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「⸙͎」 role
stranded gucci model

「⸙͎」 name..
Lee YeonSu (이 연수)

「⸙͎」 age..

「⸙͎」* nickname..
yeon, suyeon

「⸙͎」 birthdate..
25 February 1999

「⸙͎」* stage name..

「⸙͎」* sexuality..

「⸙͎」 faceclaim..
Kim Yohan

YeonSu is overall a compassionate and simple person. He is always there to help when someone needs it and would offer it but that does not necessarily mean that he can not tell anyone who bothers them off. He is very broad minded and always tries to see the bigger picture and be a person who can be an ideal to others. He tries hard to present his best self forward. He is extremely possessive of what's his,whether it's things or people he cares for which means he tends to get jealous easily when someone lays a hand on what's his. The easiest way to piss him off is using his stuff without asking him first. For him what's his is his and what's yours is also his. He is honest, straightforward and when he has something to say people would hear it though he is usually silent until he is around people he likes a lot. He is protective of people he loves and always looks out for them. He has a thing for cleanliness and hates mess. He wants everything spotless around him and would tell other people yo often clean the spaces that are already clean. He is also very particular about things the way they're and doesn't easily like or adapt to change. He however rarely whines and keeps his thoughts to himself since he doesn't want to hurt anyone. He likes to be aware of what is going on around him yet he does not always open up about himself a lot. He likes to solve his own problems by himself but wants to help others solve theirs. He is an extremely hard worker, to the point that he can be called workaholic.

He does not rest until he completes what he sets his aim to be. He wants to do his absolute best in everything and be known for all that he is. He likes to learn new things whether it is a game or a musical instrument. He is adventurous and likes to be out and about. That being the reason board games bore him and he prefers to play outdoor games...unless he is the one winning the said board game. He doesn't like to lose and would sit in a corner to sulk if he ever does lose. He is usually silent in social settings unless spoken to which gives him the opportunity to be observant. His observation skills are excellent. He sees everything and would keep the important details in his mind. He is a quick learner and can learn languages quite well, quite fast. Yet he is not perfect. There are things that he could not and he often beats himself down for that. He is cunning and secretly mischievous so if there's one of those going on, he'd happily take part in it. He is sneaky and often sneaks out to go buy ramen to eat or to go eat at his favourite restaurant. He is stubborn and telling him to not do something or he can't do something, would mean he'd absolutely do it. He has a great taste in fashion and loves everything about the clothes. He breathes brands and cherishes clothes more than people sometime which makes him look a little insensitive though he is not.

「⸙͎」 flaws..
impatient, possessive, ocd, workaholic, stubborn.

「⸙͎」 likes..
his family, his members, fried chicken, ramen, winter, spring, gucci, trench coats, dying his hair, playing piano, writing music, plums, cooking traditional Korean stew, bbq, COFFEE, beer, cats, foxes, cleaning, anime, manga, video games, horror movies, physiological novels, football, baseball, swimming, money.

「⸙͎」 dislikes..
summer, rain, not treating clothes well, basketball (cause he is not as tall), moving to pick up tv remote (he'd rather text another member to pass it to him), mint chocolate ice cream, flowers, liars, crying, not being able to help, sleeping, chocolate, being told how to behave, racism, loneliness.

「⸙͎」 backstory..
YeonSu was born in Anyang, South Korea on 25 February 1999. His father owned a private hospital in the city and his mother worked at her own art gallery. He has a three years elder brother, YeonJin who is currently studying to become a surgeon. YeonSu's parents raised him with much love and care. Being a family who did relatively well when it came to money, they sent him to the best school in South Korea so one day he could take after his father and become a surgeon. YeonSu wanted to become a surgeon from the age of five when he didn't even know what it meant. However once he was sent to a boarding school in Seoul for his middle school, YeonSu started to show more interest in music as soon as he got there. He quickly forgot his parent's dream of him becoming a surgeon and he wanted to become a singer. His parents always supported him with his dream and sent him off to a music school soon instead. YeonSu was in love with music and slowly started to learn it. The more he studied about it and trained, the more he fell in love with it. He was forever grateful to his parents who supported him in his dream and helped him get where he is today.

「⸙͎」* other..
YeonSu was seven years old when he was accidentally locked into a closet in his house by his brother. They were playing hide and seek and YeonSu fell asleep mid game. His brother was looking for him and came across the slightly open closet door. His brother did not know YeonSu was sleeping in that closet and locked it. He then went out to play thinking YeonSu was hiding out somewhere. Their parents weren't home and he was in there for six hours. He was crying for help for the first two hours after waking up but soon passed out because of the lack of the oxygen. They found him four hours later and he was rushed to the emergency. YeonSu experienced a week long coma because of what happened which is why he is absolutely terrified of closed spaces. He suffers from panic attacks if he's in them for long. He is scared of elevators and almost never uses them.

YeonSu is bisexual. Something he figured out after he turned sixteen. He had a friend at school who had been best friends with him for seven years. YeonSu always felt protective and possessive towards the boy but he thought nothing of it because that were two very prominent traits in YeonSu's personality. However things started to change YeonSu felt his heart skipping beats every time his friend held his hand or the two sat close to each other. Every time they were out and a girl would look at his friend which made YeonSu ball his fists in annoyance. YeonSu was not sure what it was until one day his friend kissed him out of nowhere. YeonSu suddenly realised that he kissed a boy and he liked it. The two soon got into a relationship after that but had to breakup when his friend moved to England for his studies and YeonSu had to become a trainee. YeonSu still talks to him but the two remain close friends and nothing more.

he is a writer in secret on an app and no one knows his username.
—he has a collection of paintings that are only one in the world, a gift from his mom.
—he always wears a white gold chain around his neck gifted by his ex.
—he has a tattoo of five birds on his spine that represents his family and his ex but doesn't like to show it off.
—he knows four languages, Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese. He doesn't know how to read Chinese but can speak it well.
—his favourite snack is chicken nuggets.
—gucci is his favourite brand followed by Chanel, Calvin klein and Burberry.
—his favourite month of the year is December.
—he has never lost an eating challenge.
—his favourite board game is chess and favourite outdoor game is baseball.
—he is close with NCT's Doyoung and Mark and ASTRO's Eun Woo.
—His dad and BTS' V are his role model.
—he got his driving license at the age of 19.
—he is black belt in tae kwon do.
—he knows how to knit and sew and can stitch shirts and trousers from scratch.
—he has a habit of collecting coats and perfumes.

「⸙͎」* quotes...
"If you touch what's mine, we are gonna have a problem."
—"If it's not fashion, I'm not interested."
—"hands off him."
—"Breathe on my jacket one more time."
—"do we sneak out?"
—"I want to learn more."
—"teach me."
—"tell me not to do something and I'll do it twice and take pictures."
—"That was custom made."
—"The maknae is scary."
—"Can we go out and buy ice cream?"
—"If I ever say 'Do you want me to be honest?' Say no."

━「 Lee YeonSu @/Levi 」

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