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"Appa, could you lower it a bit?" Jeno asked and heard his father sigh before lowering the frame he had in his hands. "Yes, yes!" Jeno screamed out. "That's perfect!" An eye smile spread over the young boy when he saw his brand new comic framed above his neat desk.

After reading the story, turning the pages carefully, he decided to frame this rare comic so no harm could be done to it. Mr. Lee turned around and looked at his son, a chuckle leaving his lips. "This looks like a splodge of color in your boring room, Jeno-yah." He laughed and Jeno blushed looking around his room.

He liked tidiness and simple things like white walls and white furniture. And except the framed comic, Jeno had nothing on his walls. On his nightstand was a Polaroid he and Bongcha did in the photobooth at Style Nanda, when they were shopping on one of their dates. But the comic was somehow even more special to Jeno.

"It's rare." Jeno had explained to his parents on the evening he came back from the Convention. "It's from 1961 and it's worth more than 33K US-Dollars!" He had said proudly, shocking his parents with the prize of this lousy looking magazine. "A friend", Jeno made a pause, thinking about telling his parents Eunha's name, but deciding against it as his parents knew he went with Renjun and Jaemin. "A friend bargained for me. We got 68% off!"

Jeno smiled at the comic once more before watching his father leave his room, while shaking his head. "Now that he's almost seventeen he gets addicted to comics?" Mr. Lee spoke to his woman when he met her in the kitchen. "Yeobo, it's nothing wrong with reading comics. He can improve his English with this and maybe make it into the Ivy League after Senior Year." Mrs. Lee announced and Mr. Lee nodded.

Jeno on the other hand was sitting on his bed, staring at the comic before starting to laugh by himself and hiding his cheeks in his pillows. Na Eunha had sounded so professional and mature when she bargained with the man for this exact comic. And now it was all Jeno's. He couldn't believe a girl, that was usually quiet and clumsy, could be so cool. 

The weekend passed quickly, with Jeno staring at the comic and remembering Eunha the whole time. But when Monday came Jeno felt a little gloomy, seeing his girlfriend standing infront of the school, her arms crossed infront of her chest and her foot tapping the floor angrily.

"Good Morning, Jagiya." Jeno said friendly but Bongcha scoffed. "Lee Jeno!" She growled. "Why do I have to know from Huang Renjun that you hung out with Na Eunha at the weekend!" She hissed. "You promised you'd only hung out with the boys!" She whined and stomped her foot on the floor, causing attention.

"Bongcha, please." Jeno said and rubbed his forehead. "Listen, it was a coincidence that I got lost from Renjun and Jaemin and met Eunha. She just helped me find my way back to them!" Jeno defended himself but Bongcha seemed seriously angry. "Why are you behaving like this lately?" She asked but Jeno looked down and shook his head. "Let's not fight, Bongcha." He said and started walking towards the school entrance.

"Ya! Lee Jeno don't walk away from me!" Bongcha yelled but Jeno ignored her and walked into the classroom, past Lee Donghyuck who was talking to a Sunbae from class 3-1 infront of the class. Jeno bowed politely to the girl who just smiled before leaning down and ruffling Donghyuck's hair, making him scream. "Mina-noona stop!", was the last thing Jeno heard before sitting down on his chair.

Eunha had seen Jeno walk in with his head down and a gloomy expression. She dropped her pencil and looked at Bora. "I'll greet Jeno quickly." She announced and stood up walking over to Jeno's table. "Good Morning." She smiled cheery and Jeno looked up, a smile immediatley spreading over his lips. "Good Morning!" He grins. "Did you enjoy the comic?" Eunha then asked and Jeno nodded. "It was a really good story!" He smiled. "But I didn't wanted it to get ruined so I framed it. Wait a second."

Jeno rummaged through his bagpack until he found his cellphone and showed Eunha a picture of his room with the now framed Fantastic Four comic over his desk. "Wow, that looks really neat!" Eunha smiled when she heard Bora sqeak. "Eunha, Eunha! Hurry up!" Bora yelled, waving her phone. "Somin-oppa is at the soccer field!" 

Eunha smiled. "Sorry, gotta go." She smiled happily and rushed after Bora, who wanted to meet her favourite Sunbae. 

As soon as Eunha and Bora had left the classroom Bongcha entered it and sat down on her assigned seat next to Jeno. "It's not nice to leave your girlfriend behind while in an argument." Bongcha announced and looked pouty. "Sorry." Jeno simply said and looked at Eunha and Bongcha's messy desk. "Bongcha?" Jeno then asked and Bongcha looked up, still pouty. "Who's Somin-oppa?" He asked and Bongcha looked confused.

"Jung Somin is the captain of the basketball team. Why are you calling him Oppa?"

Jeno nodded, working with this information. "Who is he to Na Eunha and Oh Bora?" He asked and Bongcha looked disgusted. "Oh my god do you think I know everything about everyone in this class? Jeno-yah... I don't. And I don't really care for those losers who are Na Eunha and Oh Bora. One is an orphan and the other one is a fangirl who probably never gets a boyfriend. And I mean evern Jung Haeyoung, Go Inhye and Lee Donghyuch managed to get a partner!" Bongcha said with a scoff and turned away from Jeno to put another layer of liptint on his lips.

Jeno looked at Bongcha, disgusted by her horrible behaviour towards their classmate. "Bongcha." He said strictly and Bongcha looked at him with freshly tinted lips. "It's unfair of you to say something like this. Do you know that Oh Bora doesn't have a chance with Jung Somin? Do you think it's weird for Jung Haeyoung to date? Or is Go Inhye a abnormal person because she's dating? What did Lee Donghyuck do to you for him to deserve so much hate?" Jeno stood up and walked past Bongcha's chair, giving it a shove.

Bongcha watched her boyfriend leave the room and looked around seeing her former best friend Jung Haeyoung look at her with Go Inhye next to her eyeing her as well. "Well, well" Lee Dasom started "you are slowly turning into a witch, Oh Bongcha."

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