˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2 - 𝐎𝐨𝐩𝐬...

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Here's the second chapter <3

Guys, just asking, but do you want the chapters to be long or short? If long, the book will have fewer chapters. If short, it will have more chapters. Honestly, I'm comfortable writing long chapters with fewer parts of the book, but I need to do what you guys prefer <3



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Third Person's P.O.V

Ever since that day, Y/n and Shu started hanging out, and they both enjoyed it a lot. They went for ice cream, went to visit places, went to sightsee, stuff like that. Y/n found Shu caring and loving, and Shu found Y/n funny and sweet as well.

They had no idea they were catching feelings very slowly.

Yume was glad when Y/n told her that she was happy being with Shu. Though Yume didn't know the guy's name, since Y/n never mentioned it.

Anyway, Y/n just couldn't stop thinking about the albino. Mostly all the time, she'd always want to see him. And whenever she even thought of him, her cheeks would grow hot and red.

"It's because you're in looove~" Yume always said.

And "The hell?! He's just a friend!" was Y/n's usual answer.

Y/n's parents had been noticing that she had been going out of the house a lot lately. They didn't know why, but it's not that Y/n was hiding this or something. She just thought that if she told her parents she's been hanging out with a male friend, they'd get the wrong idea.

They would probably say stuff like, "Oooh~ is he your boyfriend?~"

Back to the point, Y/n's parents didn't know.


Right now Y/n was doing nothing but sitting on the couch. Doing nothing- So Y/n's mother thought it would be an appropriate time to ask Y/n about this.

"Y/n dear, can I ask you a question?" Her mother asked, sitting beside her on the couch.

"Yeah yeah, sure..." Y/n replied, but lost in her own thoughts. She was obviously thinking about Shu.

"Where have you been going lately? It's not that I won't allow you or anything, 'cause I'm fine with it. I just need to know if you're safe." She said gently.

"Places." Y/n answered simply.

"Do you go alone or...?"

"With one of my friends. He's fun to hang out with."

"Alright then. Wait, he...?" Her mother questioned eagerly.

Y/n wan't even paying attention to what she was saying. Like- seriously.

"Mhm..he's really caring-"

"Is he your boyfriend?~"

And this is where Y/n should really listen to what she's saying.

"Yeah..." Y/n just looked outside through the window, having NO IDEA what she just said.

"You never told me? That's okay- but can we meet him sometime?" Y/n's mother smiled. She was curious to know about her daughter's "boyfriend"

"Sure I guess."

"I'll be looking forward to it then—"

"Sorry, what-?" Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her mother.

"I said I'll be looking forward to meet this boyfriend of yours."

'Oh my gosh, I-I said that...? Wha-' Y/n just realised everything she said, and her face was filled with shock.

Like this:

"Uhm...I'll be in my room!" She quickly ran upstairs to her room and shut the door, leaving her mom confused.

"Seriously, WHY did I say that?!" Y/n groaned, plopping down on her bed and covering herself with her blanket. "I didn't even realise what I was saying! What was I doing-? Oh yeah- thinking about Sh- I mean random stuff."

Sitting up on her bed, she called Yume, hoping she'd know what to do.


> "Hello?" <


> "Oh it's just you- WAIT WHAT HAPPENED. ARE YOU DYING?" <

"No— I mean I guess you could say that—"


"First of all, you don't need to be loud anymore. And second...I'M DOOMED. I wasn't listening to what I was saying because I was thinking of stuff but anyway, long story short, I accidentally told my mom that I have a boyfriend- AND NOW SHE WANTS TO MEET HIM."

> "What we're you thinking about?~" <

"That is none if your business. And did you even listen to what I said—"

> "I did...uhhh...how about tell her right now that you were joking?" <

"I should've done that before! I feel like it's kinda too late now- but she knows that I wouldn't joke about being in a relationship anyway."

> "That's true...maybe quickly get a boyfriend." < Yume giggled whilst saying that.

"What?! NO. And besides, how would I even get one?"

> "We'll, you could try to—" <

"I didn't really want an answer Yume."

> "Are you free tomorrow?" <

"Unfortunately no. I'm going somewhere. Why do you ask though?"

> "I thought maybe we could go shopping. But it's alright." <

"Oh, sorry. How about the day after tomorrow?"

> "Deal! Also...who are you heading out with tomorrow?~" <

"Someone. Uhm, y'know, the person who you made me talk to at the cafe."

> "You are soooo in love~ Ooh, I know! Tell him you like him, and if he likes you back, BOOM! You got a boyfriend." <

"First, I don't have feelings for him!! I like him AS. A. FRIEND. And second, I don't even want to date someone. Anyway, I need to take a short nap to freshen up my mind. I'll call you later."

> "Alright. See you!" <


After hanging up, she put away her phone and laid down on her bed again, hiding herself in her blankets.

"This doesn't seem like a big problem, but it is! How do I even get out of this...?'



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Please tell me in the comments section if you guys want long or short chapters.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Cya! 🫰❤️

One last thing! I've checked this about 3 times for typing errors, but I still feel like I'm missing something. If you spot any, just comment them and if I reply with a 🌸 emoji that means 'I've changed it and thanks for letting me know'
Thank you <3

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