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Hi, guys.
(Disclaimer, there's no art in this chapter, if you don't want to see me rant/talk)
(and since almost no one looks at my announcements, I've decided to put it here)

I don't know how to explain this, but I think there's something wrong with me.
Yeah, I know that sounds weird but- I didn't really know how else to put it.
For those of you who looked at my last announcement (Or I think it was my last one, I don't remember) you might know I've been feeling. . .odd.

For everyone who's been wanting art, I'm really, really sorry.
School has just been sucking the life out of me, and I have something I'm trying to figure out right now, and I'm just so confused.
The amount of sleep I've been getting is being less and less by the day, and I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm always just so, so tired.

I want to do art for you guys so badly, but there's just- I just don't have enough time.
I'm sorry, I know it sounds selfish that I want more time, but I'm only human.

Adding to all of this, I haven't even been talking to my friends, almost not at all. Both online and on here. For some of my friends, it may seem like I'm being a bit more rude, blunt, or speaking before I can think about what I'm saying. But I don't think any of them know I've been silently fighting myself.

There's something. . .I don't think I'm ready to talk about.
People keep bringing the subject up, and something recent that has happened to me irl (Even my irl friends/family don't know about this) has just made me so confused.

I don't even know who, or what even, I am anymore.

Again, I'm sorry for this. And for everyone irl that reads this, please, just don't ask about it. 
I just need time.

I think.

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