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You just nodded every time Sana asks you something. When she requested something from you, you never thought of saying NO! Or YES! You just do it!
Then she told you to wait in the room while she made some sandwiches for both of you.
You were not really sure if you will like it or not... You used to do yours your way!
This week will be a forever,whhhhhaat....
Then she came back with a tray, having 2 sandwiches and 2 glasses of juice.
They seem delicious..
She put it in front of you and handed you the glass of juice,and pointed the sandwich to tell you "it's yours" then she took hers and immediately put that in her mouth. You took time to admire how good looking the sandwich was,then you thanked her.

You: 고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida)!

Sana: (still munching her sandwich) Ahhh,you girl!!!

[Your thought]  why does she acts like this, as if she does not care? Replying to my thanks would b nice of her!😒

Then you finished it all!!! You did not expect it to be so yummy!

Sana: was it good?😊

You: 😊맛있었습니다 (it was delicious) !

Sana: great!can you bring those down and put them in the kitchen please?😊 I am just gonna tie my hair because we will make dinner!😊

[Y.T] They have maids, they have a mother, why does she have to make dinner? This family is weird,let's say!
But okey... Let's see that.

[In the kitchen]
You just watched her cooking, peeling potatoes and so on... All you could do was helping! You do not know a lot in cooking! But you were amazed at how good she is.

Sana: I am the one in charge of our dinner! I discover so many recipes each day on YouTube, and try to make them on my own after, in order to make my family happy!😊 I just love cooking! What about you? Do you cook?

You just shook your head to say no. And gave her a weak smile.

Sana: awww... I can teach you! Let's go to the hypermarket tomorrow to get the ingredients. We will choose recipes tonight before sleeping. Is that okey for you?

You nodded with an obvious excitement.

You:  감사합니다 언니 (gamsahamnida eoni).

Later the parents arrived, they parked the car and headed home right after.
They were super happy to see you! They hugged you but you just bowed.
Then they went to their room to get ready for the night before eating dinner.
Later another marine blue car arrived, and a guy came in. He smiled a lot when he saw you.

Him: hey.. So long cousin! How are u?

You bowed and smiled a little bit.

Sana: You must not remember him, you met him about ten years ago, when you were still 7 and he flied for Australia for study. This is Chanyeol, my brother!

Chanyeol: well, I do remember you a lot so no need to, y/n!

He smiled again and went to his so called room.

After a while everyone is gathered around the table to eat, it is 8:36. It is a bit late but you tried not to seem sleepy.
Sana served the dinner and it all is something you never ate before. Or idk..

Sana's F: eat a lot, y/n!! 😊

You just smiled. Chanyeol is very talkative during dinner. He tells about his day and this is nice. Like a meeting! We do this at home too but we are just three so it is not really loud like this.
Then their mom looked at me,

Sana's m: y/n! Do not worry! We are all here for you! If you need something tell us, okey? 😊

You felt a little uncomfortable after all, so much caring but not from dad and mom. That sounds weird.

Sana: we have ice cream for dessert, and there is also that cake Chanyeol bought this morning. Can I take your orders? 😁

Chanyeol: why wouldn't I choose the cake I bought? It is very yummy, y/n! Take that! 😊

Sana's m: why not both? 😁

Sana's f: it is hot, right? I would like ice cream! Vanilla flavoured ice cream should be ok!

Sana: ok daddy"!! I will get that... Y/n???

You hesitated!!

You: Cake! 😊

Chanyeol: that is my saeng!! 🙌

We ate and then Sana told me to join our room.

Sana: y/n! I will be there in few minutes, you can change into your pyjama and brush your teeth or take a quick bath, I am gonna sweep the dining room and my brother will wash the dishes! If you need help just call us.

You flashed a smile and left.

Chanyeol POV
I gathered all the dishes and cutlery from the table and brought them to wash them. It has to be me since I was the one  who broke down our dish washing machine. My sister is still here and everyone left so I will take this chance to talk to her.

Chanyeol : Sana! Why is y/n so silent and quiet?

Sana: I told you, she has been home for 11years. Homeschooled! And she never communicated with the outside! Everywhere she goes, her parents just be there too. Her heart condition is obligating her to live that way. Poor girl! She is respecting everyone like kings and queens! She is so afraid of people.

Chanyeol: That just have been hard but finally she is used to it. She is so pretty and cute, I do not doubt that if she was not my cousin I would fall for her. Unfortunately, we need to avoid that topic.

Sana: stop that! I promise you, give me 2 days and she will open up to us. I really wanna do that for her! Life will not be homeschooling forever! 😑

Chanyeol: I trust you.. I will do my best too! 😊😊
We hugged to say goodnight.

I am gonna say goodbye to y/n!

Chanyeol: y/n! I am gonna sleep! Goodnight sista!!! ❤❤❤

I hugged her and I knew she was like "wow"... She just smiled at me!

You: 안녕히주무세요!

Then I left them.
She is so adorable!!! I am sad for her! Maybe this is a chance for me and my sister to help her, she needs us.
Ppfffttt... Today was a tiring day for me. I am gonna shower and sleep.

{A/N} heyyyy.... Hope you liked that. ❤
Sana's m= sana's mom
sana's f= sana's father
Y/n= your name
Y/T= your thought
Excuses for grammatical errors...

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