〔8〕- Phone call

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-the next day-
"Hey, Y/N?" I asked as we walked to the classrooms.
"Hmm?" She responded.
"Did you know you're getting your phone back today?"
Her face lit up, "no, I didn't! That's great! This replacement one the school gave me is pretty bad,"
She pulled out the rather crappy phone the school gave her, and saw that it had already gone down to 39%.
"I just charged it this morning! What the heck?" She whined.
I laughed and said, "yeah, it'll be better with your phone,"
"Did I hear that someone's phone wasn't charged?" A voice came from behind a corner, and when we turned it, Denki was leant against the wall, smirking mischievously.
"Hey, Kami. Yeah, Y/N's replacement phone is pretty bad,"
She averted her gaze and laughed quietly.
"Perhaps I can help!" He cheered.
Y/N cocked her head in question. She handed him her phone.
He grasped it in his hand as he took out a charging wire, plugging it into her phone, then sticking the other end in his mouth. Y/N snorted as she covered her mouth to stop a laugh escaping.
Little sparks escaped his hands as the ding signalled her phone was charging, and fast. Soon enough, it was up to 100%.
"Wow, thankyou Denki!" Y/N marvelled.
He put his thumbs up and snickered.
"Any time!"
I waved goodbye to Y/N as I entered my classroom with Kaminari.

I stuffed my phone back into my bag and made my way to my classroom. When I walked in, Sensei wasn't there, instead, a few students from 1-A we're talking to Kendou, Tetsutetsu and Kuroiro. As I walked up to them, they looked my way, with a worried look on their face.
"H-hey...what's going on..?" I jogged up to them.
I remembered their names, Iida,  Yaomomo, Midoriya and Todoroki.
The tallest one, Iida, began, "the teachers were all called to an urgent meeting, regarding...something private, so the only person available to watch over our classes is Ectoplasm,"
"Why couldn't they have the meeting after school?" I asked.
"Haven't you seen the news?" Yaomomo questioned.
I shook my head.

"There have been sightings of the League of Villains on Main Street and neighbouring estates, at around 2:30am today. Pro heroes are to be on constant watch, especially around the walls of the prestigious hero academy of UA due to an incident regarding the temporary disappearance of Y-"
Todoroki turned off his phone before it could finish.
"Who went missing?" I asked.
"Missing? Oh, that's...that's nothing, it was just the disappearance of ...of training items, theft..." Midoriya fumbled with his words, like usual according to Ochaco.
"Oh..." I was still unsure.
"Anyway, the report ended with the warning that all UA teachers are having a meeting regarding the situation." Todoroki said nonchalantly.
"So do you know how we are all to be watched by only one person?" Kuroiro said afterwards, "do you realise how many classes there are?"
"Yeah, you said there was only one person who is actually here," Kendou  joined in.
"No clue, but we think that we'll be gathered somewhere or we'll just have someone in each class to be in charge while the teacher is checking on a different class,"  Iida stated.
"Won't the Hero course be the main priority," I mentioned, earning the attention from the others, "I mean, the villains, would they be most interested in us..?"
"You could be right, we haven't been given much information..." Yaomomo said.
"Ok, thanks for telling us," Tetsutetsu said to them.

Soon after they left, I couldn't help but feel, since they were acting kinda weird, that there was something that they weren't telling me. Ectoplasm walked into our class, saying "just here to drop off miss L/N's phone, is everyone here?"
There was a mumble if yes's' among the students as I took my phone from Sensei.
I turned it on, and saw 30 missed calls from 'Mom'.
I completely forgot about my family. I've been in school, not worrying about how my family has been.
I looked around at my classmates, before swiftly slipping outside to ring the number. Luckily, I had fingerprint recognition, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to unlock my phone at all.
I tapped on the contact and put the cold mobile to my ear, my hair above my helix burnt to ash so I wouldn't  ruin it.
In an instant, a worried, groggy voice of a woman picked up, "Y/N! Is that you, honey?"
"H-hey, ...mom..." I stammered. It felt strange...queer to talk to this stranger... even though she was my own mother, I felt like I'd never met her before.
"Oh my god, Y/N you're okay!" I heard her voice crack as she let out a sob.
"I'm sorry I didn't call sooner,"
"No it's fine, baby. Oh my gosh I missed you so much, I was so worried!" She began to cry.
"I should've come to see you in hospital, I was told to stay here but I should've come to see my beautiful daughter, I'm so sorry,"
My heart ached as my eyes watered.
I couldn't even remember what she looked like, I was so angry...frustrated at myself, how could I not even know my own mother's face...?
"I-I'm sorry...I can't remember anything," my own voice began to wobble.
My hands shook against the plastic of my phone case, and I gripped it hard to stop from dropping it.
"I know, none of it is your fault, honey, none of this is your fault okay,"  she croaked out.
"But it was," I wiped my nose, sobs escaping my throat, "I knocked myself out, I burned myself, if I wasn't so reckless then none of this would've happened!"
The line was silent.
"Oh, babe..." she sighed.
"What is it?"
She sighed again, and I could tell she was rubbing her head.
"Just....*sigh* don't think about it...it's not your fault...I'm sure it's...unsettling, just promise me something,"
"That you'll come see your poor old girl, I missed you so much,"
I choked back a sob.
"Of course I will," I sniffed hard, "I-I love you, mom..."
"I love you too baby, to the moon, stars and all the planets and back again,"
I laughed through my tears.
"Bye bye, be safe, okay, make sure you stick with your friends, and Ochaco!"
"I-I will, bye."
The call ended.
It was so quick...and it left me with more questions than answers.
I wiped my eyes with my palms and leaned against the wall.
My breathing shook. I heard someone running down the halls, and looked up. I saw Nejire sprinting towards me.
I paused when she jumped on me and embraced me in a hug.
"You're crying, are you okay..?" She held my ashy hair with her tender fingers.
Blushing profusely, I whispered, "I called my mom..."
Nejire loosened her grip, indicating she was shocked, but then tightened and sighed. I wrapped my thin arms around her waist and snuggled into her collarbone.
"How did it go?" She asked quietly.
"I...I can't remember anything about her...but I miss her...I miss her so much, Hado..." I wept.
She made small shushing noises and rubbed my back.
The warmth of her embrace made me feel safe and cared for, what I failed to note was the pink tint that also coated her fair skinned cheeks.


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