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High lady of the Summer court


Mikayla Calore


โ†ณMika - an old nickname her siblings used to call her. Her father called her this too. Considering almost all of them are dead now and the others hate her now, no one has called her this in a while
โ†ณKayla - a few of her former lovers called her this. Also, her advisors who are the closest with her are allowed to call her this


โ†ณHigh lady of the summer court
โ†ณMy lady
โ†ณThe lady of summer
โ†ณThe devil with an angel face






Summer court


High fae


โ†ณWater manipulation. Mikayla can manipulate water, every member of the summer court. However, her power reach much deeper than the other members of her court. For example, she can make a whole army drown on the land, by filling their lungs with water, something which is impossible for other fae
โ†ณShe can breath underwater
โ†ณBlood manipulation. She can manipulate all kinds of water, this includes the water in a body. This skill is often named blood manipulation, though it can be all kind of liquids in a body. This ability makes her able to control someone's physical movements, though she can't control someone's mind, like the high lord of the night court can.
โ†ณHealing. Mikayla can, using water, heal wounds. However, she isn't trained in this and currently can barely heal more than a few wounds. She has the potential to become a great healer should she try to, but this high lady feels no need to do such a thing
โ†ณMind resistance. She has the abilities to protect her mind from those who would try to control or enter it. It's like a wall which she builds around her thoughts, memories and mind.
โ†ณwindowing. A skill that almost all powerful fae posses. She can teleport from one place to another. This skill doesn't belong to a certain court and how far you can, and how many people you take with you depends on your strength. There are also places were you can not teleport to, like the palaces of the high lords and ladies.
โ†ณClimate control. Due to her control over water, does she have limited control over the weather around her. She can for example create a rain storm, but her ends at the water. She had no control over wind, temperature or anything of that
โ†ณSea life control. Mikayla is connected to the oceans in ways that are hard to understand for mortals. Everything that touches the oceans belongs to her, including the creatures that live in it. She can control those animals whenever she wishes, thought they will continue living their normal lives unless she actively hold them under her command


Pansexual. She is openly Pansexual, she already had her fair share of lovers of all genders.


Raudha Athif


Mikayla had the face of an Angel. If one would look at her face, they would think she's a merciful lady. She is known all across the globe for her angelic face and otherworldly beauty. Some whisper she's the remaining of the heavenly light that used to fill their hearts. If she only was this way in person. Mikayla is anything but angelic and filled with light. She's rules her court with an iron fist. She's a ruthless queen who will destroy everyone in her path. She is a skilled manipulator, knowing that most people see her as harmless and kind hearted due her courts reputation. She uses this for her own gain. It's better that people underestimate you. That way its easier to crush them would they stand in her way. She's a wicked woman with cruel intentions. Charming, manipulative, immortal and cruel. She's the embodiment of the horror stories about Fae. Though it's all hidden behind a lovely face and a sweet smile.

Mikayla grew up in a court where every sign of weakness was punished harshly, she learned that you could never show your weaknesses, not to anyone. She doesn't let anyone in, not trusting a single person unless they have proven to her they are worthy of her trust. Mikayla is not afraid to use violence. If anyone was to cross her, they would know the true meaning of hell. She has a creative way of punishing those who cross her, some punishments worse than death. She has a quite some bloodlust. A bloodlust toward those who have wronged her. Mikayla doesn't forgive, neither does she forget. If anyone breaks her trust, they will never gain it again. Any disloyalty is punished harshly. She holds a deep hatred against traitors. Her hatred goes so deep that you can might use it to manipulate her. If you show you are being betrayed by people you care about, she might take pity on you and take you under her wing. And if you hold her favour, you can basically do whatever you want, as long you do not stand in her way,

Power means everything to Mikayla. She's a cruel woman who will do anything to keep her throne. She will mercilessly eliminate all her enemies, never even considering sparing their lives. If she would spare their lives, there are changes they might try to betray her again. She can't take that risk. With a hunger for power, it's better to be useful to her, otherwise she might stab you in the back for more power. If you are not useful for her, you will be thrown away like a used toy. Though if you truly amuse her, she might keep you around for some amusement, but this happens rarely. Mikayla was raised in an harsh manner. In the way that anything that isn't perfect will be punished. That any disloyalty will be punished. This can cloud her judgement. She tends to be rash with her punishments, often acting before she thinks. Over the years, this has lessened but once a while she still acts out, and this can stir quite some trouble in court.

