made us chocolate donuts while we stargaze! If... that's okay with you." Hanako smiled with Y/N immediately nodding at the boy in approvement. 

     "Of course! I just had no idea that you liked to stargaze! I'm assuming you like Astronomy?" Y/N inquired, before she stepped in front of the telescope as well. 

     "Yes, I love it actually. I actually wanted to go to the moon when I was alive. It's just so pretty and there are so many possibilities up there." Hanako replied a soft smile on his face as he looked up at the moon, nostalgia hitting him like a train. After hearing no response, he looked to Y/N and asked, "Wouldn't you agree?" but was immediately taken aback by what he was seeing.

     "Y.. Y/N? Why are you crying!? What's wrong!?" Hanako questioned, as he wiped the tears from the female exorcist's eyes. Y/N shook her head before giving Hanako a gentle smile, a smile she hadn't given anyone in ages. 

     "It's nothing, really! I... I'm just overjoyed that you would share such information with me. I would love to learn more about you and your hobbies if... that's okay with you that is." Y/N replied, which had stunned Hanako into silence. Giving Hanako a quick peck on the cheek, both the ghost boy's and Y/N's cheeks reddened before the girl asked, "How about we do some stargazing?" Hanako gave her a look of admiration before nodding. "Yeah,"

     "I would like that."


Please leave a comment and vote, that's what keeps me motivated to write these chapters! I love you all! Peace! 

Word count: 2.1k words

Status: Unedited }

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