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"We aced the test! And now I can get my reward!" Oh Bora smiled jumping out of her seat and fixing her uniform before looking down at her best friend Na Eunha that was staring into the distance as she didn't answer half the questions in the maths test she had to study for. Bora smiled. "Eunha let's go! Somin-oppa is only in the gym for" a quick glance at the clock, "fifteen minutes and we need at least five to get to the gym!" Bora whined and Eunha stood up and smiled. 

"Yeah let's get your reward." Eunha grinned and took Bora's hand running out of the classroom with happy yells. Eunha sighed happily. She enjoyed running around with Bora as Bora was as cheerful as her. Soon the two girls had reached the outsides of the gym and Eunha knew her part. She went down on all four and let Bora climb on her back. Bora stood on her tip-toes looking into the gym seeing the pretty face of basketball captain Jung Somin.

"Omo, he is so beautiful!" Bora commented and sighed lovingly. Eunha smiled through the pain her feet were causing on Eunha's back but seeing Bora happy was something Eunha treasured. "His face is glittering!" Bora whisper-yelled and took one last glance at the upperclassman before climbing off Eunha's back and sighing. "He is seriously so beautiful." Bora sighed and Eunha knew the young girl was imagining a relationship to the two years older Oppa. 

"You can write him a letter. I know for a fact that he loves receiving fan mail in his locker." Eunha winked when the two girls started to walk back to their classroom as recess time was over. When they arrived back in the classroom they got witness of their class #1 couple Oh Bongcha and Lee Jeno's lovers quarrel.

Bongcha stood in front of Jeno's seat, her arms crossed in front of her chest. A prominent pout on her cute and pretty face that was always made up really nicely with blush and lipstick. Jeno sighed and ruffled his hands through his own hair. "I promised Jaemin and Renjun to join them." He said and Bongcha rolled her eyes. "Join them?" She asked with a high-pitched voice. "Then why are their girlfriends there as well?" She asked only to get an angry "Yah!" from Jung Haeyoung and Go Inhye. 

"No offense girls," Bongcha said with a fake smile. "But if it's supposed to be Jeno and the boys the two of you aren't included-" "Bongcha!" Jeno hissed and looked at Bongcha angrily. 

Fights with Oh Bongcha were becoming more and more frequent in their almost seven-months long relationship. Jeno was sick of them fighting over everything and Bongcha's jealousy. "It's not my fault Inhye-ah and Haeyoung-ah are interested in Star Wars and Comics!" He hissed and Bongcha blew up her cheeks. "I can't stop them from going to a convention they bought tickets for!" Jeno said and stood up leaving the classroom.

On his way out of the classroom, he bumped into Eunha harshly causing her to stumble backward. Some people gasped at Jeno's attitude and Bongcha widened her eyes and opened her mouth when she saw Jeno holding Eunha's wrist so she wouldn't fall further.

"Sorry, Eunha-ah." He said with a beat down expression. "Did I hurt you?" He asked and Eunha shook her head and Jeno let go of her wrist. This morning Jeno had greeted her friendly and had wished her good luck on the test, asking her if they would meet again in the wash saloon or if their washing machine was still broken.

Eunha had answered happily, not minding gaining yet another friend due to a funny coincidence. And Lee Jeno was easy to talk to even if she didn't want to admit so when she met him in the washing saloon. "Are you okay?" Eunha asked Jeno with a glance to Bongcha who was eyeing the two with eagle eyes. Jeno caught his girlfriends glance and sighed leaving the room without another word.

"Whoa, those two fighting are really scary," Bora said and Eunha nodded and sat down on her chair. "It's a stupid reason to get angry over," Eunha said and Bora nodded. "As if Jeno would cheat on Bongcha with one of his best friends girlfriends. What a stupid thing." Bora rolled her eyes when they heard the clacking noises of Oh Bongcha's shoes.

"Na Eunha?" Bongcha asked and Eunha looked up giving the doll-like girl a stare. "I saw that you and Jeno are friends or something." Bongcha gestured with her hands and Eunha only cocked an eyebrow. "And?" 

"Keep your hands off my man. Or else I'm making your life a living hell!" Bongcha warned and Eunha chuckled. "Remember what happened to Park Haewoo for making Jung Haeyoung's life a living hell?" Eunha asked and caught Bongcha off-guard. "Sorry to disappoint you, cutie," Eunha said. "But I am not interested in your boyfriend. We might be friendly towards each other but that doesn't have to mean anything." Eunha sassed and Bongcha pouted while their classmate Lee Donghyuck whistled. 

"Good remark, Eunha!" He winked and Eunha simply smiled and turned to her stuff.

Jeno walked towards a tree in the school gardens and laid down under it, messing up his hair. "What is up with her lately?" He asked himself and yelled a little bit and closing his eyes. He was happy with Bongcha but lately she's been overly-jealous and controlled everything he did.

Also her posting everything he got new or changed in his outfit in her Lee Jeno Fanclub annoyed him. He wasn't an Idol who needed to be controlled 24/7. He could've invited Bongcha to the Sci-Fi convention but he didn't wanted to. Some reasons were her past friendship with Haeyoung and since Haeyoung and Jaemin had the tickets to go to the convention together first Jeno already knew he wouldn't invite Bongcha.

Another reason was that Bongcha didn't even liked Science-Fiction and stuff like that and she would probably judge Renjun and Inhye for their cosplays and Jaemin and Haeyoung for their matching Star Wars sweaters. Jeno didn't needed it.

"Ah, I hope I didn't really hurt Eunha when I bumped into her." He asked himself and caught himself thinking about his seventeen-year-old classmate once again.

A/N: Song of the Chapter~

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