Back to the Beginning

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As usual, the bell above the door chimed, making Junwoo's lips curve into a warm smile as she knew it was Taehyung. She turned back, greeting him with a cheerful "Good morning."

Her words got caught in her throat the moment she saw him. Taehyung, who usually sported a comfortable yet stylish ensemble, was a vision in unexpected elegance. Gone was his usual t-shirt and jeans combo. Today, he wore a crisp white button-down shirt, the sleeves neatly rolled up to reveal toned forearms. The shirt hugged his broad shoulders perfectly, and the top few buttons were left undone, hinting at the sliver of a silver chain peeking out from underneath.

His dark wash jeans were slim-fitting, the perfect complement to his sharp shoes—a pair of polished brown leather oxfords that gleamed under the cafe lights. But it was his face that truly stole the show. He'd taken the time to style his hair, the usual messy waves replaced by a more polished look, swept back with a touch of product for a hint of control. A clean shave revealed a sharp jawline, and his eyes, usually holding a playful glint, were clouded with a mix of nervous anticipation and a touch of apprehension.

Junwoo felt a flutter in her chest, a strange mix of surprise and something more difficult to define. Taehyung, always handsome in a casual way, had transformed into a man who commanded attention.

"What cat got your tongue?" Taehyung asked with a playful chuckle, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Junwoo blinked, forcing herself to focus. "Oh, uh, nothing," she stammered, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Just... surprised to see you so dressed up, that's all."

A smile played on Taehyung's lips. He found Junwoo's flustered reaction endearing. "I just wanted to impress," he said, his voice teasing. "You never know who you might run into at a reunion, right?"

Junwoo couldn't help but return the playful jab. "Well, considering your usual attire," she said with a wink, "it's definitely an impression."

Taehyung chuckled, running a hand through his hair self-consciously. He wasn't used to Junwoo being so affected by his appearance.

"Alright, alright," he conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Truce. So, what were you working on before I walked in?"

Junwoo cleared her throat, a hint of self-consciousness creeping in. "Just finishing up an article for the cafe's blog," she explained, gesturing to the open book lying on the counter beside the cash register. "It's about the importance of taking breaks and appreciating the small moments."

Taehyung hopped onto a stool, leaning closer to get a glimpse of the article. "Sounds interesting," he commented, genuine curiosity replacing his amusement. "Mind if I take a peek?"

Junwoo hesitated for a moment, then a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Sure," she said, pushing the book towards him. "Tell me what you think."

Taehyung grabbed a napkin to avoid smudging the page with his latte, then began to read. As he delved into Junwoo's words, a comfortable silence settled between them.

Minutes ticked by, and the cafe slowly filled with the usual morning crowd. Finally, Taehyung finished reading with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Taehyung smiled warmly, his gaze lingering on Junwoo's face a beat longer than necessary. "Wow, Junwoo," he said, looking up from the page. "This is really good. You have a way with words, you know that?"

Junwoo beamed, a genuine warmth radiating from her. "Thanks, Taehyung," she replied, a hint of shyness creeping into her voice. "It means a lot coming from you."

A comfortable pause followed, filled with unspoken understanding. The air crackled with a certain tension, a subtle shift in their usual dynamic that neither of them quite dared to address.

"Oh, it's getting late for you to go," Junwoo finally said, breaking the spell. "You have to get to Daegu for the reunion, right?"

Taehyung blinks, startled back to reality. The reunion. After 10 years, his heart hammered against his ribs as the weight of his decision settled on him.

"Yeah," he mumbled, taking a long sip of his latte, the warmth doing little to soothe his churning stomach. "Yeah, I should probably get going."

A flicker of disappointment crossed Junwoo's features, so brief that it might have been his imagination.

"Right," she said, her voice neutral. "Well, have a safe trip. And good luck at the reunion."

"Thanks, Junwoo," he said, his voice thick with unspoken emotions. "I'll... I'll see you when I get back."

The words hung heavy in the air. Junwoo, who had been meticulously wiping down the counter, paused her movements, her eyes meeting his. In that brief moment, a million unspoken emotions swirled between them. Hope? A silent plea for him to stay strong ? 

Then, before Taehyung could overthink it any further, he surprised himself by taking a step forward and pulling Junwoo into a hug. It was a quick embrace, fueled by a sudden surge of emotions, but it held a warmth that resonated deep within him.

Junwoo, seemingly taken aback for a moment, stiffened slightly in his arms. But then a small, surprised smile played on her lips, and she hugged him back tightly. The gesture, though brief, spoke volumes.

Pulling away, Taehyung looked into her eyes, a silent question hanging in the air.

Junwoo squeezed his hand gently. "It's okay, Tae," she said, her voice soft and reassuring. "You can do this. You're strong, and no matter what happens at the reunion, you'll be okay."

Her words were a balm to his soul, a reassurance he desperately needed. "Thanks, Junwoo," he repeated, his voice thick with unspoken emotions. "For everything. You're..." He hesitated, searching for the right words, the truth hanging heavy on his tongue.

Junwoo's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of something akin to surprise crossing her features. Her eyes, usually sparkling with amusement, held a depth of emotion he hadn't noticed before.

"Of course," she said quickly, her voice regaining its usual cheerfulness a touch too quickly. "We've been friends forever, remember? Besides," she added with a playful nudge, "who else would put up with your constant need for quad-shot lattes?"

