Chapter 1

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Bucky POV

"Don't do anything stupid 'tilI get back," Steve said as he faced me.

"How can I?" I said with a forced smile. "You're taking all the stupid with you,"

Steve pulled me into what I knew was going to be our last hug.

"Gonna miss you, buddy," I said, my voice cracking slightly.

"It's gonna be okay, Buck," he reassured me, turning around to walk towards the Quantum portal. As soon as he couldn't see me, I dropped my happy facade as a single tear dripped down my cheek. It wasn't going to be okay. The man that I loved was leaving me alone in this new world. He was getting off at a different stop, leaving me to ride the train we swore we would ride together. 'Till the end of the line, my ass.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked Bruce, who was fiddling with some controls on the machine.

"For him? As long as he needs," Bruce said, and I felt my heart shatter into more pieces. A tiny bit of me had hoped that he had a time limit to deliver the stones, and he would be forced to return here. "For us? Five seconds."

Steve picked up Mjolnir and positioned himself on the time machine, ready to leave.

"Ready, Cap?" Bruce asked. "We'll meet you back here, okay?"

"You bet!" Steve smiled confidently. His bright blue eyes that I had known for so long flickered over to me one last time, and he discreetly mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

"Going quantum." Bruce said, flicking some buttons on the machine and starting the countdown. It was now or never.

"Steve, I lo-" I was cut off by him disappearing into the portal. Unable to hold them back anymore, the tears fell freely from my eyes as I choked back a sob.

"What was that, Barnes?" Sam asked.

"Nothing," I said quietly, praying that my voice wouldn't crack.

"And returning in, five, four, three, two, one," Bruce said. Steve didn't appear. More tears fell from my eyes as Sam and Bruce tried to figure out what was wrong.

"Get him back!" Sam commanded.

"I'm trying!" Bruce said, flicking all the switches that would flick.

"Get him the hell-"

Sam was cut off as the ground began to shake, and the sky turned a brown colour. War planes appeared out of nowhere in the sky, and the landscape around us changed into what I recognised as a war prison.

"What the hell is this!?" Sam shouted as we ran away from the building that was forming right in front of our eyes.

"It's a war prison!" I shouted back.

"No shit, Sherlock! I mean what the hell is happening to our world!"

"Why would I know!"

Bruce ran in between us, holding the quantum portal above his head. "Not the time for arguing!" He warned.

We picked up our pace as we ran towards the wreckage of the Avenger's compound, which had transformed into a regular warehouse. As Bruce was busy holding the portal, I used my metal arm to punch the door down, and we ran inside the empty warehouse, quickly sealing the door behind us.

"Steve did something to the timeline, didn't he?" I asked, panting.

"Yes, and whatever he did may have just doomed humanity," Bruce said, as he placed the time machine on the floor and started to turn it on. "We need someone to stop him before he messes up,"

"But how will we know which reality he messed up in?" Sam asked.

"He's in the 1940's," I said. The two Avengers turned to face me.

"How do you know?" Sam asked. "Did you know that he was going to mess up our reality?"

"Steve went back to Peggy, the love of his life, and I did have a suspicion that he was going to stay with Peggy," I explained. "Although, I thought he knew better than to get married to her and change the future,"

"I thought you were the love of his life?" Sam frowned. My face turned bright red.

"W-what makes y-you say that?" I stuttered.

"You two are so obviously in love," Sam explained. "Steve went against 117 countries and nearly killed Tony for you, that's the sort of thing people do when they are in love,"

"Plus, when the snap happened, Steve didn't leave his room for months," Bruce added. "When we went to check on him, we found him muttering your name over and over while sobbing his eyes out,"

"If he was so in love with me, then why did he leave?" I said, my voice cracking.

"Barnes, I- I don't know why he left, but whatever the reason, we need to bring him back," Sam said. "And you might just be the man for the job,"

"I'll do it," I said confidently.

"The portal is ready for transportation," Bruce spoke up. "We've only got 3 Pym particles left, one for getting Bucky there, and two for getting him and Steve back home."

"Set it for January of 1946," I commanded, picking up the Pym particles and placing them in my pocket. Bruce flicked some switches as Sam turned to face me.

"Good luck, Barnes, the fate of our world rests on your shoulders," he said helpfully.

"Fuck you, Wilson," I rolled my eyes.

"Quantum travelling in, three, two, on-"

I felt myself being sucked into a portal of many colours, and I blacked out, my last thought being of Steve.

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