~ Virulent Konets ~

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Name ~ Virulent Konets, translating roughly to 'Malignant End'. The 'end' part quite clearly referring to... death.

Age ~ His appearance describes a person in their later thirties, however, he is truthfully somewhere over the three hundred and fifty mark.

Gender ~ Male.

Sexuality ~ Virulent is a dominant, possessive creature whom would have to be the top dog within a relationship - whether that be with a man or a woman.

Race ~ Nord, however his specie is Berserker.

Role ~ Chieftain of the Berserkerks/Skinwalkers of Tamriel.

Belongs to ~ The Black Claw.

Appearance ~ The most... vivid part of Virulent are his protruding scars, to which litter his entire body in a morbidly disgusting kind of way; they seem to carve out his body perfectly, curving between each crook of his abdominals and swirling around his trunks of biceps. Most of these marks are in the clear formation of claw scratches, to which one could guess Virulent has been in his fair share of battles. However... some are more singular, and one on the left right side of his chest almost appears like a burn - as if he has had his flesh scorched off in his past three hundred and so years of existent.

His face is damaged by only once scar that trails down the left side of his face; starting on his forehead, passing his eye, and finishing just under the bone of his cheek. His pale, even skin, that contrasts beautifully with his strangely white hair - though, this can be guessed to be because of his actual age. In reality, it's the reaction of previously being exposed to high levels of stress and anxiety. He has cloudy, almost distant at times eyes that almost seem to have the overall appearance of a blind person - of course, his eyesight is impeccable, and his glare enough to cause a person's blood to boil out of pure fear for him. And, with a height of nearly seven foot... he's not exactly a charitable person.

Personality ~ Charitable - Virulent would not even spit upon a beggar, for they do not deserve any kind of contact with him. If a vagrant was to leap at him in an exclamation for gold, he would frankly take them by the throat and (careless of onlookers) crush their skull by smashing their weak little form against his chest, before letting them... slump to the ground, below him; where they exactly should be, in his opinion.

He's a dastardly, blood-thirsty predator whom has little problem with the murder of anyone - elders, children, kings, peasants...  he's merciless, with seemingly little emotion. He's lived for over three centuries, and has never dealt well with traitors, or those who dare to stand up to him, and god forbid, lay a single finger upon him, whether friendly or not. This of course, does not apply as strongly to the members of the Black Claw, or any allies he may make in the future, but it does still apply to them in some extent. He's a rough, menacing, and murderous bastard with an appetite for death and destruction; and oh, he has a bottomless stomach to fill this appetite with.

Strengths ~ Virulent is powerful, agile, and a perfect Hunter. He's a rounded creature of the wilderness and with the wisdom that old age grants him... he's the perfect Chief to possess the Black Claws. With his cruel eyes and harsh expression, he's quite skilled in 'persuading' those tending taverns and whatnot to serve him and his vast community, they wouldn't like the consequences, and either away... Virulent will get his drink, even if the barista is not serving him it.

Weaknesses ~ Virulent can sometimes come off as unapproachable and angry; of course, he naturally is to outsiders, but does not mean to be so much with members of his Clan. This is something he is conscious off, however, something he finds hard to alter given he doesn't think himself to be the best socialiser, which is partially the reason why he slaughters those who displease him, because he lacks the ability to humanely converse. However, it is true; he is not humane like others.

Weaponry ~ A hand-forged blade consisting of being crafted with titanium and steel, over the years, it has been stained with blood and after being sharpened and smoothed out quite the few times... the blade itself has a glistening red effect to it.

Companion ~ A bird, silent as the night and not especially frightening, perched upon his shoulder. This animal has been replaced though the years, some dying of natural causes, however others suffering a gruesome fate due to being too close when Virulent he has been in a particularly... angered, mood.

Other ~ Virulent's shifted form is a gigantic, ashy brown in colouration bear. It's larger (of course) than the average bear found in the mountains of Skyrim, and instead has the height of twenty feet when on all paws, and twenty two when fully stood up. He's beastly, with a patterned chest and fangs poised enough to put vampires themselves to shame.


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