Taehyung chuckled, the tension easing slightly. Junwoo always knew how to lighten the mood. "Right," he said, forcing a smile. "Quad-shot lattes and all. I guess I should get going. I don't want to be late for my grand entrance, right?" 

"Oh, you'll definitely make an entrance," Junwoo teased, a hint of amusement back in her voice. "Just try not to trip over your own feet this time."

They shared a laugh, the familiar ease settling back between them. With a final goodbye, he stepped out of the cafe, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and vanilla clinging to his clothes—a bittersweet reminder of the comfort and affection he was leaving behind. 

He climbed into his car. As he pulled out of the cafe's parking lot, a melancholic song by their favourite high school band started playing on the radio. A pang of nostalgia hit him, transporting him back to a time of teenage dreams and youthful innocence.

The highway stretched out before him like a grey ribbon, bordered by lush green fields and the occasional farmhouse. The early morning traffic was light, allowing Taehyung to cruise along with the windows down, the cool wind whipping through his hair.

The landscape gradually transitioned from rolling plains to rolling hills dotted with patches of vibrant wildflowers. The highway narrowed, winding its way through serene villages. Taehyung slowed down, enjoying the scenic beauty of his homeland.

After what felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, Daegu's skyline emerged on the horizon. Skyscrapers pierced the azure sky, a stark contrast to the rural landscape he'd just traversed.

Following familiar landmarks, Taehyung navigated the city streets, the traffic thickening as he neared his destination—his old high school.

The school building, a red brick structure with tall windows, looked surprisingly smaller than he remembered. A large banner with the celebratory message: "Daegu High School: 50th Anniversary Reunion—Welcome Back Alumni!"

A wave of emotions washed over Taehyung: excitement, nervousness, and a tinge of apprehension. He parked his car and took a deep breath. He stepped out of his car and walked towards the school.

Just as his hand brushed the cool metal of the school door, a booming voice shattered the quiet anticipation.


The name echoed through the entrance hall, instantly recognisable despite the years that had passed. Taehyung turned, a surprised smile spreading across his face. There, standing a few feet away, was Jun-seo, his best friend from high school. Jun-seo hadn't changed much—the same mischievous glint in his eyes, the same unruly mop of brown hair, and the same infectious grin that always managed to lift Taehyung's spirits.

"Jun-seo!" Taehyung exclaimed, a wide smile breaking out on his face.

They launched into a bear hug, a mix of laughter and backslaps marking their reunion. When they joked around and reminisced about the good old days, including their late-night study sessions, their botched school play attempt, and their numerous pranks, the years seemed to melt away.

"I thought you wouldn't come to the reunion after we hung up on the call," Jun-seo said, his voice tinged with relief. "But when you messaged, saying you'd be coming to lift my spirit, and look, you came!"

Taehyung flashed his famous boxy grin. "Yeah, I thought the same, like I wouldn't come, but anyway, I'm here." He shrugged, a hint of nervousness lingering in his eyes.

Jun-seo clapped him on the shoulder, his grin mirroring Taehyung's for a moment before turning mischievous. "Let's go in," he said with a wink.

 "Though, with those fancy clothes, security might mistake you for a celebrity attending the wrong event!"

Taehyung chuckled, running a hand self-consciously through his hair. "Maybe I should've stuck with my usual jeans and t-shirt," he admitted.

Jun-seo nudged him playfully. "Nah, you look good, man. Besides, a little charm never hurts anyone, right?"

With that, Jun-seo threw an arm around Taehyung's shoulder and steered him towards the school doors. As they entered the familiar campus, a wave of nostalgia washed over them. The scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the faint aroma of pizza from the cafeteria, sending shivers of recognition down Taehyung's spine.

"Remember that time we snuck in here after middle school graduation, thinking we wouldn't get caught?" Jun-seo asked with a playful glint in his eyes.

Taehyung chuckled, a soft smile gracing his lips. The memory came flooding back—their nervous excitement about starting high school, the thrill of forbidden exploration, and the inevitable chase by a grumpy security guard.

"How could I forget?" he replied, shaking his head fondly. "Didn't we almost get expelled before we even started?"

Jun-seo laughed. "Almost," he confirmed, winking. "But hey, at least it was fun, right?"

They continued walking, their steps echoing on the pavement. The school building loomed ahead, adorned with banners and balloons announcing the reunion. A mix of excitement and apprehension bubbled within Taehyung. 10 years had passed since their graduation, a decade filled with new experiences, new friendships, and the bittersweet sting of leaving his hometown behind.

He could almost hear the echoes of his younger self—the carefree laughter bouncing off the brick walls.

He glanced at Jun-seo, his best friend since kindergarten. Jun-seo's grin mirrored his own for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of their shared past. But in Jun-seo's eyes, Taehyung saw a reflection of the carefree boy they once were—a self he felt a world away from.

"Maybe you are not wrong, Junwoo," he murmured to himself, a hint of amusement in his voice and a touch of gratitude lacing his words. 

"If I hadn't come here, I might have missed this." He thought, looking around him, taking in the bustling scene of the reunion. 

His mind slowly took him back, like a time machine fueled by the sights and smells of his old stomping ground. The scent of freshly cut grass, a constant companion during countless football games on the field behind the school, transported him back to afternoons spent chasing victory with a breathless Jun-seo by his side....

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