When she was younger she wanted nothing more than to prove her worth, and a part of her still wishes to show everyone she is worthy of her throne. She feels the pressure, the need to be perfect. When she was younger, she used to do anything to be that perfect. But over time she started to realize she could never be perfect. So she became twisted. If she couldn't be better than her siblings, she would be worse, so much worse. She knew she could never be the prefect lady, she would never live up to her heroic brother and sweet sister. So she became someone they would fear. If she couldn't be loved, she would be feared. If she wouldn't be cared for, she would at least be respected. Still, her family is a rather touchy subject. Some might view it as a weakness. She will definitely get more reckless if one would include her family in the conflict

Mikayla is merciless, ruthless and bloodthirsty. There is no doubt she's a monster. Though every monster has a soft side. Every monster wants something. Mikayla is no exception. There is one thing she longs for more than she longs for power. Love. She wants nothing more than a family of her own, a mate to love and who will love her, someone she can relay on. She wants to be cared for. She wants to feel the true love everyone is talking about. She wants someone who won't betray her, someone who loves her for her. Someone who will not use her for power or look at her with hatred and disgust in their eyes. She promised herself, that she would never be cruel to them. She vowed she would do anything did them, love them with her whole heart. They would be the only one who can bring out the soft side of the high lady. She wants a mate to love, and she won't settle for less. Though that doesn't mean she doesn't have any flings. The high lady of the summer court is one who had several scandalous hookups, though no one can say anything about it. She's a high lady acted all. Mikayla has been stubbornly looking for someone she feels the mate connection with, ignoring all her advisors who want her to marry someone with high status. Someone who might soften the heart of their cruel lady.


Mikayla was born as the second daughter and fourth child of the high lord of the summer court and his consort. Mikayla was the only one of her siblings to not posses the typical silver hair of the royals. This might seem like a small matter, but it wasn't to her mother. Her mother, the wife of the former high lord. She was a good person, but a horrible mother. Perfection was not something she wanted, no it was something she expected, and if one of her children did not meet her standers they would suffer. Mikayla felt a never enduring pressure. It was like she couldn't breath. Because of her hair colour, because of her rather harsh personality, her mother was extra harsh on her. She was always compared to her siblings. Look how beautiful he is, why can't you be like that Mikayla? Look how kind she is, why can't you be like that? She made a new law which benefits both humans and fae, what did you do Mikayla? She despised it. She despised how she was told all the time that she wasn't good enough. From her birth, it was decided she wouldn't even stand a change to become high lady. She was too weak, she wasn't made to be one. She wasn't good enough. Tired of her families constant rejection, she decided that if she couldn't be better than them. She would be worse.

Mikayla pushed her family away. She liked to tell herself she didn't need them, that she wouldn't beg for their approval anymore. She moved out of the palace, moving to a smaller mansion closer to the sea. To anyone who wants Mikayla, it looked like the youngest princess had finally given up her pitiful attempts to compare with her more powerful siblings. Little did they know, she had something else in mind. In the decades she spend in her manor, she trained. She trained to get stronger, both physically, mentally and with her abilities. She started to scheme. Slowly but surely she turned the nobles against her father. She whispered lies in their ears, created rumours and even set up some unfortunate 'accidents'. Everything to make her father look bad. When she had turned most of the nobles against her father, it was time to act.

Her plan was simple. Kill her father, blame her mother, kill her siblings if they tried to stand against her. Take the crown. The end. Sounds simply right? If it wasn't for the fact she was planning on killing one of the most powerful beings on the planet. A being that is also her father. One night, while most her siblings were away to a festival in the city, she snuck back into the castle. She went to her father's and mother's bedroom, where both of them were sleeping. Normally, they would be alerted because someone entered their chamber, but because her magic felt like that of her father, the magical barriers let her through. It took only one second to slit her father's throat, 5 more seconds to place the knife in her mother's hands. The next morning the news of the deceased high lord reached her mansion and she, like her siblings, traveled to the palace to discuss who would become the next high lord or lady. Her siblings didn't stand against her. She killed 2 of them, leaving only her youngest brother alive. After the trials, she was crowned as the new high lady.


โ†ณMagic. Mikayla has incredible powerful magic.
โ†ณStrategic thinking. She is a good strategist, she already won a lot of battles because of her sharp mind.
โ†ณManipulation. She's is a master manipulator
โ†ณCombat. She has trained for a very long time to be physical as fit as she can



"There is a reason the Queen is the strongest piece in chess."

"Mind your tone, before I have your tongue cut out."

"She could not be tamed, she was meant to be wild."

"You think I don't know what love is? Just because I have no one to love left doesn't
mean I don't know what love is."


-She locked her mother in the castle dungeons. After she became high lady, she visited the highly distressed former lady and told her the truth. That she killed her mate and that she got away with it. Her mother was labelled as crazy, considering many though she killed her mate, and no one listened when she cried about Mikayla being the killer. Not that anyone could do anything against her, even if they knew, knew would be powerless to stop her.

-She holds a hatred against humans and beings she considers lower than herself, mainly because her mother used to treat them so nicely while she mistreated Mikayla.

-However, the summer court is still a good place to live for both lesser fae and humans. This is because no matter how much she hated her family, she couldn't bring herself to destroy everything they worked for. It's a good place to live, as long no one crosses her.

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