Kaleo Alba.

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'If you wanna start a fight,
You better throw the first punch,
Make it a good one.'


[Full, Official Name ~ Kaleo Alba.
Nickname/Alias ~ Truthfully, Kaleo dislikes it when people decide to shorten his name in their lazy mannerisms to horrors such as 'Leo', or, he has even received a 'Kelly' before. Nicknames on the whole, he doesn't mind too much, but... do refrain from shortening his forename.
Specie ~ Werewolf, though, only a bitten one.
Years of Age ~ 16.
Gender of Choice ~ Male.
Biological Sex ~ Male.
Sexuality ~ Bisexual, he will admit that he has a small preference for men, however he still of course finds himself to still be attracted to women. ]


[Personality ~ In the majority of the time, Kaleo can be a sweet boy with excellent manners, and a great attitude to learning. He rarely causes trouble or provokes another, and is not one to boast. Mm, or at least, that's what his School Report Card says about him. Truthfully, he has more of that classical 'bad-boy vibe' about him, with his lit cigarette of possible illegal substances, and his playful, devious eyes, that are... oh so suggestive. In some ways, he can be a naughty little thing with a big mouth, but little actual bite. Despite all this, he doesn't consider himself to be a wholly popular person, and although he will easily slither into group conversations and make himself part of it, inside the classroom, he instead keeps his head down - at least for the first half an hour. As, his persona is further delved into, it would easily reveal a humorous and exotic-minded little boy. He is of course, a hormonal teenager with multiple needs. To which are all natural, of course, but some are more kinky than others.
Abilities ~ Being only a bitten wolf, Kaleo isn't all that powerful, especially since he pushes his wolffish side down, deep within him. He hasn't shifted, fully, since he was first bitten. If he did embrace his supernatural tendencies, he would have certain access to pathokinesis.
Birthplace ~ England.
Birthdate ~ Whenever you want it to be, baby. He accepts gifts all year round.
General View ~ Kaleo can be quite judgemental, and will make a decision on whether or not he likes you, after giving you a single look. Your appearance, but also the vibe you bring, are the things he takes into consideration, before making a final verdict.
Past Occupancy ~ A little village up North, in the practical middle of nowhere.
Current Occupancy ~ He would like to live in a city; of course, a place like New York is the... dream. ]


[Humane Appearance ~ From his right shoulder to his wrist, Kaleo is marked in swirling tattoos, that is covered the majority of the time with long-sleeved shirts given he still attends school, and is a minor whom may not have gotten parental permission, in order to have them done. They sweep up his neck, and edge upon his hands in ways that have left him being told multiple times, that he'll 'never get a job with those'. It's the 21st century, though, and both turtlenecks, and makeup, are options for him. His hair usually falls sweetly across his eyes, being dark and messily tousled  to which contrast warmly with his hazelnut eyes, something that gives him more of the School boy appearance, rather than the 'punk rock' vibe he has going on with the art style scrawled across his toned skin, and the edgy leather jackets he wears. As if, he's a biker, but he is of course much too scared shitless of motorbikes, to be one of them. He merely likes the look. He isn't the tallest of boys, standing only at 5'10" which leaves him to be a submissive if he was in a male relationship, but he is still finely built in his physique, to have a muscled chest, and a healthy attitude about him.
Shifted Appearance ~ Kaleo's wolf is smaller in size, in comparison to others, given he is not pureblooded and obtains not even a lower role in a pack; he converses with humans instead of fellow wolves, mostly because of the fact his sire was never around to properly bring him into the werewolf lifestyle. So, he merely stays on the outskirts of the 'pack life', and remains a suppressed, lone wolf. His coat is a russet, greyish kind of colour with perhaps certain tints of copper running throughout his it. It also becomes lighter towards his paws which leaves him with four white socks, which, are actually quite mockable. His gaze is a strangely clear, bright blue - the colour of a crystallised with ice, sea. Overall, he's indeed rather pretty, though, in times of hunting or violence (which is of course rare, but, every wolf has their outbreaks) his eyes will become a deep, royal purple.
Noticeable Aspects ~ His tattoos, are quite the unique style of art. They're not realistic, exactly, but also, not especially... cartoon-like. In a way, they have a certain 'rough' look about them, which he does just adore. The upside down cross on his cheek, is his most definite favourite though, mostly because of the reactions he receives when people see it.
Judging a Book by its Cover ~ He could, really, be passed off as a lost cause by a strolling, elderly couple. A young teenager, whom is off the rails. ]


[Backstory ~ Kaleo was born in a remote village in the north of England; a place where, nothing ever happened, and everyday was the exact same. He was brought up being told stories, and legends about 'the werewolves', and how once upon a time the town had been a thriving market, until it was... cannibalised, by demon-possessed human beings. Of course, he didn't believe them; they were just silly myths made up to scare children into listening to their parents, right? Plus, even if they were truthful stories, surely, all those beasts would now be dead? He was out fishing for tomorrow's lunch on the night of a full moon - having had enough of the terror of the people, and how they still, after centuries, locked themselves away every month, on that full moon. He didn't expect anything to happen, and, was about to reel in a juicy catch, when... he was ambushed, bitten and changed. He returned to his village only hours after the transformation; those hours of agony, screaming, and partial drowning as he had managed to roll himself into the sea. It was the iciness of the sea though, that awakened his survival instincts, and allowed him to take back some kind of control. He lied to his mother, and said he'd been on a walk to clear his mind and that is why he didn't return to her straight away; of course, apologising profusely for worrying her. Mm, he could have just... torn her throat out in that moment, though. No one suspected him, and still, no one does, despite how to the others of his specie, he will of course reek of underhand wolf.
Background ~ That small, English town, that he isn't even sure has a name.
Known Family ~ Only his sickly mother, his father died whilst fighting in the army, and he has no siblings. No aunties, no uncles, no grandparents... he's rather alone, actually.
Likings ~ He has a possible addiction to nicotine, and lollipops; they're both of the loves of his life that when paired - for example, when vaping became a thing - Kaleo's life was fulfilled. Other than that, he, in a nerdish way, adores watching films/series in foreign languages, even though he can't especially understand them. Maybe, that's why he enjoys it so much.
Dislikes ~ Most probably, you. However, Kaleo is much too polite of a person to merely... dismiss a person, unless that person has severely fucked up in some way, concerning himself. He isn't one for drama, either, and would rather not have to follow the mainstream ideals of a 'cool' person. Really, he'd rather be himself, and tell you to fuck off.
Time-Passing ~ Usually, he'll be found (begrudgingly) doing his homework, or, indulging himself with a blunt. Maybe, even, a bottle of stolen booze - all out of the eyes of his ill mother, of course, as... he couldn't bring himself to stress her heart out more.
Love-Life ~ Throw yourself at him, and he'll either take you all the way, or, thrust you off of him. It depends on his mood. ]

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