𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 "𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜"

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"So this is the girl...that you were talking about"

Sitting quietly on the bus you rub your eyes from exhaustion.

The soft rumble of the bus heading down whatever road it was going down, was luring you to sleep.

Closing your e/c eyes, you fight yourself to not fall asleep.

I'm not sleeping I'm just resting my eyes

You repeat in your head over and over again, kind of like the drinks of regulars.

Oh the wonders of being a bartender.

Yup, that's what you went to 4 years college for...to be a bartender.

At a Gay bar in down, downtown.

I mean you make good tips, it's not like you were ugly, so the chicks hit and catcalled you.

Sometimes you flirt back at them because they really know how to do the cat right, if you know what I mean.

Hearing the bus driver call out your street name, you flutter your eyes open.

Sitting up straighter, you crack your fingers.

It's been a habit you've picked up since you grew up in a not so nice neighborhood.

You start to reminisce on your childhood days.

Your parents did their best with you, they taught you to hold your own and not let people walk all over you.

They are most likely reason your still standing, But even though they taught you life lessons and discipline you mostly raised yourself.

Life skills were hard to learn at first.

Like the one time were your dad, who usually took care of bills one month forgot. 

Now image to your 9 year old self to come hold to no electricity, water, or, heat since when it first happened it was winter.

After that event, you took over billing and balancing  your family's money.

It was an even more of a struggle because you were horrible at math.

Then came cooking, which was a disaster in itself.

You've burnt chicken nuggets, and the freezable dinners.

Anything that was dinner, was burnt.

But after awhile you got better.

Then all the cooking went onto you.

That was about the time were you start to block things out.

That's when things started to go south

Just then the bus pulled to a stop.

"Oh shit, my stop already?" You mumbled to none in particular, but the kid who usually sat next to you, Chad you think he said the one time you interacted responded with.

"Yes, it is, Y/n-san." The brown curly haired male said with the utmost certainty.

Giving the high school student a tired laugh you stood up from your seat.

Moving like a snail to the front of the bus, you hand him your bus card, grab it back, and head for your apartment complex.

Your bland ass sneakers made a thump with ever step you took.

Now thinking about it, you look kinda like a stale cracker.

looking down at yourself, you see...

A pale yellow t-shirt with the lettering of the bar

"Nighttime Freaks"

with a pair of white shorts with the logo, with the same ugly pale yellow.

You got that weird nighttime feeling, not the daylight stalker type of feeling in the day people are less on guard, you've found. 

But at night, night is when the demons, creeps, and god knows what happens.

That's when people get very self aware.

And right that this very moment, you felt eyes trailing up your spine.

Goosebumps stood as tall as they could, as fast as they could,

they hurt

Whipping your head around to face behind you, you see...



 Okay, that was really, really weird

like really weird-

Turning back around, you breathe deeply trying not to look like your freaking out on the outside.

Continuing your trek home, you subconsciously check over multiple times.

God you hate being paranoid, it's annoying.

A few blocks later

FINALLY you screamed internally, thanking whatever god was out that you survived another day  on earth.

Charging up to you apartment, and fumbling for you keys you finally find your apartment key.

Shoving it into the lock, you turn it and push your hip into the steel of the door and bump it open.

After putting your purse down on the little coffee table, your keys on their rightful rack, to the left of front door which is conveniently right under your purses coffee table.

Heading to your small kitchen to whip up some instant ramen, then take a shower, and then SLEEEPPP.

While the water was get to temp to boil, you head to your room.

The door is closed, but has a star with your name on it. 

It looks like a kaleidoscope, pictures pinned up onto your wallpaper walls, posters of anime and tv show characters.

Then you see your degree you work so hard for just mocking you


That's what you majored in, you always had a good eye for a good picture even when you were younger.

So you decided to chase your unreasonable dreams, and major in something you knew deep down wouldn't become anything.

And now you're stuck with debt which by the way sucks, would not recommend it.

Your bed was a queen sized bed with a bunch of  blankets and comforters with some plushies you had.

You had fairy lights for days so many in fact your best friend, B/F/F took some for their place and you still had way more than enough.

Clothes were in a pile in front of your glass mirror, clean clothes on your bed yet to be put away.

You grab a sleep shirt/tank top and comfy shorts

fuck underwear and bras.

Heading out of your room, you make a pit stop in the bathroom and place your clothes on the sinks counter.

Getting back to the kitchen, you open the instant ramen, take the flavor packets out and place the ramen in the water and set a timer for 3 minutes.

Setting up a strainer above the sink, you tap your s/c fingers on the countertop out of boredom.

Waiting 3 minutes, stirring occasionally before you picked the hot pot with oven mitts.

Pouring out the now cooked noodles, saving some of the hot water to them back in.

After doing the rest of the steps, you sit down at the two person dinner table and eat.

After finishing the ramen, you head to the shower. Hopping in and lazily scrubbing yourself, and washing your hair.  After that you hop out, dry yourself as best as you could. 

Brushing your teeth, doing whatever you had to do for your hair care you almost fall asleep, standing up. 

Making a smart decision, you head into your bedroom and pass out.

Hope tomorrow will be a better day.

The paws of my feet hurt like a motherfucker, from balancing on this slim ass window sill.

It's surprising she hasn't noticed me yet, as she very self aware on the way 



she's interesting

In her own air-headed way.

No doubt I'll keep my eyes on you 

"The Girl Next Door"

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